Bids Are Invited For Transitor BC 547 , Transitor NPN BC 557 , Transitor NPN BC 558 , Transitor PNP BC 557 , Transitor PNP BC 558 , TRIAC triode for alternating current , fluroscent Tube chalk 40 w , Tubelight T 5 20 watt 230V , Tubelight Complete set 40W , Tumbler switch 70w , two side tape , UJT uni junction transistor , Variable capacitor , VDR voltage dependent resistor , Vibrating Bell , Water Leval Contrller kit with PCB circuit diagram and desription , Web cam , ZeNOR diod 12V 1W , ZeNOR diod 4.7V 1W , Air filter Spelnder PLUS , Battery 2.5A 12 volt Z type splendor PLUS Excide OR Amaron OR TATA , Battery 5A 12 volt Z type splendor PLUS Excide OR Amaron OR TATA , Brake lamp 10.5w splendor PLUS , Brake lever pvc splender PLUS , break liner splender PLUS , Break oil DOT 3 , Break wire complete splendor PLUS , Capacitor Discharge Ignition CDI UNIT splendor PLUS , Car Cover Maruti 800 , Car washer fluide , Battery cable with clamp HT cable , Battery dry type 9v NEDA 1604 6F22 type , Battery Lead Acid 75AH 12 volt for Car Excide OR Amaron OR TATA , battery terminal set PLUS AND MINUS , Bearing 6201 , Carburator jet kit splendor PLUS , Chain sprocket Set Splender PLUS , Clutch lever Spelnder PLUS , clutch platePLUS pressure plate set splendor PLUS , Clutch wire complete splendor PLUS , engine packing kit SpelnderPLUS , Flasher for splender PLUS , fork oil seal SpelnderPLUS , Fuel filter SpelnderPLUS , head gasket splendorPLUS , MPFI petrol engine hose pipe 1 set , MPFI petrol engine spark plug coil , Oil SAE 15w40 engine Castrol OR veedol OR shell , Petroleum Jelly , Rubber gasket tube , Seat cover for splendor PLUS , Spark plug cap splendorPLUS , Spark plug splendor PLUS , Spark plug spray lacare am 70 , speedo meter cable complete , speedo meter worm with pinion , Tubeless tyer puncher kit , Tyre with tube 2.75-18 size , Aluminium electrode dia 3.15 mm , Aluminium Lug 5mm SQUARE , Aluminium strip 50 x2 MM , Borex flux powder for brazing , Brass flate 50X2 mm , Brass tap , canvas hose pipe 4 inch , Carbide tippd tool side cutting 5 BY 8 INCH , Carbide tippd tool Vtool 5 BY 8 INCH , CI Round dia 100x25 mm , CI Round dia 30 x 200mm , CI block 50x06x100 mm , CI block 50x50x50 mm , CI block 60x60x60 mm , CI block 75x75x150 mm , Circular hacksaw machine blade HSS 75x75x150 mm , Circular hacksaw machine blade HSS 2500x40x2 mm , Cleaning brush 25 mm , Cleaning brush 50 mm , Cleaning brush 75 mm , Co2 fire nozzel 0.5 inch , Coolant oil , Coolant radiator , Copper Brazing rod , COPPER NUT BOLT 19 MM x 1 INCH , Copper pipe dia 0.25 inch x 1.29mm , Copper pipe dia 25 x1.29mm , COPPER PLATE 60 CMX60 CMX 3.15 MM , Copper tube 10 mm dia x 1.29mm , coupling instantaneous 4 inch metal , coupling screw type 4 inch metal , CP Brass tape small HALF INCH , Crocodial Pin Set , CSK screw M6 , Cutting Oil , DCP fire nozzel 0.5 inch , Desolder wire weak , Dovel pin , Drill bit 10 mm HSS , Drill bit set 3 mm to 12mm HSS , Dye penetrate test kit , Emerry Paper Rough , Emerry Paper smooth , Emmry tube rough PLUS smooth , Filler rod CCMS dia 1.6 mm , PAPER FILTER , First Aid kit , Flat head Rivet dia 3x10mm , G.I pipe HALF inch DIA , G.I pipe 19 MM , G.I pipe 25 MM , G.I. WIRE 8 SWG , Gas Lighter , gasket maker tube Maker Red 85 GMS , Gasketshellac , Gate valve HALF INCH brass , GI Bend 1 INCH , GI Cupling HALF INCH , GI elbow HALF INCH BY 1 INCH , GI Nipple HALF INCH x 4 INCH , GI plug HALF INCH , GI T HALF INCH , GI Union HALF INCH , Grease gun , Grinding wheel rough OR smooth 300mm dia , Hack Sav Blade HSS 18X300 TPI , Heavy Duty Jumper Cable , Heavy Duty Jumper Cable clamp , helmet for two wheeler ISI , Helogen head lamp 12V 35 W , Hexagonal bolt 1 BY 8 INCH , Hexagonal bolt 3 BY 8 INCH , Hexagonal bolt M8x10 mm , hose pipe 4 inch dia , HSS tool bit 06x06x150 mm , HSS tool bit 10x10x100 mm , HSS tool bit 10x10x150 mm , hydraulic oil Castrol veedol shell , iron powder , M S angle 30x30x4 mm , M S angle 35x35x3 mm , M S channel 75x40x40x5 mm , M S flat 100 x 03 mm , M S flat 100 x 04 mm , M S flat 25 x 06 mm , M S flat 50 x 02 mm , M S flat 50 x 03 mm , M S flat 50 x 06 mm , M S flat 50 x 08 mm , M S flat 50 x 10 mm , M S flat 50 x 12 mm , M S flat 75 x 06 mm , M S Pipe dia 19 x3 WT mm , M S Pipe dia 25x2.65 WTmm , M S Pipe dia 40x3 WT mm , M S Pipe dia 50x5 WT mm , M S Pipe dia 50x6 WT mm , M S Round bar dia 10 mm , M S Round bar dia 12 mm , M S Square bar 10x10 mm , M S Wire dia 4 mm