Bids Are Invited For Lab Development Autoclave Portable , Binocular Microscope , Bod Incubator , Centrifuge Machine 3500 Rpm , Chemical Balance , Choromotography Chamber , Compound Micrscope , Conductivity Meter With Cell , Cork Boring Machine , Digital Balance Accuracy 0.001-200 , Digital Colony Counter , Digital Ph Meter Conductivity , Digital Tds Meter , Digital Turbidity Meter , Dissecting Micro Scope , Distillation Appratus 5 Ltr , Electronic Balance 0.1 -600 Grm , Flame Photo Meter Digital , Gel Electrophoresis , Heating Mentle 7 Ltr , Heating Mentle Regular 1000Ml , Heating Mentle Regular 500 Ml , Hot Air Oven 14 X 14 , Hot Air Oven Stainless Steel , Image Projection System , Incubator Stainless Steel , Kjeldal Digestion 6 Test, Kjeldl Digesition Unit 6-Test , Laminar Air Flow Horizontal, Magnetic Strirrer , Melting Point Apparatus Digital ,Micro Pippette Fixed 1 -5 Ml , Micro Pippette Variable, Micropipette Variable 1 -5 Ml , Micro Water And Soil Kit, Oven , Oven Universal , Paper Choromotgraphytesting Kit , Ph Meter , Ph Meter Digital With Electrodes ,Potentio Meter Digital , Rotary Microtome Withaccessories , Single Pan Balance 0.01-300Gr , Slide Box100 Slide , Slide Box 50 Slide , Spectrophotometer340 900 , Tds Meter Digital , Thin Layer Chromatographykit , Vortex Shaker , Water And Soil Testing , Waterbath 12 Holes , Water Bath 12 Holes Ss , Water Bath6 Holes Ss Total Quantity : 64