
Repairing Of 11/0.4Kv 250 Kva(Copper) 400& 630 Kva Copper Wounded Damage Transformer At Mirzapur Workshop Under Ewd Mirzapur, mirzapur-Uttar Pradesh

Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited has published Repairing Of 11/0.4Kv 250 Kva(Copper) 400& 630 Kva Copper Wounded Damage Transformer At Mirzapur Workshop Under Ewd Mirzapur. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-01-2023. Coats and Jackets Tenders in mirzapur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Repairing Of 11/0.4Kv 250 Kva(Copper) 400& 630 Kva Copper Wounded Damage Transformer At Mirzapur Workshop Under Ewd Mirzapur
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Repairing Of 11 / 0.4Kv 250 Kva ( Copper ) 400& 630 Kva Copper Wounded Damage Transformer At Mirzapur Workshop Under Ewd Mirzapur- 1 Handling and dragging of transformer from stacking yard to repairing hall including opening of top cover plate. 2 250 KVA Cu. 3 400 KVA 4 630 KVA 5 Opening of tap changer connection detanking of core and coil assembly, checking of transformer winding to assess the extent of damage. 6 250 KVA Cu. 7 400 KVA 8 630 KVA 9 Cleaning, removing the rust of tank etc of the repairable transformer and painting of inside of transformer tank with zinc chromate (Yellow) in two coats with spray painting machine. Zinc chromate (Yellow) shall be supplied by the contractor. 10 250 KVA Cu. 11 400 KVA 12 630 KVA 13 Dismantling of core and coil assembly, opening of top yoke core, lamination. Removing of HV and LV Leg coils for assessing its reuse, reuse of major insulating material if possible, checking and recording of physical dimensions of coil. 14 250 KVA Cu. 15 400 KVA 16 630 KVA 17 Reconditioning of minor damaged in HV/LV leg coil/ Strip of transformer. work includes removing of damage part DPC insulation and providing new DPC on same HV coil/LV Strip should be properlycleaned and should be made of same size as of original . 18 250 KVA Cu. 19 400 KVA 20 630 KVA 21 Reconditioning of LV Leg coils including removing of old double paper covering and cleaning of strip .Then providing double paper covering . Double paper covering other alliedmaterials shall be provided by the contractor. 22 250 KVA Cu. 23 400 KVA 24 630 KVA 25 ‘‘Making of complete LV leg coils from new/reconditioned DPC Strip of same size, number of turns and dimension as old one. 26 250 KVA Cu. 27 400 KVA 28 630 KVA 29 Reconditioning of HV wire including removing of old double paper covering and cleaning of wire .Then providing double paper covering . Double paper covering other alliedmaterials shall be provided by the contractor. 30 250 KVA Cu. 31 400 KVA 32 630 KVA 33 ‘‘Making of complete HV wirefrom new/reconditioned DPC wire of same size, number of turns and dimension as old one. 34 250 KVA Cu. 35 400 KVA 36 630 KVA 37 Assembly of core and coils and fitting of top yoke and other parts. Replacement of insulation such as press board, craft paper, making support between adjacent section by insulating spacers and wrapping etc. shifting of repaired core coil assembly and placement inside the oven for proper dry out. 38 250 KVA Cu. 39 400 KVA 40 630 KVA 41 Taking out the core coil assembly from oven and shifting the same in assembly yard. Connection of HV Coils and its delta formation, LV connection and its star formation. Fixation of insulating material wherever necessary. Tanking out leads fortap changer contact surface between movable and fixed contacts, tap changer should operate smoothly and there should be no gap between fixed and moving contacts. Retightening of core, coil assembly to match with tank dimension. Clearance between coils, core and tank body to be as per design so that unnecessary losses are avoided. Retanking of core and coil assembly, refitting of tap changer assembly in operating condition and electrical connection of the tap changer. 42 250 KVA Cu. 43 400 KVA 44 630 KVA 45 Dragging out empty tank form yard to repairing hall 46 250 KVA Cu. 47 400 KVA 48 630 KVA 49 Fitting of complete accessories of H.T. & L.V. Bushing and Bushing Rod on H.V. & L.V. side of transformer. 50 250 KVA Cu. 51 400 KVA 52 630 KVA 53 Refilling of reclaimed transformer oil having sufficient dielectric strength and IR Value. Shifting the transformer to testing yard. Refitting of top cover plate, and fixing of rubberized cork sheet, breather assembly after filling of dry silicagel. 54 250 KVA Cu. 55 400 KVA 56 630 KVA 57 Testing the correctness of connection, DVDF, No load, load loss test (where available), High Voltage, impedance voltage, Short Circuit and open circuit test, Voltage ratio on various tap position. 58 250 KVA Cu. 59 400 KVA 60 630 KVA 61 Punching and welding of M.S. Plate on outside of transformer of size 100 x 50 mm x 3 mm on outside of transformer body. M.S. plate shall be arranged by the contractor. The detail of punching should be as below :(1) Name of Workshop (2) Name of Contractor(3) Agreement No. & Date.(4) Date of repair(5) Capacity(6) Unique No. 62 250 KVA Cu. 63 400 KVA 64 630 KVA 65 Painting outside of the tank by synthetic enamel paint of smoke grey shade in two coats after providing red oxide primer. Red oxide primer and synthetic enamel paint shall be provided by the contractor. 66 250 KVA Cu. 67 400 KVA 68 630 KVA

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Document Fees
INR 3540 /-
INR 38950.0 /-
Tender Value
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