Bids Are Invited For Items As Per Requirement For Construction Sector S5 Total Quantity : 1-- Tools For All Trades And Equipment For Construction Sector--- Measuring Ste& Tape, Combination Plier Insulated, Screwdriver Insulated, Heavy Duty Screwdriver Insulated, Electrician Screwdriver Thin Stem Insulated, Handle, Knife Double Bladed Electrician, Neon Tester, Steel Rule Graduated Both Ki Metric And English Unit, Hammer, Cross Peen Wth Handle, Pincer Pliers, Piricers And Nippers, Spanner Adjustable Drop Forged, 55, Blow Lamp Brass, Chisel Firmer With Wooden Handle, Crease Gun, Bradawl, Pully Pulir, With 3 Legs, Bearing Puller ( Lns4de And Outside, Pipe Vice Cast Iron W’Th Hardened, Aw Open Type, Scissors Blade. 55, Scissors Blade. Ss, Crimping Tool, Crimping Tool, Wire Cutter And Stripper, Mallet Hard Wood, Hammer Extractor Type, Pliers Round Nose Insulated , Tweezers, Snip Straight And Bent Heavy Duty, Brill Hand Brace, Drill S.S. Twist Block, Plane Cutters , Smoothing Cutters, Gauge. Wire Knpedal Slain Lees Steel Marked In Swg Mm, File Flat, File Half Round, File Round, File Flat Rough, File Flat Bastard, File Rasp. Half Round, Copper Bit Soldering Iron., De Soldering Gun, Hand Vice, Table Vice, Oil Can Watch Maker Screw Driver, File Hand Smooth, Universal Scribing Block, Punch Frame Set, Vice Bench Jaw, Pointer Extractors ( Puller ) , Flaring Tool Set, Combination Set, Standard Wire Gauge , Radius Gauge Leaf Type, Tube Cutter, Pinching Tool Soldering Station , Ware Strippers, Wall Chasing Chisel, Goggles , Pick Axe