
Bids Are Invited For Mr Item 1. Pipes 2. Fittings 3. Flanges (All Kinds / Types) 4. Gaskets 5. Bolts/Nuts 6. Strainers 7. Spring Hangers 8. Sample Cooler 9. Gate, Globe, Check Valves (Std Valves) 10. Steam Traps 11. Ss/Cr Manifold 12. Piston Va, barmer-Rajasthan

Engineers India Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Mr Item 1. Pipes 2. Fittings 3. Flanges (All Kinds / Types) 4. Gaskets 5. Bolts/Nuts 6. Strainers 7. Spring Hangers 8. Sample Cooler 9. Gate, Globe, Check Valves (Std Valves) 10. Steam Traps 11. Ss/Cr Manifold 12. Piston Va. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-12-2022. Bolts Tenders in barmer Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Mr Item 1. Pipes 2. Fittings 3. Flanges (All Kinds / Types) 4. Gaskets 5. Bolts/Nuts 6. Strainers 7. Spring Hangers 8. Sample Cooler 9. Gate, Globe, Check Valves (Std Valves) 10. Steam Traps 11. Ss/Cr Manifold 12. Piston Va
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Mr Item 1. Pipes 2. Fittings 3. Flanges ( All Kinds / Types ) 4. Gaskets 5. Bolts / Nuts 6. Strainers 7. Spring Hangers 8. Sample Cooler 9. Gate, Globe, Check Valves ( Std Valves ) 10. Steam Traps 11. Ss / Cr Manifold 12. Piston Valve ( Steam Tracing ) 13. Ball / Plug / Needle / Butterfly Valves ( Except High Performance Butterfly Valve ) 14. Static Mixers 15. High Performance Butterfly Valves 16. Motor Operated Valves; Gate, Ball, Butterfly, Plug Vales 17. Hose Pipe 18. O-Lets 19. Dual Plate Check Valves 20. Cryo-Ltcs: Gate, Globe, Check, Ball Valves 21. Diaphragm Valves 22. Sight Glass B. Pipeline Engineering 1. Assorted Pipes 2. Flanges 3. Fittings 4. Hose & Hose Coupling C. Electrical 1. Lt Cable 2. Flp Lighting Fixtures And Control Gears 3. Communication Cables 4. Junction Box D. Instrumentation 1. Pressure Gauges 2. Draft Pressure Gauges Page196of377 2 3. Differential Pressure Gauges 4. Orifices Plates And Flanges 5. Rtd, Temperature Gauges & Thermo-Wells ( Bimatellic, Filled System ) 6. Temperature Elements & Thermo-Wells 7. Copper Tubes ( Bare, Coated ) 8. Ss Tubes 9. Instrument Tubing 10. Instrument Valves And Manifolds 11. Junction Boxes And Cable Glands 12. Signal Cable 13. Thermocouple Extension Cables 14. Tank Level Inst. ( Float Operated ) 15. Gauge Glass Cocks 16. Tube Fittings ( Ss & Brass ) 17. Magnetic Level Gauges 18. Optical Fiber Cables And Associated Items 19. Pressure Relief Valves ( Thermal Relief ) 20. Variable Area Flowmeter ( Indicator ) 21. Rupture Disc 22. Solenoid Valves 23. Displacer Level Instrument

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