Supply Of Lab Reagents , Chemicals And Consumables Supply Of Lab Reagents , Chemicals And Consumables In Malabar Cancer Centre , Cefoxitin- Clauxacillin , Daptomycin , Tellurite Disc , Ticarcillin - Cloxacillin , Ziehl Neelson Acid Fast Stain , Spore Strips , Albert’S Metachromatic Stain , Mc Ferland Standard Kit(100Ml) , Laked Kanamycinreadymademedia Plates , Anaerobic Phenyl Ethyl Alcoholagar Readymademedia Plates , Cycloserine Cefoxitin Fructoseagar Readymademedia Plates , Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserineagar Readymademedia Plates , Selma Platesreadymademedia Plates , Eosine Methylene Blue Broth(500Gm) , Bryant And Burkey Readymademedia Plates , Cooked Meat Broth(500Gm) , Nitrate Reagent Disc (100 Nos/Kit) , Clostridium Difficile Atcc (Stick) , Transport Swab W/Amies Medium , Pneumocystis Carinii - Atcc (Stick) , Silver Stain , Fluorescent Dyes , Modified Grocotts Methanamine Silver ( Gms) Stain , Serum Galactomannan Assay Kit (Elisa Based) , One Step Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit , Enzyme Mix , Ix Te Buffer , Hivreal Time Pcr Kit(25 Reaction Kit) , Q1 Amp Dna Mini Kit (25 Reaction Kit) , Taq Polymerase Enzyme2000 Units , Dntp Mix 10Mm0.2Ml , Primers3000bp , Rnase (475Ml) , Oropharyngeal Swab With Dna Stabilizing Solution , Etbr (10Ml ) , Temid (100Ml) , Fresh Deodorizing Pearls , Class 5 Biological Indicator , Optical Adhesive Covers , Tissue Freezing Medium (Bottle Of 125Ml) , Hplc Vails (300Ul) With Cap , Cryo Lables , Microscope Slide (Charged For Fish) Same As Ihc Slides , Microscope Slide , Cover Slip , Rubber Ciment (Sutable For Fish Slide Prepartion ) , Screw Cap Vial 1.0Ml , Edta Vacutainer (6.0Ml) , Heparine Vacutainer (6.0 Ml) , Anticera Papin(5Ml) , Anticera Ahg(C3d)(10Ml) , Control For Hiv,Hbv,Hcv (Qualitative) , Dithiotheritrol (Dtt) Solution , Irradiation Labels For 25Gy For Blood Bags , Vacutainer K2 Edta Tube 2Ml , Vacutainer Clot Activator Tube4ml , Flash Back Needle 22G , Vacutainer Sodium Citrate Tube 2.7Ml , Vacutainer K2 Edta Tube6ml , Vacutainer Sodium Heparin Tube 3Ml , Lithium Heparin (2 Ml) , Freelite @ Lambda Kit Including Controls And Calibrators (Pack Size: 100Test) , Freelite @ Kappa Kit Including Controls And Calibrators (Pack Size: 100Test) , Og6 Stain Solution125 Ml