
Tender For Purchase Of Chemical, Glassware, Media Ingredients And Other Miscellaneous Items For Water Quality Monitoring Unit, Vinay Marg, Chanakya Puri, delhi-Delhi

New Delhi Municipal Council has published Tender For Purchase Of Chemical, Glassware, Media Ingredients And Other Miscellaneous Items For Water Quality Monitoring Unit, Vinay Marg, Chanakya Puri. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-01-2023. Coats and Jackets Tenders in delhi Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Purchase Of Chemical, Glassware, Media Ingredients And Other Miscellaneous Items For Water Quality Monitoring Unit, Vinay Marg, Chanakya Puri
Open Tender

Tender Details

Purchase Of Chemical, Glassware, Media Ingredients And Other Miscellaneous Items For Water Quality Monitoring Unit, Vinay Marg, Chanakya Puri -Acetone (pack of 500 ml) 2 Ammonia solution (pack of 500 ml) 3 Iso Amyl Alcohal (pack of 500 ml) 4 Ammonium chloride (pack of 500gm) 5 Ammonium purpurate (pack of 5 gm) 6 Bile salt (pack of 500 gm) 7 BGB Broth(Dehydrated) (packof 500 gm) 8 BROMOCRESOL GREENindicator soln. (pack of 125 ml) 9 Calcium chloride(Fused) (pack of 500 gm) 10 Cobaltus chloride(Fused) (pack of 500gm) 11 EDTA N/50 Solution (pack of 500 ml) 12 Hydrochloride acid (packof 500 ml) 13 Lactose (pack of 500gm) 14 Mackonky Broth, Dehydrated (pack of 500 gm) 15 Methyl Orangeindicator soln (pack of 125ml) 16 Methyl Redindicator soln. (packof 125ml) 17 Neutral red (pack of 25gm) 18 Nitric Acid (pack of 500ml) 19 Neutrient Agar (pack of 500 gm) 20 Peptone (pack of 500gm) 21 Phenolphthalein Indicator Soln. (pack of 125ml) 22 PHindicator Paper of2-10.5 PH 23 Potassium Chloroplatinate (packof 01gm) 24 Potassium Chloromate (packof 500 gm) 25 PotassiumIODIDE (packof 500 gm) 26 Potassium Permanganate AR (packof 500gm) 27 Silica gel CC/TLC/Blue self Indicating(packof 500 gm) 28 Silver nitrate N/50 Sol. (packof 500 ml) 29 Sodium Chloride (packof 500 gm) 30 Sodium thiosulphate (packof 500 gm) 31 Starch potato (packof 500gm) 32 Sulphuric Acid(packof 500 ml) 33 Beaker Borosil (packof 250 ml) 34 Gooch Crucible ,Borosil(50 ml cap.) 35 Auto Burrett(50 ml) 36 Measuring cylinder(50 ml) 37 Measuring cylinder(100 ml) 38 Measuring cylinder(1000 ml) 39 Flask volumetric Borosil(25 ml) 40 Flask volumetric Borosil(50 ml) 41 Flask volumetric Borosil(250 ml) 42 Flask volumetric Borosil(500 ml) 43 Flask volumetric Borosil(1000 ml) 44 FlaskErlen conical Borosil(250 ml) 45 FlaskErlen conical Borosil(500 ml) 46 Nesslers Cylinder50ml Tall form 47 Petridish Dia 100mm Borosil 48 Pipettes measuring(10 ml) 49 Pipettes measuring(25 ml) 50 Pipettes volumetric (1 ml) 51 Pipettes volumetric (10 ml) 52 Pipettes volumetric (25 ml) 53 Test tubes 38 x200 mm( Pack of 50) 54 Crucible cilica(50 ml) 55 Ignition Tube in gross(pk of 100) 56 Aluminum Foil(30cm x9mtr) 57 Whatman Filter paper no 40(11 cm dia) (Pack of 100) 58 Whatman Filter paper no 41 (11 cm dia) Pack of 100 59 Whatman Filter paper no 42 (11 cm dia) Pack of 100 60 Regent bottle (N.M) PP 250 ml(pack of 12) 61 Wash Bottle (500 ml)(pack of 12) 62 Tongs 6 63 Tongs 18 64 Vaccum Grease (packof 100gm) 65 Cotton Roll((packof 500gm) 66 Dettol/Savlon ( 60 ml) 67 Gloves Surgicals (pack of 100 pairs) 68 Lab coat Tericot Free style 69 Glass Marking Pen/Permanent Marker 70 Sticker(6 x4) cm size pk of 1000 71 Tissue paper Roll Doubly play 72 Rubber band latex(1 kg) 73 Rubber cone gooch crucible 74 Phenyl Liquid(5 litre) 75 Nepthalene Balls(100 gm) 76 Test tube Cleaning brush 6 inch 77 Test tube Cleaning brush 12 inch

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 9230.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 4.61 Lakhs /-
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