
Tender For Quotation For Supply Of Consumables For Dept. Of Hamp, Aizawl-Mizoram

Mizoram University has published Tender For Quotation For Supply Of Consumables For Dept. Of Hamp. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-02-2023. Tube Well Tenders in Aizawl Mizoram. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Quotation For Supply Of Consumables For Dept. Of Hamp

Tender Details

Quotation For Supply Of Consumables For Dept. Of Hamp , List Of Consumables , 2,6 – Dichloroindophenol Sodium Salt Dihydrate- (5G) , Acetone- (25L) , Ammonium Hydroxide- (500Ml) , Anthrone Reagent- (25G) , Ascorbic Acid- (100G) , Salicyclic Acid- (500G) , Catechol- (100Gm) , Chitosan- (100G) , Dpph- (1G) , Fehling A Solution - (500Ml) , Fehling B Solution - (500Ml) , Folinciocalteau Phenol Reagent- (500Ml) , Glucose/Dextrose- (500G) , Melatonin- (5G) , Methanol- (25L) , Orthophosphoric Acid At 88% Hi-Ar- (500Ml) , Oxalic Acid- (500G) , Petroleum Ether- (25L) , Potassium Sodium Tartrate- (500G) , Sodium Hydroxide- (500G) , Sodium Nitroprussidedihydrate, Hi-Ar/Acs- (100Gm) , Vanillin, Hi-Ar- (100Gm) , Mtt- (500 Mg) , Sulfuric Acid- (500Ml) , Ethanol- (1L) , Silica Gel 100-200 Mesh- (500G) , Silica Gel 60-120 Mesh- (500G) , Trypan Blue - (5G) , Hexane- (25L) , Dichloromethane- (2.5L) , Concentrated Hcl 1N- (500Ml) , Copper Sulphate, 5 H20- (500G) , Hno3(Nitric Acid)- (1L) , Iron(Ii) Chloride Hexahydrate Fecl3.6H2o- (500G) , Iron(Ii) Sulphate Heptahydrate- (500G) , Cupric Sulphate- (500G) , Methyl Red Powder- (25G) , Bromocresol Green Powder- (25G) , Mayer’S Reagent- (100G) , Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (Pvpp)- (100G) , N-Butyl Alcohol Pure, 99%- (500Ml) , Di Methyl Sulpho Oxide- (500Ml) , Diethyl Ether- (500Ml) , Sodium Phosphate Dibasic- (500Gm) , Sodium Phosphate Monobasic- (500Gm) , Ethyl Acetate Pure- (2.5L) , Mullar Hinton Broth- (100Gm) , Ninhydrin - (10G) , Nutrient Broth - (100Gm) , Agar Agar, Type I- (100G) , Sabourad Dextrose Agar- (100G) , Ampicillin- (1 Pk) , Ciprofloxacin- (1 Pk) , Erythromycin- (1 Pk) , Gentamicin- (1 Pk) , Methicillin- (1 Pk) , Ethyl Alcohol- (500Ml) , Potassium Metabisulphite- (500Gm) , Sodium Benzoate- (500Gm) , Citric Acid- (500Gm) , Gibberellic Acid- (10Gm) , Indole-3-Acetic Acid- (5Gm) , Naphthalene-1-Acetic Acid (Naa)- (25Gm) , Calcium Chloride- (500Gm) , Pectin- (100Gm) , Hydrous Magnessium Silicate- (500Gm) , Manzo (Pyriproxifen 5%+Diafenththiuron 25%)- (100Ml) , Confidor (Imidacloprid 17.8%)- (100Ml) , Koranda (Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5%)- (250Ml) , Captan- (200Gm) , Sulphur 80% Wp- (1Kg) , Ridomil Gold (Metalaxyl M 4% + Mancozeb 64% Wp)- (250Gm) , Formaldehyde- (500Ml) , Sulfuric Acid- (25 L) , Boric Acid- (500G) , Blue Litmus Paper- (10Books) , Red Litmus Paper- (10Books) , Catechol- (100G) , Potassium Acetate- (500 G ) , Quercetin- (25G) , Tris Buffer- (100 G) , Phenolphthalein Indicator- (125Ml) , Sodium Bi Carbonate- (500G) , Anthrone Reagent- (25G) , Bovine Serum- (5G) , Potassium Sodium Tartarate- (500 G) , Aluminium Chloride- (500G) , Sodium Carbonate- (500G) , Activated Charcoal- (500G) , Selenium Powder- (100G) , Potassium Sulfate- (1 Kg) , Sodium Nitrite- (500G) , Mixed Fertilizer/Dap/Sufala (19:19:19)/(10:26:26)- (50 Kg) , Sodium Sulphate (Anhydrous)- (500G) , Meta Phosphoric Acid- (500Gm) , Ammonium Sulfate- (500Gm) , Sodium Sulfate- (500Gm) , Sodium Hydroxide- (500Gm) , Cupric Sulfate- (500Gm) , Hydrogen Peroxide- (500Ml) , Sulfuric Acid- (500Ml) , Boric Acid- (500Gm) , Potassium Permanganate- (500Gm) , Methyl Red Indicator- (500Ml) , Bromocresol Green- (25Gm) , Ammonium Molybdate- (500Gm) , Perchloric Acid- (3.5L) , Acetylene Gas Refilling , Beaker- (1000Ml)- (Jsgw) , Beaker- (100Ml)- (Jsgw) , Petri Dishes, Borosilicate 33 Expansion Glass- (10)- (Jsgw) , Micro Centrifuge Tube- (500 Pcs/Bag, 5,000 Pcs./ Pack )- (Moxcare) , Box For Micro Centrifuge Tubes- (8)- (Moxcare) , Pipette Tips Box- (10)- (Moxcare) , Pipette Tips Box- (10)- (Moxcare) , Pipette Tips- (1000/Bag, 10Bag/Pack)- (Moxcare) , Pipette Tips- (500/Bag, 10 Bag/Pack)- (Moxcare) , Parafilm- (Moxcare) , Parafilm Dispenser- (Moxcare) , Large Digital Balance (Max. -2Kg,Min- 0.1Gm)- (Kerro) , Large Digital Balance (Max. -5Kg,Min- 0.5Gm)- (Kerro) , Test Tube Stand- (20 Mm)- (Tarsons) , Test Tube- (15 X 150)- (Omsons) , Centrifuge Tube- (50 Ml )- (Tarsons) , Pipette- (5Ml )- (Moxcare) , Pipette- (10Ml )- (Moxcare) , Burette- (25Ml )- (Moxcare) , Burette- (50Ml )- (Moxcare) , 96 Well Plate- (1 Pack)- (Moxcare) , Conical Flask- (100 Ml)- (Omsons) => Limited

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Tender Value
INR 1.0 /-
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