Bids Are Invited For Surgical Items For Primate Facility Endotracheal Tubes - Uncuffed Tube - 4.0 Mm With Murphy Eye , Endotracheal Tubes - Uncuffed Tube - 3.5 Mm With Murphy Eye , Endotracheal Tubes - Cuffed Tube - 3.5 Mm With Murphy Eye , Endotracheal Tubes - Cuffed Tube - 4.0 Mm With Murphy Eye , Sterile Gauze - 5 Cm X 5 Cm , Sterile Gauze -7.5 Cm X 7.5 Cm , Medical Gauze Swab , Disposable Bandage Gauze , White Gauze Sterilized Dressing Pads10 Cm X 10 Cm In Box Of 80 Pcs , White Gauze Sterilized Dressing 10 Cm X 20 Cm In Box Of 40 Pcs , Gauze Pad , Reusable Surgical Eye Hole Sheet Or Drape , Reusable Surgical Hole Sheet Or Drape , Reusable Surgical Drape , Surgical Towels , Povidone Iodine Or Betadine Scrub - 500 Ml , Povidone Iodine Betadine Scrub -100 Ml , Povidone Iodine Solution-100 Ml , Povidone Iodine Solution -500 Ml , Surgical Spirit B.P-400 Ml Solution , Surgical Spirit B.P-100 Ml Solution , Povidone-Iodine Ointment Usp-20G , Povidone- Iodine Ointment Usp - 15G , Soframycin Skin Cream -30Gm , Burnol Cream-20Gm , Pain Relief Cream Or Ointment-20 Or 30 Gm - Volini , Pain Relief Cream Or Ointment-20 Or 30 Gm- Moov , Pain Relief Cream Or Ointment-20 Or 30 Gm - Fast Relief , Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 100Ml , Battery Cautery Pen Portable , Ethicon Pmw35 Proximate Plus Md Skin Stapler Jhonsons And Jhonsons , Staple Extractor , Suture Thread -Lifeline Suture Thread - 3.0 , Suture Thread - Lifeline Suture Thread -3.0 , Suture Thread - Lifeline Suture Thread -4.0 , Stainless Steel Suture Needles - Half Circle, Cutting Edge No. 18 , Stainless Steel Suture Needles - Half Circle, Cutting Edge No. 19 , Micron -Neonatal I.V. Cannula , Neo Cath -Infant I.V. Cannula , Bd Venflon Iv Cathetar Cannula , Vein Cath Instant Flashback Indicator I.V. Cannula , Round Lancet Needle , Scalp Vein Set- Sterile, Individually Blister Packed, Pack Of 100 - 21G , Scalp Vein Set- Sterile, Individually Blister Packed, Pack Of 100-22G , Scalp Vein Set- Sterile, Individually Blister Packed,