Bids Are Invited For Gi Reducing Tee , Gi Tee , Pvc Grating 4 Inch , Bleachingpowder , Gi Nipple , Gi Nipple Long , Gi Nipple Long , Pvcdrain Pipe , Pvc Butt Hinge , Putty For Window Frame , Nonmodular Socket , Cp Haps Staple , Socket Union Steel Pipesfitting , Pvc Bow Handle , White Cement , Non Modular 1Way Bell Push Piono Type Swich , Ms Hinges , Pillar Cock ,Bathroom Mirror , Door Handle Aluminium , Gi Socketreducer , Cp Hapse Staple , Ewc Sheat Cover With Nuts Boltswhite , Cp Brass Towel Rail , Gi Elbow , Ms Plug , Cp Brassstop Valves , Door Handle , Gi Nipple , Butt Hinges , Electronindoor , Steel Socket Steel Pipes Fitting , Stainleaa Steel Lockgrating Plain Sgj-4 , Cp Brass Water Shower , Tees Equalsteel Pipes Fitting , Gi Plug , Health Faucet With 1.5 Tube ,Pvc Bib Cock 15Mm External Thread , Gi Plug , Cloth Malmal, Socket Reducing Steel Pipes Fitting , Ms Wire Nails ,Steelgreep Pvc Tape , Pvc Pillar Tap , Pvc Float Ball Valve ,Plywood Bwr , Plywood 4Mm Thick One Side Teak Face ,Looking Mirror Size 1220X355x5mm Thick , Looking Mirrorsize 760X380x5mm Thick , Ms Nails , Over Head Shower Witharm , Bib Cock Sleek , S Sink Waste Coupling , Bathroomhand Shower , 45Mm Brass Bib Tap , Stop Cock Internalthread , Pannel 36W Total Quantity : 2920