Procurement Of The Equipments And Furnitures For 21-Namma Clinics Of Belagavi District , Chairs For Patient Waiting Area ( Plastic ) , Office Chair, Foetoscope, Near Vision Chart, Hemoglobinometer – Set Sahli Type Complete, Hub Cutter And Needle Destroyer, Kidney Tray, Medical Officer Table, Steel Almirah / Cupboard / Storage Chests, Stadiometer, I / V Stand, Office Table, Dressing Drum With Cover 0.945 Litres Stainless Steel, Vulsellum Uterine Forceps Curved 25.5 Cm, Tongue Depressor, Artery Forceps-Curved, Stethoscope, Weighing Scale, Adult 125 Kg / 280 Lb, Weighing Scale, Infant ( 10 Kg ) , Weighing Scale, ( Baby ) Hanging Type, 5 Kg ( All In One ) , Vaccine Carrier, Suture Needle Curved, Stool For Attendants, Needle Holder, 3 Seater Chairs For Patient Waiting Area, Dressing Forceps, Snellen Vision Chart, Torch ( Ordinary ) , Form Mattress, Nebulizer, Measuring Tape, Bp Apparatus ( Digital ) , Cheatle’S Forceps, Suture Needle, Clinical Thermometer Oral & Rectal, Executive Chair, Sims Retractor / Depressor, Ice Pack Box, Ambu Bag ( Paediatric Size ) With Baby Mask, Plain Forceps, Artery Forceps, Straight, Foot Step ( Metal ) , Tray Instrument / Dressing With Cover, Sims Speculum Vaginal Double Ended Iss Medium, Sponge Holder, Tracking Bag And Tickler Box ( Immunization ) , Sphygmomanometer Aneroid 300 Mm With Cuff Is: 7652, Digital Thermometer, Kelly’S Haemostat Forceps Straight 140 Mm Ss, Surgical Scissors Straight 140 Mm, Ss, Gauze Cutting Scissors Straight, Tooth Forceps, Examination Table