Supply, Installation And Commissioning Of Submersible Pumping Machinery Along With Allied Accessories At P.H.1 For Augmentation Of Singeshwar Water Supply Scheme Under South 24 Pgs. Mechanical Division, Phe Dte. Block Canning-Ii -Supply and delivery at site of the following submersible pumping machinery and electrical accessories: 2 Submersible pumping machinery directly coupled with water proof suitable size motor having following specification and as per NIT specification:PumpShaft-stainless steelImpeller- S.S/ GMOutlet Size: 80 mm.Motorsubmersible type 3 Ph , 50Hz, 415 Volt ± 10% 2900 RPMMotor must be suitable for operation with SD starter. Test certificate along with characteristic curve should be submitted at the time of delivery. 3 TW-I, Discharge- 500 LPM, Head- 55 Mtr 4 1.1 KV grade 4 x 3 Core water proof flat submersible cablefor above motor. 5 1.1 kv GRADE 35 3.5 coreXLPE insulated Al. Ar.armoured cable conforming to IS 7098 (Part-I) 1988, with upto date amendments. 6 Supply, delivery and storage at site of Wall mounted 2 mm. thick epoxy painted sheet steel enclosed front open fully automatic cum manual control motor control centre for operation of the pump motor in SD mode ranging from 7.5 HP to 12.5 HP, actuatorwith RDOL starter, Chlorinator with DOL starter and timer operated outdoor and indoor lighting as per approved drawing and NIT specification: 7 Supply and delivery of the following valves, pipes and gauges etc at site: 8 3 mtr long 80 mm dia UPVC standard type column pipe [cream color] with both side threaded and one end side socketed with registered KPMG. 9 1.5 mtr long 80 mm dia UPVC standard type column pipe [cream color] with both side threaded and one end side socketed with registered KPMG. 10 80 mm dia CItop & bottom adopter. 11 Heavy type suitabledia MS suspension clamp along with nuts bolts and washer. 12 Cast Iron wafer type 3 phase actuator operated wafer type butterfly valve of 80 mm dia [PN-1.0] as per IS; 13095, IP-68. 13 80 mm dia CIDF sluice valve-1 no., Non Return Valve-1 no., CIDF 90° bend-1no., CI flanged tee-1no. blank flange-1no., CI/ MS flanged short piece 0.50 mtr.-1no, CI/ MS flanged pipe 1 mtr. 1 no. etc as per IS specification and certification for construction of delivery pipe line and wash out line. 14 Heavy type 250 mm dia split type tube well cover with 12 mm thick clamping arrangement including holes of column pipe, air pipe and cable entry with 2 sets heavy type suspension clump, nuts, bolts and washer as per departmental design. 15 Depth gauge 100 mm dia with steel air pipe of required length with all accessories for the above work including supply of good quality hand pump[This cost includes 15 mm. dia G.I. pipes and specials]. 16 Pressure gauge 150 mm dia [0-7Kg/] brass cock and fitting complete[This cost includes 15 mm. dia G.I. pipes and specials]. 17 50 mm. dia. non metalic pipes (IS:14930) and specials for protection of submersible cable. 18 Anti snapping safety device for pump set by supplying suitable size MS clamps two sets and nylon rope of required length including supplying of nuts, bolts and all other materials. 19 100 Amps rewirable type male female kit Katfuse unit 20 Laying of 35 sq. mm. 3.5 core AL. ar. Cable in wall/ floor by supplying of all necessary materials as per IE Rules and as per direction. 21 Installation of above pump motor, panel, valves and specials as in sl. NO. 1, 2 & 3 including supply of cable gland, sockets etc including brick, sand, cement rod stc as required to complete the job as per direction and up to the entire satisfaction of the EIC. 22 Making brick pillar 0.25 mtr x0.25 mtr. for supporting of valves and pipes with 12 mm thick plaster and net cement finish complete. 23 Making suitable size pump foundation with supplying of necessary cement, sand and stone chips including plastering and net cement finish complete. 24 Making double earthing arrangement in compliance with IE rules by G.I. pipe electrode of 50 mm. dia 3 mtr. Long 2 Nos for panel and pumping machinery 25 mm. x 6 mm. G.I. earth strips from earth pit to panel and all other accessories required to complete the work. 25 Making internal electrification of pump house consisting of two bracket point, one tube light point, two bulk head point, one fan point and 1 NO. 74 watt LED fixture with arm bracket at outside and one three pin plug point including supply of all necessary materials to complete the work as per IE rules and as per direction [All the fittings and lamp should be LED type as per choice of EIC]. 26 Supply, delivery and storage of the following materials at site as per sample for voltage stabilizer 27 20 KVA AC 200V-500V AC 3 phase 50 Hz OIL cooled type, microprocessor based servo motor operated wound line voltage corrector conforming to IS-9815 [Pt-I] 1994 suitable for unbalanced input voltageas per enclosed specification including first filling of oil as per requirement. 28 63 amps 4 pole 415 Volt with breaking capacity 36 KA MCCB withadjustable overload and short circuit protectionincluding enclosure. 29 63 amps 4 pole 415 Volt change over switchin sheet steel enclosure. 30 35 sq. mm. 3.5 core 1.1 KV grade XLPE insulated Al. Ar. Cable as per IS:7098 (Part-II) 1988 with latest amendments. 31 Installation with testing and commissioning [operation for 3 days with load] of the above voltage stabilizer with necessary foundation along with the necessary accessories [Sl. No.10] in the suitable position at the pump house and drawing cable with MS saddle, making all electrical connection with necessary socketing by crimping method and complete the work as per direction of the EIC 32 Supply, delivery and storage at site of automatically controlled diaphragm type chlorinator dosing pump with flow rate 100 LPH and maximum pressure of 10 Kg/ CM² with all accessories for pump & motor, foundation bolt, suction and discharge Flange and with storage tank of dosing solution of 100 Ltr. Capacity and the prime mover to be coupled with pump of 0.5 H.P. 3 Phase, 1450 RPM squirrel cage TEFC induction motor, Motor will be IE2/ IE3. [make of Machine: Swelore/ Any other approved, Make of Motor:KEC/ CGL/ABB/ Any other approved make] 33 Installation and commissioning of above supplied chlorinator with all accessories, PVC tank and drawing of power line as per IE rules by supplying of necessary wire and continuous earthing. This include the cost of all necessary CC foundation [at least 200mm height] with concrete mixture [sand, cement, stone chips] and neat cement finish by supplying of all required materials and testing the entire set as per direction of EIC. [Power will be feed from PLC panel of pumping machinery] 34 Testing and commissioning of the entire installation with full satisfaction of EIC. 35 Labour charges for 1 [one] No operating personnel for operation and guarding of Pump / Valve / Disinfection arrangementwith all accessories. [90 Days x 1 sites] 36 Supervision charges for whole electrical installation by licensed electrician as per IE Rules 1956 read with latest amendments overhead expenditures. [3 Monthss x 1 sites]