
Bids Are Invited For Mech Lab Equipments ( Q3 ) , Milling Machine-Is:6893 , Is:8614 , Is:9474 ( Q2 ) Total Quantity : 2---------1 Engineering Mechanics Lab. Equipment A Screw Jack Apparatus With Weights Screw jack ( Without weights)All m, Purnia-Bihar

Department Of Science And Technology has published Bids Are Invited For Mech Lab Equipments ( Q3 ) , Milling Machine-Is:6893 , Is:8614 , Is:9474 ( Q2 ) Total Quantity : 2---------1 Engineering Mechanics Lab. Equipment A Screw Jack Apparatus With Weights Screw jack ( Without weights)All m. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-10-2022. wrist watch Tenders in Purnia Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Bids Are Invited For Mech Lab Equipments ( Q3 ) , Milling Machine-Is:6893 , Is:8614 , Is:9474 ( Q2 ) Total Quantity : 2---------1 Engineering Mechanics Lab. Equipment A Screw Jack Apparatus With Weights Screw jack ( Without weights)All m
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Bids Are Invited For Mech Lab Equipments ( Q3 ) , Milling Machine-Is:6893 , Is:8614 , Is:9474 ( Q2 ) Total Quantity : 2---------1 Engineering Mechanics Lab. Equipment A Screw Jack Apparatus With Weights Screw jack ( Without weights)All metallic construction accurately machine cut screw with a pitch of 5 mm carrying a double fanged turn table of about 20 cm diameter. Fitted on a heavy cast iron base and complete with two adjustable pulleys, cord and hooks. 02 B Worm and Worm Wheel :: Single With Weights An all metallic self-contained apparatus useful for demonstrating the efficiency for worm and wheel and also the principle of work. Consisting of a machine cut worm gear of 25 cm diameter, carrying a Meta l drum of 12 cm diameter, and machine cut worm on steel spindle carrying a 12 cm diameter pulley. 02 C Worm and Worm Wheel :: Double With Weights An all metallic self-contained apparatus useful for demonstrating the efficiency of worm and wheel and also the principle of works. Consisting of machine cut worm gear of 25 cm diameter, carrying a metal drum on 12 cm diameter, and machine cut worm on steel spindle carrying a 12 cm diameter pulley. Double weight 02 D Worm and Worm Wheel :: Tripple With Weights An all metallic self-contained apparatus useful for demonstrating the efficiency of worm and wheel and also the principle of work, consisting of machine cut worm gear of 25cm diameter carrying a metal drum of 12 cm diameter pulley. 02 E Wheel and Differential Axle 30 cm With Weight The axle having dia of 15 & 7.5 cm respectively giving a ratio of 1:2:4. Centre of the wheel which is mounted on ball bearing in cast iron brackets reducing friction to minimum. 02 F Winch Crab Single Purchase With Weight Fitted with heavy cast iron wall brackets. The grooved wheel is of 25 cm diameter and gears are machine cut. This apparatus is used for experiments in efficiency of mechanical advantage weights are included. 02 G Winch Crab Double Purchase With Weight There are two geared wheels; one wheel carries a big axle round which a string is wound to lift a load W. The second geared wheel (upper one) carries a pulley which a string is wound to carry the effort P. Suppose the first geared wheel (with axle) has N1 teeth and the second geared wheel (with pulley) is given n revolutions the first geared wheel will take : n(N1/N2 ) 02 H Universal Force Table (Normal) For experimentally verifying the lows of triangle, parallelogram and polygon if force comprising of equal circular 40cm.Dia.Aluminiym disc graduated into div ,compel with levelling screws, clamping device to fix the table ,string and five sets iron nicked slotted weight. 02 I Moment of Inertia of Flywheel - 25 cm With Weights. Experiment On The Moment Of Mass Inertia Of A Flywheel. Steel Flywheel. Steel Shaft Used As Drive Pulley. Set Of Weights Ball Bearing Mounted Shaft. Anodised Aluminium Base Plate wall mounted. 25 cm With Weights 02 J Parallel Forces Apparatus (Dial Type 10 kg. Balance) verification of condition of equilibrium of parallel forces, law of lever and forces on beam etc. Consisting of two compression thrust type 10 kg. Dial type compression balances fixed on wooden polished board, a wooden bar with steel back plate 02 2 Machine Drawing Lab. Equipment A Hemispherical Sectional Models of Screw Threads Whitworth, square, Butteress, Acme. Right and left hand screw; set of all the six threads made of aluminium metal mounted on base with nomeclature 02 B Hemispherical Sectional Models of Screw Threads Nuts Set of six sectional model of nuts, properly mounted on base with nomenclature. 02 C Standard Bolt Diameter 25 mm, length about 15 cm. approximately. Properly constructed model is of aluminium alloy, complete with whit worth nut, lock nut and washer. 02 D Bolts of Four Types Ordinary. Eye Type, Stud Type and Set Screw Type. Properly constructed and mounted on base with nomenclature. 02 E Foundation Bolts 02 Rag Bolt, cotter Bolt and Lewis Bolt a set of three aluminium models fitted on base. F Foundation Bolts (with nomenclature) four different types of bolts with nomenclature mounted on base. 02 G Locking Arrangement of Bolts Check nut, Castle nut. Grooved nut, Swan nut, Stop plate nut and Spring washer nut. With the help of these models actual locking systems can be demonstrated. 02 H Rivetted Joints - wooden 02 I Screw Jack Apparatus With Weights All metallic construction accurately machine cut screw with a pitch of 5 mm carrying a double fangedturntableofabout20cmdiameter.Fittedon a heavy cast iron base and complete with two adjustable pulleys, cord and hooks. With weight 02 J Bush Bearing 02 K Plummer Block or Pedestal Bearing 02 L Foot Step Bearing 02 M Flexible Coupling 02 N Flanged Coupling 02 O Stuffing Box 02 P Connecting Rod 02 Q Spark Plug 02 3 Fluid Machinery A RECIPROCATING PUMP TEST RIG Description: The experimental unit provides the basic experiments to get to know the operating behaviour and the important characteristic variables of piston pumps. Setup features a closed water circuit with water tank, a piston pump with variable speed via a frequency converter and an air vessel. The piston of the pump is mounted in a housing and can be observed during operation. The cycle that takes place (intake and discharge of water) can be shown clearly in the p-V diagram. The pulsating pressure curve of the pump can be damped with the aid of the air vessel. Flow rate and head are adjusted via a needle valve and overflow valve. The experimental unit is fitted with manometer for pressure and sensor for flow rate. Pressure manometer measures the pressure at the outlet of the pump. Specification: · functioning and operating behaviour of a piston pump · closed water circuit contains piston pump with variable speed via frequency converter, transparent water tank and air vessel ·valve for adjusting the flow rate · overflow valve for adjusting the head · pulsation damping of the head using air vessel with bleed valve ·manometer for pressure at pump outlet. Technical details: Piston pump speed: 30…180min-1 max. flow rate: 135L/h max. head: 40m Drive motor power: 180W Gear transmission ratio: i=7,5 Overflow valve: 1…4bar Measuring ranges pressure (outlet): 0…5bar flow rate: 0,2…6L/min Experimentation: principle of operation of a piston pump recording of pump characteristics pressure curves of delivery pressure p-V diagram determination of efficiencies 01 B Centrifugal Pump Test Rig MS tank with FRP lining unit, Centrifugal pump of size 25x25mm todischarge about 60 LPM at 12m total head when run at maximum 01 speed.Motor1HPDCelectricmotorISImarkedspeedvariationthirstiercontrolled arrangement with panel board. Electrical panel: DP switch, ISImark & energy meter for the measurement of input power. Sump tank:size : 800 x 800 x 500 mm , Measuring tank : size 400x400x600mmprovided with standard fittings for measuring discharge of water. digitalStop watch, others: piping system consisting of pipes, gate valve (ISImark) & fittings with pressure gauge,a standard pump of 1 hp, Allaccessories and spares for normal running maintenance of the machine (1set), 2 hard copies of Operation manual willbe supplied along with theset-up C Hydraulic Bench The hydraulic bench should be suitable for the use of basic fluid mechanics experiments of fluid mechanics. It should supply the water in the closed circuit; the determination of volumetric flow rate and the positioning of the experimental unit on the working surface of the base module and the collection of dripping water. The closed water circuit consists of the sump tank with the submersible pump and the measuring tank arranged above, in which the returning water is collected. The measuring tank is stepped, for large and smaller volumetric flow rates. A measuring cylinder should be provided for very small volumetric flow rates. A stopwatch should also be provided for measuring the flow rate. The top surface should enable the various experimental units to be easily and safely positioned. Specification 1. Base module for supplying experimental units in fluid mechanics 2. Closed water circuit with storage tank, submersible pump and measuring tank. 3. Measuring tank divided into two for volumetric flow rate measurement. 4. Measuring cylinder with scale for very small volumetric flow rates.. 5. Measurement of volumetric flow rate by using a stopwatch. 6. Work surface with inside edge for safe placement of the accessories and for collecting the dripping water. Technical Data Pump - power consumption:500-750 W - max. flow rate:200-450L/min - max. head: 7-14m Storage tank, contents: 180L Measuring tank -at large volumetric flow rates: 40L -at small volumetric flow rates: 10L Measuring cylinder with scale for very small volumetric flow rates -content: 2L Utility Required 230V, 50/60Hz,1 Phase 01 D AIR BLOWER APPARATUS DESCRIPTION: This equipment comprises of a FD Centrifugal Blower coupled to a Motor. Three interchangeable impellers with forward, backward and radial vanes are provided with the test rig. A Pitot Tube is provided in the delivery line of blower for static and dynamic pressure measurement. Power input to the DC Motor is varied by means of a Thyristor controlled DC Drive to vary the RPM of motor. A RPM Indicator with Proximity sensor indicates the RPM of Blower. Technical Details: Motor: DC motor with Thyristor controlled DC Drive for variable speed Blower: Centrifugal, Forced Draft Type Impeller (3 Nos.): Forward Curved, Backward Curved & Radial Curved Pitot Tube (with manometer): For Static, Dynamic & Differential Pressure measurement. Stop watch: Electronic Control Panel Comprises of : Standard make On/Off Switch, Mains Indicator, etc. Energy measurement: Electronic Energy meter. RPM measurement: Digital RPM Indicator with Proximity sensor. Instruction Manual: An ENGLISH instruction manual will be provided along with the Apparatus. EXPERIMENTATION: · To study the effect of forward curved, back curved and radial curved impeller. 01 · To find out the discharge, head and efficiency of the Centrifugal Blower. · To plot the graph Efficiency Vs Discharge · To plot the graph Discharge Vs Head 4 Dynamics of Machinery A Four Bar Chain Mechanism 01 B Slide Crank Mechanism - Set of - 3 01 C Slip & creep measurement apparatus The apparatus consists of a variable speed D.C. Motor, Driving pulley and Driven pulley of equal diameter. The pulleys ore mounted on input shaft (Motor Shaft) and output shaft. The driven pulleys can slide on the base with bearing block to change initial tension in belt. Brake drum mounted on output shaft helps to measure power output. The motor speed is varied by dimmer stat. A two channel RPM Indicator is provided to measure speeds of driven and driving pullies respectively. Specifications: D.C. Motor:1 HP 1500 RPM, variable speed. Driving & Driven pullies of equal diameters. Brake drum along with spring balance. Flat Belt of fixed length of following materials: Fabric Belt , Rubber Belt tightening arrangement, Speed Controller Unit, Two Channel digital APM Indicator Stroboscope. Range of Experiment: To measure co-efficient of friction between pulley material and different Belt materials. To measure power transmitted with varied belt tensions and plotting graph of (T1- T2). Tension Characteristics. To measure percentage slip at fixed belt tension by varying load on brake drum and plot graph of (T1-T2) vs percentage slip Le. Slip Characteristics. Finding a creep zone from graph. To measure belt slip speed and observe the limiting value float at constant Speed when the slip just starts. 01 D Cam Analysis Machine The apparatus is designed to study the cam profiles and performance of cam and follower system. The apparatus consists of a shaft supported by ball bearings upon which three different types of cams be mounted. The push rod for follower is supported vertically, which can adopt three different types of followers. Cams and followers can be changed easily. A variable speed motor rotates the cam. A dial gauge permits plotting of follower displacement with respect to cam position. By operating the system at different Speeds, jump speed can be found and also the effect of weight and spring force on jump speed can be studied. Jump can be visualized also with the help of an optional stroboscope. Specifications: · Cam-Eccentric, tangent and circular ARC type- one each · Follower- mushroom, flat faced end roller type- one each · Cams and followers are hardened to reduce wear of the surfaces. · Variable speed motor coupled to cam shaft of suitable range and Variac · A dial gauge to note the follower displacement 01 E Epicyclic Gear Train and Torque Holding Apparatus It is a motorized unit consisting of SUN gear mounted on input shaft. These planet gears are mounted on a common arm to which output shaft is fitted. Loading arrangement is provided for loading the system and to measure Holding Torque. SPECIFICATIONS External type Epicyclic Gear Train: Bearing blocks for Input & output shafts A gear train with Holding drum and holding Internal Typo Epicyclic Gear Train: A compact Gear Train. Variable speed D.C. Motor Rope brake arrangement to measure output torque and holding torque. Control Panel comprising of : Digital Ammeter and Voltmeter. RPM Indicator. Speed Controller. 01 F Motorized Gyroscope 01 The apparatus Consists of a rotor mounted in bearings, this rotor is free to rotate about a. Its own axis i.e. axis of spin. b. Axis at precession. c. Axis of gyroscopic couple The rotor is connected to the variable speed motor. The weight of the motor is balanced by another weight which is on either side of the rotor, by putting weights on the weight platform torque can be supplied to rotor, which is also called gyroscopic couple Specifications: Rotor diameter 250mm free about 3 axis of rotation driven by Variable speed motor. Dimmer-stat to control the motor speed. Stopwatch to measure the angular speed about the axis of procession. Weights: 0.2Kg, 0.5Kg, 1Kg. G Motorized Governor Apparatus The unit consists of a main spindle driven by a variable speed motor. Three different governor assemblies can be mounted over the spindle. Pointer measures the lift of the governor. Students can calculate characteristic of governor and compare their performance viz. sensitivities, stability, governor effort, etc SPECIFICATIONS Governor assemblies Hartnell, porter& porpel governor assembly one each with rotating weights. Variable speed FHP D.C. motor to drive the main spindle. Sliding weights for porter & proell governor. Scale & a pointer to measure governor lift. Spring & Spring compression adjustment arrangement. 01 H Static & Dynamic Balancing Apparatus. Equipment is designed for carrying out the experiment for balancing 8 rotation mass systems. The apparatus consists of a stainless steel shaft fixed in a rectangular frame. A set of four blocks with a clamping arrangement is provided for static balancing. Each block is individually clamped on shaft and its relative weight is found out using cord and container system in terms of number of steel bans. For dynamic balancing a moment polygon is drawn using relative weights and angular and axial position of blocks is determined. The block are clamped on shaft is rotated by a motor to check dynamic balance of the system. The system is provided with angular and longitudinal scales and is suspended with chains for dynamic balancing. Experiments: 1. To balance the masses statically and dynamically of a single rotating mass system. 2. To observe the effect of unbalance in a rotating mass system. Technical Specification Drive Motor - FHP Motor, variable speed, with speed controller Balancing Weight - 4 Nos. of Stainless Steel with different sized eccentric Mass for varying unbalance Rotating Shaft – Material Stainless Steel 0.5 kW, 220V, Single Phase 01 I Bar Pendulum or Compound Pendulum 01 J Rope Brake Dynamometer 01 K Prony Brake Dynamometer 01 L Whirling of Shaft Apparatus. The unit consists of a base upon which the bearing holders and driving motor and bearing can be fitted in a holders to end conditions of test shafts. A variac provides control of driving motor. The unit demonstrates the phenomenon of whirling of shafts with single rotor as the test is destructive after the test same shaft cannot be used again, hence the unit only demonstrates the principle. Specifications: Test shaft: 4.75 mm, 6.35 mm and 7.9 mm- 2 each. Bearing to provided end conditions, (a) Both ends fixed, (b) One end fixed and one end free. Drive motor 1/8 HP. 1500 rpm with control Arrangement. The whole unit is mounted on a sturdy base. Rotor for each shaft of suitable size. 01 M JOURNAL BEARING TEST RIG DESCRIPTION: 01 The apparatus consists of a plain steel shaft excavated in a bearing and directly driven by a FHP Motor. The bearing is freely supported on the shaft and sealed at the motor end. The speed of the motor is controlled by the speed control unit. Manometer is mounted on bearing to measure the pressure at different position around the circumference. Bearing is free to rotate and can be adjusted at any position of circular scale. The bearing can be loaded by attaching weights to the arm supported beneath it. TECHNICAL DETAILS: Journal : Diameter 50 mm Bearing : Diameter 55 mm Weights : 4 weights. Motor : Variable speed FHP Motor Control Panel : For speed control of motor. Oil recommended : SAE 40 Manometer : 16 tube manometer Instruction Manual : An ENGLISH instruction manual will be provided along with the Apparatus. The whole set-up is well designed and arranged in a good quality painted structure. EXPERIMENTATION: To study the pressure profile of lubricating oil at various conditions of load and speed. Plotting the Cartesian polar pressure curves. 5 Single Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig The setup consists of single cylinder, four stroke, petrol engine connected to Eddy current dynamometer for engine loading. The setup has stand‐alone type independent panel box consisting of air box, fuel tank, manometer, fuel measuring unit, digital speed indicator and digital temperature indicator. The setup enables study of engine for brake power, BMEP, brake thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency, specific fuel consumption, air fuel ratio and heat balance. Provision is also made for conducting Morse test. Set up is supplied with MS Excel program for Engine Performance Analysis. Self-calculation and graphs sheets with excel programmings for comparison. Solution tabs as reference for online diagnostics to problems. Almost components from highly reputed MNC and international imports. Self-calibration/check techniques available Specification: Engine: Make ‐Honda, Model ‐Honda GX200D QX, Type‐Single cylinder, 4 stroke Petrol, Air cooled, 4.1 KW at 3600 rpm, stroke 54 mm, bore 68mm. Capacity 196 cc Dynamometer: Type eddy current, water cooled Propeller shaft: With universal joints Air box: M S fabricated with orifice meter and manometer Fuel tank: Capacity 15 lit with glass fuel metering column RPM indicator: Digital with non contact type speed sensor Temperature sensor: Type Thermocouple, Type K Temperature indicator: Digital, Range 0‐1200 Deg C Load indicator: Digital, Range 0‐50 Kg, Supply 230VAC Load sensor: Load cell, type strain gauge, range 0‐50 Kg

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