Supply Of Media / Consumables, Glasswares And Other Requirements For Microbiology Lab, Rdws&Sd Udupi. Supply Of Media / Consumables, Glasswares And Other Requirements For Microbiology Lab, Rdws&Sd Udupi. , Tryptone Soya Broth 500Gm M011, Agar, Bacteriological 500Gm Grm026p, Motility Agar 500Gm M930s, Tablets For Decontamination / ( 5*50 Units ) La008a, Tips Box ( 1Ml ) , Measuring Cylinder 250Ml Capacity ( Glass ) , Test Tube ( 30Ml Capacity, 18Mm Outer Diameter, Rimless Borosil ) . 15Cm Ht / ( Per Tube ) , Plastic Beaker ( Autoclavable ) / ( 10 Units / Pack ) Pw359, Sterile Petriplates 90Mm / ( 100 Units / Box ) Pw001, Buffer Ph 4.0 500Ml Each Nist Traceable ( As Per Iso:17034, Test Tube Caps 30 Ml Capacity, 18Mm Outer Diameter / ( 100 Units / Pack ) Pw024, Test Tube Stand ( 50Ml Capacity ) , Od 25Mm / ( 5 Units / Pack ) Pw066, Concentrated Sulphuric Acid 500Ml Ar Grade, Test Tube Caps 60 Ml Capacity, 25Mm Outer Diameter / ( 100 Units / Pack ) Pw028, Hi Care Co004, Mrvp Medium 500Gm Gm070, Durham Tubes / ( 100 Units ) Gw163, Isopropyl Alcohol 2.5Litre, Test Tube Basket ( Autoclavable ) / ( 15 Units / Pack ) , Phenol Red Broth Base 500Gm M054, Scott Bottle 500Ml Capacity Autoclavable, Lactose Disc 25 / 1Vl Dd004, Lactose Broth 500Gm M1003, Formaldehyde For Fumigation 500Ml Mb059, Measuring Cylinder 100Ml Polypropylene Autoclavable ) / ( 2 Units / Pack ) Pw1334, Kovacs Reagent 125Ml R008, Buffer Ph 7.0 500Ml Each Nist Traceable ( As Per Iso:17034, Head Gear / ( 100 Units ) La229, Potassium Permanganate 500Gm S044y, Buffer Ph 9.2 500Ml Each Nist Traceable ( As Per Iso:17034, Test Tube ( 150Ml Capacity, 38Mm Outer Diameter, Rimless Borosil ) 18Cm Ht / ( Per Tube ) , Peptone Water 500Gm M028s, Triple Sugar Iron Agar 500Gm M021s, Soybean Casein Digest Agar 500Gm Mh290, Potassium Dichromate 500Gm Grm1033, Hi Gas Burner ( With Lpg Connector For Gas ) , Ice Box For Carrying Samples Capacity: 30Ltrs Approx. Outer Size :33.8 Cm ( L ) *40Cm ( W ) * 49.8 Cm ( H ) Inner Size :44 Cm ( L ) * 25Cm ( W ) * 31.5 Cm ( H ) , Glass Slides / ( Pack With 50 Numbers ) Bg001, Macconkey Broth Single Strength 500Gm M007, Salicin Disc 25 / 1Vl Dd011, Face Mask / ( 100 Units / Box ) La228, Spatula / ( 10 Units / Pack ) La1003, Bromocresol Purple Blue 100Gm Fd093, Polycarbonate Heat Resistant Polypropylene Autoclavable Plastic Containers 300 Ml Capacity / Unit, S.S Test Tube Stand ( 150Ml Capacity ) , Od 38Mm La222, Aluminium Foil, Barritt’S Reagent ( A ) 100Ml R029, Macconkey Agar 500Gm M008s, Simmons Citrate Agar 500Gm M099s, Autoclave Covers For Decontamination / ( 250 Units / Pack ) Pw057, Loops ( Round ) / ( 8 Units / Pack ) La730, Tips Box ( 10Ml ) , Parafilm La017, Test Tube Basket ( 150Ml Capacity ) Autoclavable / ( 160*160*160 ) ( 6 Units / Pkt ) , 1Ml Tips ( 1000 Units / Pack ) , Test Tube Caps 150 Ml Capacity, 38Mm Outer Diameter / ( 100 Units / Pack ) Pw032, Test Tube Stand ( 30Ml Capacity ) , Od 18Mm / ( 5 Units / Pack ) Pw107, Methyl Red Indicator 100Ml I007, Cryovials ( 5Ml ) Externally Threaded / ( 1* 250 Numbers ) Tcp120, Forceps / ( 2 Units ) La707, Nutrient Broth 500Gm M244s, Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar 500Gm M1590, Non-Absorbent Cotton La1017, Plate Count Agar 500Gm M091, Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth 500Gm M121, Sucrose Disc 25 / 1Vl Dd013, Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 500Gm Mh063, Glass Beads ( 0.5Mm To 1Mm ) / 500Gm La715a, Shoe Covers / ( 50 Units / Box ) La731, Aprons Full Arm / Unit, Loops ( Straight ) For Stab / ( 8 Units / Pack ) La016, Gram Staining Kit 125Ml K001, Autoclave Tapes La984, Glycerol For Preservation Of Cultures 500Ml Mb060, Barritt’Sreagent ( B ) 100Ml R030, Nutrient Agar 500Gm M001, Geobacillus Stearothermophilus Strips Log. 106 ( Auto Clave Validation ) 1Vl / 25Nos La922, 10 Ml Tips ( 1000 Units / Pack ) , Test Tube ( 25Mm Outer Diameter, Rimless Borosil ) , 15Cm Ht / ( Per Tube ) , 60Ml Capacity, Eosin Methylene Blue Agar 500Gm M317, Macconkey Broth Double Strength 500Gm M539, Cover Slip / ( 1 Pack ) , Sodium Thiosulphate Anhydrous 500Gm Mb210