
Tender For Periodical Services To Otm, Jcos/Or Md Accn And Mes Colony (Day To Day) Of Zone A At Hisar Mil Stn Under Ge (W) Hisar, hisar-Haryana

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Periodical Services To Otm, Jcos/Or Md Accn And Mes Colony (Day To Day) Of Zone A At Hisar Mil Stn Under Ge (W) Hisar. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-02-2023. Rough Finishing Tools Tenders in hisar Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Periodical Services To Otm, Jcos/Or Md Accn And Mes Colony (Day To Day) Of Zone A At Hisar Mil Stn Under Ge (W) Hisar
Open Tender

Tender Details

Periodical Services To Otm, Jcos / Or Md Accn And Mes Colony ( Day To Day ) Of Zone A At Hisar Mil Stn Under Ge ( W ) Hisar-- 1 Taking down cement plaster of any layers upto brick levelupto three Storeyincl racking out joints, hacking for key & scrubbing down with water etc complete all as specified and directed. 2 M&L for 15mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 over brick / conc wall surfaces trowelled to even & smooth w/o using extra cement for externall wall surfaces upto three storey Bldgs mixed with wpc as per manufacturer instruction (the above quoted price areincl of WPC ) complete all as specified and directed. 3 M&L Rough cast plaster as specified .(Rendering coat not less than 10mm thick in C:M 1:3 , while it is still in plastic state the rough cast mixture consisting of crushed stone or fine gravel agg size 6 to 12mm mixed with coarse sand and cement in the ratio of 1:1:1 shall be applied and finished even) on external wall upto cill height complete all as specified and directed.Note:- (1) Before applying rough cast mixture, the approval of rendering coat shall be taken from 4 M&L, 15mm thick rendering upto three storeysin CM 1:6 to brick/conc wall surfaces trowelled to even & smooth w/o using extra cement. complete all as specified and directed. 5 All as per above item No 4.00 but 10mm thick in CM 1:3 as in ceiling,Chajjah,facia and complete all as specified and directed. 6 M & L for preparation of newly plastered surface of wall and applying two coats of OBD using roller over twocoat of 1mm thick wall care putty on wall complete all as specified and directed . Make Asian, Shalimar, Berger paints. 7 M&L preparing new plastered surfaces of walls and applying two coat of cement base paintover one coat of primer using roller complete all as specified and directed.Note:- Painting shall only be started in any Bldg after completion of Structural Repair work of thatBldg to the full satisfaction 8 M&L for preparing new plastered or unplastered surface of walls and applying two coats ofweather proofpaint using rollerof .make : weather coat of Berger / apex utima of Asian paints / Xtrapremium of Shalimar , over and incl of a coat of exterior wall primer over two coatacryllic wall care puttyas aprproved by Manufacture. NOTE: The work under this item shall be carried out by contractor from authorised applicator of manufacturer. The contractor shall also stand for guarantee of the quality and finish of work under this item for period for a period of four years from certified date of completion of complete work for which an amount Rs 20/Sqm of quantity of work done under this item shall be retained in final bill.This amount shall be returned only after completion of guarantee complete all as specified and directed.Note:- (1)Painting shall only be started in any Bldg after completion of Structural Repair work of thatBldg to the full satisfaction of Engr-In-Charge.(2) After preparation of surface ,approval shall be obtained from Engr-In-Charge before applying primer and further treatment/coat 9 M&L for preparation newly plastered surfaces of wall and applying three coats of white wash complete all as specified and directed. 10 M&L preparing new plastered surfaces of ceiling and applying three coat of white washcomplete all as specified and directed.Note:- Painting shall only be started in any Bldg after completion of Structural Repair work of thatBldg to the full satisfaction of Engr-In-Charge.(2) after preparation of surface ,approval shall be obtained from Engr-In-Charge before applying primer and further treatment/coat. 11 M&L for preparation of old surface of walls including pillars etc (plastered or unplastered) by scrapping down smoke spot moulds, moss and efflorescenet salt and treatin oil and greasy spots using mechanical sander with internal dust extraction system and applying one coat of white washcomplete all as specified and directed.Note:- (1)Painting shall only be started in any Bldg after completion of Structural Repair work of thatBldg to the full satisfaction of Engr-In-Charge.(2) after preparation of surface ,approval shall be obtained from Engr-In-Charge before applying primer and further treatment/coat. 12 Descripton all as per item No 11.00 above but one coat of white wash on ceilingcomplete all as specified and directed.Note:- Painting shall only be started in any Bldg after completion of Structural Repair work of thatBldg to the full satisfaction of Engr-In-Charge.(2) after preparation of surface ,approval shall be obtained from Engr-In-Charge before applying primer and further treatment/coat. 13 M & L for complete removal of existing treatment of old surface ofany layer of wallusing mechanical sander with internal dust extraction system and applying two coats of OBD using roller of make: berger/Shalimar/Asian Paints over twocoat of 1mm thick wall care putty of same make on wallcomplete all as specified and directedNote:- Painting shall only be started in any Bldg after completion of Structural Repair work of thatBldg to the full satisfaction of Engr-In-Charge.(2) after preparation of surface ,approval shall be obtained from Engr-In-Charge before applying primer and further treatment/coat. 14 M&L for preparing old plastered or unplastered surface of walls with and including complete removal of existing treatment of any layer of wall using mechanical sander with internal dust extraction system and applying two coats ofweather proofpaintusing roller of .make : weather coat of Berger / apex utima of Asian paints / Xtrapremium of Shalimar , over and incl of a coat of exterior wall primer over two coatacryllic wall care puttyas aprproved by Manufacture. NOTE: The work under this item shall be carried out by contractor from authorised applicator of manufacturer. The contractor shall also stand for guarantee of the quality and finish of work under this item for period for a period of four years from certified date of completion of complete work for which an amount Rs 20/Sqm of quantity of work done under this item shall be retained in final bill.This amount shall be returned only after completion of guarantee complete all as specified and directed.Note:- (1)Painting shall only be started in any Bldg after completion of Structural Repair work of thatBldg to the full satisfaction of Engr-In-Charge.(2) After preparation of surface ,approval shall be obtained from Engr-In-Charge before applying primer and further treatment/coat. 15 M&L for preparation of old decorated plastered or unplastered surfaces of walls by brooming down or steel wire brushing, scrapping down smoke soots, moulds, moss and efflorescent salts and trading oil & greasy spots including cornices etc using mechanical sander with internal dust extraction system and applying one coat of cement base paint, white or tinted using roller complete all as specified and directed. 16 M&L for preparation of old wooden surfaces of any description over 10 cm width or girth and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint of any tint complete all as specified and directed. 17 M&L for preparation of old painted surfaces of iron works of any description over 10 cm width or girth and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint of any tint complete all as specified and directed. 18 M&L for writing letters or figures (Block, Roman, Italic or Indian) nexc 30Cm high complete (upto Double storey height including necessary scafolding etc to execute the work) complete all as specified and directed. 19 M&L Stop, Commas, short Lines, Dashes, Hyphens, Brackets etc.omplete (upto Double storey height including necessary scafolding etc to execute the work) complete all as specified and directed. 20 Providing and Erecting steel props (upto Full Height ,Braced at centre ,resting on wedge and block to support the structure provisionally during repair work and maintaining them in position till reqd and complete all as specified and directed. 21 Chipping of loose/ damaged /cracked / previously repaired / delaminated or weak concrete by chieseling to expose the sound core concrete where ever required and to expose rusted reinforcement upto depth n.exc 50mm and disposal of rubbish off the premises to a distance not exc 50 mtrs including cleaning of reinforced concrete surface by air compressor complete all as specified and directed. 22 Supply and apply of rust remover cum passivator to remove rust from existing reinforcement by using product: Rustoff-100of Sika or equivalent make in Fosroc/ Thermax as approved by GE, with density 1.01 Kg/ltr at 30 degree celsius and consumption : 0.2 Kg/Sqm/coat complete all as specified and directed.Note: The mtrl to be applied thoroughly on exposed rebars only with the help of a brush of suitable size. The area will be measured as length of bar x two times the dia of bar). 23 Supply and apply a cement based polymer modified rebar corrosion protection system to existing reinforcement using cement based polymer modified rebar corrosion protection system with consumption : 3.75 kg/Sqm for two coats andProduct requirements: carbonation resistance: 2 mm of SikaTop Armatec®-108 of Sika or equivalent make in Fosroc / Thermax as approved by GE corresponds to 20 mm of normal mortar; bond strength > 1N / Sqmm according to ASTM C 882-78 complete all as specified and directed.Note: The mtrl to be applied thoroughly on exposed rebars only with the help of a brush of suitable size. The area will be measured as length of bar x two times the dia of bar) 24 M&L for Providing, mixing & applying two component Epoxy resin concrete Bonding coat on prepared RCC surfaces as per manufacturers specification including prepartaion of surface throughly and cleaning complete where ever requiredwith usingProduct: Sikadur®-32 LP of Sika or equivalent in Fosroc / Thermax as approved by GE with Consumption: 0.4 kg/Sqm and Product requirements: Complies with ASTMC 881-78, Type II Grade 2 Class B+C complete all as specified and directed. 25 Providng extra reinforcment with TMT bars as per site design requirement including straightening ,cutting ,bending, placing in position ,binding with GI wire of 18 gauge etc complete in all respects .Additional reinforecment wit hadequate lap length & rings at required spacing shall be tied with existing reinforcement using binding wire or welded complete as per site requirement and directions of complete all as specified and directed. 26 M&L for providing by mixing and trowel application of prepacked, light weight, two component structural grade polymer modified fibre reinforced thixotropic cement mortar Sika Monotop 122F of Sika or equivalent make in Fosroc / Thermax as approved by GE at an average thickness exceeding 10mm and upto 25mm to the prepared concrete surface in soffit of slabs, beam, columns, parapets, fins and facias at any height, including finishing of applied Polymer mortaras per thetechnical specifications and manufacturers instructions complete all as specified and directed . 27 M&L for weld-mesh of size 75x75x3mm to be wrapped on the exposed surface of rib of beam & on the slab bottom and tack welding to the exposed reinforcement at close intervals and gunite with cement mortar 1:3 mixed with admixture Sika Plasto creat plus or equivalent make in Fosroc / Thermax as per manufacturers instructions as approved by GE around rib of beam or roof slab of thickness n.exc 40mm to be applied under an operating pressure.The gunitedsurface to be cured properly for a min of 7 days all in complete as per thetechnical specifications and manufacturers instructions complete all as specified and directed. 28 Providing and fixing water tight centering & shutteringand Scaffolding including bolting, strutting, propping etc. including removal of form work from column, beam , slab etc. complete as per site requirement and directions complete all as specified and directed. 29 Supply and apply a ready to use non shrink, cementitious free flow micro-concrete (<100 mm) using Product: SikaRep® Microcrete-4+ adequate coarse aggregate, Yield: approx 17 Ltr/bag (30 Kg) (depending on the size and quantity of coarse aggregate added), Product : SikaRep® Microcrete-4orequivalent make in Fosroc / Thermax as approved by GE, Product requirements: compressive strength > 60 N/Sqmm (28 days) according to ASTM C 1107-99 complete all as specified and directed. 30 M&L for providing and fixing 12-16mm dia injection ports non returnable nozzle by drilling, cleaning and sealing holes 50-75 mm deep at 200mm c/c with fast setting high strength Epoxy putty, solvent free, three component compound based on epoxy resins, graded fillers and thixotropic agents using Sikadur 31 of Sika or equivalent make in Fosroc / Thermax as approved by GEas in beams, columns, slab and parapets as per the technical specifications and manufacturers instructions complete all as specified and directed. 31 Demolition of RCC Roofs, floors (other than ground floors), beams, staircases, landing, chajjas upto three storey ,RCC water Tanks and similar suspended work and making good the disturbed area in CM 1:3 complete all as specified and directed. 32 M&L for cutting holes in brick walls built in cement mortar /concrete for inserting support for chajjahs/ cooler plateforms / cooler standetc and making good dismantled portion in cement mortar 1:3 or PCC 1:2:4 type B1 as required super ficial area of cutting nexc 100sqcmcomplete all as specified and directed.Note:-cutting of holes shall be carried out by core cutting machine. 33 S&F prepainted galvalume alumimium zinc coating GI based plain steel sheet 0.50 mm thick of any color having tensile strength of 550 MPA as a roof covering /Cladding to wall and in Chajjah , Fixed with self tapping screw complete all as specified and directed. 34 S&F mild steel joist ,channel ,angle ,tee fixed independently without connection plates etc (cut to ordinary length i.e. within 20mm of the length indicated ) complete all as specified and directed. 35 M&L preparation of new steel surfaces of any description, over 10 cm in width or girth, and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint complete all as specified and directed. 36 Demoliton of Brickwork or stone/boulder masonry, built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars, etc, but excluding ashlar facings, dressed stonework and precast concrete articles and removing debries out of MD land complete all as specified and directed. 37 M&L Brick work with flyash bricks, straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius, built in CM 1:4 complete all as specified and directed.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 27-01-2023 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 03-02-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 96000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 48 Lakhs /-
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