
Bids Are Invited For 1 926490 Diluent For Dna Extraction,500Ml,Cdh 2 1.09634.1000 2 Propanol, 1L,Merck 3 15681 Ph 0-14 Color Indicator ,Psc 4 Rr064a One Step Prime Scripttm Rt-Pcr Kit,Dss Takara 5 6110A Prime Scripttm 1St Strand Cdna Synthesis Kit 5, Khordha-Odisha

Department Of Biotechnology has published Bids Are Invited For 1 926490 Diluent For Dna Extraction,500Ml,Cdh 2 1.09634.1000 2 Propanol, 1L,Merck 3 15681 Ph 0-14 Color Indicator ,Psc 4 Rr064a One Step Prime Scripttm Rt-Pcr Kit,Dss Takara 5 6110A Prime Scripttm 1St Strand Cdna Synthesis Kit 5. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-12-2022. Waxes Tenders in Khordha Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Bids Are Invited For 1 926490 Diluent For Dna Extraction,500Ml,Cdh 2 1.09634.1000 2 Propanol, 1L,Merck 3 15681 Ph 0-14 Color Indicator ,Psc 4 Rr064a One Step Prime Scripttm Rt-Pcr Kit,Dss Takara 5 6110A Prime Scripttm 1St Strand Cdna Synthesis Kit 5
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For 1 926490 Diluent For Dna Extraction, 500Ml, Cdh 2 1.09634.1000 2 Propanol, 1L, Merck 3 15681 Ph 0-14 Color Indicator , Psc 4 Rr064a One Step Prime Scripttm Rt-Pcr Kit, Dss Takara 5 6110A Prime Scripttm 1St Strand Cdna Synthesis Kit 50 Reactions, Dss Takara 6 631312 Calphostm Mammalian Transfection Kit, Takara 7 Q24005 37-41% W / V Formaldehyde 500Ml, Qualigens 8 Vwrc0710-100G Biotechnology Grade Agarose , 100Gm, Vwr 9 S011 Giemsa’S Stain, Himedia 10 S039 May-Grunwald’S Stain, Himedia 11 Grm1048 Potassium Ferrocyanide Trihydrate, Hi-Ar™ / Acs, Himedia 12 As025 Acetone Hi-Ar, Himedia 13 A001a Antibiotic Solution 100X Liquid, Himedia 14 As077 Water Hplc, Himedia 15 10296028 Trizol Ls Reagent 16 6110A Primescript Tm 1St Strand Cdna Synthesis Kit, Dti 17 Rr001a Takara Ex Taqr, Dti 18 D12345 Dmso 19 D7144 Dextran-Amino 20 E7335s Nebnext Multiplex Oligos, , Neb 21 E7500s Nebnext Multiplex Oligos, Neb 22 A6002 Gotaq® Qpcr Mastermix, Promega 23 A6002 Gotaq® Qpcr Master Mixpromega 24 A3600 Pgem-T Vector System I, Promega 25 A9281 Wizard Sv Gel And Pcr Clean-Up System, Promega 26 W4011 Anti-Rabbit Igg ( H+L ) , Hrp Conjugate, Promega 27 W4021 Anti-Mouse Igg ( H+L ) , Hrp Conjugate, Promega 28 U1420 Set Of Datp, Dctp, Dgtp, Dttp, Promega 29 354008 Corning Fibronectin, Human, Corning 30 E2311 Fugene Hd Transfection Reagent, Promega 31 A6002 Gotaq Qpcr Master Mix, Promega 32 87784 Pierce C18 Tips-100Ul Bed, 96Tips, Thermo 33 89873 Pierce C18 Spin Columns-, 50 / Pack, Thermo 34 4484452 Total Exosome Isol, ( From Urine ) , Thermo 35 4484450 Total Exosome Isolation, ( From Plasma ) , Thermo 36 4478359-Fg Total Exosome Isol ( Cell ) Each, Thermo 37 4478360 Total Exosome Iosl ( From Serum ) 6Ml, Thermo 38 88326 Pierce Reserpine Standard, For Lc-Ms- 100Pg / Ul, Thermo 39 00-4300-54-10X Rbc Lysis Buffer , 50Ml, Thermo 40 78510-T-Per Tissue Protein, Extraction Reagent, Thermo 41 89901 Ripa Buffer-250Ml, Ea, Thermo 42 Omegr6834-01 Total Rna Kit 50 Preps, Avantor 43 GNEI2601182001730 TAE 50X,GeNei 44 GNEI0602100011730 Red Dye Tagged PCR Master Mix GeNei 45 GNEI2600480101730 Laboratory Grade Ethidium Bromide pack of 10mg,Gneii 46 GNEI2151100011730 Dnase & Rnase free Water,GeNei 47 GNEI2653170501730 50bp DNA Ladder ,Genel 48 Q19215 Histology Grade Paraffin Wax ,500gm,Qualigens 49 Q39802 Orange G Stain powder 25gm,Qualigens 50 740609.25 Nucleospin Gel and PCR Clean -up,MN 51 T7101A Western Blot chemiluminescence HRP,Takara 52 6.06007E+13 Methanol for chromatography.2.5l,MERCK 53 71013-3 Coil Roller plating bead 1pkg,MERCK 54 1.00983.0511 Ethanol,GR,ACS ,MERCK 55 T7104A Western Blot Ultra Sensitive HRP Substrate,Takara 56 740770 Nucleospin Plant II(50),MN 57 740120.5 Nucleospin RNA plant and fungi(50),MN 58 740984.5 Nucleospin RNA Plus ,MN 59 M0202S T4 DNA LIGASE-20000UNITS,,NEB 60 R0176S Dpnl,,NEB 61 m0530S phusion High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase - 100 Unit,,NEB 62 n3232L 1kb DNA Ladder-1000 gel lanes,,NEB 63 R0193S Ncol,,NEB 64 R0521S EcoNi,,NEB 65 M0251S T7 RNA polymerase,,NEB 66 N0450L Ribonucleotide solution set-50umol,,NEB 67 E7490S NEBNext POLY(A)m RNA magnetic -24 reaction,,NEB 68 E7770S NEBNext ultra II RNA library,,NEB

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 20-12-2022 27-12-2022

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