
Tender For Supply Of Books As Per List 3, Medinipur West-West Bengal

Department of Higher Education has published Tender For Supply Of Books As Per List 3. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-12-2022. Crushers Breakers and Grinders Tenders in Medinipur West West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Books As Per List 3
Open Tender
West Bengal
Medinipur West

Tender Details

Supply Of Books As Per List 3 Supply Of Books As Per List 3 At Santal Bidroha Sardha Satabarshiki Mahavidyalaya, Paschim Medinipur. , Supply Of Books , Adv Practical Organic Chemistry/Leonard, Leonard, Crc, 9781439860977 , Advanced Oil Crop Biorefineries/Kazmi, Kazmi, Rsc, 9781849731355 , Advanced Organic Chemistry,5E Pt-A/Carey, Carey, Springer, 9780387683461 , Advanced Organic Chemistry,5E-Pt-B/Carey, Carey, Springer, 9780387683546 , Air Polution Chemistry/Tyagi, Tyagi, Humana Press, 9788185708294 , An Intro. Medicinal Chemistry 5/E, Patrick, Oxford, 9780199697397 , Application Of Group Theory In Chemi/Roy, Roy, Cbs, 9789388725651 , Asmmetric Synthesis The Essential/Stefan, Christmann, Wiley(Usa), 9783527313990 , Asymmetric Funtionalization Of C-H Bonds, You, Rsc, 9781782621027 , Atmospheric Chemistry & Global/Brasseur, Brasseur, Oxford, 9780195105216 , Ball Milling Towards Green Synthesis/Ran, Ranu, Rsc, 9781849739450 , Basic Stereochemistry Of Organic Molecul, Sen Gupta, Oxford, 9780199492213 , Basic Stereochemistry Organic/Sengupta, Sengupta, Oxford, 9780199451630 , Biochemistry 7Ed/Campbell, Campbell, Cengage, 9781111425647 , Biofuels An Approach For Greener And, Schamberger, White Press, 9781799600527 , Bioinorganic Chemistry, Dieter Rehder, Oxford, 9780199655199 , Bioinorganic Chemistry/Lippard, Lippard, Panima, 9788186535196 , Bioinorganic Electrochemistry/Hammerich, Hammerich, Springer, 9781402064999 , Biophysical Chemistry Vol-1/Cantor, Cantor, Freeman, 9781403945440 , Biophysical Chemistry Vol-2, Cantor, Freeman, 9781403945457 , Biophysical Chemistry Vol-3/Cantor, Cantor, Freeman, 9781403945464 , Carbohydrate Chemistry/Davis, Davis, Oxford, 9780198558330 , Cashew:Production And Processing, Aufderhar, White Press, 9781684699759 , Catalysis Of Organic Reactions/Herkes, Herkes, Crc, 9780824719296 , Chemical Bonding 2/Ed/Winter, Winter, Oxford, 9780198700951 , Chemical Concepts From Quantum/Misc, Misc, Rsc, 9780854049585 , Chemical Kinetics & Mechanism/Clark, Clark, Rsc, 9780854046706 , Chemical Kinetics & Reaction Dynamics, Houston, Dover, 9780486453347 , Chemical Principles/Atkins, Atkins, Freeman, 9781429219556 , Chemical Thermodynamics 7E Hb, Rosenberg, Wiley(Usa), 9780471780151 , Chemistry ., Burdge, Mcgrawhill, 9781259080777 , Chemistry And Biochemistry Of B12, Banerjee, Wiley(Usa), 9780471253907 , Chemistry Of The Elements/Greenwood, Greenwood, Elsevier, 9788181478061 , Chemistry/Whitten, Whitten, Cengage, 9780495125686 , Chemistry: Inorganic, Organic & Physical, Burrows, Oxford, 9780199667932 , Classical Mechanics 2E/Corben, Corben, Dover, 9780486680637 , Claytons Intro. To Organic Chemistry, Heathcock, Medtec, 9789385998898 , Clinical Chemistry/White, White, Garland, 9780815365105 , Concepts Of Physical Chemistry Prob/Kham, Khamrui, Cbs, 9789389261721 , Concise Inorganic Chemistry 5E/Lee, Lee, Oxford, 9788126515547 , Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry 4/Ed, Raymer, Freeman, 9780716776956 , Disinfection By Products In Drinking/Tho, Thompson, Rsc, 9781782620884 , Electrochemical Strategies In Detection, Arrigan, Rsc, 9781849738316 , Electrochemistry At The Nanoscale/Patrik, Patrik, Springer, 9781493999910 , Elements Of Physical Chemistry, 6/E, Atkins, Oxford, , Enviromental Chemistry 10Ed/Manahan, Manahan, Taylor & Francis, 9781498776936 , Environmental Chemistry Fundamentals, Ibanez, Springer, 9780387260617 , Environmental Chemistry/Bhatia, Bhatia, Cbs, 9788123908267 , Environmental Chemistry/Overway, Overway, Wiley(Usa), 9781118756973 , Essentials Geochemistry/Walther, Walther, Jones & Bartlett, 9780763726423 , Essentials Trends In Inorganic Chem/Ming, Mingos, Oxford, 9780195670295 , Exploring Chemical Analysis, Harris, Freeman, 9781429201476 , Fhosphoros-31 Nmr Spectroscopy/Kuhl, Kuhl, Springer, 9783540791171 , Fluid Structure Interactions In Low/Dupa, Dupart, Rsc, 9781849738132 , Foundations Of Organic Chemistry/Dalton, Dalton, Wiley(Usa), 9780470479087 , Fuel Cell Science &Engineering/Stolten, Stolten, Wiley(Usa), 9783527330126 , Fund Of Analytical Chemistry/Thompson, Thompson, Auris, 9781781543313 , Fundamental Organic Chemistry/Mcmurry, Mcmurry, Cengage, 9781408009710 , Fundamentals Of Analytical Chemis/Skoog, Skoog, Cengage, , Fundamentals Of Quantum Chemistry/Muller, Mueller, Springer, 9780306465963 , Fundamentals Organic Chemistry 5/Ed, Mcmurry, Cengage, 9780534395803 , Glycopolymer Code/Becer, Becer, Rsc, 9781849739788 , Green Catalysis-3 Vols Set-/Anastas, Anastas, Wiley(Usa), 9783527315772 , Green Chemistry An Introduction Text, Lancaster, Rsc, 9781847558732 , Green Chemistry For Environmental, Sanghi, Wiley(Usa), 9780470943083 , Green Materials For Sustainable/Mishra, Mishra, Rsc, 9781849736213 , Hand Book Enviromental Analysis/Patnaik, Patnaik, Taylor & Francis, 9781420065817 , Handbook Of Inorganic Compounds/Perry, Perry, Crc, 9781439814611 , Handbook Of Organic Analysis/Clarke, Clarke, Cbs, 9788123915012 , Handbook Of Surface & Colloid Chem/Birdi, Birdi, Crc, 9780849394591 , Harper Biochemistry/Murry - 26Th/Ed, Murray, Mcgrawhill, 9780071233545 , Hawks Physiological Chemistry/Kalsi, Kalsi, Medtec, 9789384007362 , Heterocycles From Double-Functionalized, Feng Wu, Rsc, 9781782621362 , Heterocyclic Chemistry/Jacobi, Jacobi, Wiley(Usa), 9781119417590 , Heterogeneous Catalysis In Org Che/Smith, Smith, Academic Press, 9780126516456 , In Silico Medicinal Chemistry/Brown, Brown, Rsc, 9781782621638 , Industrial Chemistry, Harvey, Edtech, 9781788820554 , Inorganic Chemistry /Weller, Weller, Oxford, 9780198825906 , Inorganic Chemistry/Banerjea, Banerjea, Asian Books, 9788184121667 , Inorganic Chemistry/Purcell, Purcell, Cengage, , Inorganic Chemistry/Raymer, Raymer, Freeman, , Inorganic Chemistry-Vol-1/Das, Das, Cbs, 9788123918662 , Inorganic Chemistry-Vol-2/Das, Das, Cbs, 9788123918679 , Inorganic Chemistry-Vol-3/Das, Das, Cbs, 9788123918686 , Inorganic Chemistry-Vol-4/Das, Das, Cbs, 9788123923512 , Inorganic Chemistry-Vol-5/Das, Das, Cbs, 9788123923529 , Inorganic Chemistry-Vol-6/Das, Das, Cbs, 9788123923536 , Inorganic Chemistry-Vol-7/Das, Das, Cbs, 9788123923543 , Intro To Modern Inorganic Chemist/Mackay, Mackay, Crc, 9780367411664 , Intro. To Organic Laboratory Techniques, Engel, Cengage, 9780538733281 , Introducation To Atomic Spectra/White, White, Mcgrawhill, 9789352604777 , Introduction To Spectroscopy/Pavia, Pavia, Cengage, 9788131529164 , Introductory Nanoscience/Kuno, Kuno, Garland, 9780815344247 , Kinetic Theory Of Gases/Kauzmann, Kauzmann, Dover, 9780486488332 , Lehninger Princip Of Biochemistry/Nelson, Nelson, Macmillan, , Ligand Field Theory & Its Applic/Figgis, Figgis, Wiley(Usa), , Liquid Crystals/Tschierske, Tschierske, Springer, 9783642275906 , Modern Method Organic Synthesis/Carruthe, Carruthers, Cambridge, 9781107567450 , Modern Organic Synthesis/Zweifel, Zweifel, Wiley(Usa), 9781119086536 , Molecular Driving Forces/Dill, Dill, Garland, 9780815344308 , Molecular Modeling & Bonding/Moore, Moore, Rsc, 9780854046751 , Molecular Physical Chemistry/Mclauchlan, Mclauchlan, Rsc, 9780854046195 , Molecular Symmetry And Spectr/Bunker, Bunker, Oxford, 9780660196282 , Name Reaction/Li, Li, Springer, 9783030113872 , Nanochemistry ; A Chemical Appr-2/E/Ozin, Ozin, Rsc, 9781847558954 , Nanomaterials And Nano Chemistry/Lahmani, Lahmani, Springer, 9783540729921 , Nanomaterials;Inorganic & Bioin/Lukehart, Lukehart, Wiley(Usa), 9780470516447 , Nanoscience And Nanotechnology, Clayton, Edtech, 9781788820769 , Nomenclature Inorganic Chemist/Connelly, Connelly, Rsc, 9780854044382 , Optical Spectroscopy In Chemistr/Schmidt, Schmidt, Wiley(Usa), 9783527299119 , Organic Chemistry4ec, Loudon, Oxford, 9780195686173 , Organic Chemistry - Carey, Carey, Mcgrawhill, 9789814670333 , Organic Chemistry 2E, Clayden Et Al, Oxford, , Organic Chemistry 3/Ed, Smith, Mcgrawhill, 9780071081863 , Organic Chemistry 6/Ed, Volhardt, Freeman, 9781429239240 , Organic Chemistry 7/Ed, Mcmurry, Cengage, 9780495116288 , Organic Chemistry A Biological Approach, Mcmurry, Cengage, 9780495111276 , Organic Chemistry Global Ed/Klein, Klein, Wiley(Usa), 9781119451051 , Organic Chemistry Prin Mechanisms/Karty, Karty, Norton, 9780393937121 , Organic Chemistry Vol-1/Tewari, Tewari, Mcgrawhill, 9789352605651 , Organic Chemistry Vol-2/Tewari, Tewari, Mcgrawhill, 9789387886193 , Organic Chemistry With Biological-2E/Mcm, Mcmurry, Cengage, 9780495391470 , Organic Chemistry/Clayden, Clayden Et Al, Oxford, 9780198728719 , Organic Chemistry/Sengupta, Sengupta, Oxford, 9780199451647 , Organic Reaction Mechanism, Copeland, Edtech, 9781788820875 , Organic Spectroscopy/Kemp, Kemp, Juliet, Palgrave, 9781403906847 , Organic Strutures From Spectra/Field, Field, Wiley(Usa), 9780470319277 , Organic Superconductors-2/E/Ishigurd, Ishiguro, Springer, 9783540630258 , Organic Synthesis Disconnection/Kalsi, Kalsi, Medtec, 9789385998461 , Organic Synthesis State Of The Art/Taber, Taber, Wiley(Usa), 9780470053317 , Organic Synthesis Using Transition/Bates, Bates, Wiley(Usa), 9781119978930 , Organomet Chemi Trans Metal-$99.95/Crabt, Crabtree, Wiley(Usa), 9781118138076 , Organometallic Chemistry, Beck, Edtech, 9781788820882 , Peptides From A-Z/Dieter, Dieter, Wiley(Usa), 97893527317226 , Pharmacology For Chemists Drug/Hill, Hill, Rsc, 9781782621423 , Physical Chemistry11/E/Atkins, Atkins, Oxford, 9780198814740 , Physical Chemistry-2/E/Berry, Berry, Oxford, 9780195687040 , Physical Chemistry-3/E/Mortimer, Mortimer, Elsevier, 9788131220214 , Polymer Chemistry-6/E/Seymour, Seymour, Marcel Dekker, 9780824708061 , Polymer Composites Vol-1/Thomas, Thomas, Wiley(Usa), 9783527326242 , Polyrotaxane And Slide-Ring Materials/It, Ito, Rsc, 9781849739337 , Porous Polymers/Qiu, Qui, Rsc, 9781849739320 , Prin Descr Inorganic Chemistry/Wulfsberg, Wulfsberg, University Science Books, 935702660 , Principles & Prac Of Heterogeneous/Thoma, Thomas, Wiley(Usa), 9783527314584 , Principles Of Organic Synthesis-3/E/Norm, Norman, Taylor & Francis, 9781138098688 , Principles Of Polymer Chemistry, Flory, Asian Books, 9788184120134 , Problems And Solutions In Organic Chemis, Sen Gupta, Oxford, , Problems In Quantum Mechanics/Goldman, Goldman, Dover, 9780486675275 , Problems In Structural Inorganic Chemist, Li & Cheung, Oxford, 9780199658503 , Rotational Spectroscopy Of Diatomic, Brown, Cambridge, 9780521530781 , Solid And Liquid Interfaces/Erbil, Erbil, Wiley(Usa), 9781405119689 , Solu Manu To Accomp Inorg Che /Hadzovic., Hadzovic, Oxford, , Symmetry & Spectroscopy Of Molec/Reddy, Reddy, Elsevier, 9788122424515 , Synthesis Of Polymers 2 V Set/Schluter, Schluter, Wiley(Usa), 9783527327577 , Synthetic Receptors For Biomolecules/Smi, Smith, Rsc, 9781849739719 , Textbook Of Pericyclic Reactions/Majumde, Majumdar, Medtec, 9789384007379 , Advanced Electrochemistry, , Sananda Chatterjee, 9789388854252 , Advanced Food Chemistry, , S.A. Iqbal, 9788183567497 , Advance Practical Organic Chemistry, , Amit Arora, 9788183564441 , Air Pollution Management, , R.N. Misra, 9789350567241 , Aliphatic Compounds: Sulphur, Phosphorus Silicon & Boron, , Amit Arora, 9788183561792 , Aliphatic Organic Chemistry, , Amit Arora, 9788183561884 , Analytical Biochemistry, , A.N. Shukla, 9788183564854 , Analytical Techniques In Chemical And Biological Sciences, , Deep Mala, 9789386841599 , An Introduction To Analytical Chemistry, , S.A. Iqbal, 9788171412440 , An Introduction To Nuclear Chemistry, , M. Satake, 9788171412778 , An Introduction To Quantum Chemistry, , Satake & Taguchi, 9788171413324 , Animal Biochemistry, , Lata Bhattacharya, 9788183566414 , Applications Of Spectroscopy, , K. Sonamuthu, 9788183566049 , Applied Chemistry, , G. Singh, 9788183564397 , Aromatic Organic Chemistry, , Amit Arora, 9789350565933 , Atomic Structure, , Y. Mido & Iqbal, 9788171411320 , Basic Chemistry, , Shardendu Kislaya, 9788183567534 , Biochemistry, , Vikrant Verma, 9789388854610 , Biological Chemistry, , Lata Bhattacharya, 9788183564861 , Biomolecules, , S.R. Mishra, 9788171417292 , Biophysical Chemistry, , Satake & Iqbal, 9788171413294 , Chemistry Of Air & Air Pollution, , S.A. Iqbal, Y. Mido, 9788171412655 , Chemistry Of Alkaloids, , P.B. Saxena, 9789350565414 , Chemistry Of Amino-Acids And Proteins, , G. Singh, 9789350565421 , Chemistry Of Chemical Bonding, , R.K. Sharma, 9789350565438 , Chemistry Of Colour, , M. Satake, 9788171412761 , Spectroscopy, , S. Kislaya, 9789350564356 , States Of Matter, , A. Goel, 9788183561310 , Statistical Tools, Data And Instrumentation In Research And Science, , Chhavi Kr. ‘Bharati’, 9789388854511 , Stereochemistry, , R.K. Sharma, 9789350565568 , Encyclopedia Of Biochemistry (5 Vols. Set), , Sananda Chatterjee, 9788183568760 , Encyclopedia Of Food Chemicals (3 Vols. Set), , Himadri Panda, 9789350568439 , Encyclopedia Of Inorganic Chemistry (3 Vols. Set), , Sananda Chatterjee, 9788183568746 , Encyclopedia Of Organic Chemistry (8 Vols. Set), , Sananda Chatterjee, 9788183568753

Corrigendum Details

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1 28-11-2022 Date Date 05-12-2022

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