
Allied Work For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (Fhtc) From Exixting Distribution System Within The Command Area Of Bansjore W/S Scheme In Suri Sadar Sub-Division Under Birbhum Division, Phe Dte.(, birbhum-West Bengal

Public Health Engineering Department has published Allied Work For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (Fhtc) From Exixting Distribution System Within The Command Area Of Bansjore W/S Scheme In Suri Sadar Sub-Division Under Birbhum Division, Phe Dte.(. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-02-2023. Water Pipe Line Tenders in birbhum West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Allied Work For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (Fhtc) From Exixting Distribution System Within The Command Area Of Bansjore W/S Scheme In Suri Sadar Sub-Division Under Birbhum Division, Phe Dte.(
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Allied Work For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection ( Fhtc ) From Exixting Distribution System Within The Command Area Of Bansjore W / S Scheme In Suri Sadar Sub-Division Under Birbhum Division, Phe Dte. - Supplying, laying, fiting, fixing and jointing of UPVC pipes conforming to IS:4985-2000 withlatest revisionandamendments,if any,with necessary UPVC/CI specials, CIDF sluice valves, as per relevant I.S. specification including labour charges for earth work in excavation in any kind of scil including mixed soil with boulder ,road sub-grade and its fanks but excluding moorum and laterite or sand stonehard arock including cutting of brick paymentwithout damaging the existing telephone/electrical cable line etc.(in case of damage of any type of cable line during excavation, necessary damaged charges as applicable by the respaective authority will be borne by the agency in his own cost. Loading, unloading, carrying of pipes, specials, valves from the local store to work site and lowering laying of pipes specials valves carefully in trenches maintaining proper levels and alignment ,jointing the pipe and specials including supplying of good quality/approved brand solvent cement (as per IS:14182-1994 including cost of all fabricated PVC fitting i.e. tees,bend, reducers, adopter etc.as per IS:101-1988 and making flange joints including supplying required quantity of nuts, bolts and rubber insertion (CIDF sluice valves will be supplied by the department free of cost) as required at site by adopting suitable method so as to facilate the maintenance of pipe line locally as per conventional method including hack filling the trenches with good earth obtained from excavation of trenches including consolidation with watering in layer not exceeding 150mm thk. with maintaining an average depth of cushion of 1.10mtr. from the top of pipe line includingmaking interconnection with distribution pipes etc. all complete as per drawing direction and satisfaction of the E.I.C.N.B. i) Manufacturers test certificate for UPVC pipe & specials to be produced before laying of pipe line. ii) 3rd party inspection of UPVC pipe & specials to be done by CEPET or (India) SGS/NTH Kolkata or as per direction of EIC as per approved vender list. iii)No part payment at any stage on account of supply of materials shall be entertained. iv)Payment will be made on actual consumption of materials. v)UPVC pipes for the works to be supplied as per approved vendor list and as per direction & satisfaction of EIC. No pipes will be allowed beyond recommendated vendor list. vi)Submission of drawing of pipe line with statement of materials consumed between node to node points against each R.A. & final bill.if so. vii) Any deviation from required clear cover of 1.10mtr.due to site adverse condition, prior permission is to be obtained from EIC and payment for such work will be made on prorate basis over the rate of entire item. viii)All pipe connection shall be completed in all respect and as per directionof EIC. Decision of EIC in this respect is final & binding. In case of any deviation/or any left out pipe connections an amount of Rs.10,000.00 for each pipe connection will be realized/recovered from the bill. (A) Pressure Rating : Class - Ill(ii) Laying of pipe line including cost of pipe & fittings / specials but excluding cost of vlaves.50mm(OD) 2 b) 63mm dia 3 d) 90 mm dia. 4 e) 110 mm dia. 5 f) 140 mm dia. 6 Dismantling all types of plain cement concrete works, stacking serviceable materials at site and removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75m In ground floor including roof.a) Upto 150 mm. thick 7 b) above 150 mm. thick 8 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement, if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes.Pakur Variety 9 Filling the pipeline with water , testing hydraulically as per IS. 3114-1965(Article-06) in section of a lengeth not exceeding 500mtr. For head of pressure as per specification including supplying installing and fixing all equipments such as diesel pump set, blank flange, pressure gauge, valve, pressure and all other tools and plans including drilling topping and plugging of necessary holes to pipes, bolcking ends providing temporary thrust block and subsequent bloking of hols and other jointing materils and dismantling and removal of the same including disposal of water etc. all complete as per specification and direction of E.I.C. The rate is inclusive of cost of requisite water to the arrange by the contractor. (Recovery rate of water @ Rs.10.00/cum, if contractorusede water from deptt. source).B)UPVC/HDPE Pipe.50mm 10 b) 63mm dia 11 d) 90 mm dia. 12 e) 110 mm dia. 13 f) 140 mm dia. 14 Cleaning thoroughly the inner surface of pipe line including specials and valves by flushing with water and subsequently disinfection of the same pipe line by flushing again with water containing bleaching powder resulting in residual chlorine not less than 15mg/ltrs. after 24hrs. of such filling including laboratory testing of water samples obtain from the disinfested pipe line and disposal of water from the pipe line after completion of the work. The rates including of cost of requisite water to be arranged by the contractor)(The rate of water @Rs. 10/m3 may be recovered, if the contractor used water from deptt. source).B)UPVC/HDPE Pipe.50mm 15 b) 63mm dia 16 d) 90 mm dia. 17 e) 110 mm dia. 18 f) 140 mm dia. 19 Submission of complete detailed drawing of distribution system, rising main etc. after execution of work showing position of different types of valves, fittings/specials sluice valve chamber with location, node to node wise in the sanctioned drawing as completion drawing of the water supply scheme as per direction and satisfaction of EIC. The list of dia wise fitting/specials, different pipes ;of valve used in the rising main should be shown in the completion drawing (not separate) with verified by SAE & AE in-charge of the scheme.

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Document Fees
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INR 65335.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 32.66 Lakhs /-
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