
Bids Are Invited For Buffer Powder Ph 4 Point Zeero 10 Nos , Buffer Powder Ph 7 Point Zeero 10 Nos , Buffer Powder Ph 9 Point 2 10 Nos , Paraffin Liquid 500 Ml , Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate 500 Gm , 2 4 Dinitro Phenol 100 Gm , Ammonium Fluoride 500 Gm , , Maldah-West Bengal

Department of Agricultural Research and Education has published Bids Are Invited For Buffer Powder Ph 4 Point Zeero 10 Nos , Buffer Powder Ph 7 Point Zeero 10 Nos , Buffer Powder Ph 9 Point 2 10 Nos , Paraffin Liquid 500 Ml , Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate 500 Gm , 2 4 Dinitro Phenol 100 Gm , Ammonium Fluoride 500 Gm , . Submission Date for this Tender is 24-08-2022. Waxes Tenders in Maldah West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Buffer Powder Ph 4 Point Zeero 10 Nos , Buffer Powder Ph 7 Point Zeero 10 Nos , Buffer Powder Ph 9 Point 2 10 Nos , Paraffin Liquid 500 Ml , Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate 500 Gm , 2 4 Dinitro Phenol 100 Gm , Ammonium Fluoride 500 Gm ,
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Buffer Powder Ph 4 Point Zeero 10 Nos , Buffer Powder Ph 7 Point Zeero 10 Nos , Buffer Powder Ph 9 Point 2 10 Nos , Paraffin Liquid 500 Ml , Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate 500 Gm , 2 4 Dinitro Phenol 100 Gm , Ammonium Fluoride 500 Gm , Charcoal Activated 500 Gm , Azomethine H 1 Gm , Polypropylene 250 Gm , Ammonium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate Amm Phosphate Monobasic 500 Gm , Hydroquinone 100 Gm , Sodium Sulphite 500 Gm , 4 Nitrophenyl Phosphate 5 Gm , Tris Maleate 100 Gm , Polyvinylpyrrolidone Pvp K 30 500 Gm , Thiomersal Thimerosol Merthiolate 10 Gm , Bita Nad 1 Gm , O Dianisidine 100 Gm , L Cysteine 100 Gm , N 1 Naphthylethylene Diamine Dihydrochloride 10 Gm , Edta Disodium Salt 500 Gm , Borax Decahydrate 500 Gm ,Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 100 Gm , 2 Ethoxy Ethanol Ethylcellosolve 500 Gm , Magnesium Chloride 500 Gm ,Eriochrome Black T 100 Gm , Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride500 Gm , Potassium Ferrocyanide 500 Gm , Ammoniumpurpurate Murexide 25 Gm , Copper Sulphate 500 Gm ,Nitric Acid 500 Ml , Decahydronaphthalene Decane Ordecalin 500 Ml , Folin And Ciocalteus Phenol Reagent 500Ml , 2 2 Diphenyl 1 Picryl Hydrazyl 250 Mg , Potassiumdichromate 500 Gm , Ethanol 500 Ml , Sodium Dithionite500 Gm , Potassium Nitrite 500 Gm , Sodium Fluoride Ar500 Gm , Sodium Chloride 500 Gm , Methylene Blue 100 Ml, 2 6 Dichlorophenol Indophenol Sod Salt 5 Gm Total Quantity : 60

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