Procurement Of Wpil Make Pump Spares On Non Rc Basis For Ntpc Tanda , Gm12tc:Impeller , Gm12tc:Impeller Lock Collect , Gm12tc:Inter Bowl , Gm12tc:Discharge Case , Gm12tc:Pump Shaft , Gm12tc:Line Shaft Tube , Gm12tc:Shaft Coupling , Gm12tc:Line Shaft , Gm12tc:Flexible Coupling , Gm12tc:Forced Water Fitting , Gm12tc:Sleeve For Line Shaft , Gm12tc:Inter Line Shaft , 6U18:Gland Packing , Split Gland , Key , Key , Nut , 6U18:Anti-Rotation Pin , Set Of Fastners ( 1Set =98 Nos. ) , Em12tc:4St:Bott. Column Pipe , Em12tc:4St:Discharge Head , Em12tc:4St:Imp. Lock Collet , Em12tc:4St:Inter Bowl , Em12tc:4St:Inter Column Pipe , Em12tc:4St:Line Shaft Tube-Bott , Em12tc:4St:Line Shaft Tube-Inter , Em12tc:4St:Screw Bearing For L / Shaft , Em12tc:4St:Sole Plate , Em12tc:4St:Tube Stabilizer , Em12tc:5St:Basket Strainer , Em12tc:5St:Adjusting Nut , Em12tc:5St:Bottom Line Shaft , Em12tc:5St:Head Shaft With Key , Em12tc:5St:Imp. Lock Collet , Em12tc:5St:Impeller , Em12tc:5St:Line Shaft Coupling , Em12tc:5St:Line Shaft Sleeve , Em12tc:5St:Pump Shaft , Em12tc:5St:Pump Shaft Coupling , Em12tc:5St:Seal Ring , Em12tc:5St:T.B.H. Assy , Em12tc:Companion Flange , Em12tc:Flexible Coupling ( Upper ) , Em12tc:Packing , Brg Rubber, 21 , Brg Retainer Brz, 20 , Headshaftssaisi316, 31, 0-567-D, Iag1540-41 , Wxh 150 / 300:Impeller 2Nd Stage , Wxh 150 / 300:Diffuser Casing , Wxh 150 / 300:Diffuser 2 , Wpil:Wxh 150 / 300:Seal Ring , Wxh 150 / 300:Diffuser 1 , Wxh 150 / 300:Balancing Sleeve , Wxh 150 / 300:Cylendrical Roller Pin , Wxh 150 / 300:Balancing Ring , Wxh 150 / 300:Balancing Disk , Wxh 150 / 300:Lantern Ring , Wxh 150 / 300:Packing Ring , Wxh 150 / 300:Gland , Wxh 150 / 300:Gland Sleeve ( Nde ) , Wxh 150 / 300:Brg.Cover Inner , Wxh 150 / 300:Bearing Cap , Wxh 150 / 300:Coupling Key , Wxh 150 / 300:3St:Pump Shaft , Wxh 150 / 300:Lock Nut ( D.E. ) , Wxh 150 / 300:Bearing Cover Outer , Wxh 150 / 300:O Ring , Wxh 150 / 300:Gland Sleeve ( De ) , Wxh 150 / 300:Seal Ring , 6U18:Bearing Distance Piece , Wpe 125 / 450:Impeller , Wpe 125 / 450:Casing Wearing Ring , Wpe 125 / 450:Shaft , Wpe 125 / 450:Sleeve , Wpe 125 / 450:Gland Lock , Wpe 125 / 450:Impeller Key , Wpe 125 / 450:Coupling Key , Wxh 150 / 300:Diffuser Seal Ring , Wxh 150 / 300:Impeller Ist Stage , Wpe 125 / 450:Lip Seal ( N.D.E. ) , Wpe 125 / 450:Lip Seal ( D.E. ) , Wpe 125 / 450: Bering Cover ( D.E. ) , Wpe 125 / 450: Bering Cover ( N.D.E. ) , Wpe 125 / 450:Bearing Housing , Wpe 125 / 450:Brg. Lock Nut => Limited