
Tender For Rate Contract For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals/Reagents, Glassware, Plasticware, Gases/Liquid Nitrogen And Other Laboratory Consumables, bathinda-Punjab

Central University Of Punjab has published Tender For Rate Contract For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals/Reagents, Glassware, Plasticware, Gases/Liquid Nitrogen And Other Laboratory Consumables. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-12-2022. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in bathinda Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rate Contract For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals/Reagents, Glassware, Plasticware, Gases/Liquid Nitrogen And Other Laboratory Consumables
Open Tender

Tender Details

Rate Contract For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals / Reagents, Glassware, Plasticware, Gases / Liquid Nitrogen And Other Laboratory Consumables - Laboratory Chemicals / Reagents - 1. Abcam 2. Abgenex 3. Abnova 4. Addgene 5. Alfa Aesar 6. Amresco 7. Applied Biosystems 8. Astron Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. 9. Avantor 10. Avra 11. Avarice 12. Br Biochem 13. Bd Biosciences 14. Biolegend 15. Bio-Rad 16. Biovision 17. Cayman 18. Cdh 19. Cell Signaling Technologies ( Cst ) 20. Chemigens Research & Fine Chemicals 21. Corning 22. Spt Labtech 23. Cytiva ( Ge Healthcare Life Science Formerly ) 24. Cytoskeleton, Inc. 25. Diametra 26. Dss Takara ( Clonetech ) 27. Ebiosciences 28. Elabscience 29. Enzo Life Sciences 30. Eurofins Genomics 31. Reagacon 32. Everon Life Sciences 33. Falcon 34. Fermentas 35. Finar 36. Fisher Scientific 37. G Biosciences 38. Ge Healthcare ( Ge Healthcare, Usa ) 39. Genaxy 40. Genei 41. Genetix Biotech Asia Pvt. Ltd. 42. Genexplore 43. Genscript – Usa 44. Gilson 45. Glr Scientific 46. Hi Media 47. Hplc 48. Hyclone 49. Imperial Life Sciences 50. Invitrogen ( Thermo Scientific ) 51. Invivogen 52. J. T. Baker 53. Labman / Wensar 54. Laser 55. Leonid 56. Loba Chemie 57. Lonza ( Usa ) 58. Matrix 59. Megazyme 60. Merck 61. Molychem 62. Mp Biomedical 63. Namco 64. New England Biolab 65. Novus 66. Omnipur® 67. Origene 68. Pall 69. Pallav 70. Peprotech 71. Prolab 72. Promega 73. Puregene 74. Qiagen 75. Qualigens 76. R & D Systems 77. Rankem 78. Ray Biotech 79. Roche 80. Santa Cruz Biotechnology 81. Sd Fine ( Sd Fine Chemicals India Pvt.Ltd. ) 82. Shimadzu 83. Sigma Aldrich ( Sigma Aldrich Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. ) 84. Sino Biological 85. Spectrochem 86. Srl ( Sisco Research Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. ) 87. Takara 88. Tci Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. 89. Tempo 90. Thermo Fisher Scientific 91. V. W. R 92. Xcelris Labs Limited 93. Zymo Research - Laboratory Glassware - 1. Asgi Lab Glassware 2. Axisafe Glassware 3. Borosil 4. Cole-Parmer 5. Corning 6. Duran 7. Durasil 8. Genaxy 9. Geneie 10. Glassco 11. Hamilton 12. Harsh & Co ( Harco ) 13. J. J. Labware 14. Jsgw 15. J-Sil 16. Labco 17. Lord Krishna Scientific Glassware 18. Omsons 19. Rankem Glassware Laboratory 20. Rivera 21. Sabar Scientific 22. Schott-Duran 23. Spectrochem 24. Srl 25. Supertek 26. Tensil Lab Glass 27. Thermo Fisher Scientific ( Life Science ) 28. Vwr - Laboratory Plasticware - 1. Abdos Labtech Pvt Ltd 2. Aps Life Tech 3. Avantor 4. Axiva Pvt.Ltd. 5. Axygen 6. Bd Biosciences 7. Biolite ( Thermo Fisher ) 8. Br Biochem 9. Cole Parmar Pvt. Ltd. 10. Corning 11. Spt Labtech 12. Dispovan 13. Eppendorf 14. Falcon 15. G E Health Care, Usa 16. Genaxy Scientific Pvt. Ltd. 17. Genei Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 18. Genetix Biotech Asia P. Ltd 19. Hi Media 20. Invitrogen Thermo 21. Kasablanka 22. Labware 23. Mdi 24. Merck 25. Moxcare 26. Nest 27. Nunc® Lab-Tek 28. Plastix Labs 29. Polylab 30. Romsons 31. Sartorius 32. Sigma Aldrich 33. Spl 34. Steeivan 35. Tarsons 36. Thermo Fisher Scientific 37. Tpp 38. V. W. R - List Of Gases And Liquid Nitrogen ( Including Transportation Of Empty And Refilled Gas Cylinders ) - 1. Acetylene ( C2h2 ) For Aas 2. Air 3. Argon 4. Argon ( With High Purity Certificate 99.999% ) 5. Co2 6. Helium ( With High Purity Certificate 99.999% ) 7. Hydrogen ( With High Purity Certificate 99.999% ) 8. Liquid Nitrogen 9. Methane 10. Nitrogen 11. Nitrogen ( With High Purity Certificate 99.999% ) 12. Nitrous Oxide ( N2o ) For Aas 13. Oxygen

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 25000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1 Crore /-
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