Purchase Of Equipments For Geotechnical Engineering Lab In Civil Engineering Department , Purchase Of Equipmentsfor Geotechnical Engineering Lab , Hot Air Oven (Detailedspecification Seperatesly Attached ) , Weighing Balance- 20 Kg/1Gm , Weighing Balance - 500Gm/.01 , Moisture Cans , Spatula , Pycnometer For Specific Gravity , Sieves- Standard Test Sieves, 200 Mm Dia, Spun Brass Frame. 4.75 Mm, 2.36 Mm, 1.18 Mm, 600 Mic, 300 Mic, 150 Mic, 90 Mic, Lid And Pan. , Sieves-Standard Test Sieves, 300 Mm Dia, G.I. Sheet Frame. 100 Mm, 80 Mm, 63 Mm, 40 Mm, 25 Mm, 20 Mm, 12.5 Mm, 6.3 Mm, 4.75 Mm, Lid And Pan. , Sieve Shaker- (Detailedspecification Seperatesly Attached ) , Adopter- Adopter For 300Mm Sieves , Hydrometer- Without Chemicals , Hydrometer Jar-Hydrometer Glass Jar , Liquid Limit Device-(Detailedspecification Seperatesly Attached ) , Plastic Limit Apparatus- (Detailedspecification Seperatesly Attached ) , Shrinkage Limit Apparatus-(Detailedspecification Seperatesly Attached ) , Swell Pressure Test Apparatus - (Detailedspecification Seperatesly Attached ) , Core Cutter- (Detailed Specification Seperatesly Attached ) , Sand Pouring Cylinder- ( Detailed Specification Seperateslyattached ) , Laboratory Permeability Apparatusuniversal Permeameter (Suitable For Both Falling Head And Constant Head Test.) (Details Of Specification Seperatesly Attached ) , Compaction Mould -Compaction Mould 100 Mm Internal Dia X 127.3 Mm Height, 1000 Ml Volume Complete With Collar And Base Plate, All Made Of Mild Steel, Tie Rods Of Mild Steel And Wing Nuts For Clamping. Test Is Performed As Per Is: 2720 (Part- Vii). , Compaction Mould- Compaction Mould 150 Mm Internal Dia X 127.3 Mm Height, 2250 Ml Volume, Complete With Collar And Base Plate All Made Of Mild Steel, Fixing Tie Rods Of Mild Steel With Wing Nuts. Test Is Performed As Per Is:2720 (Part- Viii). , Compaction Rammer, Light- (Details Of Specification Seperatesly Attached ) , Compaction Rammer, Heavy-(Details Of Specification Seperatesly Attached ) , Laboratory Cbr Apparatus (Motorised)- (Details Of Specification Seperatesly Attached ) , Direct Shear Apparatus (Motorised)-(Details Of Specification Seperatesly Attached ) , Unconfined Compression Apparatus (Motorised, Supplied Complete With Proving Ring & Dial Gauge) (Details Of Specification Seperatesly Attached ) , Bench Type Consolidation Apparatus. (Details Of Specification Seperatesly Attached ) , Triaxial Test Apparatusa) Load Frame, Motorised- Quantity-1 B)Triaxial Cell-Quantity-1C)Lateral Pressure Assembly -Quantity-1D)Self Compensating Pressure Apparatus . -Quantity-1 E)Proving Ring 10Kn Capacity-Quantity-1F)Dial Gauge (0.01 / 25Mm)-Quantity-1 (Details Of Specification Seperatesly Attached )