
Tender For Laboratory Materials, ernakulam-Kerala

Department of Higher Education has published Tender For Laboratory Materials. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-11-2022. wrist watch Tenders in ernakulam Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Laboratory Materials
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Laboratory Materials Archelogy Physics And Geology Samples And Specimen For Laboratory , Check Material Description Page , Quarts , Orthoclase Felsdpar , Asbestose , Beryl , Biotite , Muscovite , Calcite , Agate , Jasper , Gypsum , Flourite , Galena , Garnet , Kyanite , Magnesite , Pyrite , Chalcopyrite , Limonite , Magnetite , Heamatite , Sylomilane , Syllimanite , Talc , Tourmaline , Chromite , Dolomite , Apatite , Andalusite , Olivine , Serpentine , Zircon , Quarts , Orthoclase Felsdpar , Microcline , Oligoclase , Plagioclase , Garnet , Hypersthene , Hornblende , Biotite , Muscovite , Calcite , Kyanite , Syllimanite , Staurolite , Olivine , Enstatite , Augate , Anorthosite , Basalt , Biotite Schist , Coal , Breccia , Charnokite , Conglomerate , Diorite , Dolerite , Dolomite , Gabbro , Gneisse , Granite , Syenite , Khondalite , Kyanite Schist , Laterite , Limestone , Fossiliferous Limestone , Marble , Pegmatite , Pyroxinite , Phyllite , Quartzite , Slate , Shale , Dunite , Arkose , Greywacky , Sandstone , Granite , Gabbro , Basalt , Diorite , Dunite , Anorthosite , Khondolite , Charnockite , Limestone , Biotite Schist , Biotite Gneiss , Kyanite Schist , Sandstone , Pyroxinite , Phyllite , Shale , Conglomerate , Breccia , Fossiliferous Limestone , Felsernite , Lithernite , Oolitic Limestone , Hardnes Box , Straek Plate , Resistor 100 O , Resistor 330 O , Resistor 470 O , Resistor 680 O , Resistor 820 O , Resistor 1K O , Resistor 1.2K O , Resistor 2.2K O , Resistor 3.3K O , Resistor 4.7K O , Resistor 5.6K O , Resistor 10K O , Resistor 47K O , Resistor 22K O , Resistor 33K O , Resistor 6.8K O , Resistor 100K O , Resistor 56K O , Resistor 82K O , Resistor 820K O , Resistor 1M O , Resistor 22 O , Resistor 560 O , Resistor 680K O , Resistor 470K O , Variable Resistor ( 10Turn Potentiometer ) 10K O , Variable Resistor ( 10Turn Potentiometer ) 100K O , Variable Resistor ( 10Turn Potentiometer ) 47K O , Capacitor 100 Uf , Capacitor 1 Uf , Capacitor 0.1 Uf , Capacitor 0.01Uf , Capacitor 0.001 Uf , Capacitor 10 Uf , Capacitor 22 Uf , Capacitor 0.22 Uf , Capacitor 0.02 Uf , Capacitor 220 Uf , Capacitor 470 Uf , Capacitor 330 Uf , Capacitor 4.7 Pf , Capacitor 470 Pf , Inductor 5.6 Uh , Inductor 22 Uh , Inductor 100 Mh , Regulators 7805 , Regulators 7809 , Regulators 7812 , Regulators 7905 , Regulators 7909 , Regulators 7912 , Digital Ic 7400 , Digital Ic 7402 , Digital Ic 7404 , Digital Ic 7408 , Digital Ic 7410 , Digital Ic 7411 , Digital Ic 7486 , Digital Ic 7432 , Op Amp 741 , Ic 555 , Ic 4016 , Ic Adc0800 , Ic 4046 , Transistor Bc107 , Transistor Bc497 , Transistor Ac188 , Diode 1N4001 , Diode Sz5.6 , Diode Oa79 , Wire Stripper , Connection Wire ( Meter ) , Led Red , Led Green , Led White , 7 Segment Display , Lens Covex 10Cm Focal Legth , Lens Concave 10Cm Focal Legth , Solid Prism , Hollow Prism , Grating , Thermistor , Ldr , Rtd , Photodiode , Battery 9V , Battery 1.5 V , Fet , Mosfet , Castor Oil 5 Litre , Lead Shot2 Mm ( 100 Pack ) , Zener Diode 4 Different Voltages ( 100Each Pack ) , Marker Pen , Black And Blue Ink ( Small Bottle ) , Chalk ( 50Pack ) , 80 Gsm A4 Paper ( Bundle ) , Compartment Box For Component , Stop Watch , Mercury Vapour Lamp Set , Sodium Vapour Lamp Set , Standerd Resistor 2 Different Values , Danial Cell , Connection Cable For Cro , Mercury 200Ml , Multimeter , Mercury Crucible , Beacker 100Ml , Beacker 200Ml , Beacker 500Ml , Mixing Jar 100Ml , Mixing Jar 200Ml , Burette , Capillary Tube Set , Player And Spanner Set , Vernier Callipers , Profile Comb , Munsell Soil Colour Chart , Shovels , Excavation Knives , Trowels ( Rake ) , Crowbars , Antiquity Record Book , Pick Axe , Sieve , Drawing Boards , Plastic Boxes , Long Handled Shovel 0

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1650 /-
INR 5457.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5.45 Lakhs /-
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We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.
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