Bids Are Invited For Digital Hemoglobin Meter Strip And Other Item Digital Hemoglobinometer, As Per Specification, Estimate Rs. 5000 , Glucometer , Via Capex , A, Sims Speculum, Each B, Bowl For Cotton Swabs, Each C, Ring Forceps, Each D, Acetic Acid, Each E- Glass Measuring Beaker 100Ml, Each , Digital Hemoglobin Strip , Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Hcg, Urine Test For Pregnancy , Urine Test For Ph, Specific Gravity, Glucose, Bilirubin, Urobilinogen, Ketone, Hemoglobin, Protein, Nitrite , Test For Dengue , Malaria Rapid Test , Rpr, Vdrl Rapid Test Kit For Syphilis Rdt , Hiv Test Antibodies 1.5 And Hiv 1.22 , Hbsag Test For Hepatits B Surface Antigen Test , Sputum Collection For Afb , Glucostrip, Blood Suger Strip , Visual Inspection Acetic Acid , Test For Iodine In Salt Used For Food , Water Testing For Fecal Contamination And Chlorination , Plain Vial , Edta Vial , Fecal And Urine Sample Transport, Thermocol Box , Surgical Gloves 6.5 , Surgical Gloves 7 , Cotton 500 Gm. , Distil Water 5Ltr. , Disposable Syringe 3Ml. , Disposable Syringe 5Ml. , Tips For Micropipette Large , Tips For Micropipette Small , Glass Slide , Sprit 500Ml. , Tourniquet , Forceps, Chettle 10 Inch , Forceps, Sponge 8 Inch Total Quantity : 525528