Tender For supply of Lab Articals - Blood Grouping Kit ( Anti Abd ) , Anti Ab , Anti A Lectin , Anti H , Coomb’Ssera ( Ahg ) , Bovine Albumin , Anti D Igg + Igm , Hiv Elisa Kit , Hiv Rapid Kit , Malaria Pf / Pv Cards , Distilled Water , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 500Ml , Microtips 0-200?L , Microtips 100-1000 ?L , Test Tubes 12X75ml , Glass Slides , Band-Aid , Tissue Roll , Holder For Vacutainer Tubes , Edta K2 / K3 2 / 4 Ml Vacutainer , Edta K2 / K3 5 / 6 Ml Vacutainer , Edta K2 / K3 500 Ul / 1000 Ul Vacutainer , Plain 4Ml Red Top Vacutainer , Plain 5 / 6 Ml Red Top Vacutainer , Plain 500 Ul / 1000 Ul Red Top Vacutainer , Sodium Fluoride 2Ml , Sodium Fluoride 250 / 500 Ml , Sodium Citrate 1.8Ml & 2.7 Ml. , Sodium Heparin 4Ml. , Lithium Heparin 4Ml. , Sst Tube With Gel ( Yellow ) 3.5 Ml , Sst Tube With Gel ( Yellow ) 5 Ml , Sodium Citrate Black Top Vacumtainer , Donor Ball , Tips Stand Small And Large , Haemocue Hb 301 , Osteocalcium Chewable Tablet , Single Blood Bag 350 Ml , Double Blood Bag350 Ml , Triple Blood Bag 450 Ml , Quardruple Blood Bags 450 Ml , Sagm Triple Blood Bags 450 Ml , Lancet For Glucometer , Aluminum Foil , Storage Vial 5Ml , Racked Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 10Ul , Racked Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 20Ul , Racked Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 100Ul , Racked Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 200Ul , Racked Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 1000Ul , Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 10Ul , Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 20Ul , Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 100Ul , Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 200Ul , Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 1000Ul , Ethanol Imported ( 20 Bottles Per Box ) , Molecular Biology Grade Water , Storage Vial 2Ml 500 Vials Per Pack , Dispo Bags 34H X 20B , Dispo Bags 20H X 14B , 100 Well Micro Tube Storage Box , Para Film , Blue Nitrile Gloves , Zip Lock Pouch ( 4’X10’ ) , Transparent Tape , Single Channel Variable Volume Micropipette 0.5-10 Ul , Single Channel Variable Volumemicropipette 2-20 Ul , Single Channel Variable Volumemicropipette 5-50 Ul , Single Channel Variable Volumemicropipette 10-100 Ul , Single Channelvariable Volume Micropipette 20-200 Ul , Single Channel Variable Volumemicropipette 100-1000 Ul , 96 Well Qpcr Plates With Optical Sealing Membrane , Individual Pcr Tubes 8-Tube Strips ( Clear ) , Optical Flat 8-Cap Strips For 0.2Ml Tube Strips , 8 Channel Variable Volumemicropipette 2-20 Ul , 2Mlmct Vial ( Sterile ) , 96 Well Reversible Rack For 0.5 To 2.0 Ml Vials , Rnase And Dnase Degradation Solutions , Rnase And Dnase Degradation Solutions Wipes , Pcr Plate, 24-Well , S.Alkaline Phosphate ( Semi Auto / Manual ) , Blood Sugar Kit ( Semi Auto / Manual ) , Blood Urea ( B ) ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Hdl Chlostrol Direct ( Semi Auto / Manual ) , Ldl Chlostrol ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Vldl Chlostrol ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Pti Thromboplastin ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Serum. Albumin ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Serum. Amylase ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Serum. Bilirubin ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Serum. Cholesterol ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Serum. Creatinine ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Serum. Potasium ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 1*100Ml , Serum. Sodium ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 1*100Ml , Serum. Triglyceride ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Sgot ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Sgpt ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Serum.Total Protien Kit ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , S.Uric Acid ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Micro Protein ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Serum Calcium ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Microalbuminuria ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Hba1c ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , G-6-Pd ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Ldh ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Lipase ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Troponine -1 ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Cpk-Mb 5 Ml 1*50 Test , Calibrators, Controlsnorm 5Ml , Calibrators, Controls Path 5 Ml , Total Bilirubin ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Direct Bilirubin ( Semi Auto / Manual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Blood Grouping Card , Torch Test Kit Card Test, 1 To 50 , Nutrient Agar500 Gm , Peptone Water 500 Gm , Safranninstain 125 Ml , Tripple Sugar Ironagar 500 Gm , Tcbs Agar500 Gm , Xld Agar 500 Gm , Macconky Agar500 Gm , Moily Test Medium500 Gm , Oxidase Discs 1*50 Vial , Tetramethyl Paraphenyl Diamine Di Hydro Chloride25 Gm , Acid Phenol Carbolic 500 Gm. , Potassium Nitrate Reagent. 500Gm , Simmons Citrate Medium 500 Gm , Christensens Urea Agar. 500 Gm , Agar Agar Medium 500 Gm , Muller Hinton Agar 500 Mg , Glucose 500 Gm , Lactose 500 Gm , Mannitol 500 Gm , Sucrose 500 Gm , Fructose 500 Gm. , Alkaline Peptone Water. 500 Gm , Xylose Lysine Decarboxylase Agar Vegetable Peptone Based Medium ( 500 Gms ) , Triple Sugar Iron Agar Vegetable Peptone Based Medium ( 500 Gms ) , Glucose Broth Vegetable Peptone Based Medium ( 500 Gms ) , Salmonella Shigella Agar Vegetable Peptone Based Medium ( 500 Gms ) , Blood Culture Bottles Containing Trypticsoya Broth1 X 10 X 20Ml , Blood Culture Bottles Containing Trypticsoya Broth1 X 10 X 70 Ml , Aso ( Qualitative ) 1*100 , Crp ( Qualitative ) 1*100 , Gluco Strip & Glucometer1*50 , Hbsag Rapid 1*25 , Hepatits -A Test Elisa 1*96 , Hepatits -A Test Rapid 1*25 , Hepatits -B Test Elisa 1*96 , Hepatits -C Test Elisa 1*96 , Hepatits -C Rapid Test1*50 , Hepatits -E Test Elisa1*96 , Hepatits -E Rapid Test1*10 , Ns 1 Denguelisa Kit 1*96 , Dengurapid Card 1*25 , Je Elisa Igm Kit ( Japanies Encephalaties ) 1 X96 , Dengue Igm Elisa , Dengue Igg Elisa , Elisa Chikengunia Kit1x96 , Chikunguniya Rapid , Measelselisa Kit ( Igm ) 1*96 , Mumps Elisa Kit1*96 , Scrub Typhus , Filariasis Antigen , Ra Factor ( Qualitative ) 1*100 , Vdrl Strip1*100 , Scrub Typhus Antigen-Antibody Elisa Test Kit , Syphilis Elisa Test Kit , Widal Kit5*4 Ml , Coomb Sera 1*10Ml , Elisa Lh ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Fsh ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Prolactin Assay ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Ft3 ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Ft4 ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa T3 ( 1 X 96 Test ) , Elisa T4 ( 1 X 96 Test ) , Elisa Tsh ( 1 X 96 Test ) , Psa Kit Elisa 1 X 96 Test Per Kit , Estradiol Elisa ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Progestrone ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Testosterone ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Total Hcg ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Afp ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Cea ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Serum Ferritin ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Vit B12 ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Folic Acid ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Ca-125 ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Tpo ( 1*96 Test ) , Hbs Ag Immuno-Choromatographic Strip Single Test , Tpha Strips Immunochromatographic Single , Ada Kit 1*96 Test , Rapid Test Kits, Typhi 1*25 Cards , Anti Ccp Kit 1*96 Test , Ttg Kit 1*96 Test , Ana Kit1*96 Test , Human Ama-M2 Elisa Kit , Blood Grouping Kit 3 X 10 Ml , Keto Dia Stix ( Strip Test 1 X 100 Strips ) / 50 Strips , Kit For Detection Of Occult Blood In Stool 200 Test ( Card Test 1 X 50 ) , Uristixs ( Strip Test 1 X 100 Strips ) , Pregnancy Card1*50 , Pregnancy Strip 1*50 , Multi Strip For Urine Examination 1 X 100 , Bar Cod Films Roll 100Mmx 10Mtr , Bowie Dick Test Indicator 1X5 , Pcd Indicators1x1 , Chemical Indicators 1X1 , Biological Indicators1x25 , Sterile Urine Container , Sterile Urine Container ( 1X100 ) , Semen Diluting Fluid 1 X 500 Ml , Sulphur Powder 500 Gm. , Lugol’S Iodine 100 Ml , Iodine - 125 Ml , Sulfuric Acid Conc. ( 100% ) 500 Ml , Acetic Acid. Glacial 500 Ml , Kovac Reagents 100 Ml , Sodium Hydroxide 500 Gm , 10% Koh 500 Gm , 0.5% Sod. Deoxycholate 250Gm , Parafin Oil , Leishman Stain Liq 250 Ml , N / 10 Hcl 500 Ml , Dpx Mount 250 Ml , H&E Staining 125 Ml , Heamatoxylin Stain 1*125Ml , Iso Propyle Alcohal 2.5 Ltr , Papanicolin Ea 36-125 Ml , Papanicolin Og 6 -125 Ml , Albert Stain ( With Albert A & Albert B Both In Kit Ready To Use Liquid Form ) 125 Ml , Carbol Fuschin Stain125 Ml , Crystal Violet Stain125 Ml , New Methlene Blue 500 Ml , Gramsiodine 1% 100 Ml , 10% Ferric Chloride Reagent. 250Ml , Kovacs Indole Reagent Ready To Use Liquid Form ( 100 Ml ) , Lead Acetate Strips. 1 X 100 , Mr Reagent. 125 Ml , Gram Negative Broth250ml , Gram Staining Kit 100*4 Ml , Antisera For Cholera Poly 0 And 0-139 1*10Ml , Antisera For Salmonella Poly 0, 09, 02, Hd 1*10Ml , Ph Paper Strips1*1 , Soyabean Casein Digest Medium1*10Ml , Shigella Antisera ( Mono Valent For All 4 Species ) 2 Ml , Columbia Agar + 5% Sheep Blood ( 90 Mm Stacker Plates ) , Anti Sera Salmonella Poly-O 2 Ml , Anti Sera Salmonella Poly H 2 Ml , Anti Sera Salmonella Poly Dh 2 Ml , Anti Sera Salmonella Poly Ah 2 Ml , Vibrio Cholerae Poly 01 ( 2 Ml ) , Vibrio Cholerae Ogawa ( Mono Valent ) 2 Ml , Vibrio Cholerae Inaba ( Mono Valent ) 2 Ml , Chloramphenicol Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor 208 , Chloramphenicol Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cotrimoxazole Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 25 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Cotrimoxazole Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 25 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Gentamicin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Oxacillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 1 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Oxacillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 1 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Tetracycline Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Optochin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Optochin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) Vial Contain 50 To 100 Disc , Nitrofurantoin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 300 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Nitrofurantoin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 300 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Norfloxacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 2 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Norfloxacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 2 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Novobiocin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Novobiocin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 50 To 100 Disc , Nalidixic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Nalidixic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Vancomycin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Vancomycin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Erythromycin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 15 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Erythromycin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 15 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Netilmicin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Netilmicin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Linezolid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Linezolid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Piperacillin + Tazobactum Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 100 Mcg, + 10 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Piperacillin + Tazobactum Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 100 Mcg, + 10 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefoperazone + Sulbactum Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Cefoperazone 75 + Sulbactum 30 Mcg ( 6 Mm ) Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefotaxime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Cefotaxime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Amikacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Amikacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ampicillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 25 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Ampicillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 2 188 , Amoxicillin - Clavulanic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 20 / 10 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Amoxicillin - Clavulanic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 20 / 10 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Bacitracin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 10 Units Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Bacitracin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 10 Units, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Piperacillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 100 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ampicillin-Sulbactum Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 10 Mcg, +10 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefixime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 5 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ceftriaxone Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 5 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ceftazidime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefoperazone Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 75 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefepime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ticarcillin-Clavulanic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 75 / 10 ?Cg ) Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefuroxime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefazolin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Penicillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 10 Units ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Azithromycin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 15 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Teicoplanin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 ?Cg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ceftazidime +Clavulanic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 / 10 ?Cg ) Vial Contain 100 Disc , Drinking Water – H2s Test Strip Bacterial Test 1 To 10 , Sterile Disposable Petri Plates Optically Clear ( 90 Mm Dia X 15 Mm ) , Culture Media With Sensitivity Disk As Per Requirement Gram ( + ) Gram ( - ) Higher , H2so4 Acid ( Concentrated ) Cane Of 1 Ltr , Immersion Oil 250 Ml , Paraffin Waxwith Cerassin 2 Kg , Xylene 2.5 Ltr , L Shaped Angle 1 , Brilliant Cresyl Blue 100 Ml , Giemsa Stain 500 Ml , Absolute Alcohol 99.95% 500 Ml , Eosin Yellow 25 Gms , Mgg Stain 125 Ml , Pas Stain 100 Test , Peroxidase Stain 1*100 Ml , Sudan Black Stain1*125Ml , Reticulin Stain 1*160 Ml , Beaker 1 X 50 Ml , Beaker 1 X 100Ml , Beaker 1 X 200Ml , Beaker 1 X 500Ml , Cover Slip 18X18 , Coupling Jar Glass 1 X 1 , Coupling Jar Plastic 1 X 1 , Measuring Cylinder 1 X 500 Ml , Cover Slip 22X40 , Capillary Tube1 X 100 , Esr Tube ( Western Gren ) Disposable 1 To 25 , Esr Tube ( Wintrobes Tube With Rack ) 1 To 25 , Flask1 X 1000Ml , Flask 1 X 500 Ml , Glass Funnel1 X 1 , Sahli Hb Meter 1 X 1 , Hb Pipette1 X 25 , Neubar Counting Chamber 1 X1 , Autoclavable Scored Bottom Petri Plates Clear Tranparent And Unbreakable ( 150 Mm Dia X20 Mm ) 1X1 , Acetic Acid. Glacial 500 Ml , Acid Phenol Carbolic 500 Gm. , Pasteur Pipette 1 X12 , Test Tube Borosilicate 12X75 , Test Tube Borosilicate 12X100 , Test Tube Borosilicate 12X150 , Thermal Paper For Bio Analyzer1 X1 , Torniquete 1 X 1 , Brush For Washing Test Tube1x 1 , Cleaning Acid 1 X 5 Ltr , Sodium Hypochlorite 1 X 5Ltr , Barcode Sticker ( Size 50*25 ) , Tissues Cassette Different Sizes , Low Profile Blade For Automatic Microtome 1*50 , Tube Rack Aluminium 1*1 , Microscope Bulb ( Halogen Lamp ) 1*10 , Disposable Plastic Inoculation Loop , Nichome Stright Wire 1*1 , Nichome Wire Loop 1*1 , Spirit Lamp 1*1 , Ethanol ( 70% V / V Ip ) Contains 0.5% W / V Benzalkonium Chloride , Distal Water 1*5Ltr , Hb Meter 1*1 , Gel System , Forceps Plain1*1 , Cedar Wood Oil1*500Ml , Eppendorfs ( 1Ml ) 1*1 , Stop Watch 1*1 With Hours & Min & Sec , Digital Thermameters For Incubators / Refrigerators 1*1 , Digita Room Thermameters With Humidity Indicator 1*1 , Absorbent Filter Paper For Shelf 1 To 100 , Litmus Paper Blue & Red 100 Strips Per Pack , Filter Paper N 4 Whatman 46*57 Cms 100 Sheet Per Box , Filter Paper Whatman No. 1 1 Box , Slide Tray ( For 20 Slides ) , Distilled Water 5 Lt. , Acetone 2.5 Lit , Biorad Internal And External Quality Controls , Ready Made Blood Agar Plates , Toluidine Stain Blue , Glass Slide Frosted , Bd Blood Culture Bottles ( Both Adult & Peads. ) , Antigen Card Covid 19 1*50 , Anti Body Covid 19 Elisa Kit ( 1*96 ) , Vacutainer Blood Collection Flashback Needle 21G , Vacutainer Blood Collection Flashback Needle 22G , Butterfly Needles – 21G , Butterfly Needles – 23G , Butterfly Needles – 25G , D Dimerkit ( Manual ) , Il - 6 Kit ( Manual ) , Ldh Kit ( Manual ) , Crp Quantitative Kit 1*96 , S-Ferritin Kit , Hydrogen Peroxide 3% , Pas-Stain , Schiff Reagents , Vit-D Kit ( Elisa Kit 1*96 ) , Latron Control , S. Transferrin Level Kit , Aso Quantitative 1*96 , India Ink For Cryptococus , Koh 40% , Gomosis Methanammi Stain For Fungus , Anakit1*96 Test ( Elisa ) , Hcl Acid , Grossing Knife , Hcg Elisa1*96 , G6pd ( Manual ) , S.Troponin 1 ( Manual ) , S. Lipase ( Manual ) , Weil Felex Elisa Kit 1*96 , Leptospira Test Elisa Kit 1*96 , Anticcp Elisa Kit1*96 , Disposal Cap , Disposal Shoe Cover , Spot Bandage , Pediatric Vein Finder , Led Vein Finder , Rheumatoid Factor Quantitative Elisa Kit 1*96 , Procalcitonin Human Elisa Kit 1*96