Bids Are Invited For Bhi Agar, Granulated, 500 Gms , Bhi Broth, Granulated, 500 Gms , Fluid Selenite Cystine Medium, Twin Pack, 500 Gms , Tetrathionate Brilliant Green Bile Broth, Granulated, 500 Gms , Clear, Transparent And Autoclavable Disposable Bags, Size 20 X 14, 500 No.S , Plastic Disposable Flexible Loop, 4Mm Diameter, Sterilized, Individually Packed, 5 X 100 No.S , Tricine, Molecular Biology Grade, 100 Gms , Disinfectant Spraying Bottle With Isopropylalcohol And Benzalkonium Chloride For Surface Disinfection, 500 Ml, 1 X 5 No.S , Chromogenic Lactobacillus Selective Agar Base, 500 Gms , Ciprofloxacin Selective Supplement, Pack Of 5 Vials , Frap Antioxidant Activity Estimation Kit, 200 Tests Per Kit , Cuprac Antioxidant Activity Estimation Kit, 200 Tests Per Kit , Fluorescein Isothiocynate, Cell Culture Tested, 50 Mg , Propidium Iodide, Cell Culture Tested, 25 Mg , Trypan Blue 0.4Percent Solution In Dulbeccos Phosphate Buffered Saline, Filter Sterilized, Cell Culture Tested, 100 Ml , Mtt Cell Proliferation Assay Kit, 1000 Tests Per Kit , Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Atcc 53103 Culture, 2 Sticks , Lactobacillus Plantarum Atcc 8014, 2 Sticks , Lactobacillus Casei Atcc 393, 2 Sticks , Butylated Hydroxyanisole, Bha 100 Gms , Lactobacillus Mrs Agar, Granulated, 500 Gms , Lactobacillus Mrs Broth, Granulated, 500 Gms , Vitamin B12 Assay Medium, 100 Gms , Folic Acid Assay Medium, 100 Gms , Nasco Sampling Bag, Size19 X 30Cm, 1 X 100 No.S , Lysozyme, From Chicken Egg White, Lyophilized, Molecular Biology Grade, 1 Gm , 2 2-Azino-Bis 3-Ethylbenzothiazoline- 6-Sulphonic Acid Diammonium Salt Abts, 1Gm , Cyclodextrin 500 Gms , Sodium Alginate, Molecular Biology Grade, 100 Gms , Maltodextrin, 500 Gms , Pectin Poly-D-Galacturonic Acid Methyl Ester, 500 Gms , 2 2-Diphenyl -1-Picrylhydrazyl Dpph, 1Gm , Chromogenic L Mono Rapid Differential Agar Base, 500 Gms , Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified, 500 Gms , Salmonella Enterica Subsp. Enterica Serovar Poona Nctc 4840 Culture, 2 Sticks , Edwardsiella Tarda Atcc 15947 Culture, 2 Sticks , Salmonella Enterica Subsp. Diarizonae Atcc 12325 Culture, 2 Sticks , Salmonella Enterica Subsp. Enterica Serovar Enteritidis Atcc 13076 Culture, 2 Sticks , Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract Broth, 500 Gms , Chromogenic Improved Salmonella Agar, 500 Gms , Urea Agar Base Christensen-Autoclavable, 500 Gms , Urea 40 Supplement 5 Ml Per Vial, Pack Of 5 Into 5 Vials , Dialysis Membrane-70 Width-28.46 Mm, Diameter-17.5 Mm, Capacity 2.41 Ml Per Cm , Dialysis Closure Clips, Polypropylene, 10 No.S Per Pack , 0.1Percent Peptone Salt Solution, 500 Gms , Sterile, Dehydrate, Chromogenic Listeria Selectivesupplement, 5Vials , Aeromonas Hydrophila Atcc 35654, 2 Sticks , Morganella Morganii Atcc 25829, 2 Sticks , Pasteurella Multocida Atcc 12945, 2 Sticks , Vibrio Vulnificus Atcc 27562, 2 Sticks , Legionella Pneumophila Atcc 33152, 2 Sticks , Campylobacter Coli Atcc 33559, 2 Sticks , Enterococcus Faecalis Atcc 14506, 2 Sticks , Haemophilus Influenzae Atcc 19418, 2 Sticks , Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Atcc 10145, 2 Sticks , Raoultella Terrigena Atcc 33257, 2 Sticks Total Quantity : 170