
Tender For Structural Erection, Above Ground Piping Fabrication & Erection, Equipment Erection, Piping & Equipment Insulation And Other Associated Miscellanous Works For For Mpmc - Epcm Units For Nrep Project At Numaligarh Refinery,Assam, numaligarh-Assam

Numaligarh Refinery Limited has published Tender For Structural Erection, Above Ground Piping Fabrication & Erection, Equipment Erection, Piping & Equipment Insulation And Other Associated Miscellanous Works For For Mpmc - Epcm Units For Nrep Project At Numaligarh Refinery,Assam. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-04-2023. Cleaning and Disinfecting Solutions Tenders in numaligarh Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Structural Erection, Above Ground Piping Fabrication & Erection, Equipment Erection, Piping & Equipment Insulation And Other Associated Miscellanous Works For For Mpmc - Epcm Units For Nrep Project At Numaligarh Refinery,Assam
Open Tender

Tender Details

Structural Erection, Above Ground Piping Fabrication & Erection, Equipment Erection, Piping & Equipment Insulation And Other Associated Miscellanous Works For For Mpmc - Epcm Units For Nrep Project At Numaligarh Refinery, Assam - Receipt of Structural Materials from OWNERs Store / Storage yard , loading, local transportation up to either Contractors storage yard / erection site,unloading, assembly, erection, alignment, bolting / welding of Fabricated Structural Steel Elements / Structural Modules in position along with fixing of all type of Connection Bolts (Erection, Hot Dip Galvanised/Non-Galvanised Permanent bolts), shim plates, as per Specifications, Layouts and Fabrication Drawings released for IFC. Scope includes erection of all types of steel structures, pipe racks, pipe bridges, shelters, platforms, structural supports, steel supports inside buildings, etc., Scope shall include all activities like Bolting, Welding, Aligning, making necessary alterations caused due to mismatch of Bolt Holes and / or during fabrication, mechanical / Electrical / Pneumatic Torque Tightening of Bolts, cleaning, giving final touch up paint(specification TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003) where ever required as per specification to the welded/fabricated parts or damage during transportation and erection, etc as required complete in all respect. All Electrodes shall be in Vacuum packed with a demarcation H4R Making necessary arrangement of required labour, equipment, tools & tackles, Cranes, Manlift, steel scaffolding, consumables, transport, etc to execute the works at all heights as per drawings and specifications along with all related works in order that the Structure is handed over to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. (Exclusions: Erection of steel flooring, ladders, stairways, and handrails).Permanent connection Bolts shall be supplied as Free Issued Material to the Erection Contractor. However, Contractor to supply Temporary erection Bolts and shim plates within the quoted Price for erection. Measurement shall be done as per AFC Fabrication drawing Net weight. Weight ofTempoary erection bolts shall not be considered for payment. 3 Supply andFabrication as per TP-1ZZZA-CV-SPE-0021 and as per AFC drawings provided, surface preparation and Painting as per Painting Specification TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003 Table-11 andinstallation of Structural Steel including plates etc. for Miscellaneous activitieswherever required. Measurement shall be As per AFC Fabrication Drawings net weight reports. No wastages considered 4 Receipt and Unloading of pre fabricated structure at owners storage yard /Laydown Area from vendors truck/trailor. 5 HANDRAIL 6 Receipt of Fabricated Materials from OWNERs Store / Storage yard,loading, local transportation up to Contractors store / erection site, unloading, assembly, Erection of already fabricated and painted Handrails as per requirements indicated in Standard Drawings, IFC Layouts and Fabrication Drawings. Scope shall include all activities like fixing of all type of Connection Bolts (Erection, Hot Dip Galvanized/Non-Galvanized Permanent bolts) as per Specifications, Welding, Aligning, making necessary alterations caused due to mismatch of Bolt Holes, Torque Tightening of Bolts, cleaning, giving final touch up paint as perspecifications tothewelded / fabricated parts,etcasrequired complete with all tools and tackles , equipment and labour, for all and heights along with all related works in order that the Structure handrails is handed over to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. Permanent connection Bolts shall be supplied as Free Issued Material to the Erection Contractor. However, Contractor to supply Temporary erection Bolts and shim plates within the quoted Price for erection. Supply of erection nuts and bolts / fasteners are included in this item.Measurement shall be As per AFC Fabrication Drawings Net weight. 7 For straight handrail 8 For stair case/inclined handrail 9 For circular handrail 10 For Davit 11 LADDERS/ CAGE / SAFETY GATE/ SAFETY BARRIER ERECTION 12 Receipt of Materials from OWNERs Store / Storage yard ,loading, local transportation up to Contractors store / erection site, assembly, Erection of already fabricated and painted Ladders/Safety Cage/Safety gates/Chains with or without cagealong with fixing of all type of Connection Bolts (Erection, Hot Dip Galvanized/Non-Galvanized Permanent bolts), Safety Gate, all as per Specifications, Layouts and fabrication Drawings. Scope shall include all activities like Bolting, Welding, Aligning, making necessary alterations caused due to mismatch of Bolt Holes, Torque Tightening of Bolts, cleaning, giving final touch up painting as per specifications to the welded parts, etc. asrequired completewithalltools, equipmentand labour, for all heights along with all related works in order that the Structure is handed over to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. Permanent connection Bolts shall be supplied as Free Issued Material to the Erection Contractor. However, Contractor to supply Temporary erection Bolts and shim plates within the quoted Price for erection. 13 Same as above and Ladder and cage 14 Same as above and Safety gate / chains 15 Supply, Fabrication & Erection of Structural Steel Materials for Safety Barriers / Gates (as per standard TP-1ZZZA-CV-SDD-0003 Galvanized and painted) which are provided at the Entrance of Platforms at any height or location includinggalvanized surface preparation, painting as per Specification & transportation to erection site / laydown area complete in all respects. Supply and fixing of all type of Connection Bolts (Erection, Hot Dip Galvanised/Non-Galvanised Permanent bolts) as per Specifications, Layouts and fabrication Drawings. Scope shall include all activities like Bolting, Welding, Aligning, giving final touch up painting as per specifications to the welded /fabricatedparts, etc. asrequired completewithalltools, equipmentand labour, for all depths and heights along with all related works in order that the Structure is handed over to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.Measurement shall be As per AFC Fabrication Drawings net weight reports. No wastages considered 16 SUPPLY & ERECTION OF BLIND FLOOR 17 Supplying all Materials (M30 Grade Reinforced Concrete with Fe500D Rebars and admixtures & corrosion inhibitors , CGI Deck Sheets, Shear Lugs, etc) as required related to Blind Floors and Installing the same as per Construction Drawings, Specifications at any elevations (20m to 30m approx) and / or as Directed by Engineer-in-charge all complete for Blind Floor below Air Coolers or for any other Requirement in any type of Structures, complete in all respects including Manpower, Consummables, materials, Construction Equipment, Tools & Tackles, Scaffolding etc. 18 CGI Deck Sheet of thickness 2.0 mm 19 Concrete Grade M35 with Admixtures and Corrosion Inhibitors (Slab thickness 100 to 150mm) 20 Reinforcement Of Grade Fe 500D Uncoated Bars 21 SUPPLY, FABRICATION & ERECTION MS CHEQUERED PLATE 22 Supplying MS chequered plate (5 mm to 10 mm thickness), transporting, fabricating, fixing at various levels with help of supports cleat/stiffeners on floors, platforms, stairs, including grinding edges & supplying all bolts, nuts, washers etc., including necessary modification for supporting structure, drilling holes in plates and supporting structure including one coat of inorganic Zinc Silicate primer(Avg. 75 micron thickness), includingforming cutoutsinchequeredplatesand reinforcing edges byM.S.strips; providing toe plate of 100x5 mm height all along the edges, complete as per drawing, specifications & as directed by Engineer in Charge. 23 ERECTION OF GRATING 24 Receipt of Materials from OWNERs Store / Storage yard,loading, local transportation up to Contractors store / erection site, unloading, Erection of Prefabricated and painted/Galvanized flooring/Grating for all types of platforms and as per standard drawings and/or specifications, fixing in line or level, including toe gaurd, bolting and or stich welding as necessary( Ref: TP-1ZZZA-CV-SDD-0003_D2), incorporating cut-outs where shown in drawings, painting as specified and wherever required, repairs of damaged surface coat after erection, complete with all tools, equipment and labour, for all depths and heights as per drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.Inspection and testing.Surface as measured on IFC drawing. Openings shall not be deducted if lower than 0.09 m². Cut Outs above 300mm is in the scope of Structural Steel Fabricator Scope. Below 300 mmsize,cut out shall be done by Structural erection Contractor as per relevant standard within quoted Price for Grating Items. 25 For Square/rectangular Gratings 26 For Circular/Curved Gratings (equipment platform) 27 Supplying, erecting and fixing of electroforged hot dip galvanised MS self colured 100x5 mm flat (IS2062 Gr.BR) conforming to standards, as edge protection member for openings in Gratings made at site by contractor, all complete as directed by Engineer in charge. 28 Receipt of Materials from OWNERs Store / Storage yard /loading, local transportation up to Contractors store / erection site, Erection of Treads made up of Gratings as prefabricated panels including delivering the same to the actual site of execution. Scope shall include all activities like Supply and fixing of all type of Connection Bolts (Erection, HotDip Galvanized/Non -Galvanized Permanent bolts) as per Specifications, Welding, Aligning, making necessary alterations caused due to mismatch of Bolt Holes, Torque Tightening of Bolts, cleaning, giving final touch up paints as per specifications to the welded parts, etc as required complete with all tools, equipment and labour, for all depths and heights along with all related works in order that the Structure is handed over to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. 29 For Stair Tread of 900X275 mm 30 For Stair Tread of 750X275 mm 31 ROOFING & SIDE CLADDING 32 Supplying, Fabrication and Laying in position, cleaning, straightening, cutting if required, providing cutouts for fixing accessories, bending if required and fixing Profiled Precoated colored Galvalume steel sheetswithalloyof zinc and aluminium” AZ 150 conforming to AS 1397 or ASTM 792 & yield strength 550 Mpa ( thicknessof alloy = 150 gm/m2) and coated withSilicon modified polyester paint 20 microns of selected colourover 5 micron primer coat.& Self drillingself tapping screws (having coating of 45 micron thickness of Zinc tin alloy & screws electroplated by cold mechanical plating method , mesh belt furnace heat treated) having caps matching to suit sheetcolourandEPDMseals,complete with flashingsand silicon sealants as required, including making necessary connections with rain water pipes and providing and fixing stop ends/ drop ends etc, apron pieces, 40mm x 6mm M.S. wind ties along the eaves of roof etc, fixing sheeting in walls where necessary with cement mortar 1:3 all complete as per drawings, specifications and as directed by Engineer in Charge.(Contractor shall submit detailed drawings and samples for approval). (Measurement - Forsheeting,surfacemeasuredonIFCdrawingwith openings below 0.1m² not deductible and over lapping not accounted. For flashings, the running length as measured from IFC drawing. Slopedroofsshallbemeasured along the slope forthe coveredarea and no extra payments will be made for laps) 33 Supply and installation For roofings (0.50 mm Base metal thickness) 34 Supplying and fixing2 mm thick Polycarbonate translucent sheetsof appropriate shape and corrugation to suit roof profile of sheets including self drilling screws, nuts, washers, etc., complete as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 35 Supply and installation For wall claddings, side cladding (0.50 mm Base metal thickness) 36 Supply and installation of Fixed frame S-type Louvre PANELs 37 Supply and installation of Flashing and accessories 38 Supplying, cleaning, straightening,bending if required, andfixingEaves Gutters of thickness minimum 1(One) mm of Precoated colored Steel sheets with alloy of zinc and aluminium material and to required slope as per drawings including accessories like polyester coatedG.I. selfdrillingself tappingscrews having caps matching to suit sheet colourEPDM seals, flashings and all gutter fittings such as drop ends, stop ends, spacers, laps, etc. complete with siliconsealantsasperspecificationsand as directed by Engineer in Charge. (Contractor shall submit detailed drawings and samples for approval) 39 Supplying, cleaning , straightening, bendingif required and fixing Profiled Ridge Capping/ Single Ridge capping/ Apron / Barge capping/ expansion joint cappingof material to suit the roofsheets withnecessarypolyester coated G.I. self drilling screws and self drilling stitchingscrews having caps matching to suit sheet colour and EPDM seals, complete with flashings andsiliconsealants as required, as per drawings, specificationsandasdirected by Engineer in Charge. 40 SupplyingandfixingMS Gutterstraps 40 mm wide x 6 mm thick with polyester coated G.I.fasteners, EPDM seals etc., complete as per drawing, specificationsandasdirectedby Engineer in Charge 41 Supplying, cutting, jointing and fixing in position ( both in concrete & masonary)PVC rain water pipe of specified diameter jointed with bonding solution of approved quality and make with pressure rating of 4kg/cm2 including tools & labor, clamps, connections etc. all as per approved manufacturers details 42 for 110mm diameter PVC pipe 43 for 160mm diameter PVC pipe 44 NON-SHRINK GROUT 45 Supply and laying of Non-shrink cementitious grout for grouting of base plates, under base frames or other anchoring elements for structures and/or machines, including roughening & cleaning of surfaces, form-works, chamfering of edges, smoothing of exposed surfaces, Curing, making flush to the existing RCC surface by chipping & finishing, RCC surface to be made wet for 24 hrs. before grouting, providing all tools and labour necessary to complete the work as per drawings and approved manufacturer’s specifications and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge.Volume measured on IFC drawings. 46 Non-shrink cementitious grout GP1/GP2 as perapproved Vendor List,Drawings and Specifications 47 Non-shrinkEpoxy grout as per approved, Vendor List, Drawings and Specifications 48 ORDINARY CEMENT SAND GROUT 49 Supply and laying of Ordinary Cement Sand grout (1:2) under base plates of cross- overs, short pipe supports (not exceeding 1.5 m height) and small operating platforms (not exceeding 2.0 m height) not supporting any equipment, temporary structure like Barricading (height not exceeding 10m), including roughening & cleaning of surfaces, form-works, chamfering of edges, smoothing of exposed surfaces, Curing, making flush to the existing RCC surface by chipping & finishing, providing all tools and labour necessary to complete the work as per drawings and approved manufacturer’s specifications and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge. 50 SUPPLY & APPLICATION OF FIREPROOOFING FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL 51 Fireproofing for steel structures/ equipment saddles, etc 52 Supplying and Applying all types of Fireproofing (Vermiculite Based/ in-situ Concrete/ Sprayed Mortar) as per design basis TP-1ZZZA-CV-BOD-0001 and Specifications NR-0ZZZZ-CV-SPE-0006, Drawings and Standards for any steel element wherever required, such as columns, beams, wind-bracing, girders, equipment legs, skirts and saddles at any height, either “box” or “contour shaped”, including form-works, supply and installation of reinforcement mesh, (Exlusions : nut welding and primer painting on structural / equipment surface) including welding of any missing nuts, expanded metal sheet/ lath, nuts, fixing of cover plate (MS edge angle) at both side of top exposed structural beam, cover blocks and hooks, studs, mastic sealing between the Fireproofing edges and the structural steel elements all complete including mobilising/ demobilizing all tools, equipment and labour as required to complete the work to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.Including Painting over Fireproofed Surfaces (For both Vermiculite and in-situ Concrete/ Sprayed Mortar Fireproofed Elements):Supplying and Applying of Painting over Fireproofed Surfaces after full curing (minimum gap of 28 days) of all types of Fireproofing applied. The Base Coat shall be a sealer coat of Epoxy Polyamide @ 50 – 75 micron DFT. The Finish Coat shall be of two coats of Acrylic Elastomeric or Polyurethane coating @ 100 – 125 micron DFT per coat. The Finish Coat shall be UV resistant coating system (No 1 of NORSOK standard M-501). The Coating System shall be compatible and approved by the Fireproofing Material Vendor.Fireproofing is including of painting on top surface, application of sealant, fixing of cover plate etc.Inspections and Tests as per relevant technical specifications and codes shall be deemed to be included in the scopeMeasurement for Fireproofing:Volume measured on IFC drawings, less the volume of the structure profiles. Coating section type shall be as follows (unless otherwise specified)-Box type, for steel sizes up to max 300 mm. of Sectional Depth.-Contour shape type, for steel sizes bigger than 300 mm. 53 In-situ Cement Concrete (Grade M30) Fireproofing for steel structures, Equipment legs/ saddles 54 Sprayed mortar Fireproofing for steel structures, Equipment legs/ saddles 55 Vermiculite Based Fireproofing for steel structures, Equipment legs/ saddles 56 Epoxy Intumescent coating 57 Structural Modification Works MISCELLANEOUS CUTTING/WELDING WORKS (Not applicable for regular works as per issued drawings but applicable only for specific re-works/ modification works / Miscellaneous works as per directions of E-i-C where reasons for Modificationare not attributable to Contractor) 58 Structural steel dismantling 59 Gas cutting in Structural beams,plates etc 60 Grinding in Structural beams, plates at cutting locations etc 61 Welding in Structural beams,plates etc 62 Surface Preparation and Painting as per Specification 63 Re-erection of Structural Steel 64 Straightening at grade and/ or in position 65 chipping, cleaning at grade and/ or in position 66 Steel Fabrication / Weldingat grade and/ or at Elevation 67 Supplying & applying finish coats for all heights including cleaning the surface of dust and loose particles, touching up of damaged primer coat, including all labour, scaffolding, tools, consumables, etc.,as per structural steel paints specifications,(TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003),drawings and as directed by Engineer in Charge. 68 To surface of structural steel 69 To Handrailing 70 Galvanising by Paint any type of already fabricated structural steel member / element / Accessories like ladders, Handrails, Stairs, etc by using any method as required by the specifications, drawings and / or Engineer-in-charge and handing over the elements / modules in a ready to erect stage. 71 Supplying, fabrication, erecting and fixing of Galvanized MS Toe Guardconforming to standards / design sketch as edge protection member where ever required, all complete as directed by Engineer in charge. 72 MECHANICAL AND CHEMICAL ANCHORS 73 Supply and installation of expansion bolts type under cut/wedge anchors of Grade 8.8 Galvanized as per drawings, including the cost of the bolts, carting the same to site of work, fixing in position with necessary, tools, labour etc for all heights and depths, drilling holes and fastening as per vendor’s specifications, all complete and as directed. 74 Supply and installation of Insert Plates 75 Supply and installation of Mechanical Bolts -M12x125/30 (Under Cut anchor) or equivalent 76 Supply and installation of Mechanical Bolts - M16x190/40 (Under Cut anchor) or equivalent 77 Supply and installation of Mechanical Bolts - Heavy duty wedge anchors M12x25 or equivalent 78 Supply and installation of Mechanical Bolts -Heavy duty wedge anchors M16x25 or equivalent 79 Supply and installation of Mechanical Bolts -Heavy duty wedge anchors M20x30 or equivalent 80 Supply and installation of Mechanical Bolts -Heavy duty wedge anchors M24x30 or equivalent 81 Supply and installation of chemical bolts type Injectable adehesive anchors and capsule adhesive anchors of Grade 8.8 Galvanized as per drawings, including the cost of the bolts, nuts, washer, adhesive capsule carting the same to site of work, fixing in position with necessary, tools, labour etc for all heights and depths, drilling holes, anchor rods (HST) with nuts and washers, and fastening as per vendor’s specifications, complete and as directed 82 Supply and installation of Chemical Anchor Bolts - Rod M12X160 (threaded rod) &Adhesive Capsule M12x110 83 Supply and installation of Chemical Anchor Bolts - Rod M16X190 (threaded rod) &Adhesive Capsule M16x125 84 Supply and installation of Chemical Anchor Bolts - Rod M20X240 (threaded rod) &Adhesive Capsule M20x170 85 Supply and installation of Chemical Anchor Bolts -Rod M24X290 (threaded rod) &Adhesive Capsule M24x210 86 Installation of expansion bolts M 24/200 anchors of Grade 8.8 Galvanized 87 Drilling ofholes square or circularup to 32 mm diaand depth 1000 mm, through reinforced concrete floor or wall and make good complete as directed by Engineer in Charge. 88 RCC Core cutting of dia 150 mm / 200 mm and depth upto1200 mm 89 BARRICADING 90 Supplying, fabricating structural temporary movable barricading with primer painting as per standards/specifications/drawing touse at site where ever reqired as directed by Engineer in Charge. 91 PIPING WORKS FOR PROCESS UNITS & OFFSITES & UTILITIES 92 PIPING (ABOVE GROUND) : - Receipt of free issued Materials, transportation of all piping item(s) from Owners storage point to worksite/work shop; fabrication including cutting, edge preparation, (inclusive of grinding the edges of pipe, fittings, flanges, Graylock Flanges, etc. to match with the mating edges of uneven/different thickness wherever required), For galvanized pipings - Surfaces where galvanizing is burnt-off shall be wire-brushed and cold galvanized with zinc-coating compound.1” wide PTFE tape may be used in the threaded joints.; Graylock Flanges, clamps seal rings, Locking arrangement for valves (CSO, CSC, LO, LC): fitup, bending, preheating wherever required, welding, threading, and laying of pipes of all types and thickness over Sleepers, overhead on racks and at all elevations, connecting with equipment nozzles, strainers, sight glass, steam traps, expansion bellows, orifice assemblies, spray nozzles, rotameters, mixer, special piping inline items, mixer, tappings for pressure gauges, thermowells, sample connections, springs, sample coolers, purging panels and associated tubing, pressure relief valves, desuperheater etc. and fixing of gaskets, bolts, nuts including application of torque wherever required & all other inline instruments, and fittings , like elbows, reducers, tees, vents, drains, SW/threaded valves upto 1.5 NB, Steam Supply/ Condensate Recovery stations (Cast/ Fabricated), alignment, Fixing and welding of RF pad measured as 1.5 Times of mother pipe, cleaning & flushing loop wise and system wise by water/compressed air, hydrostatic, pneumatic, vacuum, spark testing , reinstatement, card board blasting, leak test, inertization, hot bolting if required and any other type of testing as specified, 93 draining, drying by compressed air, providing of PMI Machine and performing Positive Material Identification (PMI) of existing/new lines using alloy analysers by Level-II qualified NDT Technician, completing all such works in all respects as per the specifications, drawings and instructions of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor to note that supply and safe upkeep of PMI Machine is Contractors responsibility and no separate payment shall be made for PMI Testing and contractor should include the same in quoted rate for Piping fabrication /erection rate for piping towards PMI testing. Preparation of necessary documentation & compilation of IBR Dossier for the IBR System and Taking IBR approvals for the required IBR systems is in Contractor Scope. Rates for tubing (if any) shall include rates for valves, fittings, all in line instruments and testing etc.Contractor to prepare spooling drawing (with necessary details like spool numbers, weld joint number along with shop and field identification, flange joint numbers, cut pipe length, test pack number and other details as required ) using necessary software and spooling is in contractor scope. Scope of piping fabrication and erection works also Includes Instrument piping hook up items like impulse pipes, fittings etc., from piping isolation valve to instrument shall be fabricated, erected/installed based on the instrument hook drawing and other applicable standards. Isometrics shall not be issued for impulse pipings. (Instrument Impulse piping and fitting are free issue to contractor). For CPVC Pipings, contractor scope of works also includes supply ofPrimer (as per ASTM F656) and Solvent (as per ASTM F493) for Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings. Contractor scope also includes Supply and installation of Bird screens. For coated pipes, item rates shall be inclusive of supply and application of coating of Weld joints (internal) as per Specification/recommended practice by coating vendor / Manufacturer. Quoted rates includes Contractors all Tools & Tackles, Construction equipments, Steel Scaffolding as per safety norms, all consumables including welding rods, filler materialsetc., local barricading / welding booths etc.required for completion of Works. Erection/reerection of Graylock coupling, Filler flange.Contractor is required to take preventive measures for protection of painted Spools by using Pipe rigging FRP roller or any appropriate method for pulling the Pipes. Nothing extra shall be payable in this regard. Rates shall include shifting of Fabricated and painted spools to NDT yard/laydown yard, stacking of spools and further shifting to erection site.For all type of testings, Contractor scope also includes supply of testing fittings as per PMS (SWRF, SORF, WNRF, end caps, blind flange, gaskets, Studs, valves, pressure gauges ..ext.) ,Certified testing manifolds and tools&tackle and Quoted rates includes welding and cutting for the above for testing purpose. 94 FABRICATION 95 CARBON STEEL (INCLUDING LTCS & BRONZE VALVES) PIPING (NON IBR);THK. <= 10MM 96 NB UPTO 24 INCH 97 NB 26 INCH - 30 INCH 98 NB 32 INCH - 48 INCH 99 CARBON STEEL (INCLUDING LTCS & BRONZE VALVES) PIPING (NON IBR);THK. > 10MM AND <= 20MM 100 NB 2 INCH - 24 INCH 101 NB 26 INCH - 30 INCH 102 NB 32 INCH - 48 INCH 103 NB 52 INCH - 94 INCH 104 CARBON STEEL (INCLUDING LTCS & BRONZE VALVES) PIPING (NON IBR);THK. > 20MM AND <= 30MM 105 NB 16 INCH - 24 INCH 106 NB 52 INCH - 94 INCH 107 CARBON STEEL PIPING (NACE);THK. <= 10MM 108 NB UPTO 24 INCH 109 NB 26 INCH - 30 INCH 110 NB 32 INCH - 48 INCH 111 CARBON STEEL PIPING (NACE);THK. > 10MM AND <= 20MM 112 NB 2 INCH - 14 INCH 113 NB 32 INCH - 48 INCH 114 CARBON STEEL PIPING (IBR);THK. <= 10MM 115 NB UPTO 14 INCH 116 NB 16 INCH - 24 INCH 117 CARBON STEEL PIPING (IBR);THK. > 10MM AND <= 20MM 118 NB 8 INCH - 14 INCH 119 NB 16 INCH - 24 INCH 120 NB 32 INCH - 48 INCH 121 CARBON STEEL PIPING (H2);THK. <= 10MM 122 NB UPTO 14 INCH 123 CARBON STEEL PIPING (H2);THK. > 10MM AND <= 20MM 124 NB 16 INCH - 24 INCH 125 ALLOY STEEL PIPING (IBR);THK. <= 10MM 126 NB UPTO 1.5 INCH 127 ALLOY STEEL PIPING (IBR);THK. > 10MM AND <= 20MM 128 NB 8 INCH - 14 INCH 129 ALLOY STEEL PIPING (IBR);THK. > 20MM AND <= 30MM 130 NB 8 INCH - 14 INCH 131 NB 26 INCH - 30 INCH 132 STAINLESS STEEL PIPING (NON IBR);THK. <= 10MM 133 NB UPTO 6 INCH 134 NB 8 INCH - 14 INCH 135 CARBON STEEL PIPING (GALVANISED); 3 AND BELOW (THREADED ENDS- Seal weld ); THK. <= 10MM 136 NB UPTO 3 INCH 137 CARBON STEEL PIPING (GALVANISED); 4 AND ABOVE (BUTTWELDED ENDS); THK. <= 10MM 138 NB 4 INCH - 6 INCH 139 NB 8 INCH - 14 INCH 140 CARBON STEEL PIPING (Internal Epoxy Coated);THK. <= 10MM 141 NB 2 INCH - 14 INCH 142 CPVC PIPING;THK. <= 10MM 143 NB UPTO 6 INCH 144 ERECTION 145 ALL MATERIALS;THK. <= 10MM 146 NB UPTO 14 INCH 147 NB 16 INCH - 30 INCH 148 NB 32 INCH - 48 INCH 149 ALL MATERIALS;THK. > 10MM AND <= 20MM 150 NB 2 INCH - 14 INCH 151 NB 16 INCH - 30 INCH 152 NB 32 INCH - 48 INCH 153 NB 52 INCH - 94 INCH 154 ALL MATERIALS;THK. > 20MM AND <= 30MM 155 NB 8 INCH - 14 INCH 156 NB 16 INCH - 30 INCH 157 NB 52 INCH - 94 INCH 158 INSTALLATION OF STRAINERS (ALL TYPES AND ALL RATINGS) 159 2 to 4 160 6 to 8 161 10 to 14 162 16 to 20 163 Steam Tracing of Pipes / Instruments : Fabrication and Erection of Steam tracing lines including cutting, edge preparation, Cold/Hot Bending, welding, branch connections, vent, drains, instrument & sample point connections, traps, strainers, fabrication and erection of related supports and connection accessories, connecting with steam manifolds and installation of steam traps including isolation valves, terminating up to the drain points/funnel, hydrotesting, Steam purging, flushing and box-up using Pipes, Tubes / Pre-insulated tubes as per direction of Engg in charge. Necessary welding qualification tests shall be carried out as part of this work. Pipings, Tubings, Pre-insulated tubings and Fittings shall be Free issue to Contractor. All Other Accessories required for the Steam tracing activities shall be in Contractor scope.Steam/Condensate Manifolds :Taking delivery of material at warehouse, handling, Installation of steam/ condensate manifold, providing of supports, pedestals welding, making ready for hook-up in all respect including marking for tracers identification, Fabrication and erection of necessary supports.Manifolds shall be Free issue to Contractor. 164 The listed below following activities are also to be performed by contractor.a) Taking delivery from warehouse or from the place(s) of storage, handling, loading and unloading, unpacking, on site transportation, Surface preparation of process piping, Dirt, rust and scale removal with a wire brush. Oil and grease films may be removed with a rag and suitable solvent, Making necessary connections with manifolds, steam traps etc as per manifold location plan . Scope also includes the transportation of all loose supplied items from warehouse or place of storage to the site location.b) Installation of the steam tracing in the correct position as per tracing layout drawing/ vendor drawing & fixing the tracing in position as per details as per specification NR-0ZZZZ-PI-SPE-0005.c) Installation & connection of those items supplied loose.d) Application of heat transfer compound, Tracer Bonding with heat transfer cement, weather proofing, spacers, supporting of manifolds as required, supporting (rest, guide & anchoring) of steam tracing wherever required by using primary or secondary steel. Consider Steam TracingPipes, Tubes, Preinsulated tubes of Dia upto 1.e) Measurement for payment under this item shall be as per running metre length of Tracer installed at site, irrespective of tracer pipe size. 165 VALVES: - Receipt and Transportation of all types of valves (including special & Gear operated valves, flanged Valves, welded Valves, Control Valves etc.)from Owners Storage point to contractors stores /worksite and installation of valves for all rating including assembly of valves accessories, if any, fixing of gaskets bolts/nuts wherever required and performing Positive Material Identification (PMI) using alloy analysers as per specification, drawings and directions of Engineer-In-charge.Note: i) For all Butt Welded, Socket welded valves & Threaded valves, weding (including seal welds) shall be considered in respective Piping Inch dia for payment purpose.ii) Quoted rates shall also includes unmounting of installed valves during testing of lines / inspection / in case of leakage or any defects, Shifting , collection and remounting the same after testing and calibration at Instrumentation lab within refinery premises as the case may be. 166 All Types of Valves such as Gate, Globe, Check, Butterfly, Ball, Plug, control, On-Off, safety valves, R.O. valves, control valves, PSV, TSVup to # 600 class 167 NB.0.75 INCH 168 NB.2 INCH 169 NB.2.5 INCH 170 NB.3 INCH 171 NB.4 INCH 172 NB.6 INCH 173 NB.8 INCH 174 NB.10 INCH 175 NB.12 INCH 176 NB.14 INCH 177 NB.16 INCH 178 NB.24 INCH 179 NB. 26 INCH 180 NB.28 INCH 181 NB.48 INCH 182 NB.88 INCH 183 Bolt Tensioning - Carrying out controlled hydraulic tensioning/tighteningof bolted joints on all types of piping as called for in specification TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0005 on already erected system including carrying out alignment of flanges, cleaning of flange surface, supply of all materials for Bolt tensioning, , recording devices, instruments etc; Providing all necessary normal and special equipment, tools & tackles and gadgets, skilled / unskilled labour, specialist, supervisory staff and completing the work in all respects as per specifications and instructions of engineer-in-charge. Some joints may require bolt tensioning more than once, but, payment for one joint shall be made only once. Quoted price also includes requirement of scaffolding, working platforms and all consumables as required for this work. Bolt Tensioning works includes pipeline flanged joints, pipeline to vessel joints including manway covers to girth flanges, equipment joints, tie in joints flange with other related jobs and package vendors at all elevations. Measurement shall be on the basis of no. of flanged joints / pair of flanges. 184 150# JOINTS 185 NB.14 INCH 186 NB.16 INCH 187 NB.18 INCH 188 NB.24 INCH 189 NB.28 INCH 190 NB.30 INCH 191 NB.36 INCH 192 NB.76 INCH 193 NB.88 INCH 194 300# JOINTS 195 NB.10 INCH 196 NB.12 INCH 197 NB.14 INCH 198 NB.16 INCH 199 NB.18 INCH 200 Dissimilar Welding 201 Dissimilar Welding between SS and CS 202 Dissimilar Welding between AS and CS 203 Dissimilar Welding between SS and AS 204 NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING 205 RADIOGRAPHY: - Performance of radiographic inspection on piping of all types & thickness including providing or hiring of all necessary equipment and whatever else even though not explicitly mentioned but required to perform the work as per specifications (NR-0ZZZZ-PI-SPE-0006) and instructions of Engineer-in-charge. Rates are inclusive of radiography machine, manpower, consumables etc.and all other equipments required to perform the radiography at all heights including staging Scaffolding to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. Radiographs shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge. (Repeat Radiography due to defective radiograph on repaired joints due to Contractors fault and for additional radiography necessitated due to poor performance of contractors welders shall be done at contractors cost and nothing shall be paid as extra) 206 Film Radiography by Gamma rays / X Rays 207 Radiography using Close proximity method with using Selenium (Se 75) source / Equivalent source. 208 Radiography by Digital Method 209 DYE PENETRATION/ MAGNETIC PARTICLE TEST : - Performance of Magnetic particle/ dye penetrant test including supply of all necessary materials; equipments and labour for carrying out the work as per specification and directions of Engineer-in-charge. 210 DYE PENETRATION TEST 211 MAGNETIC PARTICLE TEST 212 WET FLOURESCENT MAGNETIC PARTICLE TEST 213 ULTRASONIC TESTING 214 Ultrasonic Testing by Advance Method (PAUT). Contractor shall ensure interpretaion of PAUT through NDT Level-III Inspector. 215 STRESS RELIEVING : - Carrying out stress relieving of weld joints on all types of piping as called for on shop/site fabricated already erected system including supply of materials, consumables,recording devices, insulation materials, all electrical boards with safety devices safety equipments, instruments etc. providing all normal & special equipment and gadgets, skilled / unskilled labour, specialist, supervisory staff and completing the work in all respects as per specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-charge. Repeat performance due to defective stress relieving or any other account shall be on Contractors cost (Payment shall be done only after submission and approval of charts. Stress relieving shall be followed by measurement of hardness and no separate payment shall be made for this). Note: Unit for stress relieving quantity is Nos. of circumferential weld joints 216 NB.0.75 INCH 217 NB.1 INCH 218 NB.1.5 INCH 219 NB.2 INCH 220 NB.3 INCH 221 NB.4 INCH 222 NB.6 INCH 223 NB.8 INCH 224 NB.10 INCH 225 NB.12 INCH 226 NB.16 INCH 227 NB.18 INCH 228 NB.20 INCH 229 NB.26 INCH 230 NB.36 INCH 231 NB.40 INCH 232 NB.48 INCH 233 HOT INSULATION (Supply & installation) : - Providing thermal insulation including supply of all insulating and ancillary materials, vapour barrier, weather protective coverings, consumables and other necessary materials (including supports, clamps, ancillary materials for complete installation of Insulation), testing of materials as required, including transportation of materials to work site, duly inspected by TEN inspector at manufacturers shop & sample check/inspection at site by TEN Constructhe on, binding, tying, lacing, stitching and/or otherwise securing, finishing with sheet cladding asper spec, providing bolts, rivets and self tapping screws wherever specified, providing inspection windows, end seals for flanges etc., colour coding and identification. Providing steel scaffolding, all tools, tackles, equipments etc., labour, supervision and completing the work in allrespect, at all heights as per drawings, specificationsNR-0ZZZZ-PI-SPE-0003 and instructions of Engineer-in charge. Contractor scope also includes Supply and Installation of Removable weather shield cover, All material required for weather shielding for flanged joints and pipe including job at site with all required tools to perform job shall be in contractor scope, Job shall be performed as per standard NR-0ZZZZ-PI-SPE-0003. Measurement method for insulation shall be as per IS 14164. 234 INSULATION TYPE:IH / IT, SURFACE MATERIAL :CS & AS, OPERATING TEMP RANGE: UPTO 125 DEG C, INSULATION MATERIAL: ROCKWOOL 235 NB 0.5-0.75 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 236 NB 3 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 237 NB 4 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 238 NB 6 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 239 NB 8 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 240 NB 10 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 241 INSULATION TYPE: IH / IT, SURFACE MATERIAL :CS & AS, OPERATING TEMP RANGE: ABOVE 125 DEG C UPTO 550 DEG C, INSULATION MATERIAL: ROCKWOOL INSULATION TYPE:IS, SURFACE MATERIAL :CS & AS, OPERATING TEMP RANGE: ABOVE 350 DEG C UPTO 550 DEG C, INSULATION MATERIAL: ROCKWOOL 242 NB 0.5-0.75 INCHES, THICKNESS 40 MM 243 NB 1 INCHES, THICKNESS 40 MM 244 NB 2 INCHES, THICKNESS 40 MM 245 NB 2 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 246 NB 3 INCHES, THICKNESS 40 MM 247 NB 3 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 248 NB 4 INCHES, THICKNESS 40 MM 249 NB 4 INCHES, THICKNESS 65 MM 250 NB 6 INCHES, THICKNESS 40 MM 251 NB 6 INCHES, THICKNESS 65 MM 252 NB 8 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 253 NB 8 INCHES, THICKNESS 65 MM 254 NB 12 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 255 NB 12 INCHES, THICKNESS 65 MM 256 NB 14 INCHES, THICKNESS 65 MM 257 NB 16 INCHES, THICKNESS 65 MM 258 NB 20 INCHES, THICKNESS 65 MM 259 NB 24 INCHES, THICKNESS 65 MM 260 NB 32 INCHES, THICKNESS 65 MM 261 NB 42 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 262 INSULATION TYPE: IH / IT, SURFACE MATERIAL :CS & AS, OPERATING TEMP RANGE: ABOVE 125 DEG C UPTO 550 DEG C, (APPLICABLE ONLY FOR HPS LINES IN OFFSITES) INSULATION MATERIAL: INNER LAYER : CALCIUM SILICATE (IS 9428 / ASTM C533, Type II) AND OUTER LAYER : AEROGEL (ASTM C1728, Type III, Grade 1)(*Total thickness given below in each line items. read the thickness value as inner layer + outer later) 263 NB 0.5-0.75 INCHES, THICKNESS 85 (75+10) MM 264 NB 12 INCHES, THICKNESS 150 (140+10) MM 265 NB 26 INCHES, THICKNESS 160 (150+10) MM 266 INSULATION TYPE: IS, SURFACE MATERIAL : CS & AS, OPERATING TEMP RANGE: UPTO 350 DEG C, INSULATION MATERIAL: CELLULAR GLASS 267 NB 0.5-0.75 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 268 NB 1 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 269 NB 2 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 270 NB 2 INCHES, THICKNESS 40 MM 271 NB 3 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 272 NB 4 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 273 NB 6 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 274 NB 8 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 275 NB 14 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 276 INSULATION TYPE: IE, SURFACE MATERIAL : CS & AS, OPERATING TEMP RANGE: UPTO 170 DEG C, INSULATION MATERIAL: INNER LAYER : ROCKWOOL AND OUTER LAYER : POLYURETHANE / POLYISOCYANURATE 277 NB 0.5-0.75 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 278 NB 1 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 279 NB 1.5 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 280 NB 2 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 281 NB 3 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 282 NB 4 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 283 NB 6 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 284 NB 8 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 285 NB 10 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 286 NB 12 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 287 NB 14 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 288 NB 16 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 289 NB 36 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 290 NB 40 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 291 NB 48 INCHES, THICKNESS 50 MM 292 COLD INSULATION (Supply & Installation) : Providing cold insulation such as PUF block including supply of all insulating and ancillary materials, vapour barrier, weather protective coverings, consumables and other necessary materials (including supports, clamps, ancillary materials for complete installation of Insulation), testing of materials as required, including transportation of materials to work site, duly inspected by TEN inspector at manufacturers shop & sample check/inspection at site by TEN Construction inspector, applying insulation on surfaces as specified including all preparatory work there on, binding, tying, lacing, stitching and/or otherwise securing, finishing with sheet cladding as per spec, providing bolts, rivets and self tapping screws wherever specified, providing inspection windows, end seals for flanges etc., colour coding and identification. Providing steel scaffolding, all tools, tackles, equipments etc., labour, supervision and completing the work in allrespect, at all heights as per drawings, specifications NR-0ZZZZ-PI-SPE-0002 and instructions of Engineer-in charge. Contractor scope also includes Supply and Installation of Removable weather shield cover, All material required for weather shielding for flanged joints and pipe including job at site with all required tools to perform job shall be in contractor scope, Job shall be performed as per standard NR-0ZZZZ-PI-SPE-0002. Measurement method for insulation shall be as per IS 14164. 293 INSULATION TYPE:COLD INSULATION,SURFACE MATERIAL : CS, CPVC & AS, OPERATING TEMP RANGE: UPTO 125 C, INSULATION MATERIAL:POLYURETHANE FOAM / POLYISOCYANURATE; REFER SPECIFICATION NR-0ZZZZ-PI-SPE-0004 294 NB 0.5-0.75 INCHES, THICKNESS 25 MM 295 NB 6 INCHES, THICKNESS 40 MM 296 PIPE SUPPORTS 297 PIPE SUPPORTS (MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY OWNER): Fabrication, erection (at all elevations) of all types of pipe supports like shoes, cradles, hangers, tie-rods, rigid struds, Sliding plates/Low Friction Pads, Heat isolation blocks, clamps (of all sizes/thicknesses manufactured by forming method using die), turn buckles, saddles, guides, special supports, pads, and trunnion supports etc. of all types including shot blasting, supply and application of one coat of primer, intermediate & final paint, all necessary equipments, consumables, labour, returning surplus materials and scraps etc. to OWNERs storage point and completing work as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-charge. Modifications/rectifications, if required; and adjustments/alignment during precommissioning, commissioning as per the instructions of Engineer-in-charge. Installation of Spring hangers shall be in contractors scope. The scope of Works also includes grouting of supports, if required as part of Pipe Supports Works within the quoted price which includes supply of grouting materials also and nothing extra shall be payable in this regard. While fabricating the supporting elements the Contractor will ensure that dimensions shown in the drawings match with the site conditions. Additional supports as necessary with the site condition shall be fabricated and erected in accordance with the Standard. The measurement shall be done in MT of finished support. Wastage shall not be considered. Also unlocking of the Spring / hangers / and /or adjusting of turn buckles etc. during commissioning shall be in the scope of Contractor within the quoted price. Welding of supports with mother pipe shall be included in erection rate for Pipe Supports on MT basis. 298 Dummy Pipe Supports for C.S. 299 Dummy Pipe Supports for A.S. 300 Dummy Pipe Supports for S.S. 301 PIPE SUPPORTS (MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR): Supply, Fabrication, erection (at all elevations) of pipe supports like shoes, cradles, hangers,tie-rods, rigid struds, Sliding plates, Heat isolation blocks, clamps, U-Bolts, turn buckles, saddles, guides, special supports, pads, T post, brackets and trunnion supports etc. of all types including supply and application, shot blasting,one coat of primer, intermediate & final paint, all necessary equipments, consumables, labour,and completing work as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-charge. Modifications/rectifications, if required; and adjustments/alignment during precommissioning, commissioning as per the instructions of Engineer-in-charge. Installation of Spring hangers/strut/sliding plates/Snubber & tie rod shall be in contractors scope .The scope of Works also includes grouting of supports, if required as part of Pipe Supports Works within the quoted price which includes supply of grouting materials also and nothing extra shall be payable in this regard. While fabricating the supporting elements the Contractor will ensure that dimensions shown in the drawings match with the site conditions. Additional supports as necessary with the site condition shall be fabricated and erected in accordance with the Standard. The measurement shall be done in MT of finished support. Wastage shall not be considered. Also unlocking of the Spring / hangers / and /or adjusting of turn buckles etc. during commissioning shall be in the scope of Contractor within the quoted price. 302 Carbon Steel Supports 303 Alloy Steel Supports 304 Stainless Steel Supports 305 PAINTING 306 Supply of paints and primers, preparation of surfaces and application of primer and finish paints, identification ( Line numbering), lettering, stencilling of equipment/piping, colour bands, colour coding, miscellaneous demarcation required as per site engineer such as marking on grade for underground lines/cable trays/trenches etc. As specified including rubdown and touch up of shop primer wherever required, providing scaffolding for all heights, labour, material, tools and tackles, consumables supervision etc. to complete the work in all respects as per Job spec. TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003 drawings and direction of Engineer-in-Charge for all type of uninsulated piping and insulated piping as specified including pipes, fittings, flanges, supports, valves, inline instruments etc. Surface preparation by blast cleaning and application of first coat of primer (as specified in Painting spec) shall be done in fabrication yard prior to erection. For insulated piping wherever blast cleaning with no primer application is specified (insulated SS), in such cases finish paints shall also be applied in the fabrication yard. The identification marks of the piping and joints shall be noted before blasting and the same shall be transferred on primed surface as per the instructions of Engineer-in-charge. 307 Notes: 1. All joints (fabrication as well as erection joints) shall be left unpainted till hydrotesting. 2. No extra payment shall be made for identification (line numbering etc.) of insulated and uninsulated lines. 3. Quoted rate for Painting of Piping also includes Lettering, Stenciling, colour Bands & Colour Coding etc. as per site requirement and Technical Specifications and nothing extra shall be payable in this regard. 308 PAINTING OF UNINSULATED CS/ LTCS/ AS PIPING 309 OPERATING TEMP GROUP (TABLE-1, 1.2): -14 TO 100 (DEG C) SSPC-SP-10, Primer - Inorganic Zinc Silicate (FP-6), 1 coat, 65 - 75 µm,Primer - Epoxy High build (FP-3A), 1 coat, 170 µm, Primer - Acrylic Polyurethane (FP-1), 1 coat, 40 µmTotal Primer DFT= 285 µmFinish Coat - Acrylic Polyurethane (FP-1) - 40 µm will apply after pressure water wash & surface rubbingCumulative DFT = 325 µm 310 NB 0.5 - 0.75 INCHES 311 NB 1 INCHES 312 NB 1.5 INCHES 313 NB 2 INCHES 314 NB 2.5 INCHES 315 NB 3 INCHES 316 NB 4 INCHES 317 NB 6 INCHES 318 NB 8 INCHES 319 NB 10 INCHES 320 NB 12 INCHES 321 NB 14 INCHES 322 NB 16 INCHES 323 NB 18 INCHES 324 NB 20 INCHES 325 NB 24 INCHES 326 NB 26 INCHES 327 NB 28 INCHES 328 NB 36 INCHES 329 NB 46 INCHES 330 NB 52 INCHES 331 NB 56 INCHES 332 NB 88 INCHES 333 OPERATING TEMP GROUP (TABLE-1, 1.3): 101 TO 400 (DEG C) SSPC-SP-10, Primer - Inorganic Zinc Silicate (FP-6), 1 coat, 65 to 75 µmFinish Coat - Silicone Aluminium Paint (FP-8), 2 coats 2x20 =40 µmCumulative DFT = 105 - 115 µm 334 NB 0.5-0.75 INCHES 335 NB 1.5 INCHES 336 NB 2 INCHES 337 NB 3 INCHES 338 NB 6 INCHES 339 NB 12 INCHES 340 NB 28 INCHES 341 NB 36 INCHES 342 NB 56 INCHES 343 NB 76 INCHES 344 NB 88 INCHES 345 PAINTING UNDER INSULATION OF CS/ LTCS/ AS PIPING : 346 OPERATING TEMP GROUP (TABLE-2, 2.1.1): -45 TO 200 (DEG C) SSPC-SP-10, Primer - Epoxy Phenolic (FP-10), 1 coat, 125 µmFinish Coat - Epoxy Phenolic (FP-10), 1 coat, 125 µmCumulative DFT = 250 µm 347 NB 0.5-0.75 INCHES 348 NB 1 INCHES 349 NB 1.5 INCHES 350 NB 2 INCHES 351 NB 3 INCHES 352 NB 4 INCHES 353 NB 6 INCHES 354 NB 8 INCHES 355 NB 10 INCHES 356 NB 12 INCHES 357 NB 14 INCHES 358 NB 16 INCHES 359 NB 36 INCHES 360 NB 40 INCHES 361 NB 42 INCHES 362 NB 48 INCHES 363 OPERATING TEMP GROUP (TABLE-2, 2.1.2): -201 TO 540 (DEG C) SSPC-SP-10, Primer - Titanium catalysed inorganic ceramic copolymer, 1 coat, 150 µmFinish Coat - Titanium catalysed inorganic ceramic copolymer, 1 coat, 150 µmCumulative DFT = 300 µm 364 NB 0.5-0.75 INCHES 365 NB 1.5 INCHES 366 NB 2 INCHES 367 NB 3 INCHES 368 NB 4 INCHES 369 NB 6 INCHES 370 NB 8 INCHES 371 NB 12 INCHES 372 NB 14 INCHES 373 NB 16 INCHES 374 NB 20 INCHES 375 NB 24 INCHES 376 NB 26 INCHES 377 NB 32 INCHES 378 Misc. Works (Related to Piping Fabrication and Erection) 379 MODIFICATION / HOOK-UPS :Cutting, bevelling, fit up, welding of different sizes of CS(IBR/ NON IBR)/AS/SS piping of all types and thicknesses in shop, in position, on ground/overhead on rack and at all elevations; transportation of pipes, fittings, flanges etc from owners storage point to work site/ work shop, making necessary scaffoldings, consumables, machinery, tools, tackles, labour, hydrotesting upto the nearest isolation point and supervision including attending repairs, arranging dewatering pump,hookup with existing lines for completing the work as per the instruction of Engineer-in-charge.For all type of testings, Contractor scope also includes supply of testing fittings as per PMS (SWRF, SORF, WNRF, end caps, blind flange, gaskets, Studs, valves, pressure gauges ..ext.) ,Certified testing manifolds and tools&tackle and Quoted rates includes welding and cutting for the above for testing purpose. 380 Flame Cutting C.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 381 Hacksaw cutting C.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 382 Bevelling C.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 383 Fitup & welding C.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 384 Hydrotesting, flushing, drying etc. of existing lines C.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR including Blinding and Deblinding of existing lines 385 Flame Cutting S.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 386 Hacksaw cutting S.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 387 Bevelling S.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 388 Fitup & welding S.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 389 Hydrotesting, flushing, drying etc. of existing lines S.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR including Blinding and Deblinding of existing lines 390 Flame cutting A.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 391 Hacksaw cutting A.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 392 Bevelling A.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 393 Fitup & welding A.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR 394 Hydrotesting, flushing, drying etc. of existing lines A.S. Piping IBR/Non IBR including Blinding and Deblinding of existing lines 395 Grating Cutting / Modification / Removal 396 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES DURING RFSU AND COMMISSIONING ASSISTANCE: 397 Carrying out Commissioning activities such as Blinding, De-blinding (including supply and fabrication of Blind plates), steaming & flushing of pipe lines and equipments, to make ready for hot works for unit shutdown with required tools & consumables, Valves operations, valve dropping, cleaning of strainers, Flange tightening and any other activities / assistance etc. as perCommissioning specifications / procedure and instruction of Engineer-in-charge including supply of necessary hand tools, equipments / machineries, consumables (electrodes, filler wires, gas, card board, target plate, scaffolding etc. wherever required) and with the single point responsibility of Contractors supervision. Note: This Manpower shall be utilized during shutdown assistance activities and forCommissioning assistance requirement over and above that already described elsewhere in the Price Schedule. One Manday is 12 Hour duty. Pre Commissioning requirement is alreadycovered in the respective Items Unit Rates and within the CONTRACTORs responsibility for Mechanical Completion. Unit Price for Supply, Fabrication and installation of Blind plates shall be paid separately as per Unit rate of Structural Steel Item. 398 Foreman / Supervisor 399 Skilled Manpower (with Hand Tools, Equipment / Machinery, Consumables) 400 Semi Skilled Manpower (with Hand Tools) 401 Helper / Unskilled Manpower 402 Fabrication and Installation of Piping Adaptors for flushing of pipelines before handing over of systems for Piping Works during shutdown. Piping Adaptor Material shall be Free issue to Contractor. 403 HIRING OF CRANES (OPTIONAL ITEM) INCLUDING MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION CHARGES, CRANE OPERATORS, FUEL, LUBRICANTS, ALL CONSUMMABLES AND ACCESSORIES ETC. (10 HRS. IN DAY BASIS). USES FOR MORE THAN 10 HRS. IN A DAY SHALL BE PAYABLE ON NORMAL RATE PRORATE BASIS.The deployment of Cranes under this item is for the special cases and for Scope of work other than normal scope of work mentioned in other items of this SOR. The requirement of hiring of Crane shall be as decided by OWNER & CONSULTANT and shall be communicated accordingly during execution of Work. 404 CRAWLER / HYDRAULIC CRANE OF CAPACITY 200-250 MT 405 TYRE MOUNTED CRANE OF CAPACITY 100 MT 406 F-15 Faranna 407 INTERNAL COATED FIRE WATER PIPING (ABOVE GROUND) 408 Receipt of Materials, Transportation of all piping items from Owners storage point to worksite /work shop, fabrication including cutting, edge preparation (including the grinding of edges of pipe, fittings, flanges etc. to match with the mating edges of uneven / different thickness wherever required); fit up, bending, preheating, wherever required, welding, treading and laying of pipes of all types and thicknesses over sleepers, overhead on racks and at all elevations and fixing of gaskets, bolts, nuts including application of torque where ever required& all other inline instruments and fittings like elbows, reducers, tees, piping specials such as mitres and fabricated fittings, vents, drains (but excluding reinforcing Pads), SW valves up to 1.5 NB, alignment, cleaning & flushing by water /compressed air, hydrostatic, pneumatic, vacuum, spark testing and any other type of testing as specified, draining, during by compressed air, performing Positive Materials Identification Tests using alloy analyzers, completing all such Works in all respects as per the specifications, drawings and instructions of Engineer-in-charge. PMI shall be performed by third party as defined in PMI specs. Contractor to prepare spooling drawing (with necessary details like spool numbers, weld joint number along with shop and field identification, flange joint numbers, cut pipe length, test pack number and other details as required ) using necessary software and spooling is in contractor scope.. For coated pipes, item rates shall be inclusive of supply and application of coating of Weld joints (internal) as per the Specification/recommended practice by coating vendor / Manufacturer. Erection of Low Friction Pads (Teflon/ Graphite/ SS 304 mirror finish) is inclusive in the quoted Price. All other applicable works which are mentioned in the Item Sl. no. 1.1 (PIPING - ABOVE GROUND) shall also be in Contractor scope. 409 FABRICATION : BUTT WELD 410 INTERNAL COATED CARBON STEEL PIPING;THK. <= 10MM 411 NB 2 Inch to 14 Inch 412 ERECTION 413 INTERNAL COATED CARBON STEEL PIPING;THK. <= 10MM 414 NB 2 Inch to 14 Inch 415 Spool Drawings preparation for Piping Fabrication using latest Piping Spool Gen Software through specialized agency. Contractor will keep required Technical Manpower at site along with required hardware/computers. Contractor need to update the report on daily basis. Contractor will submit Past track record and take approval of specialized Agency for spooling design and drawing preparation prior to order placement and mobilization of Agency at site. 416 Supply and Installation of Dancing Platform all aroud below first Tier of Pipe Racks. Quoted rates includes all required Modification. All other Scaffolding requirements are part of Contractors Scope within quoted rates for Piping. Supplied Materials shall be on returnable basis. 417 Suspended / Hanging Type (First time supply, installation up to the required period) including dismantling of the same after completion of Piping, Painting and Insulation Worksas per instruction of EIC. 418 Hiring of 01 No. Pick Up Vehicle with Driver for minimum 2000 KM in a Month basis (Round the clock duty) . 419 Extra KM -Beyond above mentioned KM. 420 Hiring of 01 No. Pick Up Vehicle with Driverfor minimum 2000 KM in a Month basis for 12 Hours in day. 421 Beyond above mentioned working hours 422 Extra KM Beyond above mentioned KM. 423 Hiring of 01 No. Passenger Vehicle (XUV 300 / Bolero / Scorpio) with Driver for minimum 3000 KM in a Month basis for 12 Hours in day . 424 Beyond above mentioned working hours 425 Extra KM Beyond above mentioned KM. 426 SUPPLY OF STANDARD NITROGEN BOTTLES REQUIRED FOR PRESSURISING FOR LINES BEYOND 7 KG/CM2 WHEN CONDUCTINGPNEAUMATIC TEST 427 STATIC EQUIPMENTS (REACTOR, COLUMNS, VESSELS, HEAT EXCHANGERS, AIR COOLERS ETC..) 428 Description of Work : Receiptand Transportation of static equipments (Vessels,Reactors, Heat Exchangers, columns etc.) and associated items from owners Stores / storage yard /storage point to work site, local Transportation up to erection site,unloading at site, assembly of parts, sub assemblies, erection at all elevations, aligning, vertically checking, grouting, tightening of foundation bolts, welding of washer on anchor chairs, installation of demister, internal gratings, pipe davit, installation of mixer, cleaning and flushing by water, draining, drying by compressed air, providing all tools, tackles, machinery, consumables, transportation equipment, Scaffolding as per safety norms, erection equipment, instruments, labour, anclitiary etc. to complete the work in all respects as per drawings, equipment detail, specifications and instruction of the Engineer-in Charge. Quoted price also includes preparation of detailed erection plan for approval of OWNER/CONSULTANT, mobilization of required Crane of suitable capacity, trailing cranes, assembly of Cranes / trailing cranes and supply of all other materials / arrangements required for safe erection of Equipment. Quoted rates also include providing sand bags, sleepers, steel plates, crane mats and supply & placing of liner plates etc.as required for safe placement of equipment at site before erection and providing protection / preservation against damage / rain during construction/installation. In case of Equipments directly reaching at Project erection site by Transporter Truck / Trailer, in that case unloading at site for erection Worksis in the scope of Contractor within the quoted Price for equipment erection. Depurging of Nitrogen from New equipment supplied by Vendor is also in the scope of Contractor. Grouting shall be measured for payment purpose as per relevant item for Grouting Works. 429 Equipment weighing above 100 MT 430 MISCELLANEOUS ( STRAINERS, STATIC MIXER & FILTERS) 431 Filters 432 Insulation of Equipment: 1)Providing thermal insulation including supply of all insulating and ancillary material, heat resistant paint/foils, weather protective covering, consumables and other necessary materials, testing of the material as required including transportation of the materials to work sites, applying insulation on surfaces as specified, including all preparatory works thereon, all binding, tying, lacing, stitching and/or otherwise securing, finishing with plain/corrugated sheet cladding or as specified, providing bolts, rivets, self tapping screws wherever specified, providing inspection windows etc., providing necessary scaffolding, all tools and tackles, equipment, apparatus etc., labour & supervision andcompleting the work in all respect at all heights as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-charge.The above requirement shall be considered according to Insulation specification for hot insulation of vessels, piping & Equipments (NR-0ZZZZ-PI-SPE-0003, Rev. D2).2)Insulation area as specified below based on the equipment bare surface. 433 INSULATION THICKNESS : 50 mm: Insulation material: Insulation Type :HC 434 INSULATION THICKNESS : 40 mm:Insulation material: Insulation Type :Safety Insulation 435 INSULATION THICKNESS : 25 mm: Insulation material: Insulation Type :HC 436 Touch-up Painting of Equipment: 437 Touch-up Painting of Equipment:(Uninsulated Equipment): Supply and application of Touch-uppaint on C.S., L.T.C.S. & low alloy steel vertical vessels, horizontal vessels,drums,heat exchangers, mixers including rubdown wherever required as per specification, providing scaffolding for all heights, labour, materials, tools and tackles, consumables, supervision etc. to complete the work in all respect as per specifications, drawings, equipment details for painting and direction of Engineer-in-Charge for all type of uninsulated equipments. 438 ROTARY EQUIPMENTS (PUMPS,COMPRESSORS & ASSOCIATED ITEMS) 439 Description of Work : Receipt of materials from OWNERs store / yard / storage point, loading on truck / trailer, local Transportation of Rotating Equipment & Associated items, unloading at site, preparation of erection scheme for approval, carrying out necessary drilling/machining, if required, enlarging of coupling bores, assembly of subassemblies, placing the equipments on foundations at all heights and locations,fabrication, erection, bolting, welding & testing of interconnecting piping (including lube oil piping,cooling water piping etc. as per approved drawings & specification), levelling, aligning with and without pipes, blue matching and lapping as per vendors recommendation, including chipping and dressing of foundations, grouting and providing manpower for testing, installation of mechanical seal, preparation of no load run test, first fill of lubricant /mechanical seal pot liquid supplied as free issue, rectifying defects if any and completing the work in all respects as per drawings / specifications enclosed in the Tender document and instruction of Engineer-in Charge. The quoted rates shall include cost towards supply of all consumables, cleaning agents, CS and SS packing plates / machined shims / wedges / any other materials required for completion etc, fixing of dowell pins, stoppers, guards, etc. wherever applicable. Grouting of frame and placement of machine on the frame shall be carried out only after blue matching of HT Motor driven / high speed equipment. Associated Piping Works and Grouting Works shall be paid as per Piping Price Schedule Items and Civil & Structural Grouting Items respectively. All the required Tools & Tackles, Lifting equipments, Cranes, Scaffolding, Consumables etc. is in the scope of Contractor within his quoted Price. Contractor has to do necessary preservation of Equipment Post receipt of equipment and up to handing over during plant commissioning as per Preservation Procedure attached with the Tender Document. Touch up paint to be doone as and when required as per Equipment Manufacturers specification. Touch up material is to be provided by Contractor. 440 PUMPS - CENTRIFUGAL ROTARY PUMPS 441 PUMPS - POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMPS 442 POTABLE WATER PUMPS- 443 PACKAGES 444 Description of Work : Receipt of Packaged Equipments (Packaged equipments are the units consists of more than one equipment i.e. Static & Rotary as well as Piping with accessories), Transportation of package equipment & Associated items from owners storage points to work site/ contractors stores, assembly of sub-assemblies, placing the equipments on foundations, fabrication, erection, welding & testing of interconnecting piping (including lube oil piping,cooling water piping etc. as per approved drawings & specification),fabrication and erection of pipe supports, levelling, aligning, including chipping and dressing of foundations, grouting and providing manpower for testingin presence of vendor according to the drawings specification, rectifying defects if any and completing the work in all respects as per drawings / specifications enclosed in the Tender document and instruction of Engineer-in Charge. Quoted rates also includes assistance to Vendors during Pre commissioning activities. Associated Piping and Grouting Works shall be paid as per respectivePiping and GroutingPrice Schedule Items. All the required Tools & Tackles, Lifting equipments, Cranes, Scaffolding, Consumables etc. is in the scope of Contractor within his quoted Price.All piping erection works associated with Packaged equipmentshall be paid as per respective Piping erection items. Weight of Piping items shall not be considered with Equipment weight for payment purpose. 445 Condensate recovery package 446 MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT ERECTION-CP BLOCKS/ELECTRIC HOISTS 447 CP Block- For Heat Exchanger bundle removal & Pumps Maintenance 448 CP Block - 2 Ton 449 CP Block - 3 Ton 450 Electric Hoists-For Heat Exchanger bundle removal & Pumps maintenance 451 EH - 20 Ton 452 Lube Oil Flushing 453 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT -ERECTION WORK 454 FIREFIGHTING AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT :ERECTION of fire fighting & safety equipment including transportation of equipments from warehouse to works site,supplying and fixing of nuts, bolts, washers, gaskets (as per specs.) needed for fixing the equipment with matching flange etc. 455 Installation of Double headed stand post type Fire hydrant valves 456 i) Stand post 457 ii) Hydrant valves 458 Installation of Landing valves for Double Headed Fire Hydrant at technological structures and building 459 i) Hydrant landing valves 460 Installation of Hose Box – Double Door Self-Standing Type for Process Area 461 Installation of Hose Box – Double Door Wall-mounting Type for Technological structures and building 462 Installation of Fire Hose 463 Installation of Fast action nozzle 464 Installation of Water cum foam monitor (500-750-1000 GPM) 465 Installation of High Volume Long Range Water cum Foam Monitor(1000-1500-2000 GPM) 466 Installation of Medium Velocity Water Spray Nozzles 467 First-Aid Fire Fighting Equipment (Installation Only) 468 Installation of Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher – 10 kg (outdoor) 469 Installation of Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher – 10 kg (indoor) 470 Installation of Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher – 25 kg 471 Installation of Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher – 75 kg 472 Installation of Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher – 50 kg 473 Installation of Carbon-Di-Oxide Extinguisher – 4.5 kg (indoor) 474 Installation of Sand bucket ( 4 buckets in row) 475 Installation of Fist Aid Kit 476 Installation of Safety shower & Eye wash station 477 Installation of Eye wash station 478 Installation of 63 mm male instantaneous coupling SS, ASTM A351, Gr CF8M(2-1/2 X 3 outlets) (Foam) 479 Safety Goggles 480 Acid Proof Aprons 481 MEFG with eductor 482 Installation of Hydrant Manifold ( 6 X 63mm instantaneous coupling ) 483 Installation of Four way hydrant (with pumper connection) 484 Installation of Electrical Safety Kit 485 Installation of Safety Signs (Field) 486 Fire Extinguisher 487 Manual Call Point 488 Eye Wash 489 Deluge Release Push Button 490 Manual Deluge Valve 491 Installation of Safety Signs (Building) 492 Fire Exit (Illuminated) 493 First Aid Box 494 Fire Exit (Double Sided) 495 Emergency Exit (Turn Right) 496 Emergency Exit (Turn Left) 497 Eye Wash 498 No Unauthurized Entry 499 Pressurised Cylinder Storage Area 500 Danger Electrical Hazard 501 Fire Extinguisher 502 Manual Call Point 503 Safety Goggles 504 Acid Proof Aprons 505 FIRE FIGTING EQUIPMENT :ERECTION of fire fighting equipment including transportation of equipments from owners store to works site, supplying and fixing of nuts, bolts, washers, gaskets (as per specs.) needed for fixing the equipment with matching flange etc. 506 Installation of Automatic deluge valve 507 200NB 508 150NB

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 01-02-2023 Corrigendum-03 Date 09-02-2023
2 03-04-2023 Corrigendum 09 (BDD Extn.) Date 20-04-2023
3 06-03-2023 Corrigendum 08 (BDD Extn.) Date 31-03-2023
4 09-02-2023 Corrigendum-04 Date 15-02-2023
5 15-02-2023 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 22-02-2023
6 18-01-2023 Corrigendum 2 Date 02-02-2023
7 20-04-2023 CORRIGENDUM-10 (BDD Extn.) Date 27-04-2023
8 23-02-2023 Corrigendum-06 (BDD Extn.) Date 09-03-2023
9 23-12-2022 Corrigendum-01 Other 24-01-2023
10 28-02-2023 Corrigendum-07 (Pre-Tender Meeting) Other 09-03-2023

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