
Bids Are Invited For Procurement Of Ce Items Total Quantity : 1, Lakhisarai-Bihar

Department Of Science And Technology has published Bids Are Invited For Procurement Of Ce Items Total Quantity : 1. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-10-2022. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in Lakhisarai Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Procurement Of Ce Items Total Quantity : 1
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Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Procurement Of Ce Items--1. Compaction Factor Apparatus 2. Slump Test Apparatus 3. Vee Bee Consisto Meter 4. Oven 5. Flow Table 6. Cement Mortar Moulds 7. Cylindrical Moulds 8. Cube Moulds 9. Le Chatelier 10. Le-Chatelier Apparatus 11. Le-Chatelier Water Bath 12. Vibration Table 13. Curing Tank 14. Standard Vicat’S Apparatus 15. Flexure Strength Testing Machine 16. Universal Automatic Compacter 17. Cement Tensile Testing Machine 18. Needle Vibrator 19. Digital Weighing Balance 20. Digital Platform Balance 21. Beam Deflection Apparatus 22. Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity Instrument 23. Rebound Hammer 24. Digital Compression Testing Machine 25. Sieves 26. Split Tensile Strength 27. Torsion Testing Machine 28. Hardness Tests ( Brinnel’S And Rockwell ) 29. Concrete Mixture 30. Water Bath 31. Trowel 32. Spatulla 33. Guinia 34. Spirit Level 35. Tensile ( Briquette ) Testing Machine 36. Vibrator Machine With Needle 37. Plate Vibrator 38. Flow Tile Testing Machine ( Flexure And Abrasion ) With All Accessories 39. Strain Gauge Indicator 40. Weight 41. Weight Hanger 42. Steel Scale 43. Micrometer 1. Crushing Value Apparatus 2. Aggregate Impact Tester 3. Ring And Ball Apparatus 4. Ductility Testing Machine With Digital Temp Indicator 5. Thickness Gauge 6. Length Gauge 7. Universal Penetrometer 8. Balance 9. Flash And Fire Apparatus 10. Viscosity Of Bitumen 11. Gi Sieve ( 450 Mm Dia ) 12. Brass Sieve ( 200 Mm Dia ) 13. Benkelman Beam 14. Multispeed Tester, Marshal Hammer, Moulds, Testing Jig 1. Core Cutter 2. Pycnometer 3. Sand Pouring Cylinder Apparatus 4. Liquid Limit Device 5. Plastic Limit Set 6. Shrinkage Limit Set 7. Laboratory Permeability Apparatus ( Constant Head And Falling Head ) 8. Hydrometer Apparatus 9. I.S. Sieves 20 Cm Diameter Brass Aperture Size 4.75 Mm, 2.36Mm, 1.18Mm, 600Micron, 300 Micron, 150 Micron And 75 Micron As Per Is 460 10. C.B.R. Apparatus 11. Laboratory Vane Shear Apparatus 12. Infra –Red Moisture Meter 13. Direct Shear Apparutus . Moterised With 12 Speed . As Per Is : 2720 ( Part Xiii ) 14. Consolidation Apparatus 15. Triaxial Shear Test Apparatus 16. Unconfined Compression Tester 17. Proctor Test Apparatus For Light Compaction 18. Proctor Test Apparatus For Heavy Compaction 19. Sieve Shaker Total Quantity : 1

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