Execution Of Different Works Related To Sitalkuchi Z2pwss Under Jal Jeevan Mission - TUBEWELLDrilling by Reverse Rotary method of drilling using 9 7/8” dia.bit for pilot bore follwed by subsequently reaming using 12 1/4” dia. ,15 dia. and 17.5 dia. Rock Roller Bits/ Drag Bits in consolidated, semi consolidated and soft formation up to required depth including casing boring and casing lowering as required including cost of fuels and lubricants etc. as required for drilling. 2 Rate for Drilling by 17.5 dia. Bita) From 6 Mtr. to 60 Mtr. 3 60 Mtr. to 90 Mtr. 4 90 Mtr. to 120 Mtr. 5 120 Mtr. to 144 Mtr. 6 Electro-logging charge. 7 Supply and delivery of Washed gravels size ranging from 1.80 mm to 4.74 mm. conforming to IS 4097 : 1967. 8 Site Preparation, Temporary Latrine, Placement & levelling of Rig Machine, Mast hoisting and Casing drilling (Upto 6 mtr.) Placement of Casing with all allied works necessary to commence drilling woks and wind up of all machineries after completion of Drilling. 9 Transportation cost of drilling equipment and accessories rig machine etc. including cost of fuel,Lubricant & loading unloading the materials from store/stack yard /suppliers godown and unloading /stacking the same at site. (Upto 60.0 km distance) 10 Lowering the tube well assembly (UPVC Casing pipe ,well pipe, strainer along with UPVC accessories) vertically in a position with proper lowering arrangement by applying necessary jointing compound including labour cost for subsequent gravel packing and machine operation cost etc 11 Cost of Consumables for drilling rigs and machineries. 12 Supply and delivery of UPVC pipe (CD) conforming to IS 12818:2010. (CIPET Certified)a) 250 mm dia. 13 b) 200 mm dia. 14 Supply and delivery of UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) Pipes with Ribs conforming to IS 12818:2010 .(CIPET Certified)a) 200 mm dia. 15 Supply and delivery of UPVC Reducera) 250mm x 200 mm dia. 16 Supply and delivery of UPVC Capa)200 mm dia. 17 b)250 mm dia. 18 Supply and delivery of M.S. Housing clamp 250 mm dia. 19 Supply and delivery of M.S .Centre guide (Special Type). 20 Development (Min. 8 Hr. continuous) of tube well by using suitable air compressor (Min. Capacity: 600CFM & operating Pressure 14 Bar) followed by yield testing with BHT pump (Head :45 to 50mtr.,Discharge :1100 to 1000 LPM and 25 BHP engine) all complete including To & Fro Transportation cost and Cost of fuels, lubricants & Labour etc. 21 Water sample collection and chemical test including Arsenic Test. 22 Protective sealing the annular space between tube well pipes & the bore by bentonite clay balls/cement slurry above the shrouded gravels (3 m. Height). 23 Packing the annular space between the outsides of the housing pipe & the Bore with puddle clay balls of approved size as per direction of E.I.C. Including cost of all materials, labour complete. 24 Supply and delivery of Bentonite Powder conforming to IS 6186 :1986. 25 Labour for making arrangement for showing verticality test including the cost for hire charges of tools and plants, scafolding, labour etc. all complete 26 TUBEWELLDrilling by Reverse Rotary method of drilling using 9 7/8” dia.bit for pilot bore follwed by subsequently reaming using 12 1/4” dia. ,15 dia. and 17.5 dia. Rock Roller Bits/ Drag Bits in consolidated, semi consolidated and soft formation up to required depth including casing boring and casing lowering as required including cost of fuels and lubricants etc. as required for drilling. 27 Rate for Drilling by 17.5 dia. Bita) From 6 Mtr. to 60 Mtr. 28 60 Mtr. to 90 Mtr. 29 90 Mtr. to 120 Mtr. 30 120 Mtr. to 144 Mtr. 31 Electro-logging charge. 32 Supply and delivery of Washed gravels size ranging from 1.80 mm to 4.74 mm. conforming to IS 4097 : 1967. 33 Site Preparation, Temporary Latrine, Placement & levelling of Rig Machine, Mast hoisting and Casing drilling (Upto 6 mtr.) Placement of Casing with all allied works necessary to commence drilling woks and wind up of all machineries after completion of Drilling. 34 Transportation cost of drilling equipment and accessories rig machine etc. including cost of fuel,Lubricant & loading unloading the materials from store/stack yard /suppliers godown and unloading /stacking the same at site. (Upto 60.0 km distance) 35 Lowering the tube well assembly (UPVC Casing pipe ,well pipe, strainer along with UPVC accessories) vertically in a position with proper lowering arrangement by applying necessary jointing compound including labour cost for subsequent gravel packing and machine operation cost etc 36 Cost of Consumables for drilling rigs and machineries. 37 Supply and delivery of UPVC pipe (CD) conforming to IS 12818:2010. (CIPET Certified)a) 250 mm dia. 38 b) 200 mm dia. 39 Supply and delivery of UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) Pipes with Ribs conforming to IS 12818:2010 .(CIPET Certified)a) 200 mm dia. 40 Supply and delivery of UPVC Reducera) 250mm x 200 mm dia. 41 Supply and delivery of UPVC Capa)200 mm dia. 42 b)250 mm dia. 43 Supply and delivery of M.S. Housing clamp 250 mm dia. 44 Supply and delivery of M.S .Centre guide (Special Type). 45 Development (Min. 8 Hr. continuous) of tube well by using suitable air compressor (Min. Capacity: 600CFM & operating Pressure 14 Bar) followed by yield testing with BHT pump (Head :45 to 50mtr.,Discharge :1100 to 1000 LPM and 25 BHP engine) all complete including To & Fro Transportation cost and Cost of fuels, lubricants & Labour etc. 46 Water sample collection and chemical test including Arsenic Test. 47 Protective sealing the annular space between tube well pipes & the bore by bentonite clay balls/cement slurry above the shrouded gravels (3 m. Height). 48 Packing the annular space between the outsides of the housing pipe & the Bore with puddle clay balls of approved size as per direction of E.I.C. Including cost of all materials, labour complete. 49 Supply and delivery of Bentonite Powder conforming to IS 6186 :1986. 50 Labour for making arrangement for showing verticality test including the cost for hire charges of tools and plants, scafolding, labour etc. all complete 51 Mobilisation Charges of all tools & Plants along with accessories, material, labour, supervision etc. at site of work required in connection with boring and testing work, including setting up boring rigs and shifting to different Bore-hole points etc. and also including withdrawal of same from the site after completion of work, complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.b) Detailed Investigation 52 Labour for making Bore-Holes of 150mm to 250mm dia. by any standard method to any depth below ground level / bed level in all kinds of soil like clay, silt, sand, stiff clay, mixed soils etc. except rocks (for the purpose of collecting Disturbed & Un disturbed soil samples, conducting Standard Penetration Test at suitable intervals etc.) including preparation and submission of bore-log as per IRC : 75 and 78 and Clause 2400 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works (5th Revision), Published by IRC, and also including hire charges of tools and plants complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.a) When Casing pipe is used to prevent collapse of bore hole (casing pipe to be finally withdrawn) (i) Depth 0m to 10m 53 iii) Collection of Samples from the bore hole made as per B-a(a)Undisturbed 54 (b) Disturbed 55 vi) Standard Penetration Tests (S.P.T.) by Split Spoon Sampler in the bore hole as per IS 2131.(i)0.0m - 10.0m 56 A. Laboratory Investigation: i) Liquid Limit as per IS 2720 (Part – V). 57 ii) Plastic Limit as per IS 2720 (Part – V) 58 iii) Grain size analysis by Sieving as per IS 2720(Part – IV) 59 iv) Grain size analysis by Hydrometer Method asper IS 2720 (Part – IV). 60 v) Determination of Water Content as per IS2720 (Part – II) 61 vi) Determination of Specific Gravity as per IS2720 (Part – III). 62 vii) Direct Shear Test as per IS 2720 (Part – XIII). 63 viii) Determination of Unconfined Compression Strength as per IS 2720 (Part – X).a) Undisturbed 64 xiv) Determination of Consolidation Properties as per IS 2720 (Part – XIV). 65 b) Determination of Shear strength Parameters of a specimen tested in Consolidated Undrained Tri-axial compression Test with measurement of pore water pressure as per IS 2720 (Part – XII). 66 C) Determination of Shear strength Parameters of a soil from Consolidated Drained Test as per IS 2720 (Part – X) 67 Tri-Axial Shear Test.A) Determination of Shear Strength Parameters of a specimen tested in unconsolidated undrained Tri-axial compression without measurement of pore water pressure as per IS 2720 (Part-XI). 68 Preparation and submission of report in 6 (Six) copies, giving all relevant information data like site plan, Bore log and water table, test results, calculations, discussions, suggestions and recommendations in respect of suitable foundation etc. including determination of silt factor calculation of waterways and complete design of foundation including analysis of Bearing Capacities and settlements in bound and presentable form complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.b) Detailed Investigation 69 Carriage of all Disturbed & Undisturbed Samples from site of work to the Divisional office or elsewhere including loading and unloading as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Detailed Investigation. 70 RISING CUM DELIVERY MAINSupply of CIDF & Specials as per IS 1338-1992 71 Supply and delivery of CIDF Sluice valve as per I.S 14484-2000 (Upadhaya/L&T/Kirlosker/venus/Hazra)I.S.I make P.N -1.6.i) 150 mm dia. 72 ii) 200 mm dia. 73 iii) 250 mm dia. 74 Supply of C.I. Jeffy coupling (flexible) joint complete with studtsnuts bolts, rubbon sealing reing as per I.S.Specification.i) 150 mm dia. 75 ii) 200 mm dia. 76 iii) 250 mm dia. 77 Carrying CI/DI pipes with specials and valves and lowering placing in position and laying carefully inside the trenches in proper alignment and gradient etc. including earth work in excavation of adequate width as per specification having min. clear cover from top of pipe is 1.10mtr. below existing ground level in any kind of soil including mixed with boulder, road sub-grade and its flank,but excluding moorum and laterite and stone etc.without damaging the exisiting telephone/electric cable etc.(in case of damaged if any type of cable line during excecution , necessary damaged charges as applicable by the respective authority will be borne by the agency in his own cost) preparing the bottom surface for continuous bedding of pipe line and laying pipes, fitting, fixing specials and valves with bailing out water if any including carriage of pipes, specials and valves from local deptt. store within 8KM and back filling the trenches with excavated earth in layers to original condition as per specification and direction of EIC. The surplus materials after execution of work are to be return to the deptt. store.N.B: i) Any deviation from required clear cover of 1.10mtr., due to site adverse condition, prior permission is to be obtained from the EIC in exceptional situation and payment will be made on prorate basis over the rate of entire itemii) No payment will be made without hydraulic test of the pipe line either part or fulliii) The pipes, specials and valves , rubber gasket will be supplied deptt. free of cost.b) 80 mm dia. 78 150 mm dia 79 200 mm dia 80 250 mm dia 81 Filling the pipe line with water, testing hydraulically as per I.S 3114-1965 (Article-6) in section of a length not exceeding 500mtr. for head of pressure as per specification including supplying installing and fixing all equipments such as diesel pump set, blank flange, pressure gauge, valve, pressure pump and all other tools and plants including drilling topping and plugging of necessary holes to pipes, blocking ends providing temporary thrust block and subsequent blocking of holes and other jointing materials and dismantling and removal of the same including disposal of water etc. all complete as per specification and direction of EIC. The rate is inclusive of cost of requisite water to be arranged by the contractor (Recovery rate of water @ Rs.10.00/m3, if contractor used water from deptt. source).80 mm dia 82 150 mm dia 83 200 mm dia 84 250 mm dia 85 Cleaning thoroughly the inner surface of pipe line including specials and valves by flushing with water and subsequently disinfection of the same pipe line by flushing again with water containing bleaching powder resulting in residual chlorine not less than 15mg/ltrs. after 24hrs. of such filling including laboratory testing of water samples obtain from the disinfested pipe line and disposal of water from the pipe line after completion of the work. The rates including of cost of requisite water to be arranged by the contractor) (The rate of water @Rs. 10/m3 may be recovered, if the contractor used water from deptt. source).80 mm dia 86 150 mm dia 87 200 mm dia 88 250 mm dia 89 Labour for horizontal boring under pucca road etc…………....for laying of pipe.i) up to 150 mm dia. (CI/DI/AC/GI)/180 mm O.D UPVC & HDPE 90 Making rubber gasket joint to CI/DI pipes maintaining proper alignment level etc. by mechanical arrangement with or without using mobile cranes where necessary and with help of all other equipments tools and tackles etc. as required providing lubricants of approved quality and direction of EIC. (rubber gasket will be supplied deptt. free of cost)b) 150 mm dia. 91 c) 200 mm dia. 92 e) 250 mm dia. 93 Making flange joint to DI/CI pipes, specials and valves where necessary with supply of required rubber insertion and nut bolts, washers etc. of approved quality and type all complete as per specification and direction of EIC (Nut and bolts shall be of TATA/GKW rate).b) 100 mm dia. 94 a) 80 mm dia. 95 c) 150 mm dia. 96 d) 200 mm dia. 97 d) 250 mm dia. 98 Construction of different dia Sluice valve /Air valve /Washout chamber in different sizes for village road where light traffic run and for main road where heavy traffic run as deptt.approved drawing with 25cm thick brick work (1:6) over cement concrete (4:2:1) over a single B/F soling over150mm.thick sand filling in foundation including earth work in excavation and disposal of excess earth from work site with RCC (1:1.5:3) cover slab 100mm / 150mm thick slab on top of chamber with 1% reinforcement in RCC cover slab with necessary opening for operation of valve all complete including cost of labour & materials as per Departmental Dwg. [Reinforcement type:- Other manufactuerers not specified]i) 80 mm to 150 mm dia pipe 99 i) 200 mm dia pipe 100 i) 250 mm dia pipe 101 Cutting DI pipe (all class & type) to required length with cutting device etc. and grinding the cutting portion with file as per direction and satisfaction of EIC.b) 150mm.dia.to 200mm.dia pipe 102 Carriage of different type of departmental pipes from Divisional/Sub-divisional store to the work site by truck including loading, unloading, stacking etc. including cost of fuel, lubricant and also cost of driver, helper etc. and all other taxes and charges as applicable as per direction of EIC.above 40-50 KM (extra cost 57 Rs) 103 HW Site P/HouseEarth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drains, in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil but excluding lateriatc or sandstone) including removing, spreading or stacking the spoils within a lead of 75 m. as directed. The item includes necessary trimming the sides of trenches, leveling, dressing and ramming the bottom, bailing out water as required complete.a) Depth of excavation not exceeding 1.500 mm. 104 Earth work in filling in foundation trenches or plinth with good earth in layers not exceeding 150mm including watering and ramming etc. layer by layer complete. (Payment to be made on the basis of measurement of finished quantity of work)a) With earth obtained from excavation of foundation 105 Filling in foundation or plinth by silver sand in layers not exceeding 150 mm as directed and consolidating the same by thorough saturation with water, ramming complete Including the Cost of supply of sand.(payment to be made on measurement of finished quantity). 106 Single Brick Flat Soling of picked jhama bricks including ramming and dressing bed to proper level and 1illing joints with local sand. 107 Cement concrete with 30 mm down graded shingles excluding shuttering (N.B. Variety). In ground floora) 6:3:1 proportion 108 ordinary Cement concrete mix 1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size)exciuding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes.River Bazree 109 a) 25 mm to 30 mm shuttering without staging, in foundation 110 b) 25 mm to 30 mm thick wooden shuttering as per decision & direction of E.I.C. In foundation. 111 Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction.(a) For works in foundation and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4 m(i) other that Tor steel/Mild SteelSAIL/ TATA/ RINL 112 Brick work with Ist class bricks in cement mortar (1:6)(a) In Foundation and plinth 113 b) In superstucture, ground floor. 114 Artificial stone in floor, itado, staircase etc. with cement concrete (1:2:4) with stone chips, Iaid in panels as directed with topping made with ordinary or white cement (as necessary)and marble dust in proportion (1:2) including smooth finishing and rounding off corners including raking out joints or roughening of concrete surface and application of cement slurry betore flooring works using cement 175 kg/sq.m all complete including all materials and labour.In ground floor.(i)35 mm. Thick 115 Wood work in door and window frame fitted and fixed in position complete including a protective coat of painting at the contact surface of the frame exluding cost of concrete,iron Butt Himges and M.S clamps.(The quantum should be correted upto three decimals).a) Sal: Siliguri 116 Supplying, fitting and fixing M.S. clamps for door and window frame made of flat bent bar,end bifurcated with necessary screws etc. by cement concrete(1:2:4) as per direction. (Costof concrete will be paid separately)(i) 40mm x bmm, 200mm Length 117 Supplyof Fan hook. 118 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/staging where necessary (Ground floor).[Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface.i) with 1:6 cement mortara) 20 mm thick plaster 119 b) 15 mm thick plaster 120 ii) With 1:4 cement mortarc) 10 mm thick plaster 121 Neat cement punning about 1.5 mm thick in wall, dado, window sills, floor, drains etc 122 Applying decorative cement based paint of approved quality after preparing the surface including scraping the same thoroughly (plastered or concrete surface) as per manufacturers specification.In Ground floor(i) One coat on new surface 123 ii) Two coats. 124 Protective and Decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approved quality, as per manufacturers specification and as per direction of EIC to be applied over acrylic primer as required. The rate includes cost of material, labour, scaffolding and all incidental charges but excluding the cost of primer.a) In Ground floor (Two Coat)(i) Normal Acrylic Emulsion 125 a) Priming one coat on timber or plastered surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc 126 (b) Priming one coat on steel or other metal surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc. 127 Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and brand including smoothening.surtace by sand papering etc. including using of approved putty etc. on the surface, if necessary.(a) On timber or plastered surface With super gloss (hi-gloss).Two coat (with any shade except white 128 b) On Steel surfacei) One coat (with any shade except white 129 Panel shutters of door and window, asper design (each panel consisting of single plank without joint), including fitting and fixing the same in position but excluding the cost of hinge and other fittings. in ground floor.(i)35 mm thick shutters with 19 mm thick panel of size 30 to 45 cm.a) Sishu,Gamar,Champ,Bhola,Mogra,Hallak. 130 Glazed shutter of door ,windows, fan light clerestory window etc. As per designe (with ordinary glassof 7.4 kg/sq.m. 3 mm thick) fitted with putty bed and teak wood bead cost of hings and other fittings and fixing shutter in position but excluding the cost of hinges and other fittings .cost of glass putty wooded beads etc will be separately.35 mm thick shutter .a) Sishu,Gamar,Champ,Bhola,Mogra,Hallak. 131 SIpplyng best Indian sheet glass panes set in putty and fited and fixrd witlh ails and putty Conmplete. (In all floors for internal wall& upto 6 nm height for external wall.(i) 4 mm thick 132 MS.or W.I Ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with M.S.W.Flats and bars of windows, railing etc. fitted and fixed with necessary screws and lugs in Rround floor.(i) Gril weighing above 10 Kt./sq mtr and up to 16 Kg./sq, mtr. 133 i) 300 mm.Iron hasp bolt of approved quality fitted and fixed complete (oxidised) with 16mm dia rod with centre bolt and round fitting. 134 (i)150 mm x5.5 mm .Iron door handle of approved quality fitted and fixed complete: 135 (ii) 100 mm x 5 mm. 136 i) Sal Siliguri.a)with 75 mm iron Butt-hingeSupplying, fitting and fixing hinge cleat in position excluding the cost hinge and other fittings. 137 i)Sal: Siliguri.b) with 50 mm iron Butt-hinge 138 Iron butt hinges of approved quality fitted and fixed with steel screws, with ISI mark.i) 50 mm. X 37mm. X 1.50mm 139 (i) 75mm. X 40mm. X 1.12mm. 140 (i) 100mm. X 50mm. X 1.25mm 141 Iron socket bolt of approved quality fitted and fixed complete.a) 100mm long x 10mm dia bolt. 142 b) 150mm long x 10mm dia bolt. 143 Chalmp for fan light fitted & fixed complete 144 Precast pierced concrete jally work as per design and manufacturers specification including moulding etc. with stone chips and necessary reinforcement shuttèring complete including fitting, fixing in position in all floors.(a) 37.5 mm thick panels 145 Supplying P.V.C. water storage tank of approved quality with closed top with lid (Black) -Multilayer(a) 500 litre capacity. 146 Labour for hoisting plastic water storage tank 147 Supplying, fitting and fixing G.I. pipes of TATA make with all necessary accessories, specials viz. socket, bend, tee, union, cross, elbo, nipple, longscrew, reduing socket, reducing tee short piece etc. fitted with holder bats clamps, including cutting pipes, making threads fitting, fixing etc. complete in all respect including cost of all nece[sarý fittings required,jointing materials and two coats of painting with approved paint in any position above ground.(Payment will be made on the centre line measurements of total pipe line includingall pecials.No separate payment will be made for accesories,specials.( Payment for painting will be made seperately)(i) 25 mm dia. medium quality 148 (ii)15 mm dia. medium quality 149 Labour for punching hole in plastic water storage tank upto 50 mm dia. 150 Supplying, titting and fixing gunmetal wheel valve of approved brand and make tested to 21kg per sq. cm. (for water lines only).i)25 mm dia. 151 ii) 20 mm dia. 152 Supplying, fitting and fixing alloy iron with brass spindle bib cock/ stop cock of approved brand and make, spray painted and tested to 21 kg per sq. cm.i) 15 mm dia 153 Supply of UPVC pipes & fittings etc. conforming to IS-13592-1992i) Door Tee 110 mm 154 ii) Vent Cowl 110 mm 155 (ii) Door Bend (T.S.) 110 mm 156 Supply of UPVC pipes (B Type) & fittings conforming to IS-13592-1992a) Single Socket 3 meter length.(i)110 mm . 157 Orissa pattern water closet in white glazed vitreous chinaware of approved make in position .(i) 530 mm x 410 mm. 158 Supplying ,fitting ,fixing cast iron P OR S trap conforming to IS: 3989/1970/ and 1729/1964 incl. Lead caulked joints and painting two coats to exposed surface .(painting to be separately).a) S trap i)100 mm dia . 159 Supplying ,fitting ,fixing, 10 liter P.V.C. Low-down cistern conforming to I.S specification with P.V.C. Fittings complete.C.I. Brackets incl. Two coats of painting to bracket etc.i)White 160 Construction of inspection chamber measure 600mm X 600mm X upto 600mm(depth) with250 mm thick 1st class brick wWk In cement mortr (1:4) on all sides, bottom of the pit conuntng of 100 mm thick cement concrete(1:3:6) with stone chips over a layer of jhama brick flat soling15 mm thick (1:4) cenent plster to inSide walls.a)with bazree (N.B VARITY) 161 Constrution of septic tank of differont apacities as per approved drawng wilh 1st class bCk work m cement mortar (l:4) includng two 560 mm dia. R.C.C. manhole cover(heavy type)ot approved make supplod, Iitted and fNed in the 100m thick R.C.C(I:1.5:3) top slab with necessary fittingS, 20mm thick cement plaster (4 :1)with neat cement finish to the internal surfaces and 15 mm thick cement plaster (4 :1) to outside wall upto 200 mm below6. floor tunished with 25 mm thick grey artificatA) For 10 usersi) With Baztee[N.B Varitv] 162 Construction of circular soak well 2.5 metre deep in all types of sandy soils with dry brick work upto 1.6 metre from the bottom having 150 mm intermediate ceiment brick work (1:4)band all round and cement brick work (1:4) upto 0.90 metre from top with 20mm thick cement plastering (1:4) to inside face upto the depth of cement brick.With 250 mm thick dry brick work and 250 mm thick cement brick work (1:6) and 1.00 m inside dia. 163 125 mm. thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) in ground floor 164 Supplying. fitting and fixing fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) Composite door frame as per approved section with glass fibre reinforced plastic mouided skins and a special sandwich core, so as to impart monolitaheic composite structure as per approved technologyDepartment of Science and Technology (DST) to safisty IS: 4020 door testing performanc(i) 66 mm x 90 mm 165 Supplying fitting fixing best quality Digital printed ceramic tiles in colour decorative in wall 1& ftloor to match with.Complete. 166 HW Site BOUNDARY WALLEarth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drains, in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil but excluding lateriatc or sandstone) including removing, spreading or stacking the spoils within a lead of 75 m. as directed. The item includes necessary trimming the sides of trenches, leveling, dressing and ramming the bottom, bailing out water as required complete.a) Depth of excavation not exceeding 1.500 mm. 167 Earth work in filling in foundation trenches or plinth with good earth , in layers not exceeding 150mm. Including watering and ramming etc. Layer by layer complete (Payment to be made on the basis of measurement of finished quantity of work )A)With earth obtained from excavation of foundation. 168 Cement concrete (1:3:6) with 30 mm down graded excluding shuttering.a) 6:3:1 Proportion. 169 Ordinary cement concrete M-20(mix 3:1:5;1)with graded stone chips(20 mm down) excluding shuttering and reinforcement .if any ,in ground floor, as per I.S. 456-2000.i)River Bozree. 170 Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction.(a) For works in foundation and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4 m(i) other that Tor steel/Mild SteelSAIL/ TATA/ RINL 171 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centreing and necessary staging up to 4m using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approved thickness with required bracing for concrete slab . beams ,columns, lintels curved or straight including fitting fixing and striking out of Completion of works (up to roof of ground floor).a) 25 mm to 30 mm thick shuttering with out staging and foundation etc, 172 b) )25 mm to 30 mm thick wooden shutter as per decision & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 173 Plaster (to wall,floor ,ceiling etc,) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints or roughening of concrete surface including throating ,nosing and drip course where necessary (ground floor).. With cement mortar( 6:1.).15 mm thick plaster. 174 With cement mortar( 6:1.).20 mm thick plaster. 175 With cement mortar(4:1) 10 mm thick. 176 Neat Cement punning about 1.5mm thick in wall ,dado , window, sills floor drain etc, 177 Priming one coat on timber plastered or on steel or other metal surface with synthetic enamel / oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surface by sand preparingetcOn timber . 178 Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paints of approved / make and brand including smoothening surface by sand preparing etc, including using of approved. Putty etc, on the surface of necy.i)On timber or plastered surface. With super gloss (hi-gloss).a)One coats (with any shade except white ) 179 Protective decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approved quality as per manufacturer’s specification and as per direction of EIC to be applied over acrylic primer as required . The rate includes cost of materials , labour , scaffolding and all incidental charges but excludingthe Cost of primer.a) Normal Acrylic emulsion. (i) Two coat 180 Earth work in filling compound ,Tank , low sand ditches etc, good earth, in layer not exceeding 250mm including breaking clods & consolidating the same by ramming and dressing complete etc. layer by layercompletei) With carried earth arrangement by the contractor within a radius of 3km including the cost of carriage but not exceeding 5km 181 M.S. & WI Ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with MS.WI. flats and bars of windows railing etc. fitted and fixed with necessary screws andlugs in ground floor.(i) Grill weighing above 10kg/sq.m. and up to16kg/sqm. 182 125 mm thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) with1st class brick in all floor. 183 2nd Site P/HouseEarth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drains or septic tank soak well etc. in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil but excluding latarite or sand stone) including removing spreading or stack-ingthespoilswithinaleadof75m.asdirected.Theitem includesnecessarytrimmingthesidesofthetrenches,leveling dressing and ramming the bottom, bailing or pumping out water etc. asrequiredcomplete. Depthofexcavationnotexceeding1.5mtr. but not requiring shoring 184 Earth work in filling in foundation trenches or plinth with good earth in layers not exceeding 15cm. Including watering and ramming etc. layer by layer complete. (Payment to be made on basis of measurementof finishedquantity ofwork)A. with earth obtained from Excavation of Foundation 185 Filling in foundation or plinth by fine sand in layers not exceeding 150 mm as directed & consolidating same by throughsaturationwithwaterandramming completeincluding the costofsupplyofsand.(Paymenttobemadeonthebasisof measurement of finished quantity of work.)(a) By fine sand. 186 Singlebrickflatsolingofpicked jhamabricksincludingramming&dressingbedtoproperlevel& fillingjointswithpowderedearthorlocalsandincludingcostof sand etc complete as per direction & specification. 187 Cement concrete with 30 mm down graded shinglesexcluding shuttering (N.B. Variety). In ground floora) 6:3:1 proportion. 188 OrdinaryCementconcrete(mix1:1.5:3)withgradedstonechips(20mmnominalsize) excluding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes.(i) River Bazree 189 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging upto 4 m. using approvedstoutpropsandthickhardwoodplanksofapprovedthicknesswithrequired bracing for concrete slabs, beams, columns, lintels curved or straight including fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of works (upto roof of ground floor).a) 25 mm to 30 mm shuttering without staging in foundation. 190 b) 25 mmto30 mmthick wooden shuttering asper decision& ddirectionoftheE.I.C. in foundation. 191 Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction.(a) For works in foundation and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4 m(i) other that Tor steel/Mild SteelSAIL/ TATA/ RINL 192 Brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:6)(a) In foundation and plinth 193 (b) In superstructure, ground floor 194 Artificial stone in floor, dado, staircase etc. with cement concrete (1:2:4) with stone chips, laid in panels as directed with topping made with ordinary or white cement (as necessary) andmarbledustinproportion(1:2)includingsmoothfinishingandroundingoffcorners includingrakingoutjointsorrougheningofconcretesurfaceandapplicationofcement slurrybeforeflooringworksusingcement@1.75kg/sq.mallcompleteincludingall materials and labour.In ground floor.(i) 35 mm. thick 195 Woodworkindoorandwindowframefittedandfixedinpositioncompleteincludinga protective coatofpainting atthe contactsurface ofthe frameexluding costofconcrete, Iron Butt Hinges and M.S clamps. (The quantum should be correted upto three decimals).a) Sal : Siliguri 196 Supplying, fitting and fixing M.S. clamps for door and window frame made of flat bent bar, end bifurcated with necessary screws etc. by cement concrete(1:2:4) as per direction. (Cost of concrete will be paid separately)(i) 40mm X 6mm, 200mm Length 197 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamferingcornersasdirectedandrakingoutjointsincludingthroating,nosingand drip course, scaffolding/staging where necessary (Ground floor).[Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface(i) With 1:6 cement mortar(a) 20 mm thick plaster 198 (b) 15 mm thick plaster 199 (ii) With 1:4 cement mortar(a) 10 mm thick plaster 200 Neat cement punning about 1.5 mm thick in wall, dado, window sills, floor, drains etc. 201 Applyingdecorativecementbasedpaintofapprovedqualityafterpreparingthesurface includingscrapingthesamethoroughly(plasteredorconcretesurface)asper manufacturers specification.a) In Ground floor:(i) Two coats. 202 ProtectiveandDecorativeAcrylicexterioremulsionpaintofapprovedquality,asper manufacturers specification and as per direction of EIC to be applied over acrylic primer as required. The rateincludes costofmaterial,labour,scaffoldingand allincidental charges but excluding the cost of primer.a) In Ground floor (Two Coat)(i) Normal Acrylic Emulsion 203 (a)Primingonecoatontimberorplasteredsurfacewithsyntheticoilboundprimerof approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc. 204 (b)Primingonecoatonsteelorothermetalsurfacewithsyntheticoilboundprimerof approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc. 205 Paintingwithbestqualitysyntheticenamelpaintofapprovedmakeandbrandincluding smootheningsurfaceby sandpaperingetc.includingusingofapproved puttyetc.onthe surface, if necessary :(a) On timber or plastered surface : With super gloss (hi-gloss) -i) Two coat (with any shade except white) 206 (b) On Steel surface : With super gloss (hi-gloss) -i) One coat (with any shade except white) 207 Panelshuttersofdoorandwindow,asperdesign(eachpanelconsistingofsingleplank withoutjoint),includingfittingandfixingthesameinpositionbutexcludingthecostof hinge and other fittings.In ground floor.(i) 35mm thick shutters with 19mm thick panel of size 30to 45 Cm.a) Sishu, Gamar, Champ,Badam,Bhola, Mogra, Hallak. 208 Glazedshuttersofdoors,windows,fanlight,clerestorywindowsetc.as perdesign (with ordinary glass of 7.4kg./sq.m. 3mm. Thick) fitted with putty bed and teak wood bead and nailsincludingfittingandfixingshutterinpositionbutexcludingthecostofhingesand other fittings. cost of glass, putty, wooded beads etc.will be paid separately.(i) 35mm thick shutters.a) Sishu, Gamar, Champ,Badam,Bhola, Mogra, Hallak. 209 Supplying best Indian sheet glass panes set in putty and fitted and fixed with nails and putty complete. (In all floors for internal wall & upto 6 m height for external wall)(i) 4 mm thick 210 M.S.or W.I. Ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with M.S, W.I. Flatsand barsofwindows,railingetc.fittedand fixedwithnecessaryscrewsandlugsin ground floor.i) Grill weighing above 10 Kg./sq.mtr and up to 16 Kg./sq. mtr. 211 Iron hasp bolt of approved quality fitted and fixed complete (oxidised) with 16mm dia rod with centre bolt and round fitting.i) 300 mm 212 Iron door handle of approved quality fitted and fixed complete:(i) 150mm x 5.5mm. 213 (ii) 100mm x 5mm. 214 Supplying,fittingandfixinghingecleatinpositionexcludingthecosthingeandother fiffitngs.a) with 75mm iron Butt-hingei) Sal : Siliguri. 215 b) with 50mm iron Butt-hingei) Sal : Siliguri. 216 Iron butt hinges of approved quality fitted and fixed with steel screws, with ISI mark.(i) 50mm. X 37mm. X 1.50mm. 217 (ii) 75mm. X 40mm. X 1.12mm. 218 (iii) 100mm. X 50mm. X 1.25mm. 219 Iron socket bolt of approved quality fitted and fixed complete.(a) 100mm long x 10mm dia bolt. 220 (b) 150mm long x 10mm dia bolt. 221 Cord for fan light fitted & fixed complete. 222 Precast pierced concrete jally work as per design and manufacturers specification including moulding etc. with stone chips and necessary reinforcement shuttering complete including fitting, fixing in position in all floors.(a) 37.5 mm thick panels 223 SupplyingP.V.C.waterstoragetankofapproved qualitywithclosed topwith lid(Black) - Multilayer(a) 500 litre capacity 224 Labour for hoisting plastic water storage tank. (i) Upto 1500 litre capacity. (a) Upto 1st story from G.L. 225 Supplying, fitting and fixing G.I. pipes of TATA make with all necessary accessories, specials viz. socket, bend, tee, union, cross, elbo, nipple, longscrew, reducing socket, reducing tee, shortpieceetc.fittedwithholderbatsclamps,includingcuttingpipes,makingthreads, fitting, fixing etc. complete in all respect including cost of all necessary fittings as required,jointing materialsand twocoatsofpainting with approved paint inany position above ground. (Payment will be made on the centre line measurements of totalpipe line including all specials. No separate payment will be made for accesories, specials. Payment for painting will be made seperately)(i) 20 mm dia. medium quality. 226 (ii) 15 mm dia. medium quality 227 Labour for punching hole in plastic water storage tank upto 50 mm dia. 228 Supplying, fitting and fixing gunmetal wheel valve of approved brand and make tested to 21 kg per sq. cm. (for water lines only).(i) 15 mm dia. 229 (ii) 20 mm dia. 230 Supplying,fittingand fixing alloyironwithbrassspindlebib cock/stopcockofapproved brand and make, spray painted and tested to 21 kg per sq. cm.(i) 15 mm dia. 231 Supply of UPVC pipes & fittings conforming to IS-13592-1992(i) Door Tee , a) 110 mm 232 (ii) Vent Cowl , a) 110 mm 233 (iii) Door Bend (T.S.), a) 110 mm 234 Supply of UPVC pipes (B Type) & fittings conforming to IS-13592-1992(A) (i) Single Socketed 3 Meter Lengtha) 110 mm 235 Supplying, fitting and fixing Orissa pattern water closet in white glazed vitreous chinaware of approved make in position complete excluding P or S trap (excluding cost of concrete for fixing).(i) 530 mm X 410 mm 236 Supplying,fitting and fixing cast iron P or S trap conformimg to I.S. 3989 / 1970 and 1729 / 1964 including lead caulked joints and painting two coats to the exposed surface. (Painting to be paid seperately).A) S Trapi) 100 mm dia 237 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 litre P.V.C. low-down cistern conforming to I.S. specification with P.V.C. fittings complete,C.I. brackets including two coats of painting to bracket etci) White 238 ConstructingInspectionpitofinsidemeasurement600 mmX600mmXupto600mm (depth) with 250 mm thick 1st. class brick work in cement mortar (1:4) on all sides, bottom of the pit consisting of 100 mm thick cement concrete (1:3:6) with stone chips over a layer ofjhamabrickflatsoling,15mmthick(1:4)cementplastertoinsidewallsandout-side wallsuptoG.L.and20mm.thick(1:4)plastertobottomofthepit,providingnecessary invert with cement concrete (1:3:6) with stone chips as per direction, neat cement finishing toentireinternalsurfaces,topofthe pitcovered with100 mmthick R.C.C.slab (1:1.5:3) withstonechipsandnecessaryreinforcementsupto1%andshutteringincluding6mm thickcementplaster(1:4)inallexternalsurfaces ofthe slaband one560 mmdia. R.C.C. manholecoverofapprovedmakesupplied,fittedandfixedintheslabwithnecessary fittings,necessaryearthworkinexcavationinallsortsofsoil,fillingsidesofthepitwith earthand removingspoilsafterworkcompleteinallrespectwith allcostsoflabourand materials.ii) With Bazree (N.B Variety) (SAIL/TATA/RINL) 239 Construction ofseptictank of different capacities asper approved drawing with1st class brick work in cement mortar (1:4) including two 560 mm dia. R.C.C. manhole cover(heavy type)ofapprovedmakesupplied,fittedandfixedinthe100mmthickR.C.C(1:1.5:3)top slab with necessary fittings, 20mm thick cement plaster(4 : 1) with neat cement finish to the internal surfaces and 15 mm thick cement plaster (4 : 1) to outside wall upto 200 mm below G.L floor finishedwith 25mm thick grey artificialstone over 100 mmthick R.C.C(1:1.5:3)bottom slabincludingsupplying,fittingandfixingallnecessryspecials, fittings, S.W. tees, C.I. foot rest etc. including excavation earth in allsorts ofsoil, shoring, bailingoutand pumpingoutwaterasnecessary,ramming,dressingthebedand fefilling the sides of the tanks with earth, removing spoils, filling up the chamber with clear water, removing foreign materials from the chamber and including constructing attached inspection pit as per approved drawing and con in all respectwith allcosts oflabour and materials.aterials. With 250 mmthick drybrick workand 250mmthickcement brickwork (1:6)and 1.00m inside dia. by weight of cement with all costs of labour and materials.(i) For 10 usersA) With Bazree(N.B Varity)(SAIL/TATA/RINL) 240 Construction of circular soak well 2.5 metre deep in all types of sandy soils with dry brick workupto1.6metrefromthebottomhaving150mmintermediatecementbrickwork (1:4)bandallroundandcementbrickwork(1:4)upto0.90metrefromtopwith20mm thickcementplastering(1:4)toinsidefaceuptothedepthofcementbrickwork,15mm thickcementplaster(1:4)onouterfacefromtopofthewelluptoG.L.and6mmthick cement plaster (1:4) on top of the R.C.C. cover slab including filling bottom 1.00 metre of inside of the well with brick metal (50 mm to 63 mm size) including R.C.C. cover slab of 100 mmthickwithcementconc(1:1.5:3)withstonechipswithnecessaryreinforcementand shuttering including one 560 mm dia. R.C.C. manhole cover (heavy type)of approved make supplied,fittedandfixedinthecoverslabwithnecessaryfittings,makingnacessary arrangementsforpipeconnections,excavationofwellincludingshoring,dewateringand removing the exess earth from the premisesas per direction completein allrespect with all costs of labour and materials. With 250 mmthick drybrick workand 250mmthickcement brickwork (1:6)and 1.00m inside dia. a) Other than SAIL/TATA/RINL) 241 125 mm. thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) in ground floor. 242 16 mm dia. 1mtr long Fan Hook 243 Supplying fitting fixing best quality Digital printed ceramic tiles in colour decorative in wall 1& ftloor to match with.Complete. 244 2nd Site B/WallEarth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drains, in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil but excluding laterite or sandstone) including removing, spreading or stacking the spoils within a lead of 75 m. as directed. The item includes necessary trimming the sides of trenches, levelling, dressing and ramming the bottom, bailing out water as required complete.a) Depth of excavation not exceeding 1,500 mm 245 Earth work in filling in foundation trenches or plinth with good earth, in layers not exceeding 150 mm. including watering and ramming etc. layer by layer complete. (Payment to be made on the basis of measurement of finished quantity of work)(a) With earth obtained from excavation of foundation. 246 Earth work in filling in foundation trenches or plinth with good earth, in layers not exceeding 150 mm. including watering and ramming etc. layer by layer complete. (Payment to be made on the basis of measurement of finished quantity of work)c) (iii) With carried earth arranged by the contractor within a radius exceeding 3 km. but not exceeding 5 km. including the cost of carried earth. 247 (II) Cement concrete with 30 mm down graded shingles excluding shuttering. N.B. Variety (1:3:6) 248 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement,if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes. (a ) River bazree 249 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes. (i ) River Bazree 250 Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction.(a) For works in foundation and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4 m(i) other that Tor steel/Mild SteelSAIL/ TATA/ RINL 251 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging upto 4 m. using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approved thickness with required bracing for concrete slabs, beams, columns, lintels curved or straight including fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of works (upto roof of ground floor).f) 25 mm to 30 mm shuttering without staging in foundation 252 b) )25 mm to 30 mm thick wooden shutter as per decision & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 253 125 mm. thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) in ground floor. 254 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including throating, nosing and drip course, affolding/staging where necessary (Ground floor).[Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface] (i) With 1:4 cement mortar a) 10 mm thick plaster 255 (ii) With 1:6 cement mortar (b) 15 mm thick plaster 256 (a) M.S.or W.I. Ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with M.S, W.I. Flats and bars of windows, railing etc. fitted and fixed with necessary screws and lugs in ground floor.(Add extra @ 1% for each addl. floor upto 4th floor and @ 1.25% for each addl. floor above 4th floor) (i) Grill weighing above 10 Kg./sq.mtr and up to 16 Kg./sq. mtr. 257 Neat cement punning about 1.5mm thick in wall, dado, window sill, floor etc. 258 Priming one coat on timber plastered or on steel or other metal surface with synthetic enamel / oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surface by sand preparingetcOn timber . 259 Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paints of approved / make and brand including smoothening surface by sand preparing etc, including using of approved. Putty etc, on the surface of necy.i)On timber or plastered surface. With super gloss (hi-gloss).a)One coats (with any shade except white ) 260 Protective decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approved quality as per manufacturer’s specification and as per direction of EIC to be applied over acrylic primer as required . The rate includes cost of materials , labour , scaffolding and all incidental charges but excludingthe Cost of primer.a) Normal Acrylic emulsion. (i) Two coat 261 FHTCProviding FHTC from the existing CI/DI/Upvc/HDPE/GI/AC distribution pipeline by installing 10 mm dia NB Gun metal Ferrule conforming to IS 2692:1989 with latest amendments on thesaid pipeline and all othersaccessories like saddle piece of require size to fit the existing distribution pipeline ,specials, nut & bolts rubber sheet , washer etc.and laying15 mm NB PVC (schedule 80)/ 20 mm OD HDPE (PE 100 , PN16 )/ 20 mm OD PPR-C (Class -SDR 7.4/PN16) pipes uptorequired length with all necessary specials1.0 metre below the ground connecting ferrule including cutting trenches in all sorts of soil and filling up trenches as per directionsof the Engineer-in-charge and upto a point just inside the premises of the house hold or as directed by EIC. Supply and installation of a l5mm dia. alloy ironBib Cock (tested to 2t Kg/cm2) above 1.0 Mtr. frorn ground, an alloy stop cock of 15 mm diawith brass spindle (tested ta 21 Kg/cm2) to be fitted in a position as directed by E.I.C. G.l pipe of TATA make (mediurn duty) of 2 metre length with all necessary specials to continue from the end of the PVC/HDPE/PPR-C pipe and upto 1.0 m above ground within the premises of household.Note:1. PVC pipe shall of schedule 80(medium duty) conforming to ASTMD -1785and threaded to match with Gl Pipes as per IS : 1239 (Part - I).2. PPR-C (Poly propylene Randam copolymer) pipe shall be 3-layer confirming to IS :15801 UV stabilised & anti-microbiol fusion welded, having thermal stabitity for hot & cold water supply including all PP-R plain & brass threaded porypropylene random /fittings . 3. Rate is exclusive of supply and deliveryof10 mm NB gun-metal Ferrule.supply & laying of 15mm NB PVC (schedule 80)/20mm OD HDPE (PE 100,PN16)/20 mm OD PPR-C (Class -SDR7.4/PN19) pipes.b) Above 10 m upto 20 m length 262 450 OHR Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drains or septic tank soak well etc. in all sorts of soil (including mixed soilbut excluding latarite or sand stone) including removing spreading or stack- ing the spoils within a lead of 75m. as directed. The item includes necessary trimming the sides of the trenches, leveling dressing and ramming the bottom, bailing or pumping out water etc. as required complete. 263 Depth of excavation not exceeding 1.5 mtr. but not requiring shoring 264 Beyond 1.5 mtr. upto 3.0 mtr.but not requiring shoring 265 Filling in foundation or plinth by fine sand in layers not exceeding 150 mm as directed & consolidating same by through saturation with water and ramming complete including the cost of supply of sand. (Payment to be made on the basis of measurement of finished quantity of work.)(a) By fine sand. 266 Earth work in filling in foundation trenches or plinth with good earth in layers not exceeding 15cm. Including watering and ramming etc. layer by layer complete. (Payment to be made on basis of measurement of finished quantity of work) 267 Single brick flat soling of picked jhama bricks including ramming & dressing bed to proper level & filling joints with powdered earth or local sand including cost of sand etc complete as per direction & specification. 268 Oridinary Cement Concrete M-15 (Mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (20 mm.down) excluding shuttering and reinforcement, if any, in ground floor as per relevent IS code 456-2000. From …...concidaring 73 Km.a) Pakur / (Up to ground level). 269 Controled cement concrete with well graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering & reinforcement with complete design of concrete as per [ISI : 456 and relevant special publication. Submission of job mix formula after preliminary mix design after testing of concrete cube as per direction of the EIC. consumption of cement will not be less than 300kg of cement with super plasticiser per cum. of controlled conc. but actual consumption will be determined on the basis of preliminary test & job mix formuta. In ground floor and foundation.[Using concrete mixture] M 25 GradePakur VarietyFor works in foundation, basement and upto roof of ground floor/upto4 mtr (Column, Bracing) 270 4 m to 8 m (Add extra over the rate of ground floor for basement and each additional floor above ground floor for ( 271 8 m to 12 m (Add extra over the rate of ground floor for basement and each additional floor above ground floor for ( 272 12 m to 16m (Add extra over the rate of ground floor for basement and each additional floor above ground floor for ( 273 16 m to 20 m (Add extra over the rate of ground floor for basement and each additional floor above ground floor for ( 274 20 m & above (landing, step, roof dome, walk way, platform) (Add extra over the rate of ground floor for basement and each additional floor above ground floor for ( 275 Controled cement concrete with well graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering & reinforcement with complete design of concrete as per [ISI : 456 and relevant special publication. Submission of job mix formula after preliminary mix design after testing of concrete cube as per direction of the EIC. consumption of cement will not be less than 320kg of cement with super plasticiser per cum. of controlled conc. but actual consumption will be determined on the basis of preliminary test & job mix formuta. In ground floor and foundation.[Using concrete mixture] M 30 Grade.In heel beam, conical slab, bottom dome, bottom ring beam, walkway, shell wall etc. Pakur Variety16 m to 20 m (for Heel Beam) (Add extra over the rate of ground floor for basement and each additional floor above ground floor for ( 276 b) 20 mtr. and above (cell wall, floor, top & bottom ring beam & bottom doom, Walk way and lantern etc).(Add extra over the rate of ground floor for basement and each additional floor above ground floor for ( 277 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centreing and necy. staging upto 4m. Using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approved thickness with required bracing for conc. slabs, beams, columns, lintels curved or straight includg. fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of works.from foundation to 4m above GLAbove 25 mm and upto 30 mm wooden Shuttering as per direction of EIC. 278 Hire & labour chages for shuttering for conc. Work in overhead R.C. Reservoir on separate R.C. frame including fitting, fixing & stricking off after completion of work (From 4m to top of reservoir). 279 Extra for staging beyond 4 mtr (Mode of measurement area of unsupported horizontal projection, where staging beyond 4 mtr. is practically un-avoidable) staging height to be considered for 4 mtr. above G.L. to mean height of soffit and plan area in between out side of ring beam minus hollow shaft if any and annular ring beam of staging above metial 4 Mtr. 280 Reinforcement in reinforced conc. work in all sorts of structures includg. dist.bars, stirrups, binders etc., initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necy.) cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shapde, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge balck annealed wire at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction. (a) For works in foundn. basement and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4m.(i) Tor steel/Mild steel. SAIL/TATA/RINLFor works in foundation, basement and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4 m. 281 Extra for works beyond the roof of ground floor/initial 4 m. to 8 mtr.(Add extra over the rate of ground floor/initial 4 m for each basement floor and each additional floor below/ above ground floor 282 8 m to 12 m(Add extra over the rate of ground floor/initial 4 m for each basement floor and each additional floor below/ above ground floor 283 12 m to 16m(Add extra over the rate of ground floor/initial 4 m for each basement floor and each additional floor below/ above ground floor 284 16 m to 20 m(Add extra over the rate of ground floor/initial 4 m for each basement floor and each additional floor below/ above ground floor 285 beyond 20 m(Add extra over the rate of ground floor/initial 4 m for each basement floor and each additional floor below/ above ground floor 286 Supplying & labour for mixing of super plasticizer of approved make brand sika/cico conforming to IS-2645-1975 & IS-9130-1979 to be need in mortar admixture @ 0.20% by wt. of cement (i.e 100ml per 50kg of cement) for improving workability, reducing shrinkage and improvement of water tightness of the concrete. 287 (a) Applying 2 coats of bonding agent with synthetic multi functional rubber emulsion having adhesive and water proofing properties by mixing with water in proportion (1 bonding agent : 4 water : 6 cement) as per Manufacturers specification 288 (b) Applying 2 coats of Non-Toxic Acrylic Polymer modified Paint having adhesive & waterproofing properties by mixing in proportion (1 liquid: 4 cementitious material) or as per manufacturers specification for water proofing layer in water tank etc. 289 Supplying mosquito proof net made of polythene (NETLON) size 75cm. X 75cm. for ventilator including fitting, fixing in the best sal wood frame of 8cm. X 5cm. cross section with necessary wooden batten fixing the assembly with necessary MS clamp in RCC wall at the lantern. 290 Wood work in door and window frame fitted and fixed in position complete including a protective coat of painting at the contact surface of the frame exluding cost of concrete, Iron Butt Hinges and M.S clamps. (The quantum should be correted upto three decimals).Wood work in door and window frame fitted and fixed in position complete including a protective coat of painting at the contact surface of the frame exluding cost of concrete, Iron Butt Hinges and M.S clamps. The quantum should be correted upto three decimals. d) Sal local 291 Artificial stone in floor, dado, staircase etc. with cement concrete (4:2:1) with stone chipes laid in panels as directed toping made with ordinary or white cement (as necy.) & marble dust in proportion (2:1) including smooth finishing & rounding off corners including rackng out joints or roughening of conc. surface & including application of cement shlurry before flooring works, using cement @ 1.75 kg/sqm all complete including all materials & labour above heel beam. 3 mm thick toping high polishing grinding on this item is not permitted with ordinary cement. (a) 25 mm thick. (Reservoir inside floor & wall, walk way floor, cc step, platform landing). 292 Supplying at site filling ,fixing ,erecting and building in position where necessary 600mm.wide M.S. Cat ladder as per design consisting of 2nos. ISMC 150, 8mm.thick with necessary base plate of 8mm.thick 100mm.wide M.S. plate as steep @ 300mm.a/c supported on ISA 50x50x6 ,ISA 60x60x8mm.thick both side as per requirement.900mm.ht. as post on one side/both side @ 1000 and ISA 45x45x6 as horiz. Runner to cover side railing including fabrication, welding,drilling etc.as per drawing and direction and finished with two coats of synthetic enamel painting over a coat of primer etc. all complete as per direction of EIC. for cat ladder, railing of stair & platform, walkway etc. e)from 20mtr. to 24mtr. @ 1.5%extra of (d) 293 Supplying at site hoisting, fitting, fixing erecting and building in position where necessary 450mm.wide ladder as per design consisting of 2nos. M.S.Plate of 8mm.thick with necessary base plate 60mm wide; and 16mm.dia M.S.round or square bar as steeps placed @ 300 c/c including fabrication, welding drilling etc. as per drawing and direction and finished with two coats of synthetic enamel painting over a coat of red lead primer etc. all complete as per direction of the EIC 294 Supplying, fitting, fixing 900 mm high G.I. pipe railing for R.C.C stair cat ladder walk way fabrication,erection,welding of 40 mm G.I (NON TATA medium) pipe place at top of railing and 2 nos 25 mm dia. G.I pipe (NON TATA medium) placed equally in between railing top & floor vertical post of railling are 40 mm dia. G.I pipe (NON TATA medium) placed at 900 mm c/c . The each end of the vertical post is join by the 62 mm (25 mm X 6 mm X 0.062 m long) MS flat and 150 mm length (propes pipes) are grouted in concrete base of stair, walk way etc. All Complete with supplying of all materials including hoisting up to the any height complete with 2 coats of painting with super gloss (Hi gloss) in any shade except white and black over a coat of primer complete as per direction of E.I.C. 295 Supplying fitting and fixing in position reinforced cement polymer concrete manhole cover with matching frame as per IS-12592 (MD)a) Square. i) 600 mm x 600 mm x 50 kg (approx)a) 5MT load bearing capacity round manhole cover parovided with two nos. lifter hook with machining frame of size 550mm x 65mm(cover) and 650mm x 125mm(frame) opening 470mm and WT. 90KG. approx. 296 Horn gap lighting arrestor complete parts and pin insulators supplying, fitting fixing all complete as per direction of E.I.C. 297 Plaster (to wall,floor,ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including throating,nosing and drip course, scaffolding/ staging where necessary. (Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface) With 1:4 cement mortar 15mm thick plaster. From 16m to 20m of reservoir 298 With 1:4 cement mortar 15mm thick plaster. From 20m and above of reservoir 299 With 1:3 cement mortar 10mm thick plaster above 20 m & above 300 Applying Exterior grade Acrylic primer of approved quality and brand on plastered or concrete surface old or new surface to receive decorative textured(matt finish)or smooth finish acrylic exterior emulsion paint including scraping and preparing the surface throughly,complete as per manufacturers specification and as per direction of the EIC.a)One Coat GL to 4 m 301 4m to 8 m 302 8 m to 12 m 303 12 m to 16m 304 16 m to 20 m 305 above 20 m 306 Protective and Decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approved quality as per manufacturers specification and as per direction of EIC to be applied over acrylic primer as required. The rate includes cost of material , labour, scaffolding, and all other incidental charges but excluding the cost of primer. Two coat. Super protective 100% Acrylic Emalsion.GL to 4 m 307 4m to 8 m 308 8 m to 12 m 309 12 m to 16m 310 16 m to 20 m 311 above 20 m 312 Construction of different dia Sluice valve /Air valve /Washout chamber in different sizes for village road where light traffic run and for main road where heavy traffic run as deptt.approved drawing with 25cm thick brick work (1:6) over cement concrete (4:2:1) over a single B/F soling over150mm.thick sand filling in foundation including earth work in excavation and disposal of excess earth from work site with RCC (1:1.5:3) cover slab 100mm / 150mm thick slab on top of chamber with 1% reinforcement in RCC cover slab with necessary opening for operation of valve all complete including cost of labour & materials as per Departmental Dwg. [Reinforcement type:- Other manufactuerers not specified]80-150 mm dia 313 200 mm dia. 314 250-350 mm dia 315 Supply & delivery atfollowing nominal sizes and classes CIDF sluice valve in terms with IS 14846-2000, inside screw non rising, stern, flanges faced and drilled as per IS 1538-1993, spindle/ stern with SSAISI410 as per IS 6603-1972, body, bonnet, wedge, stuffing box gland thrust plate, cap inconformity with IS 210-1978, with an amendments order IS specification as stated.(Upadhaya/Kirlosker / kejriwal /IVP/L & T/VAG/M & P) Make class-PN 1.0 with Cap.150 MM dia 316 200 mm dia. 317 300 mm dia 318 Hoisting, erection ,placing connecting with pipes and specials CIDF pipes, specials) securing with building specials providing stays, clamps as required including cost of staging platform for the work etc.all complete in all respects as per drawing and direction of EIC.100 mm dia. 319 200 mm dia 320 300 mm dia 321 Laying of CIDF /D.I Pipes with specials,valves etc. in trenches including excavation in all sorts of soil, moorum, soft rock and refilling the trenches after laying & jointing of pipes etc. all complete as per specification and direction of EIC.100 mm dia. 322 200 MM dia 323 300 MM dia 324 Fitting, fixing duck foot bend including construction of cement concrete (4:2:1) base with stone chips of approved grade & quality & including excavation of earth etc. complete in all respect. 150 mm dia (Base Size 200mm x200mm x 350 mm deep) 325 200mm.dia (Base size 250mmx250mmx400mm.deep) 326 300mm.dia (Base size 350mmx350mmx500mm.deep) 327 Hoisting, fitting, fixing of bell mouth with puddle collar in RCC work complete in all respect as per drawing, specification and direction of EIC. 100 mm dia. 328 200 mm dia. 329 300 MM dia 330 Making flange joint to CIDF pipe, specials, valves etc.with supply of necessary nuts and bolts, rubber insertion of 6kg/m2 (3mm gauge) and materials required including dewatering if any tools and plants, labour cost etc. as per specification and direction of EIC (Nut and bolts shall be of TATA/GKW make) for100 mm dia. 331 200 mmdia. 332 300 MM dia 333 Making arrangement for water tightness test conforming to the provision laid in IS:3370(Pt-I) 1956 by filling with water upto top water level (TWL) as shown in the drawing and as per direction of EIC. (if water is supplied by the Department rate shall be reduced as per prevailing departmental rate) 334 Disinfection & washing the tank and pipe connections including cleaning the inside of the tank etc complete. 335 Neat cement punning about 1.5 mm thick in wall, dado, window, sills, floor, drain etc.Note-cement 0.152 cu.m. per 100 sq.m. 336 (a) Applying 2 coats of bonding agent with synthetic multi functional rubber emulsion having adhesive and water proofing properties by mixing with water in proportion (1 bonding agent : 4 water : 6 cement) as per Manufacturers specification [Cement to be supplied by the Department] 337 Number plaque of building (plaque size up to 225 mm x 225 mm) made of sand cement plaster (1 : 2) on face of wall or plinth with 50 mm size letters P.W.D and the number of the structure formed thereon (in sunk type) including painting the letters and the number complete as per direction. 338 Supplying and laying standard four course bituminous water proofing treatment as per specification laid down in I.S. 1346 - 1991 to be finished with pea size gravel including necessary preparatory works such as shaping mouth of outlets, cutting as and where necessary and refilling with sand and Cement mortar (4:1) or Cement Concrete (1:2:4) with graded stone chips before undertaking the treatment including cutting grooves in parapet and inserting edge of felt and mending good damage complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer - in - Charge including cost of all materials and labours and incidental charges but excluding the cost of Cement Mortar or concrete required for levelling and grading. (In sloped roof Course sand of approved varieties is to be used in place of Pea size gravels as fourth and final course.) i) 1st and 3rd Course with bonding materials of hot applied industrial blown type bitumen of grade 85/25 or 90/15 conforming to I.S.702 - 1988 @ 12Kg/10Sqm on each layer.ii) 2nd course with Hessian base self finished bitumen type3r.-I conforming to I.S. 1322-1993 (weighing 23kg/10Sqm gross with bitumen content 12.10kg/10Sqm ) tested under the provision of I.S. 13826 - 1993 part VII.iii) 4th course with washed and clean pea sized gravel or grit @ 0.006 cum/SqmB. Over Sloped Roof. 339 (b) Applying 2 coats of Non-Toxic Acrylic Polymer modified Paint having adhesive & waterproofing properties by mixing in proportion (1 liquid: 4 cementitious material) or as per manufacturers specification for water proofing layer in water tank etc. (No Departmental Cement is required) 340 Supply the following materials for connection of inlet, outlet, overflow and delivery line of ORH asper departmental drawing. A) C.I.D.F. pipe as per I.S.7181 - 1986 with letest revision. 341 Bituminous filer of approved type in excavation joint between the shell wall & roof including finishing the top surface as per ;drawing, specification and direction of EIC 342 Supplying hoisting, fitting fixing approved type water level indicator with copper float, guide pulley, wire boards etc. as per standard specification and direction and satisfaction of EIC 343 Commissioning the R.C.C. over head reservoir by operating of all category of sluice valves , testing of hoisted pipe joints including repairing the leakage(s) if detected , including making inter connections,flange jointing/lead jointing with the newly laid rising main and distribution main all complete as per direction of the EIC. 344 Suppling, fitting and fixing M.S clamps door and window frame made of flatbent bar, end bifurcated with necessary screws etc. by cement concrete ((1:2:4) as perdirection of concrete will be paid separatelt.(c) 40mm X 6 mm, 125 mm Length 345 (a) M.S or W.I. Ornamental grill approved design joints continuously welded with M.S W.I Flats and bars of windows railing etc. fitted and fixed with bbnecessary screws and luge in ground floor.(Add extra @1% for each addl. Upto 4th floor and @1.25% for each addl. floor above 4th floor)Grill weighing above 10 Kg./sq.m and upto 16 Kg./sq. m. 346 Grill weighing above 16 Kg./sq.mtr and above 347 Welding in M.S structurral work gas or electric continuous Weld 348 Priming one coat on timber or plaster surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality includingsmoothening surfaces by sand papering etc. 349 Priming one coat on steelor metalsurface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality includingsmoothening surfaces by sand papering etc.(This item is applicable to new work or old work when the original surface has been exposed by removal of old paint) 350 Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and brand including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. inclding using of approved putty etc,. on the surface, if necessary :On timber or plastered surfaceWith super gloss (hi-gloss)Two coat (with any shade except white) 351 On steel or other metal surface: With super gloss (hi-gloss)Two coat (any shade except white) 352 A)Earthing with 50mm.dia G.I. pipe3.64mm.thick x 3mtr. (10”-0”) long and l;1 x 4SWG G.I. (Hot dip)wire 4mtr. long 13mm. dia x 80mm.long G.I.Bolts, double nuts , washer including S&F 15mm.dia G.I.pipe protection (1mtr. long) to be filled with bitumen partly below ground level to an av. Depth of 3.65m below G.L. and restoring the surface duly rammed as per IEE rulei)For soft soil. b)By TATA Medium G.I.Pipe. 353 Supplying, laying, fiting, fixing and jointing of UPVC pipes conforming to IS:4985-2000 with latest revision and amendments, if any, with necessary UPVC/CI specials, CIDF sluice valves, as per relevant I.S. specification including labour charges for earth work in excavation in any kind of soil including mixed soil with boulder ,road sub-grade and its flanks but excluding moorum and laterite or sand stonehard arock including cutting of brick payment without damaging the existing telephone/electrical cable line etc.(in case of damage of any type of cable line during excavation, necessary damaged charges as applicable by the respaective authority will be borne by the agency in his own cost. Loading, unloading, carrying of pipes, specials, valves from the local store to work site and lowering laying of pipes specials valves carefully in trenches maintaining proper levels and alignment ,jointing the pipe and specials including supplying of good quality/approved brand solvent cement (as per IS:14182-1994 including cost of all fabricated PVC fitting i.e. tees,bend, reducers, adopter etc.as per IS:101-1988 and making flange joints including supplying required quantity of nuts, bolts and rubber insertion (CIDF sluice valves will be supplied by the department free of cost) as required at site by adopting suitable method so as to facilate the maintenance of pipe line locally as per conventional method including back filling the trenches with good earth obtained from excavation of trenches including consolidation with watering in layer not exceeding 150mm thk. with maintaining an average depth of cushion of 1.10mtr. from the top of pipe line including making interconnection with distribution pipes etc. all complete as per drawing direction and satisfaction of the E.I.C. N.B. i) Manufacturer’s test certificate for UPVC pipe & specials to be produced before laying of pipe line.ii) 3rd party inspection of UPVC pipe & specials to be done by CEPET or (India) SGS/NTH Kolkata or as per direction of EIC as per approved vender list.iii)No part payment at any stage on account of supply of materials shall be entertained. iv)Payment will be made on actual consumption of materials.v)UPVC pipes for the works to be supplied as per approved vendor list and as per direction & satisfaction of EIC. No pipes will be allowed beyond recommendated vendor list.vi)Submission of drawing of pipe line with statement of materials consumed between node to node points against each R.A. & final bill.if so.vii) Any deviation from required clear cover of 1.10mtr.due to site adverse condition, prior permission is to be obtained from EIC and payment for such work will be made on prorate basis over the rate of entire item.viii)All pipe connection shall be completed in all respect and as per directionof EIC. Decision of EIC in this respect is final & binding. In case of any deviation/or any left out pipe connections an amount of Rs.10,000.00 for each pipe connection will be realized/recovered from the bill.(A) Pressure Rating : Class - III (i) Laying of pipe line including cost of pipe only excluding cost of specials/fittings& valves.90mm (OD) 354 b) 110 mm (OD) 355 c) 125mm (Od) 356 d) 140 mm (OD) 357 e) 160 mm(OD) 358 e) 180 mm(OD) 359 e) 200 mm(OD) 360 e) 225 mm(OD) 361 e) 250 mm(OD) 362 Filling the pipe line with water, testing hydraulically as per I.S 3114-1965 (Article-6) in section of a length not exceeding 500mtr. for head of pressure as per specification including supplying installing and fixing all equipments such as diesel pump set, blank flange, pressure gauge, valve, pressure pump and all other tools and plants including drilling topping and plugging of necessary holes to pipes, blocking ends providing temporary thrust block and subsequent blocking of holes and other jointing materials and dismantling and removal of the same including disposal of water etc. all complete as per specification and direction of EIC. The rate is inclusive of cost of requisite water to be arranged by the contractor (Recovery rate of water @ Rs.10.00/m3, if contractor used water from deptt. source).B) For UPVC/HDPE Pipea)90 mm (OD) 363 b) 110 mm (OD) 364 c) 125mm (Od) 365 d) 140 mm (OD) 366 e) 160 mm(OD) 367 e) 180 mm(OD) 368 e) 200 mm(OD) 369 e) 225 mm(OD) 370 e) 250 mm(OD) 371 A) For CI/DI Pipeb)100 mm dia 372 c) 350 mm dia. 373 Cleaning thoroughly the inner surface of pipe line including specials and valves by flushing with water and subsequently disinfection of the same pipe line by flushing again with water containing bleaching powder resulting in residual chlorine not less than 15mg/ltrs. after 24hrs. of such filling including laboratory testing of water samples obtain from the disinfested pipe line and disposal of water from the pipe line after completion of the work. The rates including of cost of requisite water to be arranged by the contractor) (The rate of water @Rs. 10/m3 may be recovered, if the contractor used water from deptt. source).B) For UPVC/HDPE Pipea)90 mm (OD) 374 b) 110 mm (OD) 375 c) 125mm (Od) 376 d) 140 mm (OD) 377 e) 160 mm(OD) 378 e) 180 mm(OD) 379 e) 200 mm(OD) 380 e) 225 mm(OD) 381 e) 250 mm(OD) 382 A) For CI/DI Pipeb)100 mm dia 383 c) 350 mm dia. 384 Carrying CI/DI pipes with specials and valves and lowering placing in position and laying carefully inside the trenches in proper alignment and gradient etc. including earth work in excavation of adequate width as per specification having min. clear cover from top of pipe is 1.10mtr. below existing ground level in any kind of soil including mixed with boulder, road sub-grade and its flank,but excluding moorum and laterite and stone etc.without damaging the exisiting telephone/electric cable etc.(in case of damaged if any type of cable line during excecution , necessary damaged charges as applicable by the respective authority will be borne by the agency in his own cost) preparing the bottom surface for continuous bedding of pipe line and laying pipes, fitting, fixing specials and valves with bailing out water if any including carriage of pipes, specials and valves from local deptt. store within 8KM and back filling the trenches with excavated earth in layers to original condition as per specification and direction of EIC. The surplus materials after execution of work are to be return to the deptt. store.N.B: i) Any deviation from required clear cover of 1.10mtr., due to site adverse condition, prior permission is to be obtained from the EIC in exceptional situation and payment will be made on prorate basis over the rate of entire itemii) No payment will be made without hydraulic test of the pipe line either part or fulliii) The pipes, specials and valves , rubber gasket will be supplied deptt. free of cost.b) 100 mm dia. 385 c) 350 mm dia. 386 Making rubber gasket joint to CI/DI pipes maintaining proper alignment level etc. by mechanical arrangement with or without using mobile cranes where necessary and with help of all other equipments tools and tackles etc. as required providing lubricants of approved quality and direction of EIC. (rubber gasket will be supplied deptt. free of cost)b) 100 mm dia. 387 c) 350 mm dia. 388 Making flange joint to DI/CI pipes, specials and valves where necessary with supply of required rubber insertion and nut bolts, washers etc. of approved quality and type all complete as per specification and direction of EIC (Nut and bolts shall be of TATA/GKW rate).b) 100 mm dia. 389 a) 80 mm dia. 390 c) 150 mm dia. 391 d) 200 mm dia. 392 Construction of different dia Sluice valve /Air valve /Washout chamber in different sizes for village road where light traffic run and for main road where heavy traffic run as deptt.approved drawing with 25cm thick brick work (1:6) over cement concrete (4:2:1) over a single B/F soling over150mm.thick sand filling in foundation including earth work in excavation and disposal of excess earth from work site with RCC (1:1.5:3) cover slab 100mm / 150mm thick slab on top of chamber with 1% reinforcement in RCC cover slab with necessary opening for operation of valve all complete including cost of labour & materials as per Departmental Dwg. [Reinforcement type:- Other manufactuerers not specified]i) 80 mm to 150 mm dia pipe 393 i) 200 mm dia pipe 394 Bituminous pucca road (approx. 450mm depth) cutting by using gaiti, chisel, hammer etc. and picking uip the withdrawing excavated materials and remove the same within distance of 30mtr. at least all complete for fixing/crossing all dia of pipe line as per direction of EIC. 395 Making barricading of excavation trenches of road width upto 15mtr. to avoid any accident by providing 75mm dia bamboo post placed vertically & horizontally with the help of 6”size iron rail as per direction and satisfaction of EIC. (Applicable where critical situation arise and take up the work as per direction of EIC) 396 Labour for horizontal boring under pucca road etc…………....for laying of pipe.i) up to 150 mm dia. (CI/DI/AC/GI)/180 mm O.D UPVC & HDPE 397 Making village roadcrossing (Average 3 m width)by horizontal Augor boring for accmodation of laying of average 3 (Three) Nos 15 mm dia GI pipe for FHTC or as per direction of EIC. 398 Dismantling all types of plain cementconcrete works, stacking serviceablematerials at site and removing rubbish asdirected within a lead of 75 mIn ground floor including roof. (a) upto 150 mm. thick 399 Cement concrete with 30 mm down graded shinglesexcluding shuttering (N.B. Variety). In ground floor a) 6:3:1 proportion. 400 Making holes in two sides of wall of culvert/drain or any other structuresin any places for laying any dia pipe line within structures intwo sides of wall of culvert /drain /any structure at any places and mending good damages all complete as per direction of EIC.