Bids Are Invited For File flat second cut , File flat smooth , File half round second cut , Dot Slot punch , File round second cut , File square second cut , File triangular second cut , File flat bastard , File half round bastard , File card , Blow Lamp , Glass magnifying , Clamp C , Hand reamer setTaper pin straight flute , Machine reamer paralleleHelical flute , Scraper flat , Scraper triangular , Chisel cold crosscut , Chisel cold diamond point , Chisel cold flat , Chisel cold round nose , Standard Tap screwsM3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 , Medium carbon Heat treated alloy steel Metric Studs and bolts along with nuts for displayof standard length , Caps Screws , Pipe threading die with handle , Pulleysfor V belt or Flat belt , V belt , Flat belt , Hollow punch , Bearing different typesBall Roller plain Thrust needle Taper bearing , Lifting sling , Bearing extractor , Pulley extractor , Aviation Snips straight Cut , Flat headed hammers , Lathe tools , Adjustable spanner , Lugs for cable , Earth clamps , Gas lighter , Spindle key for cylinder valve Total Quantity : 145