Supply Of Chemicals & Glassware Items For The Period Of One Year To The Mysore Medical College And Research Institute And Its Associated Hospitals, Mysuru , Drabkins Solution 500Ml, Hb Pipettes ( German Made ) , Hb Whats Man Filter Paper ( Cat No-100 / -090 ) Ge Health Care Life Science ) 1X100, Esr Disposable Pipette, Glass Slides 1 X 50, Cover Slips ( 22M X 10Gm ) , Uristicks For Sugar ( 1X100 ) , Uristicks For Ketone Bodies ( 1X100 ) , Sulphosalicylic Acid 20X Solution 500Ml, Sulphosalicylic Acid Powder 100Gm, Sulphur Powder 100 Gm, Abg Sensor Cassette ( 100 Test ) Sc80 100 / 60, Abg Solution Pack Basic, Urine Pregnency Kit, St200 Cc Reagent Pack, Abg Daily Cleaner Kit, Abg Quality Control Kit, Urine Diluent, Esr Tube, Barium Chloride, Benzidine Powder, Glacial Acetic Acid, Fouchers Reagent 250Ml, Plastic Pasteurs Pipeete, Plastic Measuringfors, Sodium Pippette, Conical Flasks, Reagent Bottle, Abg Printing Paper Roll, Khans Tube, Test Tube 5Ml, N / 10 Hcl, Blood Grouping Kit ( Abd ) , Hbsag Kit, Sterile Cotton Swab With Wooden Stick Gamma Sterilized ( Individually Packed ) , Blood Grouping Kits ( Ard 10Ml Each ) , Chlroscope Apparatus, Chlorostex ( Re Agent ) ( 100Ml ) , Paris Green, Ddt ( Powder ) , Ethyl Alcohol ( 500 Ml, Orthololidine Reagent ( 100 Ml0, Dettol ( 200 Ml ) , Savlon ( 200 Ml ) , B H C, Bleeching Powder, Haemometer Set, Rbc Diluting Fluid ( 500 Ml ) , Wbc Diluting Fluid ( 500 Ml ) , A E C Diluting Fluid ( 500 Ml ) , Blodd Group Kit, Leishman`S Kit ( 500 Ml ) , N / 10 Hcl ( 500 Ml ) , Reticulocyte Fluid ( 100 Ml ) , Platelet Fluid ( 500 Ml ) , Liquid Paraffin ( 500 Ml ) , Rbc Pipette, Wbc Pipette, Hn Pipette & Tube, Improvised Neubauer Counting Chamber, Hemcytometer, Slide Box, Cover Slip, Beakers ( 250 Ml ) , Capillary Tubes ( Non Heparinized ) , Glass Rod 2 Feet, Inj Anti —D Rh 1Mmunogi.Obuln 300 Mcg, Disposable Oxygen Mask ( Adult ) , Nebulizer Medicine Chamber, Sterile Disposable Perfusion Set With Filter For Single Use Only ( Gamm A Radiated / Eto Sterilized Standardas Per Schedule Ri Of D & Cact Pouch Pack, Sterile Disposable Iv Canu La With Injection Port Sizes 18, Sterile Disposable Iv Canula With Injection Por I Sizes 20, Disposable Mol Th Masks ( Triple Layer ) , Sterile Non Re Usabl2 Disposable Syringf W’Iti I Ijypodermic Needle 5Ml . 24G, Sterile Non Reusable Disposable Syringe With Hypodermic Needle 10Ml . 24G, Sterile Non Reusable Disposable Syringe W’Ith Hypodermic Needle 20Ml . 24G, Spinal Needle 25 G, Epidural Needle 18G, Combined Spinal Epidl’Ral Needle, Epidural C Athater, Spinal Needle ( Pencil Point ) 27G, Cvc Cathaters, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc. Size 7 Id With, Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Sterjle, En Dotracheal Tubes With Clef F Pvc.Size 7.5 Id With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Sterile, Fndotracheal Tubes 4’Ith Cuif Pvc.Size 8 Jd V 1Âh Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Sterile, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc.Size 8.5 Hi With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Sterile, Right Angled Endo Tracheal Tubes 3, Larangyeal Mask Alrwa Y Size2, Lakangyeal Mask Alrh’Ay Size2.5, Larangyeal Mask Airway Size3, Ecg Electrodes, Ecg Jelly 250 Ml Bottle, Oropharyngeal Air Way-1, Oropharyngeal Air Way-2, Oropharyngeal Air Way-3, Anatomical Face Mask-1, Anatomical Face Mask-2, Anatomical Face Mask-3, Anatomical Face Mask-4, Bains Circuit, Jackson Rees Circuit, Dosposable Ventilator Tubing Circuit, B P Blades For Sibgle Use Sterile Individually Packed Si2es0.1 1, B P Bl Odes For Sibgle Use Sterile Individlial1. Y Pac Ke D Sizes 20, Urine Collection Bag With Valve Out Let ( 4All Of The Bag Shou L D Be Transparent To Measure The Veil I Sme 1500 Ml, Waste Disposable Covers Color & Logo As Par Polution Control Art White, Waste Disposable Covers Color & Logo As Par Polution Control Art Black, Waste Disposable Covers Color & Logo As Par Polution Control Art Red, Waste Disposable Covers Color & Logo As Par Polution Control Art Yellow, Waste Disposable Covers Color & Logo As Par Polution Control Art Blue, Micro S Lides 50 In Line Box, Cover Slips, Fol Ky S Ballon Catheter Sterile Single Use S Ul 14F, Fo I I:Y S Bali On Catheter Sterile Use Size 16F, Ryles Tube Sizes 14F, Romovac Suction Set 14F, Romovac Suction Set 16F, Blood Lancets Sterile In Dividlally Packed, Laryngoscope Adult With Blades, Ambu Bah Adult, Stellate, Boogie, Scalpel No11, Inv Cathater 11.5F, Elastic Adhesive Plaster 4”, Elastic .4Dhe$Ive Pi Aster 6, Blood Tran Sfusion Sat Sterile, Dis Posable Syringe 1 Ml With H ’Podermic Needlr 30G, I V Canula 2 Way 18G, Scalp Vein Set Sterile Size 20, Vaccum Suction Set, Disposable Needle Sterile 23G 11 / 2”, Suction Cathater 14, Iv Canula 2Way 20G, Micro Dripset Sterile Non Toxin Pyrogen Free Iso Certified 1 Ml = 60 Drops ( D W ) , Edta Tubes, Cautery Pencil For Monopolar Cautery Universalsy, Adoptable, Foi.Ey S Bal Lon Catheter Sterile Single Use Sizf 12F, Foi.Ey S Bal Lon Catheter Sterile Single Use Sizf 12F, Foi.Ey S Bal Lon Catheter Sterile Single Use Sizf 20F Two Way, Examination Gloves, Sterile Non Reusable Disposablew Syringe With, Hypodermic Needle 20 Ml 24 G, Ryles Tube Sizes 16 F, Chromic Catgut Size 2-+10 With 3Omm 1 / 2 Cricle Round Body Needle Suturf. Lengh 6 Cms, Chromic Catgut Size 1-0 With 3Omm 1 / 2 Cricle Round Body Needle, Black Silk Size2-0 With Cutting Needle, Vicryl No Oabsorbable Surg Ical Suture ( Synthetic ) Antibactirial Triclosan Cterilised Braided Cotated, Polygalactin 910 1 Mtr 40Mm Half Circle Round Body, Vicryl No Oabsorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetic ) Antibactirial Triclosan Cterilised Braided Cotated, Polygalactin 910 1 Mtr 40Mm Half Circle Heavy Round Body, Moisture Responsive Catheter Dressin G Of R Perjpherai. And Ceh Tral Lines, 7C Mx9cm, 6Cmx7cm, Silicon Gel Sheet, 12Cmx6cm, Medium Size Artery Forceps Curved, Long Artery Foceps Curved, Allise Medium Size 6, Allise Long Size, Mosquito Artery Curved, Mosquito Artery St, Sponge Holding Forceps, Towel Clips, Needle Holder Long & Medium, Adson Toothed Forceps, Toothed & Non Toothed Forceps, B. P Handle No 3 No 4, Babcock’S Long & Medium Size, Kockers Long Curved & St, Rt Angled Forceps Long, Devers Broad Retrauors, Langen Back Retractors, Mayos Scissors St 7 Curved, Osteotoms, Electric Section Apparatus, Dressing Bins Small & Bix, Gauze Cuttings Scissors Heavy, Sterile Non Reusable D1sposable Syr!Nge With Hypodermic Needle 5 Ml, 23G, Sterile Non Reusable D1sposable Syr!Nge With Hypodermic Needle 2 Ml, 23G, Sterile Non Reusable D1sposable Syr!Nge With Hypodermic Needle 10 Ml, 23G, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc Size 2.5 Id With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Strile, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc Size 3 Id With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Strile, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc Size 3.5 Id With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Strile, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc Size 4 Id With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Strile, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc Size 4.5 Id With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Strile, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc Size 5 Id With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Strile, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc Size 5.5 Id With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Strile, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc Size 6 Id With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Strile, Endotracheal Tubes With Cuff Pvc Size 6.5 Id With Gradation Of 0.5 Mm Strile, Dynapl.4Ster4”, 3Way With 10 Cms Extnsion, Dosiflow ( Ivf Regulator ) , Easy Fix / Yegaderm, Nasal Prongs Neonatal / Paediatric, Baby Wrist Band, Octopus ( Multi Lumen Iv Line Conector, Non Rebreathing Mask ( Nrm ) Paediatric / Adult, Central Venous Catheter 22 Gauge* 10 Cms Single Lumen 500, Central Venous Catheter 4.5 Fr. * 6Cms Triple Lumen, Central Venous Catheter 5.5 Fr. * 8Cms Double And Triple Lumen 500, Disposable Draping Sheet ( Under Pad ) , Ryles Tube No 10, Ryles Tube No 12, Ryles Tube No 23, Suction Catheter No 6, Suction Catheter No 8, Suction Catheter No 10, Suction Catheter No 12, Bp Apparatljs, Disposable Cap, Disposable Needle, Disposable Plastric Apron, Ketones Bodies Strips, Pregnancy Test Kit, Urinalysis Strips, Urine Ketones Bodies Strips, S.S Tray With Lid 10*12 ( Medium ) , Bins Large, Bins Medium, Bins Small, Ambu Bag With Mask With Reservior ( 500 Ml ) , Ambu Bag With Mask With Reservior ( 1000 Ml ) , Ambu Bag With Mask With Reservior ( 1500 Ml ) , Oxygel Flowmeter With Humidifier For Oxygen 150 Cylinder, Oxygen Cylinder Trolley, Weighing Machine Paediatric, Stethoscope, Machine For Fumigation, Drabkin S So / N, Hb Pipettest German Made ) , Whats Man Filter Paper ( Cat No-100 / - 090 ) ( Ge Health Care Life Science ) , Disposable Needles ( 24 G ) , Esr Disposable Pipettre, Blood Grouping Kits ( Ard. 10 Ml Each ) , Glass Slides, Cover Slips ( 22M*10 Gms ) , Uristicks For Sugar, Uristicks For Ketone Bodies, Sulphosalicylic Acid 20X Or ( Soln ) Sulphosalicylic Acid Powder, Sulphur Powder, Barium Chloride, Hydrogen Perozide, Benzidine Powder, Glacial Acetic Acid, Fouchets Reagent, Plastic Pasteurs Pipette, Plastic Measuringfors, Conical Flasks, Reagent Bottles, N0-1 Vicryl ( Round Body ) , Noj-0 Vicryl ( Round Body ) , No-1 Cat Gut, Ethilon 2-0, No-2-0 Vicryl, No-3-0 Vicryl, No-4-0 Vicryl, No-5-0 Vicryl, No-3-0 Non 0 Vicryl, No-1 Pds, No-3-0 Ethilon, Mo-5-0 Catgut, Vicryl Rapid ( 2-0 ) ( Cutting Of Round Body ) , Chromic Catgut No-1 5000 ( 1 Oocm- 1 / 2 Eirele Round Body ) , Chromic Catgut No 1-0, Ampicillin , Amp , 206010530250, Amoxycillin / Clavunalic Acid , Amc, 206010550250, Aztreonam , Ao, Amikacin, Ak, Akt30, Azithromycin, Azm, Azmt15, Ceft Riaxone , Ctr / Cl , 206030550250, Cefoxitin, Ex , 206030510250, Ceftazidime, Ca / Caz , Cazt30, Cefotaxime , Ctx / Ce, Ctxt30, Cefuroxime, Cu / Cxm, Cxmt30, Cotrimoxazole, Sxt / Cot, 206200660250, Chloramphenicol , C , Ct30, Clindamycin , Cd, Cdt2, Ciprofloxacin, Cip / Cf, Cipt5, Colistin, Col, Ervthromycin , E , Et15, Ertapenem, Etp, Etpt10, Gentamicin, Gen, Genti0, High-Level Gentamicin, Hlg, Hlgt120, Impenem , Imp, Impt10, Linezolid , Lz, Lzt30, Meropenem , Mem , Mrpt10, Netilmycin, Net , Nett30, N Itrofurantion , Nit / Nf, Nortloxacin, Nx / Nor, Penicillin, Pen / P, Ptio, Piperacillin / Tazobactam, Tzp / Pt , Ptztl00, Tetracycline , Te, Tigecycline , Tgc , Tgct30, Vancomycin, Va , Vat30, Ceftazidime- Clavunatic Acid, Cac , Cact30, Cefotaxime- Clavunatic Acid, Cec , Cect30, Nutrient Agar, Muellar Hinton Agar, Macconkey Agar, Agar Powder- ( Bacteriological ) , Pcptone Bacteriological, Brewer Thioglycolate Medium, Brain Heart Infusion Broth, Beef Extract, Triple Sugar Iron Agar, Christensen Urea Agar Base, Sodium Chloride, Simon Citrate Agar Base, Mannitol Salt Agar Base, R2a Agar, Xylose Lysine Deoxychlotate Agar, Cled Indicator Bromothymol Blue, Dnase Agar Base, Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Bile Esculin Agar, Corn Meal Agar, Wilson &Blair Agar Base, Bismuth Sulphite Agar, Lysine Iron Agar, Hicrome Uti Agar, Moeller Decarboxylase Broth ( Arginine ) , Moeller Decarboxylase Broth ( Lysine ) , Moeller Decarboxylase Broth ( Ornithine ) , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, Bird Seed Agar, Robertsons Cooked Meat Medium, Tcbs, Tetrathionate Broth Base, Sodium Taurocholate, Sodium Deoxycholate, Cary Blair Medium, Dimethyl Aminobenzaldehyde Pure, Amyl Alcohol, Andrades Indicator, Glacial Acetic Acid, Tetra Methyl 4 Phenylenediaminedihydrochloride, Actidione ( Cycloximide ) , Mannitol, Sucrose, Mannose, Arabinose, Sorbitol, Maltose, Dulcitol, Raffinose, Lactose, Ferric Chloride, Ethanol, Methanol, Xylene, Whattsman Filter Paper No.1, Ph Paper - 6 To 9, Blotting Paper, Hydrogen Peroxide, Sulphuric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Lead Acetate, Zinc Sulphate, Diethyl Ether, Luzols Iodine, Absolute Alcohol, Gention Violet Powder, Glucose, Pottassium Tellurite, Phosphate, Ferric Sulphate, Vancomycin Screen Agar ( Vre ) , Oxacillin Screen Agar, Liquor Ammonia, Whattsman Filter Paper No. 1 ( Round ) , A I Pha Napthal, Beakers, Beakers, Test Tubes With Rim, Test Tubes With Rim, Test Tubes With Rim, Glass Rods ( For Bent Tubes ) , Straight Wires ( Michrome ) , Michrome Loop-D-4Mm La019, Michrome Loop-D-2Mm La020, Nichrome Straight Wire La022, Forceps Plain Pointed, Teasing Needles, Liquid Paraffin, Autoclavable Plastic Petridishes, Autoclavable Glass Bottles With Aluminium Screw Cap And Rubber Liner, Cryovials, Micropipette Tips, Micropipette Tips, Digital Refrigerators Thermometer, Sterile Cotton Swab With Wooden Stick Gamma Sterilized ( Individually Packed ) , Steam Indicator Strip, Dry Heat Indicator Strips, Dhurhums Tubes, Sterile Disposable Containers, Hbsag Rapid Test Cards, Widal, Vdrl, Crp ( Latex Agglutination ) , Rf ( Latex Agglutination ) , Aslo ( Latex Agglutination ) , Hcv Rapid Test Card, Latex Weil Felix Kit ( Ox I 9, Ox2, Oxk ) , Brucella Abortus & Melitensis Latex Agglutination, Bact / Alert R Pf Plus ( Paediatric ) & Pa Plus ( Adult ) , Nmic 500, Pid 448008, Pmic 84, Yeast Id 448316, Nmic / Id, Pmic / 1D, Shirgella- Group 1 Atisera Polyvalent Salmonella Polyvalent, 04, 09, 06, 08, Soap Oil, Hypochlorite, Brushes-Small, Brushes-Medium, Phenyl, Dettol, Bombay Brooms, Mops, Sterilium, Micro Cover Slips ( Blue Star ) , 22Mmx4omm Size Each Box, Contain 20 ) Packets, 22X22m Square ( Small Box ) English, Glass.Contains 20Packets, Micro Sides ( Blue Star ) , Micropipette Ups ( Yellow ) , Micropipette Tips ( Blue ) , Microtome Blade-50, Low Profile, Needle ( Blue Needle ) 23 G, Needle ( Brown Needle ) 26, Needle 24G, Nice Distilled Water, Nuclear Fast Red, Og6, Paraffin Wax 60-62 C ( Pelletes ) , ( Nice Company ) , Pasture Pipette Long ( Glass ) , Picric Acid Saturated 125Ml, Platelet Diluting Fluid, P-Phenylenediamine, Dihydrochloride, Rapid Pap / Ultra Pap, Rbc Diluting Fluid, Reticulocyte Stain, Schiffs Reagent 125Ml, Semen Diluting Fluid, Silver Nitrate 100Gm, Sodium Acetate Trihysdrate, Sodium Netroprusside, Sorensens Phosphate Buffer Ph 7.3, Sulphur Powder, Surgical Spirit, Syringe 10Cc, Thymol, Wbc Diluting Fluid, Xylene ( Merck ) , Sterile Urine Container 10Ml, Gloves, Pt Reage, Aptt Re Agent, Pt & Ap1ft Washing Solutionx1, Pt & Ap ] It Washing Solutionx2, Calcium Chloride ( Pt, Aptt ) , Cuvetts ( T And Aptt ) , Pt Collejtion Tube ( Citrate Tube ) , Paraffin Wax Rings, Pt ( Qc ) High; Normal, Low, Aptt ( Qc ) High; Normal, Low, Bullets ( Rt Qc ) , Cell Pack ( Dcl ) , Wnr Fluorocell, Wdf Fluorocell, Wnr Lycercell, Wdf Lycercell, Sls Sulfolyer ( 5 Ltr ) , Tri Level Qc Xn Check Li , L2l3, ( Normal ) , Cell Cleaner, Imrnuno Wash Buffer 25 X Concentrated, Tris Edta Biffer 50X Concentrated ( Retrieval _Ph-9.0 ) , Secondary Antibody Kit, Hydrophobic Slide Maker ( Pap Pen ) , Citra Btuffer10x ( Antigen Retrieveel ) , Positively Charged Slides 25X75xl.0 Mm, Casa Sper Analysis Morphology Kit, Vitality Kit, Urine Chemistry Analysis ( 10 Perameter ) , Rinse Additives ( 26X4ml ) , Siemens Hematek Stain Kit 1 Kit I 000 Test Pack, Abo Blood Grouping Kit, Aec Diluting Fluid, Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate, Ammonium Hydroxide, Barium Chloride, Benzedine Powder, Benedicts Solution, Borox ( Photographic Grade ) , Uffer Tablets, Caramine, Carbo! Fushcin Strong ( Nice ) , Chromic Acid, Cone. Hydrochloric Acid, Cone. Nitric Acid, D.P.X. ( Mountant ) , 3-3-Diaminobenzidine, Diamond Pencil ( Marker ) , Ea36, Eosin Yellowpowder Water Soluble, Ferric Choloride, Filter Paper Round { Big ) ( Whattmen ) , Formic Acid, Formalin, Giemsa Stain, Glacial Acetic Acid, Glycerine, Heamatoxyline Powder ( Nice ) , Hydrogen Peroxide, Isoprophyl Alcohol ( Nice ) , Liquid Paraffin, Liquor Ammonium Solution, Mercuric Oxide Red, Methylene Blue ( Nice ) , Metalin Yellow, Methenamine, 2, 4 Dinitro Phenyl Hydrazine, Acetone, Alcohal ( Absolute ) , Ammonia, Ammonium Hydroxide, Ammonium Oxalate, Ammonium Sulphate, Aspartic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Bcg, Bilirubin Standard, Bovine Albumin Std, Boric Acid, Bromine, Bromine Water, Benzidine, Casein, Cholesterol Standard, Coomassie Brilliant Blue, Copper Acetate, D-Glucose, Di Ethyl Barbituric Acid, Diacetyl Monoxime, Disodium Phosphate, Disodium Phenyl Phosphate, Ethanol, Ether, Filter Paper ( Ordinary ) Good Quality, Formaline, Glacial Acetic Acid, God-Pod Enzyme Kit, Hydrochloric Acid, Iodine, Lactose, Liquor Ammonia, Maltose, Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate, Methanol, Methyl Red, Nitric Acid ( Concentration ) , Oxaloglutaric Acid, Ph Paper, Phenol, Picric Acid, Potassium Cyanide, Potassium Di Hydrogen Phosphate, Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate, Silver Nitrate, Silver Nitrite, Sodium Bicarbonate ( Anhydrous ) , Sodium Bi Sulphate, Sodium Di Hydrogen Phosphate, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Hydroxide Pellets, Sodium Hydrogen Sulphite, Sodium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Nitroprusside, Sodium Sulphate, Sodium Sulphite, Starch ( Soluble ) , Sulpuric Acid ( Concentration ) , Trichloro Acetic Acid, Beakers, 100 Ml, Beakers, 500 Ml, Beakers, 1000 Ml, Beakers, 2000 Ml, Conical Flasks, 1000 Ml, Conical Flasks, 2000 Ml, Conical Flasks, 500 Ml, Conical Flasks, 250 Ml, Volumetric Flask, Standard Flask, Dropplesr Botteles, Test Tubes, Urine Jars, Sample Bottles, Micro Pipettes, Test Tube Rack ( Metal ) , Plastic Pipette Pumps, Cover Slips, Spatulas, Glass Rod Stirrers, Whattmann`S Filter Paper, Testtube Hollders, Flat Bottom Beakers, Measuring Cylinder, Hydrochloric Acid, Chloroform, Glucose Powder, Menthol, Benedict`S Reagent, Barfoed`S Reagent, Fehling`S Sollution, Mayer`S Reagent, Wagner`S Reagent, Picric Acid, Tannic Acid, Lead Acetate ( 10 Percentage ) , Phenolpthithalein Indicatore Dollution, Sodium Hydroxide Pellets, Ethyll Alcohol, Ferric Choloride, Sodium Nitrite, Concentrated Sulphuric Acid, Pottasium Dichloromate, Formaldehyde, Cobalt Acetate, Methanol, Cobalt Nitrate, Cobalt Acetate, Calcium Chloride ( Pt, Aptt ) , Sodium Tetra Borate, Acetic Anhydride, Tollen`S Reagent, Tri Sodium Citrate, Silver Nitrate Sollution, Trisodium Citrate, Pottasium Chloride, Neutral Ferric Chloride, Alpha Napthol, Hcl 500 Ml, Mercuric Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Pottasium Chloride, Tri-Sodium Citrate, Glucose Powder, Cell Pack ( Plain ) , Stomatolyzer 4Dl, Stomatolyzer Fb, Stomatolyzer 4Ds