
Tender For Supply Installation And Maintenance Of Science Lab Equipments To Rusa Phase -1 & Phase-2 Colleges Under The Purview Of Department Of Collegiate And Technical Education, Bangalore-Karnataka

Department Of Collegiate Education has published Tender For Supply Installation And Maintenance Of Science Lab Equipments To Rusa Phase -1 & Phase-2 Colleges Under The Purview Of Department Of Collegiate And Technical Education. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-10-2022. Water Supply Project Tenders in Bangalore Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Installation And Maintenance Of Science Lab Equipments To Rusa Phase -1 & Phase-2 Colleges Under The Purview Of Department Of Collegiate And Technical Education
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply installation and maintenance of science lab equipments to rusa phase -1 & phase-2 colleges under the purview of department of collegiate and technical education , fermi energy in copper, atwood apparatus, magnetic field along the axis of coil, opto-coupler characteristics, water double distillation unit, binocular microscope, 8085 / micro controller trainer kit, conservation of energy ( rolling dumb cell on parallel inclined rail ) , electronic centrifuge machine, ujt characteristics, digital stop clock, solar constant, trinocular microscope with camera, michelson interferometer, laminar air flow, maxwells bridge, battery eliminator ic regulated 2-12v, newtons ring setup, bacteriological incubator, desautys bridge, electron spin resonance ( helmholtz coil with spectrometer ) , cathode ray oscilloscope 30mhz, digital ammeter 0-20a ac / dc, energy gap of semiconductor using silicon diode, e / m by thomson method, deep freezer, autoclave, fixed power supply 12v, dissecting microscope, fixed power supply 6v, lcr-meter, dual power supply 0-30v 2a with digital meter, potentiometer, decade inductance, lees and charlestons apparatus, reading telescope, moment of inertia of irregular body experiment, digital optical fiber trainer kit, spectrometer, digital milli ammeter 0-200ma ac / dc, diffraction halos / lycopodium experiments, visible spectrophotometer ( 340nm-960nm ) , polarimeter, jfet characteristics, ballastic galvanometer with lamp and scale, transistor h-parameter ( hybrid parameters of transistor ) , hot air oven - memmert type, analytical electronic weighing balance, digital balance, multimeter digital, transistor characteristics, meldes apparatus an electrically maintained tuning fork, diamagnetic & paramagnetic susceptibility, refrigerated centrifuge, pwm / ppm generation experimental kit, solar cell characteristic apparatus, flywheel, de-sautys bridge, determination of velocity of sound in liquids ultrasonic interferometer, colorimeter, digital flame photometer, pam generation experimental kit, am modulator - demodulator trainer kits, double beam uv visible spectrophotometer, ask / fsk experimental kit, digital microammeter 0-200micro amps, refractometer, g.m counter, stefans constant ( black body radiator ) , gel electrophoresis kit, travelling microscope 2 motion, semi-conductor temperature sensor, refractive index of liquid, refrigerator, anderson bridge, virtual ground op amp power supply ( split power supply +15 v ) , b o d incubator, digital ic trainer, constant temperature water bath, dielectric constant of a capacitor ( charging and discharge of capacitor ) , thermal emf apparatus ( thermocouple ) , melting point apparatus, sonometer with weights, youngs modulus by koenig’s method, student compound microscope, hot plate - rectangular, heating mantle, opamp applications kit, step down transformer 2-12v, spectral response of ldr material & determination of energy gap, rigidity modulus ( of a wire ) by torsional pendulum, hotplate with magnetic stirrer, logic gates, binocular microscope, hall effect apparatus, laser beam characteristics, babinet compensator, peltier-seebeck effect, b-h curve apparatus without cro, static torsion apparatus, ic regulated power supply single 0-30v, biprism assembly with riders, planck’s constant using photo tube ( photo electric effect ) , spring constant apparatus, trinocular microscope with computer for photography, decade resistance, conductivity meter, thermal emf apparatus, 8051 micro controller trainer kit, rydbergs constant -hydrogen source, i-v characteristics & spectral response of photo transistor, led & selenium photocell, 8086 / micro controller trainer kit, free fall apparatus ( determination of gravity by digital timing technique ) , radio receiver trainer kits, astable multi-vibrator using ic 555, absorption spectrum of liquids, fume cupboard, digital polarimeter, he-ne laser source 2mw, photo-transistor / ldr / photo-cell characteristics, function generator 3mhz, katers pendulum, dielectric constant of liquids & solids, coupled oscillator, travelling microscope bridge type, magnetic stirrer, laboratory centrifuge, e / m by millikans oil drop method, four probe method, monocular microscope, optical fiber set up with optical bench, laser diode source, digital voltmeter ac / dc 20v, photodiode characteristics, forbes thermal conductivity, ph meter, ferro-magnetic curie temperature, decade capacitance, rotary shaker, black box

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Document Fees
INR 550 /-
INR 1050000.0 /-
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