Procurement Of Science Laboratory Equipments To 33 Govt High Schools In Basav Kalyan Tq & Dist: Bidar , Iron Filings 500Gm,Test Tube Stand,Wind Mill Model,Zinc Plate,Human Eye Model,Harley Shoe Magnet,Tunning Fork Set,Glass Slab,Nitric Acid Acid 500Ml,Solar Cooker Model / Solar System Material,Tunning Fork Pad,Projector Screen,Copper Sulphate 500Gm,Hydrochloric Acid 500Ml,3-D Shapes Kit,Human Brain Chart-01,White Screen,Human Brain Model,Human Nervous System,Rheostat,Projector,Automic Model Set,Porcelin Crucible,Concave Lens,Mathemathics Kit,Sulphuric Acid 500Ml,Sodium Metal 500Ml,Ohms Law Apparatus,China Dish,Crucible Tongs,Human Ear Model,Tripad Stand,Steel Spatula,Safraine Stain,Test Tube Brush,Human Heart Model,Litmus Paper Red & Blue,Bunsen Burners,Human Circulative System Chart-01,Methyl Orange 500Ml,Watch Glass 100Mm,Filter Paper,Compound Microscope (Isi),Convex Mirror,Electromagnet,Periodic Table Chart-01,Ph Paper 100 Pcs,Lens Stand,Convex Lens,Ammeter,Human Digestive System Chart-01,Glass Prism,Cover Glass,Concave Mirror,Human Respiratory System,Human Secretary System Chart-01,Bluetooth Speaker,Glass Rod,Ferrous Sulphate 500Gm,Centrifuge (Hand Driven),Magnesium Ribbon,Litmus Solution 500Ml,Bar Magnet,Volta Meter,Human Ear Chart-01,Human Eye Chart-01,Compass Needle,Geoboard,Thistle Funnel,Wire Gauge