Bids Are Invited For Material Testing Evaluation Cum Concrete Technology Compaction Factor Apparatus , Slump Test Apparatus , Vee Bee Consisto Meter , Oven , Flow Table , Cement Mortar Moulds , Cylindrical Moulds , Cube Moulds , Le Chatelier , Le Chatelier Apparatus , Le Chatelier Water Bath , Vibration Table , Curing Tank , Standard Vicats Apparatus , Flexure Strength Testing Machine , Universal Automatic Compacter , Cement Tensile Testing Machine , Needle Vibrator , Digital Weighing Balance , Digital Platform Balance , Beam Deflection Apparatus , Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity Instrument , Rebound Hammer , Digital Compression Testing Machine , Utm , Sieves , Split Tensile Strength , Torsion Testing Machine , Hardness Tests Brinnels And Rockwell , Spring Material Test , Concrete Mixture , Cement Autoclave , Water Bath , Trowel , Spatulla , Guinia , Spirit Level , Tensile Briquette Testing Machine , Vibrator Machine With Needle , Plate Vibrator , Flow Tile Testing Machine Flexure And Abrasion With All Accessroies , Strain Guage Indicator , Weight , Weight Hanger , Steel Scale , Micrometer Total Quantity : 167