
Chemical And Glassware Rate Contract I. Chemical/Stain & indicators of Qualigens, Products/Test Kit Chemical/Suain & Indicators or Merck Specialties Products/Test Kit 2. 3. Chemical/Stain & lndicators of Merck Specialties 4. Products/Test Kit , Ajmer-Rajasthan

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College has published Chemical And Glassware Rate Contract I. Chemical/Stain & indicators of Qualigens, Products/Test Kit Chemical/Suain & Indicators or Merck Specialties Products/Test Kit 2. 3. Chemical/Stain & lndicators of Merck Specialties 4. Products/Test Kit . Submission Date for this Tender is 13-07-2022. Laboratory Glassware Tenders in Ajmer Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical And Glassware Rate Contract I. Chemical/Stain & indicators of Qualigens, Products/Test Kit Chemical/Suain & Indicators or Merck Specialties Products/Test Kit 2. 3. Chemical/Stain & lndicators of Merck Specialties 4. Products/Test Kit
Open Tender

Tender Details

Chemical And Glassware Rate Contract I. Chemical/Stain & indicators of Qualigens, Products/Test Kit Chemical/Suain & Indicators or Merck Specialties Products/Test Kit 2. 3. Chemical/Stain & lndicators of Merck Specialties 4. Products/Test Kit diagnostic Culture Media Chemical/Stain & Indicators of S.D.F. Products/Test Kit 5. Chemical/Stain & Indicators of C.D.I1. Products/Test Kit Chemical/Stain & Indicators of Media/Antibiotics Disc of 6. Ilimnedia Products/Test Kit Chenical/Stain & Indicators of Arkray Diagnostic Products/lest Kit Chemical/Stain & Indicators of Ranbasy Products/lest Kit 7. 8. 9. Chemical/Stain & Indicators of Loba Products/Test Kit 9. Chemical/Stain & Indicators of I.oba Products/rest Kit 10. Chemical/Stain & Indicators of J.Mitra Products/Test Kit I I. chemical/Stain & Indicators or I)iagnosic regents ‘Transad1a Products. 12. ChemicallStain & Indicators of Titan Biotech Products/lest Kit Stain & Indicators or Tulip Products/Test Kit 14. Chemical Stain & Indicators of BIORAI) Products/test Kit 15. .IChcmical/Stain& Indicators of Thermo Products/Test Kit 16. Chemical/Stain & Indicators of SD Standard! Akre I)iagnostics Inc. Products’Test Kit 17. Chemical/Stain & Indicators of Riocare Lab Products/Test Kit | Chemical/Stain & lndicator of Microeenc Lab Products/Test Kit 19. Chemical/Stain & Indicators or Orgrnics ProductsvTest Kit 20. Chemical/Stain & Indicators or Iliolab Diagnostic Lab. 21. Products/Test Kit Indicators ofTri’vitron Products/Test Kit Chemical/Stain & Chemical/Stain & 22. Indicators of Finar ProductsTcst Kit Indicators of Qiagen Products/Test Kit Indicators of Rio Matrix PmductsTest Kit Indicators of Toih Diagnostie Lab. 23. Chemical/Stain & 24. Chemical/Stain & 25. (hemical/Stain & Productillest Kit 25. (hemicallStain & Indicators of Touh Diagnostie Lab. Product,’1est Kit 26. Chemical/stain & lndicators of Diagnostie regents Sigma’ Products. 27. chemical/Stain & Indieators of Spin React Productsufest Kit 28. Chemical/Stain & Indicators of Iorba Products/rest Kit 29. c‘he,nical/Stain & Indicators or Dipro Iialy. Hioneovan Products/I e? KitA.S.(i.I. Hrand PERFIT Brand J.S.G.W. Brand | Sapsun Brand Lab System Microlit 1. Qualigens Glassware Borosil S 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Riviera Brand 11. 12. Leica I)IMF Acrylics Filter Pamper 1. Sonar Brand Whatman’s Brand Ilimedia 2. 3.

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Tender Value
INR 7 Lakhs /-
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