
Supply Of Pharmacy Lab Equipments PHARMACEUTICS DEPT. 1 Ampoule filling & sealing machine Hand operated model 2 Magnetic stirrer 500ml & 1 Ltr cap with taflon ball 3 Aseptic cabinet - medium size 4 Tablet coating machine - 12dia without polish pa, Banswara-Rajasthan

Govind Guru Tribal University has published Supply Of Pharmacy Lab Equipments PHARMACEUTICS DEPT. 1 Ampoule filling & sealing machine Hand operated model 2 Magnetic stirrer 500ml & 1 Ltr cap with taflon ball 3 Aseptic cabinet - medium size 4 Tablet coating machine - 12dia without polish pa. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-09-2022. Paint System Tenders in Banswara Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply Of Pharmacy Lab Equipments PHARMACEUTICS DEPT. 1 Ampoule filling & sealing machine Hand operated model 2 Magnetic stirrer 500ml & 1 Ltr cap with taflon ball 3 Aseptic cabinet - medium size 4 Tablet coating machine - 12dia without polish pa
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Pharmacy Lab Equipments PHARMACEUTICS DEPT. 1 Ampoule filling & sealing machine Hand operated model 2 Magnetic stirrer 500ml & 1 Ltr cap with taflon ball 3 Aseptic cabinet - medium size 4 Tablet coating machine - 12dia without polish pan - lab model Note. Heavy duty coating pan rate on request 5 Ball mill - 1 kg cap.- fixed seed Note. With 1 RPM accuracy - rate on request 6 Double cone blender - lab model fixed speed Note. With 1 RPM accuracy - rate on request 7 Autoclave - 12x12 All. 8 Steam distillation still - glass part complete with heating mantle 9 Vacuum pump - 15 ltr - oil free 10 Standard sieves no. 8, 10, 12, 22, 44, 66, 80 - set of 7 11 Tablet punching machine hand operated 12 Capsule filling machine hand operated 13 Ampoules washing machine Demonstration model 14 Tablet Disintegration apparatus single basket with digital timer 15 Hardness tester- monsanto type 16 Friability test apparatus single drum with digital timer 17 Clarity test apparatus 18 BOD Incubator - 4 cu.ft alluminium digital display 19 Digital pH meter 20 Bulk density - digital model 21 Hot plate - 8 22 Humidity Chambers - 18x18x18 Digital - superior quality 23 Tray dryer - 6 tray - with digital temperature display 24 Moisture balance 25 Water bath - 6 hole double wall 9 | P a g e GGTUTENDER 26 Ointment filling machine hand operated model 27 Capsule counter 28 Homoginizer variable speed controller 29 Digital balance - 10 mg acc. 30 Microscope - student Note. Medical Microscope with 100x lens & mechanical stage - rate on request 31 Stage and eye piece micrometers a) Stage Micrometer b) Micrometer eye piece 32 Brookfileld viscometer Model LV-201 Note. Original brookfield viscometer - USA make - rate on request. 33 Sieve Shaker Machine hand operated model 34 Extractive Distillator - complete assembly 35 Mechanical Stirrers with variable speed controller 36 Suppository mould - 4 mould 37 Ultra Sonicator - 2 ltr cap. 38 Sterility tester - 3 stage with stand without vaccum pump 39 Franz Diffusion cell - only glass part 40 Hot Air Oven - 14x14x14 all. 41 Tablet Dissolution Test App. Single Stage Microprocessor base 42 Mortar and Pestle - Porcelean 6 dia 43 Milli Pore Filter - 47 mm 44 Vacuum Distillator 45 Desiccators - Soda glass - 6 46 Refrigerator - pharmacy use 47 Tincture press 48 Centrifuge - 4 tube 49 Colony Counter - digital 50 Antibiotic Zone Rader 51 Laminar Air Flow - 2ft x 2ft x 2ft 52 Micropipette single & Multi channel a) Single Channel b) Multi Channel 53 UV Cabinet - 2 Tube PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY DEPT. 1 Refractometer/Abbe Refractometer 2 Polarimeter - Student model Note. Research polarimeter rate on request 3 Photoelectric colorimeter 8 filter 4 Atomic model set - 120 balls 5 Electronic balance - 10 mg 6 Periodic table chart 7 Hot plates - 8 dia 8 Hot air oven - 14x14x14 All. 9 Refrigerator - Pharmacy use 10 Analytical Balances - with Wt box 11 Digital balance-10mg sensitivity 12 Suction pumps - glass 13 Muffle Furnace - 9x4x4 - digital Temperature display 14 Mechanical Stirrers - with variable speed controller 15 Magnetic stirrers with thermostat with teflon ball 16 Vacuum Pump -15 ltr cap oil free 17 Digital pH meter 18 Microwave Oven 19 Distillation Unit - 4 ltr cap. 20 Arsenic Limit Test Apparatus 21 Reflux flask and condenser double/ triple necked a) Double neck b) Triple neck 22 Nesslers Cylinders 23 Reflux flask and condenser single necked 24 Electronic water bath (12 holes) 25 Copper water bath - 6 dia 26 Colorimeter - 8 filter - digital 27 UV- Visible Spectrophotometer Single Beam - with software 28 Flourimeter - Digital 29 Digital Balance (1mg sensitivity) 30 Nephelo Turbidity meter-Digital 1000 NTU - Superior 31 Flame Photometer - Digital Double Display 32 Potentiometer - Digital 33 Conductivity meter Digital Sup. 34 HPLC - Imported 35 HPTLC (Desirable) 11 | P a g e GGTUTENDER 36 Atomic Absorption and Emission spectrophotometer (Desirable) 37 Biochemistry Analyzer (Desirable) 38 Carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen analyzer 39 Deep Freezer (Desirable) 40 ION- Exchanger - 50 ltr. cap. 41 Lyophilizer (Desirable) PHARMACOLOGY DEPT. 1 Microscopes - Student Note. Medical Microscope with 100x lens & mechanical stage rate on request 2 Haemocytometer - indian 3 Sahil haemoglobinometer 4 Hutchinsons spirometer - 6 ltr cap. 5 Spygmomanometer - digital 6 Stethoscope 7 Contraceptive Devices - pack in plastic box 8 Pregnancy diagnosis kit 9 Mercury thermometer 10 Cell analyzer (Trinocular microscope with camera attachment) 11 Permanent Slides for various tissues pack of 50 12 Models for various organs - large 13 Specimen for various organs and systems - small size 14 Skeleton with bones 15 Muscle electrodes 16 Lucas moist chamber-without stand 17 Myographic lever with board but without stand 18 Stimulator - Student Model 19 Centrifuge - 4 tube 20 Sherringtons kymograph machine E-8 Model - superior 21 Sherrington drum - spare drum for above 22 Perspex bath assembly(single unit) 23 Aerators 24 Software packages for experiment Validity for 1 year renew every year charges will be same. 25 Standard graph of various drug 26 Actophotometer(Activity Cage) 27 Rotarod - 2 compartment Note. Rotarod with 1 rpm accuracy - rate on request 12 | P a g e GGTUTENDER 28 Pole climbing apparatus 29 Analgesiometer (eddys hot plate and radiant heat methods) a) Eddy Hot Plate - Digital b) Radiant Heat Method - Analog 30 Convulsiometer - Electro 31 Plethysmograph - without mercury with stand 32 Digital pH meter 33 Histamine chamber with glass neubilizer 34 Metabolic cage - S.S. 35 Dissection tray & boards a) Dissection Tray -12x10 GI sheet b) Dissection Board - 7X5 36 Stereotaxic apparatus-for rat & mice Note. Other required accessoreis rate on request 37 Digital glucometer 38 Folin- wu tubes 39 Hemostatic artery forceps 40 Levers , cannula a) LEVERS (i) Simple lever - with pointer (ii) Starling heart lever - with pointer (iii) Frontal writing lever b) CANNULA (i) Symes cannula (ii) Venous cannula (iii) Arterial cannula 41 Hypodermic syringes & needles Size 15,24,26G PHARMACOGNOSY DEPT. 1 Compound Microscope (Student Microscope) Note. Medical Microscope with 100x lens & mechanical stage rate on request 2 Dissecting Microscope 3 Projection Microscope - 6 dia 4 Binocular Microscope Complete with optics 5 Polarized Microscope-Monocular 6 Electronic Digital balance cap. 600 gm acc. 10 mg 7 Autoclave - 12x12 - Alluminium 13 | P a g e GGTUTENDER 8 Hot air oven - 14x14x14 All. 9 Refrigerator - pharmacy use 10 Zone reader 11 Digital pH Meter 12 Colorimeter - 8 filter 13 Sterility testing unit - 3 stage with stand without vaccum pump Note. Available in single stage with flask rate on request 14 Camera lucida - mirror type 15 Eye piece micrometer - 10x 16 Stage micrometer 17 Muffle furnace - 9x4x4 - digital 18 Moisture balance 19 Heating Mantles - Small - 250 ml 20 Vacuum pump -15 ltr cap. oil free 21 Micropipette single & Multi Channel a) Single Channel b) Multi Channel 22 Micro Centrifuge -digital Model T-16 23 Electric water bath - 6 hole 24 Hot plate - 8 dia 25 Microtome rotary - with accessoires 26 Mixer grinder 27 UV Cabinet - double tube 28 Water Distillation unit 4 ltr.cap. 29 Cutter Mill (Bark and seed grinder) 30 Medicinal Plant Chart - raxine 31 Models - fibre glass - big size 32 Permanent Slide - pack of 50 33 Sonicator - 2 ltr cap. 34 Electrophoresis - with analog power supply 35 Fermentor - 1 ltr capacity Without computer. Required accessories for fermentor a) Autoclave 12x12 S.S. b) Chiller Bath 36 Rotary Shaker / V.D.R.L Shaker with timer Note. Rotary shaker with 1 rpm accuracy rate on request PHRAMCY PRACTICE LAB 1 Autoclave sterilizer - 12x12 all. 2 Hot air oven - 14x14x14 all. 3 Membrane filter - S.S. 4 Centrifuge - 4 tube 14 | P a g e GGTUTENDER 5 Filling Machine / Bottle filling machine - electrical operated 6 Sealing Machine - Bottle Sealing Machine - hand operated 7 Glucometer - with strips 8 Sintered glass funnel with complete filtering assemble 9 Small disposable membrane filter for IV admixture filtration 10 Vacuum pump - 15 ltr oil free 11 Surgical dressing 12 pH meter - digital 13 Blood Pressure Apparatus and Stethoscope a) Blood Pressure App. - mercury b) Stethoscope 14 Clinical thermometer - mercury

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 02-09-2022 Corrigendem 07-09-2022

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Tender Value
INR 9.50 Lakhs /-
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