Supply Of Medicine And Surgical Item Injection Tablet Syrup Capsule , Injection Syringe Ointment , Cream , Ear And Eye Drops , Lotion Etc Absorbable Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Netsize 2 X 3 Topical Absorbable Haenostaric Bactericidal Eroperty ( Details In Rc ) Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Steriie Catgut ) Bp / Usp Needled Suture Chromlc ( I / 2 Cii’ Rb Needle 2Omm Uength 76Cm ) Size -3 / 0 . 1 3 Way Stop Cock, Non Pyrogenlc And Single Use, Should Be Leak Proof, With Smooth Movements ( Detail In Rc ) E 2 3 Way Stop Cock With Extenslon Tube Tveln-O Extenslon Line ) Size 100Cm ( Non Pyrogenic & Single Use ) ( Detail In Rc ) 3 Way Stop Cock With Extenslon Tube ( Vein-O Extenalon Line ) Size 10Cm ( Non Pyrogenic & Single Use ) ( Detall In Rc ) 4 3 Way Stop Cock With Extension Tube ( Vein-O Extension Une ) Size 150Cm ( Non Pyrogenic & Single Use ) ( Detail In Rc ) 5 3 Way Stop Cock With Extension Tube ( Vein-O Extension Line ) Size 50Cm ( Non Pyrogenic & Single Use ) ( Detail In Rc ) 6 3Rd Generation Recombinant F Viil 1000 Iu With Diluent 7 3Rd Generation Recombinant F Viii 250 Iu With Diluent 8 6 Mhioguanine Tablet Usp 4O Mg ( Each Uncoated Tablet Contains 6 Thioguanifle Lisp 40 Mg ) 9 Abdominal Drain Kit ( With Coliection Bag 2O00 Ml Size 24 ( Detaiis In Rc ) 10 Abdominal Drain Kit, Sterile, Having Drainage Aatheter And Coliection Bag ( 2O00 Ml ) ( Size 16 ) ( Detail In Rc ) Abdominal Drain Kit, Sterile, Having Dnainage Satheter And Collection Bag ( 2Ooo Ml ) ( Size 2O ) ( Detail In Rc ) ( 2000 Abdominal Drain Kit. Sterile. Having Draindge Catheter And Bag Ml ) Size Z8 ( Details In Rc ) And Collection Bag ( 200O ) Ml 13 14 Abdominal Daain Xitsteriie, Having Orainage Cather Size 32 ( Details In Rc ) Abiraterone Acetate Tablet Ip 250Me ( Each Uncoated Tablet Contains Abiraterone Acetate Ip 2So Mg ) 15 Absorbable Gelatin Sponge 80 X 50X Lommm ( Details In Rc ) 16 17 17 Absorbable Surgical Suture Isteriie Catgut ) Bp / Usp Needled Suture Chromic ( 1 / 2 Cli Rb Needle 20 Mm Length 76Cn ) Size .3 / 0 18 Øtgorbalbe Soi’A’ Bpiuw Ncdide Sutire Chromic ( 1 / 2 Or Rb Needle 30Mm Uength 76 An ) Size -1 / 0 19 Absorbabee Surgical Suture ( Sierile Catgut ) Bp / Usp Needled Suture Chronlc ( 1 / 2 Ør Rb Needle 30 Mm Length 76 Cm ) Size -2 / 0 20 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Sterile Catgut ) Bp / Usp Needled Suture Chroinlc ( I / 2 Cli Rb Needle 4Omm Length 76 An ) Size 4 / O 21 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Sterile Catgut ) Bp / Usp Needled Suture Chromk ( 1 / 2 Ca’ Rb Needee 4Snm Uength 10O An ) Site-I 22 Absorbabee Surgwcal Suture ( Sterile Catgut ) Op / Lisp Needied Sutune Chromlc ( 3 / 8 Or Rb Needle 3Omm Uength 76 An ) Size-2 / 0 23 Abworbable Surgical Suture ( Sterile Catgut Bp / Usp Needled Suture Chrormk:T3 / 8 Or Rb Needle 4Omm Length 76 An ) Size .1 / 0 24 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Steriie Catgut ) Needled Suture Chrormic Size- 3 / 0 ( 3 / 8 Or Rcutting Needle 26Mm, Length 76Cm ) 25 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( 27 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetie ) Antibacterial With Sterlilsed Needled Suture ( Braided Caated Polygiactin / Polyglyealic Acid Vialet ) Size 1 1 / 2 Clrde Reverse Cutting, Os 40Mm, Suture Length 90Cm 28 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetic ) Antibacterial With Sterilised Needled Suture ( Bralded Coated Polyglactin / Poly&Ycoiic Acid Vlolet ) Size 3 / 0 1 / 2 Circle Round Bodied 20Mm. Suture Length 70Cm 29 Absorbable Surgical Sgture ( Synthetic ) Sterilised Needled ( Braidedi Coated Polyglactin / Polyglycallc Acid / Poiy ( Giycoflde.Co.L.Lactlde ) Size.2 / O 1 / 2 Dr Rb Needle 30Mn Length 90 Cnt 30 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetic ) Sterilised Needled ( Braidedi Coated Poiygiactln / Polyglycollc Acid / Poiy ( Glycollde.Co-L.Lactlde ) Size-2 / 0 1 / 2 Cir Rb Needle 40Mm I. 90Cm 31 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetic ) Sterilised Needied Suture Monofiiament Polydioxanone Violet Size 1 ( 1 / 2 Circle Reverse Cutting S0 Mm Length 90Cm ) 32 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetic ) Sterliised Needled Suture Monoiilament Polydloxanone Violet Size 1 / 0 ( 1 / 2 Circle Rb 30Mm Needle, Length 70Cm ) 33 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetic ) Sterilised Needled Suture Monofilan’Ment Polydiosanone Violet Size 2 / O ( 1 / 2 Circle Rb 31Mm Needle. Length 7Ocm ) 34 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetic ) Sterilised Needled ( Braided ) Coated Polyglactin / Polyglycolic Adid / Poiy ( Glycolide-Co-L-Lactide ) 1 / 2 Or Rb Needle Size-I / O 30Mm Length 90Cm 35 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Smnthetic ) Sterilised Needled ( Braided ) Coated Polyglactin / Poiygiycolic Acid / Poiy ( Glycolide-Co-L.Lactide ) Slze - 3Ffo Lf2cir Rb Needle 2Omm Length 7Ocm 36 Absorbable Surgiaal Suture ( Synthetic ) Steriiised Needled ( Bralded ) Coated Polyglactin / Polyglycolic Acid! Poiy ( Gtycolide-Co-L-Iactide ) S1ze4 1 / 2 Or Rb Needle4omm Length 90Cm Lfctul#C-Rj, L.A#I L5bip Niii 37 Absorbable Surpal Suture ( Synthetic ) Sterilised Needled ( Braidea ) Coated Polyglactin / Polyglycollc Acid! Poly ( Glycollde.Co-L4actide ) S1ue4 / Cns / 2 Cit Rb Needle 40Mm Length 90Cm ) - 38 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetic ) Sterlilsed Needeed ( Braded ) Polyglactin Fpolyglycohc Acid I Pomgbrcolide-Co-T-Iactide ) 541E4 / O ( 1 / 2 Or Re Needle 2Omm Length 70 Cm ) - 39 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetic ) Sterliised Needlea ( Bralded ) Coated Polyglactin / Polyg ) Ycoilc Acid / Pomgbycolide-Co-L.Lacllde ) Slti 3 / 0 3 / 8 Circue Cutting Needle 22Mm Length 4S An M 40 Absorbable Surgical Suttwe ( Synthetlc ) Antibactefial With Sterilised Neeaied Suture ( Braided Coated Polyglactln / Polyglycollc Add 1Olet ) S1ze 3 / 03 / 8 Cirde R Cutting, P5-1, 24Mn. Suture Length 70Cm Absorbable Surgical Sgture ( Synthellc ) Sterl ( Ised Needied ( Bralded ) Coated - Polyglactlw / Powyglycolic Acld / Pobwglycolide.Col4actlde ) S1z* 1 1 / 2 Cit Tapercut Needle ( Heavy ) 40Mm Length 9O Am M 41 42 Absorbabie Surgiaal Sutur’E ( Synthetlc ) Antlbactedai Coated Steriiised Needled ( Braided Coated Polygiactln / Pdy&Ycoiic Acud Vlolet ) Slze 1 1 / 2 Clrde Ct Round Bodied 4Omm, Gs Needle, Suture Length 9Ocm 43 Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetlc ) Antibactenlal With Sterilsed Needied ( Biaided Coated Polygladln / Polyglycoilc Add Twoiet ) Sue 1 / 01 / 2 &Cle Ct Round Bodied 4Omm, Gs Needle, Suture Length 90Cm Absorbable Surgical Suture ( Synthetlc ) Sterilised Needied ( Bralded ) Coated Polyglac1ln / Poiygycollc Add / Poiy ( Glycollde-Co-L-Lactlde ) Sile-3 / 0 ( 1 / 2 Cit Conventional 2Smm Length 9O Cm ) Undyed Ibsorbabie Surgical Sgtrr. ( Synthetle ) Sterlllsed Needled ( Bralded ) Coalnd - Polyglactln / Poyglycoilc Acid / Poiy ( Gly Eco.L.1Actld. ) Siae-4 / 0 3 / 8 Cm-Dc Cutting 16Mn Needie, Suture Length 70Cm M 4 45 46 Absorbabue Surgical Slitljres Sterilised Needled Monofilament Polyguecaprone / Polygiyconate.Slle 3 / O ( 1 / 2 Circle Ova Rb Contrast Needle 26Mm, Suture Length 7Ocm ) ‘47 1. Ft Abprba8el Surgical Sutures Sterilised Netdled M6nolliamentpolvilecaironfe / P&Rgtyconate Size 3 / 0 ( 3 / 8 Circle Cutting 25Mm 48 Absorbabi.E Surgical Sutures Sterilised Needled Monofnlamentpolyglecaprone / Polyglyconate Size 4 / 0 ( 1 / 2 Circle Cutting 16Mm Needlesuture Length 70Cm ) Absorbable Surgical. Sutures, Steriuised Needued Polyglecaprone / Poly8lyconate, Monofilament Sutijres Size 2 / 0 ( 1 / 2 Circue Oval Rb Needle 26Mm Need Iesuture Uength Of 70Cm ) 50 Absorbent Cotton Wool Ip S0ogm 51 Acebrophyillne Tablet / Capsule 10O Mg 52 Acnclo ( Enac And Paracetamol Tablets Aceclofenac 100 Mg And Paracetarnol 32S Mg 53 Acenocoumarol Tab Ip / Nicounalone Tab Ip 2Mg 54 Aoetazolamide Tab Ip 250Mg 55 Acetylcystine Solution Usp ( Injection ) 200 Mg / Mi S6 Act Kit Containing 3 Tablets Of Artesunate ( I00 Mg Each ) And 1 Tabiet Of Suiphadoxine And Pyrlmethamlne ( 750Mgt37.Sfln€ ) Act Kit Containine 3 Tablets Of Artesunate ( 1So Mg Each ) And 2 Tablet Of Suiphadoxine And Pyrlmethamlne ( Sqomg+25M8 ) __ - [ R8 Act Kit Contaiiing 3 Tablets Of Artesunate ( 25Mz Each ) And I Tabler Of Suiphadoxine And Pyrimethamine ( 2S0me12.Smc ) F59 Act Kii Containing 3 Tablets 01 Artesunati ( 5O Mg Each ) And 1 Tablet Of Suiphadoxinle And Py, Imethanine ( 50Ofl1g+25M ) R 60 Acyciovir Creim 5% 61 Acyci0vir Eye Ointment P 3% W / W 5Gm Size [ 62 Acyciovif Intravenous Infusion Ip 250Mg 63 Acyciovir Intravertlis Infusion P 500Mg 64 Acydovir Oral Suspension Ip 400Rngi5mi 5765 Acydovir Tab Ip 200Mg 55 Tmblpsm Adenosine Injection Pp 6 Mg / 2M1 68 G Bendaiole Oral Iuspension Ii’ 4A0 Mg / Lonil 70 71 Onatesodamtai35m? -- 3 Allopuriflol Tablets I 100Mg Alpha Interferoi’A Injection Interferon Alpha 2 Roncentratid Salution Ip 3 Miiflon Unit 75 Alprazolafll Tab Pp 0.25 Mg 76 Aipraioilm Tab Pp 0.5Mg 77 Amikaclfl Inj Pp 1O0mg 78 Amjkaclfl Inj Pp 25Omg 79 Amlkgclnf Inj Pp 500Mg Amino Add 1O% Inyection 1Oomni Size 81 Mjnophypline In Ip 25 Mg / Mi 85 Amitriptyllflctaj25ms Film Coated 82 83 84 Amlodarone Pp Amlodaronle 100Mg Anilodarone Tab Ip 200Mg 212 Cethizlne Syrup Ip 5Mg / S Ml 213 Cetlrlzlne, Phenylepmne & Paracetamol Tablets Cerr-Tzlne S Mg, Pheny$Ephrlne 10Mg & Paracetamol 32S Mg Tab 214 Cetñmde Cream Lp 15Gm 21.5 Qhemotherapy Port & Noncorlng Needles ( Pedlatrlc ) ( Detail In Rc ) 216 Chemotherapy Pott And Non-Co1eg Needles ( Adul ( ) ( Detail In Ftc ) 217 Chlorambudltablpsmg 218 Chloramphen4col 1% W / W Eye Ointment Ip, 3Gm Size 219 Chloramphenicol Eye Drops Pp 0.S 0J ) 220 Chlordazepoxide Tablets Pp 10Mg 221 Ch1othe Gluconate Solution S% 250 Ml 222 Xdn Mouthwash Ipo.2 0 / 0 223 Chloroquine Phosphate Inj Pp 4Omg / Mi 224 Cnoroqulne Phosphete Suspension Lp So Mg / 5Ml M 225 Chloroqulne Phosphate Tab. Ip 2Somg Eq To 1Ss Mg Of Chioroqulne Base Film Coated - 226 Chiwphenram1 Maleate Tab Pp 4Me - 227 Ch1orpromaue Inj. Pp 2 Smg / Mi - 228 Chlorpromalne Tablets Ip Oo Nl’4 ( Coated Tablet ) -Id-Nr ) Rhi, Yrtrna, Kn, Tpblets !P 2S Me ( S4j2ar Co.Itedl 238 Clproflo*A N.3 0 / 0 And Dexametnasofle 0.1 0 / 0 Ear Drops Caeroflozacin And Dexamethasone Otic Suspenslon Usp 239 Oprofloxac Eye Drops Ip 0.3 0 / 0 W / V 241 242 Clprofiomacin Blerctlon Ip 200Ttg / 1O0ml Floxacln Ophthalmic Ointment Lisp 0.3% Proftoxac Tablet Ip 50O Mng Fam Coated 243 Ciproflo*Aclnl Tablets Ip 250Mg Flki Coated 244 Atracuñun B_Ate Injection 2 Mwlml In S Ml Vial 245 Äiplatknk1ip10mg / 1Oml 246 Asplatinlnjlpsomg / Soml 247 Oindamyci4n Capsule Ip 150Mg 248 Clindamycun Capsule Ip 3O0mg 249 Olndamydn Phosphate Gel Uisp 10 / 0 250 Clindamydn Phosphate Injection F 300Mg 251 Clobatamtablet / Capsule1ofll€ 252 Clobazam Tablet / Capsule S Mg 253 Clobetasol Proplonate Cream Ip O.C 0 / 0 254 Oomlfene Tab Ip 25 Mg 255 Oomiphene Tab P 5Omg 256 Oonaiepam Tablet 0.5 Ing 257 Clonldine Hydrochloride Tablet P 0.1 Mg ( Each Tablet Contains Cionidine Hydrochloride P 0.1 Mg ) 258 Clopidogrel And Aspirin Tables, Clopidogrel 7S Mg And Aspirin 7S Mg 283 Cyciophosphamide Tablet Ip So Mg ( Each Sugar Coated Tablet Contains - Cycuopnosphamide Lp S3.S Mg Equivalent To Anhydrous Cyclophosphamlde 5O Mgl 4 Cyclosporin Capsule Usp / Ip So Mg 285 Cytarablneln ) Ectjonbr5 ( Womg 286 Dacarbailne Injection 5Oomg Usp / Bp 287 Danazolcapw5omg - Dasatinlbtab1oomg - 288 289 Daunoiubldn Lnj Ip 20 Mg 290 Deferasirox Tab 1Oomg 291 Deferaslrar Tab 50Omg 292 Deferlprone Cap 250Mg I. 293 Deferiprone Cap 50Omg 294 Dental Gel Chio4ne Salcylate 8.7 O / O, Benzalkoni Chloride 0.01 0 / 0, 1 Lignocaine H 20 / O ( Flavoured Gel Base ) 295 Desfernoxarmrne Injection Ip 5O0 Mg / Vial ( For Lm. Lnj And I.V S.C. Infusion ) 296 Dexamethasone Inj Ip 8Mg / 2Mi 297 Dexamethasone Tab Ip 0.5Mg 1 298 Dexamethasone Tablet Ip 4Mg ( Each U3ncoated Tablet Contains Dexamethasone 1 Lp4mg ) 299 Daromethorphan Hbr Syrup P 13.5Mg / Sml 3 3Flj Dextrosebi|W10%M 281 282 Cyclophosphamkje In ) Ip 200Mg? — Cyaophosphanide In ) Ip 300 Mg 301 Dextroselnjw2s%W / V 1 3 2U 321 Dlitiazem Tabs Ip 30Mg Film Coated 322 Olnoprostofle Cream / Gel 0.5 Mg Dinopiosiofle In Syringe 323 Diphthmria Anaitoxim 10000 Iu 324 Disposable Sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves Size 8 Inches, Powder Free 325 Disposable Sierile Suigical Rubber Gioves Size 8 Inches, Powdermd 326 Divaiproex Extended Release Tablet P 250 Mg ( Each Extended Release Film Coated Tablet Contains Oivalproex Sodium Ip Eqpivalent To Vaiproic Add 2S0 Mg ) 327 Buiamine In ) Ip Somg / Ml / 250Rflg ( Vlatiidobutamlne In ) Ip 250 Mgfsmi ( Amp J- Jompenclone Oral Drops 10Mg! Ml ( Ioml ) 329 Domperldonle Suspension Ip Smgfsml 330 Domperidonle Tab Ip 1Omg 331 Dopanine Hyarochloride Mmi Ip 40 Mg / Mi 16 Cm 332 Double J Stent. Sterile, Both Ends Open- Size 4F. 20Cm 333 Double J Stem. Sterile, Both Ends Open, Size Sf, Length Size 4F, Length 16 Cm 334 Double J Stent. Sterile, One End - 33S Double J Stent. Sterile. One Ead Dosed, Size Sf. Lengtn A0cm 336 Doxonbicjnlnjpsomg / Zsml 337 Doirycydlne Cap Ip 100 Mg 20Mg Tablet ( Each 338 Doxylarnlrbe Succnate 2O Mg S Pyrldoxkie Hydrochloride Enteric Coatsd Tablet Contains Dox1damine Suconate Ijsp A0 Nig & Pyridoidne Hydrochioride Ip 2O Mg ) 339 Driea Facto Viii Fraction Ip ( Iv Use ) 10Oo Lu / Vial 340 Dried Ractor Viii Fraction Ip ( Iv Uwe ) 50O Factor Viii Rraction Ip ) 2So Iu / 341 Dried Human Anti Haemophiic Fraction Ip ( Dried Vial ( Iv Use ) And Metenamlc 342 Drotaverlne And Mefenamlc Acid Tablets Orotaverine 8Omg Acid 25Omg 343 Drotaverine Hydrochloride Inj 40 Mgj2 Ml 344 Drotaveflne Tab 4Omg 345 Dutasteride Tablet 0.5 Mg 346 Each Combi Bhste Pack: Containing 3 Tablets Of Artesunate ( 200 Mg Eacti ) And 2 Tablet O1 Sulehadoxine Pyrlmethamlne ( 7Som8.37.Sm&Each Or 3 Tablets 01 Sulphadoidne Pyvknethamlne ( Soo, 2S ) Mig 347 Lcg Electrode ( Detail In Ftc ) 348 Elastic Adhesive Bandage Bp Ocm X Lmtr Stretched Length Adhesive Material Should Have Good Quality Sticking Property ( Oetal In Rc ) 349 Enalapril Maleate Tab P 2.5Mg 35Q ( Nalapril Maleate Tab P 5Mg 351 Tnaiapril Mlbate Tablet, Ip 10Mg 352 Endotracheal Tube. Cull- Size 45 ( Details In Ntc ) 354 Endotratheal Tube, Cuff- Slze 6 ( Details In Rc ) 355 Endotracheal Tube, Cuff-Size? ( Details In Ftc ) 356 Endotracheal Tube, Cufr - Size 7.S ( Detalls In Rc ) 357 Endotracheal Tube, Cuff - Site 8 ( Detalls In Ftc ) 358 Endotracheal Tube, Cufr - Size 8.S ( Detalls In Rc ) 359 Endotracheai Tube, Cuff - Site 9 ( Details In Ftc ) 360 Erndotracheal Tube, Cuff- Size 6.5 ( Details In Ftc ) 361 Endotrncheai Tube, Cufied - Size 4 ( Details In Ftc ) 362 Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 2.5 ( Details In Ftc ) I 363 Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Siie 3 ( Details In Rc ) J364 Ena Otracheal Tube. Piain - Size 3.5 ( Detaias In Ftc ) I 365 Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 4 Idetaiis In Ftc ) 366 Endotracheal Tube, Plain Siie 4.5 ( Details In Ftc ) 367 Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size S ( Deiaiis In Ftc ) 368 Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 5.5 ( Deiails Im Ftc ) 369 Enaotracheai Tube, Plain - Size 6 ( Deiaiis In Ftc ) 370 Enaotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 7 ( Detaiis In Ftc ) 371 Enaotraaleal Tube. Piain? - Siie 7.5 ( Details In Ftc ) Al Tube, Plain - Size 8 Idetails In Ftc ) _ D:::Eai Tube Plain - 5Sme 8.5 Tails Ln Rc ) 374 _O-? Enoxaparinl Sodium Lnj P 60 M 376 Qvit Ta Blet ‘P 03 Mg Ach Fum Coa 377 Dursmmnue1.M - ( Detaii In Rc ) 378 Jam Tab ( P 10 Mg 379 380 Eth Ms Late Lnj 2A0 Mg / 2M1 Iim / V ) 381Mtet3biet.M? — Soom& 382 — 333 3S4 Jsbtaalp12e Ia5 J Rabietipaeii - — 387 Face Mask, 0Isposabie ( Deahi5 In Rc ) 388 389 Faropenem Tablet Sodium 200Mg Ieach Film Tablet Cofltahli Faropeflem Sodiun Equivalent Te Faropenem Sodiun 200 Mg ) I — 390 Fenofla4’Ate Capsules! Taa ( P Aa0ig - _R—M 391 Fentonyl Citfate Injecaion S0msg / Mj - — 392 Fentafly1 Citrate Injectioi ( P 2 Ml — — I Feraayiulfl 1% W / V Steriie Solution 100 Ml — — Ferrous Sulphate With Folic Ndd Tab Ip Each Film Coated Tab. Containing Dried Ferrous Suwphate Ip-Equlv 1O0 M8 Elemental Iron And Rolic Acud Ip O.S Mg 408 Foldable Intra Ocular Lense With Injector ( Details In Rc ) 243 To 28.5 409 Foleys Catheter No. 14 ( Detail In Rc ) Rolc Acid Tab Ip S Mg Formaldehyde Solution ( 34S P.’R R P., 396 1Ox1o Tab Strip / Blister 397 Fligrastlm Injection Ip ( Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor ) ( Sc / Iv Use ) 300 Pre Filled Syringe / Vial — 398 Finasterlde Tablets Ip S M8 1Ox1o Tab Strip / Blister — 399 Flawoxate Tablets Ip 200 Mg ( Coated Tablet ) 1Ox1o Tablets - 40 ( 0 Fiuconazole Eye Dmops 0.3% 5 Ml. Vial With Sterillzed 401 Flucornazole Tablets Ip 150Mg Dropper, Or Squeere Vial 1O-1O1 Tab Strip - 402 Flunarizine Tab 5 Mg ( Perforated ) 1Ox1o Tab Blister 403 404 405 Fiuorouracii In ) Ip 2So Mg / Smi Fluoxetine Cap Ip 20 Mg Flurbiprofen Sodium Ophthalmic Solution Ip 0.03 O / O W / V S Ml Ampoule 1Ox1o Cap Strlp / Blister Sml Squeete Vial 406 407 Foldable Lntra Ocular Lense With Injector Idetails In Rc ) 11 To 17.5 - Foldable Intra Ocular Lense With Injector Idetails In Rc ) 18 To 24 — I Each Piece Each Piece 410 411 Each Piece Each Piece 1Ox1o Tab Blister 435 Glipizide And Metformin Hydrochlordde Tablets Usp ( Glipizide 5 Mg. Metformln Hydrochloride 500 Mg ) 436 Glipizide Tab Ip 5Mg 437 Gloves Size 6.S Inchesfowder Free ( Disposable Steriie Surgical Rubber Gloves ) ( Details In Rc ) 438 Gloves Size S.S Inches, Powdered ( Disposable Sterile Sungical Rubber Gloves ) ( Details In Rc ) 439 Gloves Size 7 .Slnches, Powder Free ( Disposablesterile Surgical Rubber Gloves ) ( Details In Rc ) 440 Gloves Size 7 Inchespowder Free ( Disposable Sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves ) ( Detalls In Rc ) 44I Gloves Size 7 Inchespowdered ( Disposable Sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves ) ( Details In Rc ) 442 Gioves Size 7.5 Inches, Powdered ( Disposnbie Steiiie Surgical Rubber Gloves ) ( Details In Rc ) 443 Glccagon For Injection Usp 1 Mg / Mi 444 Gluteraldehyde Solution 2% 445 Glycerin Ip 10O Ml - 446 Glycerin Ip 400Gm 447 Glyceryl Trinitrate Tablets 2.6 Mg Contralled Release Tablets 448 Glycopyrtotate Lnj Ip 0.2’ Seofulvinl Tab Ip 12Smg 450 Gum Paint Iontaiiini Tannic Acad 2%, Cetrimide 0.1S, Zsnc Chloride 1% ‘I 451 Haloperidol Lnj Ip 5 Mg / Mi 452 Haiopeaidol Tab Ip 1.5 Mg 453 Halopefido’ Tab Ip 5 Mg 4S4 Halothafle Bp Heparlfl Sodium Mii Ip 50S0 Iu / Mi ( Im / Iv Usa ) 456 Hepatitis B Pemunologiib Injection Ip Aa01.11 457 Homstrop” Eye Drops 1P 2% 458 Human Albumin Solction Ip 2S% Humam Anti D , Munogi0bufl 150 Mcg 4A0 Human Anai A Namunogaob Injecaion 30Amcg ( Im Uae ) 461 Huaan Cborioflic Goflaaotroehhl Injection Ip 5000 L.U. 462 Human Pemunogl0bu Mgi Aaah In Paak Of Jomni ( Osgm ) 4A3 Human Rabiea Immuno&A Aun Inj 1A0 Iu / Mi 464 Hyaiuronidase Injection Ip Eaah Vial Caatains Hyalufaalidase Ip 15A0 I.Ij. 465 Hydroahchlazide Tab Ip 12.5 Mg 466 Hydroch Maziie Tab Ip 25Mg 467 Hydroaortlsa Soaium Sucainaae Inaection Ip 1A0 Mg Base R Vial ( Im / Iv Aaa ) 468 Hydrigen Peroxiie Solution Ip 60 / 0 ( 20 Voi ) A Q Hydr0xych10i0qui Sulphate Tablets 200Mg Sulphate Tablets Zoomng Oxyethy Starch ( 130 / 0.4 ) 60 / 0W / V With Sodium Chloride 0.9 0 / 0 W / V Intravenous Infuuion / Balanced Electrolyte Iolutloe Of Sodiue Caloeide, Sodiun Acetate. Potassium Caloride, Magnesiue Caloride Intravenous Infusion Hydroxmpfo ( Estero Ing Ip 250Mg / Mi Hydroxmpr0pyrfothvi Callulose Solutiom 20 Mg / Mi 1Ox1o Tab Blister Irsulia Glargine 3Ml ( I00iu / Mi ) With 15 Insulin Syringes And Neeales / Cartridge 3M1 ( 1Ooiui’Mi ) With 1S Needles And 1 Pen Per 20 Cartridges 474 Hyoscine Butyl Bromide Tablets Ip 10Mg 7S Hyosclne Butyibromldc Inj Ip 2Omg / Mi Imi Amp 2S Ampoules 476 Ibuprofen And Paracetarnol Tablets Ip Ibuprofen 400 Mg+Paracetamol 325 Mg 1Ox1o Tab Buster 477 Ibuprofen Oral Suspension 1W / Usp I00 Mg / S Ml 60 Ml. Bottle ( With — Measuring Cap ) 1Ox1o Tab Blister — 478 Lbuprofen Tab Ip 200 Mg ( Coated ) 479 Ibuprofen Tab Ip 40Omg ( Coated ) 1Ox1o Tab Blister — 480 Ifosfamlde Lnjection Lp / Bp / Usp 1Gm Vial 481 Imatinib Tab Ip 400Mg 1Ox1o Caps / Tab 482 Imipenem + Cilastatin Lnjection Soomg / Soomg Ip Powder For Solution Vial 433 Imipramlne Tab Ip 25 Mg ( Coated Tab ) 1Ox1o Tab Blister 434 Imipramine Tab Ip 7S Mg ( Coated ) — 1Ox1o Tab Blister - 485 Indomethacin Cap Ip 25 Mg 1Oxlo Cap Strlp — 486 Infant Feeding Tube Size 1Cfg ( Detalis In Rc ) Each Piece Each Piece — 487 Infant Reeding Tube Site Sfg ( Detaiis In Rc ) 488 Infant Feeding Tube Size 8Fg ( Detaiis In Rc ) Each Piece Unit 489 Infusion Set With Microcjrlp, ( I.V. ) Sterlle Disposable ( Deeails In Rc ) 490 Inj Poractant Alpha 80 Mg / Mi In Pack Of 1.5 Ml ( Oetaii In Rc ) 1.5Mi Vial — 491 Insulin Giargine 10 Ml Vial ( 100 Lu / Mi ) With 30 Lnsullne Syringes With Needle 10 Ml Vial 492 3Ml Vial 3M! ( Loolufml ) With 1S Needles And 1 Pen Per 2O Cartridges 493 Insulin Inieetion Ip ( Soluble Inwlln / Neutral Insulin In ) Eetlon ) 4O Iu / Mi ( R.Dna Origin ) 10 Ml Vial 494 Insulin Syringe ( 40 Uniis ) With ( Fixed ) 3O6 Needie Shall Conforn To Is 12227 Unit — 495 - Intravenous Rat Emulsion 20X W / V 2Som1 25O Ml Bottle — 496 Lohexol Usp ( Solution For Injection ) Non Ionic Contrast Medium In Sterile Aquous Solution 30O Mg Iodine / Mi 20 Ml Pack — 497 Lohexol Usp ( Solutlon Ror Injection ) Non Ionic Contrast Medium In Sterile Aqueous Solutoon 35O Mg Iodine / Mi. So Ml Pack — 498 Ipratropium Bromide Nebulizer Solution 2So Mcg / Ml 1S Ml Glass Bottle — 499 Lpratroplum Powder For Inhalation 1P 4O Mcg 3O Capsule ( Rota Caps ) — 500 Iron And Folic Acid Suspension. Each Smi Contains Ferrous Fumerate Equivalent To Elemental Iron 1Oomg, Rolic Add S0o Mcg I_-_S 1O0 Ml Bottle In A Unit — Carton With A Separate Dropper ( Details In Rc ) I 501 Iron Sucrose Injection Usp / Bp 2Onig / Rnl ( For Iv Use ) Each Ml Contains Ferrlc L Hydroxide In Complex With Sucrose Equly. To Elemental Iron 20 Mg 5 Ml Ampoule ( Amber — Colour ) 502 Isotlurane Usp — 100 Ml Bottle — J 503 Isophane Insulin Inj Ip 40 Mu / Mi 10 Ml Vial — 504 Lsoprenahne Injection P 2Mg / Mi Rc Not Exists J__Sos Ieosorbide Ainierate Tab Lp 5 Mg . 1Ox1o Tab Blister — Loxlo Tab Strip 2 Ml Amp 1O Ampoules 1O41o Tab Strip 1Ox4 Cap Strip 506 Isosorblde Mononit Rate Tabs Ip 2O Mg 5O7 I Isoxiuprine Lnj Ip S Mg / Mi Rc Not Exists K Wire Ketamine Injection Ketonazole Cream 515 Ketorolac Tromethamine Dispersible Tnblet 10 Mg ( Each Ijncoated Diseersible Tablet Contains Ketorolac Tromethanlne 10 Mg ) 516 Labetalol Hci Lnj Ip 2Omg / 4Ml 517 Labetalol Tab Ip 1O0mg - . I 518 T.Acosamide Tablet 100Mg ( Each Film Coated Tablet Cantains Lacosamlie 1A0 Iox1o Tablets Mg ) 519 Lactic Acid Bacillus Tab 60 Million Spores 1Ox1o Tablets Mfsml 10O Ml Bottle ( Wlth 520 Lactulose Solution Uspibp Logm / Ismi Or 3.35 8 Measuring Cap ) 521 Lamotrigine Tablet Ip So Mg ( Each Sustalned Releasetablet Contains Lamotrlgine Ip 50 Mg ) . _ 522 1-Asparaglnase In ) 10Ooo Iu — Vlal 523 I.Eflunomlde Tablets Ip Lomg ( Fiim Coated ) 524 L.Eflunomlde Tablets Ip / Usp 2Omg ( Film Coated ) 525 I.Etrozoie Tablet Ip 23 Mg ( Each Film Coated Tablet Rontainn Letrozole P2.5 Mg ) _ 1Ox 10 Tablets 4 Ml Ampules I 1Ox10 Tab Bllster Rc Not Exists I 526 Leucovorin Calcium In ) Ip I Calcium Falinate In ) 1P 10 Mg / Mi 527 L.Eurprollde Acetate Depot 11.25 Mg . Vial 1Ox1o Tablets 1Oxio Tablets 1Oxio Tablets S Ml Vial Vial 1 Leurprolide Acetate Depot 3.75 Mg 1Ualu Idupe4. Vial — I0oml — 1Ox1o Tab Blister 1Ox1o Tablets Toxic Tab Strip Rc Not Exists Iox1o Tablets 1Ox1o Tab Blister 1Ox1d Tablets Rc Not Exists 30 Ml Vial Rc Not Exists 30Gm Tube In A Unit Carton 30 Ml Vial 10 Gm Tube In Unit Carton Looml 1Ox1o Tablets — — — I.Evamisal Hydrochioride Tablet Ip 50 Mg ( Each Uncoaied Tablet Conatin Levamisol Hydrochloride 1P 50 Mg ) 1.Evetiracetam Injection S00mw / Sifli Levetlracetam Oral Solution / Suspenls0nl 100Mg / Mi Levetiracetam Tablet Ip 50O Mg Uevoceitrizinle Tablet 5Mg Jmvodopa And Carbldopa Tab 250 Mg+ 25 Mg Evofi Oxmd Trb? Let Ip 50O Mg ( Ea Iim Coa Te Hemihydrate Ip S0o Mg ) Ta Bi Et Ii Mg Ie Ach U Ncoaaed Mablet C0 0Suip 20Mg Adrenaline Ip 0O1 M And Dexuos&Nie Dextrose ( Monlohydrate ) 7S Iflegeilp2 Ineosntaeat50 / 534 537 -- Torazepam Lnj Ip 2 Mg / Mi 2 Ml Amp 25 Ampoules. 558 Lorazepam Tablet Ip 2 Mg ( ( Ach Uncoated Tablet Caniains Lorazepam M 2 Mg ) 1Ox1o Tablets 559 Losartan Potassium And Amlodipine Tablets Pp ( Losartan Rotassium 50 Mg, Amlodipine Besilate Eq To Amlopdlplflc 5Mg ) 1Ox1o Tab Strip / Bllster 560 Losartan Potassium And I4ydrochiorothlazide Tablets Ip ( Losartan Potasslum So Me, Hydochlorothiazlde 12.S Mg ) 10X1o Tab Blister 561 Losartan Tab Ip 2S Mg 1Ox1o Tab Bllster 562 Losartan Tab Ip5o Mg 1Oxlo Tab Strlp 563 I.Ysoi ( Crewl With Soap Solution ) Pp ( Cresol S0 O / O + Soap 50 0 / A ) Ltrs Can 564 Magnesium Sulphate In ) . Pp 50Omg / Ml ( 50%W / V ) 2 Ml Amp 2S Ampoules 565 Mannltoi In ) Ip 20% W / V 100 Ml Rf5 / Bfs Bottle 566 Mannitol With Glycerin Injection 1O0 / O + 1O0 / 0 W / V ( For Intravenous Infusion ) 100 Ml Ff5 / Bfs Bottle 567 Mecobalamln Inj 5O0 Mca / Ml 1 Ml. Ampoule 568 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Tablets Pp 10 Mg 1Ox 10 Tablets 569 Mefenamk Acid Tablets Bp 500Mg Iox1o Tablets 570 Mefloquine Tablets Ip 25Omg 10X6 Tablet Blister 571 Melphalan Tab P 5 Mg 2S Tab Bottle 572 Mercaptoptaine Tab Ip 5O Mg Loxlo Tab Strip 573 Meropenem Lnj Ip 5O0 Mg Rc Not Exists 574 Meropenem Ln ) . Pp 1Gm Rc Not Exists 575 Meropenem Lnjection Ip 25O Mg - Rc Not Exists 576 Mesalamine Tablet UsP 1.2 gn Enteric Coated (Each Enteric coated Prolonged Release Tablet Conatin Mesalamine uSP 1.2 gm) 1OX10 Tablets 577 Metformin HcL (Sustained Release) and Glirnepiride Tab Metformin HcL (sustained Release) 500mg ,Glimepirlde 1mg 1OX1O Tab Blister 578 Metformin Hydrochloride (Sustained Release) and Giimepiride Tablets IP (Metformin Hydrochloride(sustained Release) 500 mg, Glimipiride 2mg) IOX1O Tab Blister 579 Metformin Hydrochloride(Sustained Release Tablets IP 100o mg 1OX1O Tab Blister 580 Metformin Tab lP 500 mg(Film coated) 1OX1O Tab Blister 581 Methotrexate In) iP 5o mg/2 ml Rc NOT ExISTS 582 MethotrexateTab IP 2.5mg 1Ox1O Tab Strip 583 MethotrexateTabletsiP 10mg -.-g 1OxiOTab strip 1ox1o Tab strip/Blister 584 Methyl cobalmne Tablet 1Soomcg 1ox1o Tab strlp/BlIster 585 Methyl Cobalrnine Tablet SOomcg 586 Methyl Prednisolone Sodium Sucdnate for Injection USP 500 mg Vial 587 Methyldopa Tab IP 250mg Film Coated Rc NOT EXISTS 588 Methylergometrlne In) iP 0.2 mg/mI 1ml Amp(Ambercolor)2s Amp 589 MethylergometrIne Tab IP 0.125 mg 1OxlO Tab strlp 590 Metodopramide Hydrochloride Syrup IP s mg/ 5m3 30 ml Bottle (with a seperate dropper whlch should be able to screw & cap the bottle) in unit carton 591 Metoclopramlde In) IP lonig/2ml 2 ml Amp(Amber colour)(2S Ampoules) 620 Nasal Oxygen Set, Twin Bore All Sizes Adult iDetails in RC) 621 Nasal Oxygen Set. Twin Bore All Sizes PaealatilcS (Details In RC) 622 Nasal Pronge Neonatal (Flexible Medical Grade, 2 Meter Long. Multicsannel kink Resistance Tube (Detail In Rc) 623 Naiural Microniseg ProgesterOfl Soft geiatii Capsule 200 mg iEach Soft Gelatis Capsule connains Progesteron IP 2a0 mg)/Naturai uicronlsed Progesteron Tablet 200 n (Each Tablet contains Progesteronn IP 200 mg) 624 Nebulization Mask Adult (Detal In RC) 625 NebuliZaiiOnl Mask PaedlatrlC (Deiail In Re) 626 Neia ion Cathetmr sIze 14 FG(Detakl In RC) 7 Neomycln Bac)t,acln and Sulph.cetamlde Powder (Neommcln 5 mg, Bacitracin 250 unitS. Sulphacetamide 6o mg) — Neomydn. Polymixin B and HyarocortisOfle Drops Neomydn sulphate IU. Polymixin B Sulphate 1oooo Iu, and Hydrocortisone 1o mg per ml Neomycin and Polymlxln B Sulfate and Hydrocoftisone Otic solution uSP 629 Neostigminle InJ mg/ml Neosilgmlnle Injection IP 2.SmaJSmI - 630 631 Neostigmlne Tab P 15mg Non absorbable surgical sutrre sterilized neediea Polybutylate/Slcon Coaied with rolyster Braided(C-reen/bIue)Size 2-o 1/2 Circle Taper cut,2smm Double armed Needle. Suture Length of 90mm wIth piedgets size 6 X 3 x 1.5mm NOi ABSORBABLE SURGiCAL SUTURE, SiERIUSED NEEDLED BLACK BRAIDED Silk Size 2/n(3/SCir Reverse Cutting Neeuie 45mm, length 76 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERirSED NEiDLED BcACK BRAiDED Silk size 3/0(1/2 cir RB Needle 20mm, Length 7s cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED BLACK BRAiDED — SILK Size 3/0(3/Scir neverse Cutting Needie 26mm, length 76 cm) Purhd 633 NIfedIpIne Tablets iP 10 mg (sustalned Release) 634 Nltrofurantoln Tab IP 100mg 1OX1O Tab Blister 635 Nitroglycerin in| S mg/ml s ml Amp(1o Ampoules) 1OX10 Tab Bllster Each Plece 636 NIv Mask (Noninvasive ventilation Mask) oro nasal covering (Nose & Mouth) mask Adult large Size for BIPAP with vent (Detall In RC) 637 NIV Mask (Nonlnvasive Ventilation Mask) Oro nasal covering (Nose & Mouth) mask Adult large size for ventilator without vent (Detail ln Rc) 638 NIv Mask (Noninvasive Ventilation Mask) Oro nasal covering (Nose & Mouth) mask Adult Medium size for BIPAP wIth vent (Detail In Rc) 639 NiV Mask (Noninvasive Ventilation Mask) Oro nasal covering iNose & Mouth) mask Adult Medium size for ventilator without vent (Detail in Rc) 640 MV Mask (Noninrasive Ventilation Mask) Oro nasal mask Paediatric with Broncthoscopy and Co2 and 02 port with chin support (Detail in RC) 641 Non absorbnble srrgical suture steriiized needled Polybutylate/Silicon Coated with Polyster Braided(Green/alue)size 2/0 1/2 CIrcle Taper cut.l7mm Double armed Needle,suture Length of 90cm with pledgets size 6 X 3 X 1.smm Each Plece Each Piece 642 643 644 645 CAr Each Piece Each Piece 1x6 Foils 1x6 Foils 1x12 Foils 1x12 Foils 1x12 Foils NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STtRiLI5ED NEEDLED BLACK BRAiDED — SIiK Size 3/0(3/8Cjr neverse Cutting Needie 26mm, length 76 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGiCAL SUTURE, STERILiSED NEEDLED Coated Polyster? — Braided, Greenfwhite or nlue/whine Coeted Polyster Braided (Green / Blue) with size 3/0 1/2 Circle Taperout Double Needle 2Smm,Suture Length 90 cm NON ABsoRBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERiUSED NEEDLED MONOFILAMENT POLYPRoPYLENE BLUE size 1 (1/2 CIr RB Heavy 4omm, length s0 cm) 648 NON ABSORBABtE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERiLISED NEEDLED MONOFILAMENT PoLYPRoPYLENE BLuE size 1 (1/2 Cir neverse CuetIng, 45 mm Needle length 1oo an) I 649 NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, SfERiLISEb NtEDLED MONOFiLAMENT — L POLYPROPYLENE BLUE SIze 1(1/2 CIr RB Heavy Needle 45mn Leagth 90 ca) NoN ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NeEDLEo MONOFILAMENT? — POLYPRoPYLENE BLuE size 1/0(1/2 cIr RB Needle 3omm Length 90 cm) 1 651 NON ABSaRBABLE SURGiCAL SUTURE, STERiUSED NeEDLED M0NOFILAMENT PoLYPRoPYLENE BLUE Size 2/0 (1/2 Or RB Needle 3omm, Length 90cn) [652 NON ABSOiBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE. STERILI5ED NEEDLED MOiOsILAMENT PoLYPRoPYLENE euuE siee 2/0(1/2 Circle Tapercut Needle 17mm suture uength of 90cm) Double Arm NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERiLISED NEEDLED MONOFILAMENT POLYPRoPYLENE BLUE Size 2/0(i/2 CIr Tapercut needle,25 mm Length 90 cm) DoubLe Arm 654 rINON ABSORBABLE SURGiCAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED MOiOFILAMENT PoLYPRoPYLENE BuuE SIze 3/0 (1/2 Or RB needle 25mm, Length 90om) Deuble Arm 655 rNaN ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED MONOFILAMENT POLYpROPYLENE BLUE SIzn 3/0(1/2 CIr RB Needle 25mm. Suture Length of 75cm) Double Arm 645 646 647 Le 1x12 Foils 1x12 Foils 1x12 Foils 1x12 Foils 1x12 Foils 1x12 Foils 1x12 Folls 1x12 Folls 1x12 Folls 1x12 Folls 1x12 Folls 660 NoN ABsoRBABLE SuRGIcAL sUTuRE, sTERIuIsED NeEDuED MoNoFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLuE Size 5/o(1/2 CIr RB Dwuble Needle flmm Length 90 cm)(DetalI In Rc) 661 NoN ABSoRBA8tE SuRGIcAL SUTURE, sTERILiSEo NEEDLED MONOFiLAI PoLYPRoPYLENE BLUE Size 5/O(3/8cIr RB 16 mm Needle, Length 70 cm) 662 NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STtRiLISED NEEDLED MONOFiLAMENT PoLYPRoPYLENE BuuE size 6/0(3/8 cIr RB l3nim Needle, tength 9ocm Double Arm 663 NON ABsoRBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STtRILISED NEEDLED POLYd MoNOFILAMENT BLAcK (NYLoN) sire 10/o(3/8 cutting spatulated Edge Needle, Double arm Needle 6 mn. Suture length 3042 cm 664 NON ABSORBABLE SURGiCAi SUTUiE, STERiLiSED NEEDLED POLYaMiDE MoNOFILAMEnT BLACK (NYLoN) size 8/0(3/8 cir MicropOint Round aody ,6mm uength 38 cm) 665 NOi ABSOiBABLE SiRGICAL SiTURE, STERILISED NEEDLiD iaLiAM iDE MONoFILaMENT BLACK (NYLON)SIze 1/0(3/8 or R Cutting Needle 45mm Length 70 cm.) 666 NON ABSORBABLE SURsIaAL SUTURE. STERIUSED NEEDLED POLYAMIDE MONoFILAuENT BLAcK (NYLOw)SIze 2/0 (3/8 dr R Cutting Needle 45mm Length 7o cm.) 667 NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED POLYAMIDE MOnOFILAMENT BLACK (NYLON)Slze 3/0 (3/8 ConventiOnal Cutting Needle 16mm Length 7o cm) 668 NON AgSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTUsE, STERILISED NEEDLED POLYAMgDE MONOFILAMENT BLACK (NYLoN)SiZe 4/0(3/8 ronveatiOnal Cutting Needle 19mm Length 6o cm.) — NoN ABSORBABLE SURGICaL SUTURE, STERILISEo NEEL)LW roiyuuiv’.t-, Silicon roated Polyster Braided WNte Size 2/0(1/2 Cir Tapercut .17 mn Double Needle, length 9o au) NaN ABSaRBABLE SUisICAL SUaURE. STERJUSED NEEaLED Polybu.ate/$i°’ Coated rolyster Braided green! blue Size 4/0(112 Or iaperCut .17 mm Double Coated Polyster Braided Green/Blue Size 2/0(1/2 Or TaperCUt .17 mm rouble POLYPROPYrE BLUE (3/8CW RB 16 mm edIe,Leflgth 90 cm)Size 6/0 5OReSURaCALSTUUREiERILI? POLYPROn.E BiUE Sizn 3/0(1/2 Or Ta per Cut Needle 17mm Length 75 an) SURGIACLSea0M?????c??????????? POLYPROPrlEP BLUE Size 4/0(1/2 C1( RB needle 16 mm Length 70 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICaL SUTURE,5TERiLI5 NEEDLED MONOFILAME POLYPRoPaEt BLUE Size 5/0(1/2 Circle CC 13mn Needle, Suture Length of 7ocm) DouBLE ARM N ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SIJTURE,STERILI5ED NEEDLED MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE SIze 6/0(3/8 Cli ronvent1O1aI Cutting PC.3Needle 15mm Length 60cm) POLYPiOPhit.ENE BLUE SIze 7/0 (3/8C)r Rb Double 8mm Needle, Length 60 aa) 669 -- 671 RcNOT ExisTs 1x12 Foils 1x12 Folls 1x12 Foils 1x12 Foils 1z12 Folls 1x12 Foils 1x12 Folls NON ABiORBiBLE SUiGiCAL SIJTURE.iT ILISiD NEiDLED iONOFiI.AMENT 1x12 Fofls POLYPROPYLENE BLuE Size 8/0(3/8 Cli RB. 8mm Double Needle, Suture Length .f 7fWml _______ noradrenaline inection table 682 Norfloxacunl Tab 1P 400mg Film Coated 1Ox10 Tab Blister 683 Normal Hunman Intravenous immunogiobulin Sg/lOOmI 100 ml Vial 684 Octreotlde Injection 50 mcg/ml 1 ml. Ampoule 685 olloxacin and ornidarole Tablets ofioxacln 20o mg and ornldazole s0o mg 1OX1O Tab Blister 686 Ofloxacln Infusion U’ 200mg / 100 mI(In Nacl lnJ) 100 MI Bottle 687 Ofioxadn oral Suspension lP (Each Smi contains ofioxacin IP 100 mg) 3o ml size Rc NOT EXISTS 688 ofloxadn oral Suspenslon IP 5omg? Sml 30 ml. Bottle 689 Ofloxadn Tab IIp 200 fig 1OX10 Tab Blister 690 ointment contalning uhiocalne iP 3 0/o zInc oxide IP 50/0, Hydrocortisone IP 0.25 o/o, Allantoin IP 0.5 0/o 15gm Tube In a unit Carton 691 Oitment Muplrodn Ip 2% 5 gm Tube 692 Olanzaplne Tab IP S mg 1Ox1O Tab Strip 693 Olopatadine Hydrochloride Ophthalmlc Solution 0.1% w/v IP (E/D) Smi Size 5ml bottle 694 Omeprazole Cap IP 20 mg 1OX10 Cap Strlp/Blister 695 ondansetron InJ IP 2mg/ml 2 ml Amp 10 Ampoules 696 ondansetron orally Disintegrating Tablets lP 4mg 1Oxlo Tab Strip 697 ORS Powder IP RC NOT EXISTS 698 Oseltamvr capsule lP 3o mg (Each Capsule contains oseltamivir Phosphate equivalent to Oseltamlvir 30 mg) Strip/Blister of 10 capsule 699 OseltamMr capsule IP 45 mg Capsule(each capsule contains Oseltamivir Phosphate equivalent to Oseltamvr 45 mg) strip/Blister of 10 Capsule -7nn Oseltamvr Caosule IP 75 m Caosuleleach Canctile Cnntninc lfeeltnmivirr irin!RIictør nI 10 CnnculøI 100 Ml Bottle 30gm bottle 10X1s Tablet strip/Blister — 1Oxlo Tab Strlp/Blister — IOXIC Tab strip/Blister I laXlaTabStrip/Bllst? — 736 Piperadhlin InJection 2gm + Tazobactom 25omg IP Rc NoT ExisTs 737 Plaster of Pans Bandage 10cm x 2.7mts Unit 738 Plaster of Paris Bandage 15cm x 2.7 mts/Roil Unit - 739 Pohygeline 3.s% Solution with electrolytes tor l.V. Infusion Rc NoT ExIsTs 740 Polymlxin sulphate B injection UsP 5 Lac l.u. vial 741 Polypropylene Nonabsorbable Synthetic Surgical Mesh 15 cm x 15 cm Piece PIece 742 Polypropylene Nonabsorbable synthetic Surgical Mesh 7.6cm x 15cm oR 7.5cm X 15am 743 PotassIum chloride lnJ. 0.15 gm/ml 10 ml Amp 10 Ampoules 744 Potassium chloride oral Solution u.S.P 50omg/ 5m1 200m1 Bottle(Annber Color) 745 Povidone iodine ointment 5% 15 gm 15gm Tube in a unit Carton 746 Povidone iodine ointment UsP 250gm 250gm Pack 747 Povldone Iodine scrub Solution / cleansing solution 7.5 0/o w/v Povidone Iodine 5oo ml Bottle (suitable for hand wash) 748 Povidone Iodine Solution Ip 10% 100 Ml Bottle 749 Povidone iodine solution IP 5 % 500 ml 500 ml Bottle 750 751 Povidone lodine solutlon IP 5% 1O0mi bottle Powder clotrimazole 1% w/w 3ogm 753 Prazosin Tablets (Extended Release) 2.5 mg 752 Pralldoxime Chloride injection IP 2s mg/mI / soo mg Vial 755 Prednlsolone Tab IP 5 mg 754 Prednlsolone Tab IP 20mg 756 Prednisolone Tablet IP 1o mg •1 756 Prednlsolone Tablet IP 1o mg 757 Pregaballn cap IP 7s nig 758 Prersure Monitoring line / High Pressure Extension Line (Deeails in RC) 759 Primaqulne Tab IP 2.5mg 760 Prlmaqulne Tab IP 7.5 mg P bigØc-Sachets 1 gm Size (Each Gram Sachet contains Saccharomyces 780 Ramipril Tablets lP 23 mg ml 781 Ranitidine HcL Injection IP somg/2m1 2 Amp(Amber colour)(25 Ampoules) EXISTS 782 Ranitidine Tab IP 150mg Film coated RC NOT EXISTs 783 Ranftidine Tab lP 3o0mg rilm coated Vial 784 RecombInant Coagulation Factor vIla 1mg Vial 785 Recombinant Coagulation Factor vlia 2mg Vial With Diluent 786 Recombinant r IX 500 IU with diluent viai/PFs 787 rh-Erythropoetinl lnj 4ooo iu Vial/PFs 788 rh-Erythropoetinl lnj iP 1o0oo PU 789 rh-Erythropoetin lnj PP 2o001U Vlal/PFs ml Bottle 790 Ringer Acetate Infuslon 500 ml 500 Tab 791 Risperidone Tab 1 mg 1OX10 Strlp/Blister 792 Risperidone Tab 2mg 1ox1O Tab Strip/Blister 793 Rosuvastatln Tablet 10 mg 1OX1D 794 Rosuvastatin Tablet PP 2o mg (Each Film coated Tablet contalns Rosuvastatin CalcIum PP equivalent to Rosuvastatln 2o mg) 1OX1O 795 Rubber Examination gloves made of natural (Details ln RC) rubber latex1 Non-Sterile, Size Large Dispenser box oflOo gloves rubber examination gloves ryles tube nasogastric tube 804 Sacubltril 24 mg and valsartan 26 mg Tablet 805 Salbutamol Inhalation 10o mcg /dosc 806 Salbutamol Nebullser solutlon LW S mg/mI 807 Syrup IP 2mg? 808 Salbutamol Tab IP 2 mg 809 salbutamol Tablet iP 4 mg 810 SalIne Nasal Salution iDrops) (Soaium chlorIde 0u65 o/o) 811 SanItary Napiin Beltiess Wiah Wings (Details Im BC) 812 Sanitary Napiin Beltiess(DetaiiS In RC) 813 Sanitary Pads Belt Type(Detaiis In BC) 814 Savelamer Carbonate Tablet 4a0 mg (Eaah Fmlm Csated Tablet contains — Savelaner Carbonate 400 mgn 815 Scalp Vein Set (Disposable) Size 1aG (Details in BC) _____ 816 Scaap iein Set (Disposable) Size a0G iDetails In BC) 817 Scalp Vein Set (Disposable) Size 2mG (Details in BC) — 818 Scalp Vein Set (Dispasable) Siza a4 G (Details in BC) 819 jEraIineTablP5Omg? 820 821 5e5,pziieamw16500? 8n 823 4 enuz.4nt15erum1Pi0P? Enzyme Reflned.r0lftaI purified equine globulinS.1 ml of serum neueraliZes 0.6 mg of cobra venum,0.45 mg of common i. RC) 5 5aIUmB1s0nat’7P 826 Sodium Bicarbsnate Taalet aSP i gm (Each Film Coated Tablet contains Sodium - tsgslm 828 uthioridegtr057 -s-i 830 Soasum Chloride InjectiOn IP 100 ml 831 Soaium NitroPrU5a InjeCtlOfl 25mg/ma am1 Shae/ 332 Soaium phosphates Enema BP Each iOOml iontains Soaium Dihydrogen phosphate Dlhydrate 10 0/0 risodlUm Hydrogen Phosphate DodeCahydrate 8 ‘F, 833 5oamimatee5iote? 834 ieaiproiiJ1mmEe 835 Th36 map,0ateTaat(.5ir0? SotaliI iydiochloride Tabiet USPiOP 40mg iEach Film Coated Tablet contains Sota 101 HYdochloride USp/Bp 4omg) e_ 838 splrrnoiactofle Tab IP 25mg 839 SpUOnOiaC0tle TabletS PP 50 mg 840 iandard PAMA Intra Ocalar Lensei (Details In BC) 11r10 17i5 jjandard PAMA Intra Ocular Lenses (Details im RC) 18 to 24 842 Standard PaMA Intra Ocular Lenses (Details In RC) 24.5 to 28.5 rj.?????? jJle15sposable (Single Use meflon/PTFE I.V Cannula wath integrated 3 way ________ ire,giI in Sterile Disposable (single Use) Teflon/ PTFE LV. Cannula wlthout port Size 24G (Detalls In Rc) 844 Each Plece 845 SterIle Disposable (Single Use) Tel ion/PTFE i.V Cannula with Integrated 3 Way stop cock size 166 (Detalls In Rc) Each Plece 846 Sterile Disposable (Single Use) Teflon/PTFE l.V. cannula with lntegrated 3 way stop cock.SIze 2o G (Detalls in Rc) Each Plece 847 Sterile Disposable (single Use) Teflon/PTFE l.v. cannula with integrated 3 way stop cock Size 226 (Detalls in Rc) Each Piece 848 Sterile Disposable (single UseTeflon / PrFE LV. Cannula wlth Integrated 3 way stop cock.) size 186 (Details In Rc) Each Piece 849 Stenile Disposable Splnal Needle for single Use. 22G x 3 1/2 Inch (Detalls in Rc) Each Piece 850 Sterile Disposable Spinal Needle for Single Use. 256 x 3 1/2 lnch (Detalls ln RC) Each Plece 851 Sterile Hypodermic Syringe with Needle attached, 226, Single Use - 50 ml (Detall in RC) Each Piece 852 Sterilized Umbilical cotton Tape width 3 mm, Length 7s cm(Detalis in RC) Each Piece 853 Streptokinase lnjection 15 lac Units IP Vial 854 Succinylcholine irnj. iP 50 mg/mi (Iv use) 10 ml vial 855 Suction Catheter, Sterile. size: F G-10 (Details in Rc) Each Piece 855 Suction Catheter, Sterile. size: F G-10 (Details in Rc) 856 Suction catheter, Sterile. size: F G-12 (Details in Rc) 857 Suction Catheter, Sterile. size: F 6-14 (Details in RC) 858 Suction catheter, Sterile. Size: F G-16 (Details In RC) 859 Suction Catheter, Sterile. Size: F 6-18 (Details in Rc) 860 Suctoon catheter, Sterile. Size: F 6-20 (Details In RC) 861 Suction Catheter, Sterile, Size: F 6-22 (Details in RC) - — 862 Suction Catheter, Sterile. size: F G-6 (Details in RC) 863 Suction Catheter, Sterile. size: F G-8 (Details in RC) 864 Suction Catheter, SterileSize: FG 5 (Details in RC) 865 Sulfasalazine Gastroresistant Tablets Ip 500 mg lP 866 Surfactant for intratrecneal Instillation (natural bovine lung surfactant) 867 surgiaal Blade sterile, size 11(Details in Rc) 868 surgical Blade sterile, size 15(Details In Rc) 869 surgIaal Blade sterile, size 22(Details in RC) 870 Surgical Blade Sterile, Size 23 single Peel package in metal foil As per iS 3319 (Detail in RC) jSQIr nIIn.? 871 surgical cap Disposable (For Surgeons)(Detalls in Rc) 872 surgical cap, Disposable (For Nurses) (Details In Rc)(Detalis In Rc) 873 Surgical Spirt iP (100 ml) 874 Surgkal Splrit IP (50o ml) 875 Suture Needles curved 1/2 circle Round Body Assorted size 11-15( Detalls In Ac) 876 Suture Needles curved 1/2 cirde nound Body Assorted size 1-5(Detalls in Rc) 877 suture Needles curved 1/2 circle Round Body Assorted size 16-20(Detalls In Ac) 878 Suture Needles Curved 1/2 clrcle Round Body Assorted Size 6-10(Details In Ac) 879 Suture Needles curved And cutting 1/2 clrde cutting size 6-1O(Detalls In Ac) 880 Suture Needles cunved And cutting 1/2 cIrcle size 11-1s(Detalls In Ac) — 881 i Suture Neeales Curved And Cutting 1/2 Circle Size 16-20(Details in Rc) 883 Syringe 1o ml Hypodermic with Needle attached 22G,SterlleslnBIc use unit ___-_- Disposable(Detaiis In Rc) 884 Syringe 2 ml Hypodermic with Needle attached 24GStcrlie,Slngle Use — Unii _______ DIsposabte(Details In RC) 885 Syringe 2o ml Hypodermlc with Needle attached 22G,Sterlle,SIngIe Use Unlit _______ Disposable(Detaiis In Rc) __.________ 8i6 SyrInge S ml Hypoderaic aaah Neeals aatached a4G,Sterlie,Ssngle Use? — Unit I Dlsposable(Detajls in Rc) ..___._____e__ 887 Tscralimus Capsule 1P a.5 mg (Eaah Hara Gealtin Capsule TacralamUs IP a.5 mg) 1 X 10 Capaale I 888 Tamoxifen Tab IP 10 mg? — xi0 Tab Strip I 889 Tamsulosin HCI Tablets/capsule 0.4 mg xaO taalea/Cap Strap? — 890 Telmis.artan Tablets lP a0 mg? — i0aa0 Tablets I 891 Temozolomide rapsule IP 100 mg (Each hard Gelatin Csesule contains? — Strip oa S C3P/Bottele oa 5 Temozolomide IP 100mg) ae 8e2 Temporary Caraiac Padng Wire (Elecarode) Sterala A Cir, TaeerCut. a6 mm;? — RCNOT EXaSTS I Reverse cutting 60 mm 893 Tenaligliptln Tablet IP a0mg xio Tablet Bflstea/Alc-AiU Pack 894 Terblnaflfle cream 1%w/w (10 gm Tube) 0 gm Tube Tsktii’ 5gfi mo 1OX1O Tablets 894 Terbinafine cream 1%w/w (10 gm Tube) 895 Terbinafine Hydroahloride Tablet 250 mg 896 Terbutallnle Tablets IP 2.5 mg 897 TetanuS immunoglobulin iP 250 iU/ Vial 898 TetanrS Vaccinn (adsorbed) IP 5 ml vial 899 Thalidomide Capsule USP 1a0 mg iEach iard Gelatin Capiule contains Thalidomide USP 1o0 mg) 900 Theophylline and Etofylline Injection (AuhydrouS Theophylllfle 50i6mg + Etofylline 169.4 mg) 901 Theophyllifle and Etafylline Tablets (TheOPtlYIline lP 23mg + Etofylline 77 mg) 902 Theophylline Tablet 400sg Sustained Release? Conarolled Release (Theophyllifle prolonged Released Tablet IP) 903 Thiamine Tablets IP 100 mg 904 ThiopefltOfln lni IP 0.5 g 905 Thyroxine Sodium Tablets IP liOmcg 906 Thyroxine Tablets IP 50 rnrg 907 TImolol Eye Drops IP 0.5 0/0 w/v 908 Tlmidazole Tab IP 300 mg (Falm Coaiea) 909 Tinidazole Tab IP 500 mg iFilm Coated) 910 Tizanldsne iyarochloride Tablet 1P 2 mg (Each Uncoated Tablet contains Tnzanidine Hydrochloride IP 2 ng) 9fl TobramyClfl and DexamsthasOne Ophthalmic Suspension USP 0.3 0/0 +0.1? 0/0 912 TobramYCan Eye Drops 0.3% (331) 913 TobramyCin Ophthalmic Ointment USP 0.3% 914 Tooth Gel Sodium MonafiuorophOsPhate 0.7 0/0 and Potassium Niirate 5 0/0 (In flavoured base) 915 Toplramnie Tablet IP 25 mg (Each Film Coated Tablet rontains Topiramate IP 25 ____ mg) 916 Toriemlde lnj 10 mg/mI 917 i6rsemlde Tab 10 P mg Tracheostomy Tube (PVC), cuffed - All Sizes(Detalls in Rc) 920 Tre medal Cap p so mg 921 Tramadol lnj So mg/mi 922 Tranexamlc Acid injection IP 100mg/nil SmI size 923 Tranexamlc Acld Tablets IP 50o mg 924 Travoprost Eye Drops iP 0.004 0/0 925 Tretenoln cream USP 0.025% 926 Thfluperazlne Tab lP 5 mg coated 927 Trihexyphenldyl HcI Tab IP 2 mg - 928 Tropicamlde eye drop iP 10/0 929 T-tube for common bile duct dralnage, Length 20x60 cm, size- (Detalls In Rc) 930 UmbilIcal catheter for new born, all sizes -(Detalls In Rc) 931 Umbilical cord clamp (Detalls in RC) 932 Urethral Catheter 90 (FG-14) made up of medical grade Pvc (Detail in Rc) 933 Urethral Catheter 91 (FG-1o), made up of medical grade Pvc (Detail in Rc) 934 Urine collecting Bag for new born /Paediatrlc urine collection Bag, capacity iQOml (Details In RC) —I 935 Urine Collecting Bag, Disposable 20oo ml(Details In Rc) 936 Urokinase lnjection 5 Lac Unit (Lyophilized) 937 Ursodeoxycholic Acid Tablets P 30o mg - 938 Vaccum Suction Set, 2.5 meter Length (Detail in RC) 939 valethamate Bromide lnj 8mg / ml 940 valgancidovir Tablet 450 mg 941 vancomycin ror Intravenous Infusion IP 1 gm 942 vancomycin for Intravenous Infusion IP 500 mg 943 vascular catheter with metal Guide No, 16 Double Lumen Size 45 cm (Longline Iv)(DetailinRC) 944 vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 16, Double Lumen Size 30 cm (Longline IV) (Detail in RC) 945 vascular catheter with metal Guide No. 18 Double Lumen Size 30 cm (Longline Iv) (Detail in RC) 946 vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 18 Double Lumen Size 45 cm (Longline Iv) (Detail in RC) 947 vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 20 Double Lumen Size 30 cm (Longline IV) (Detail In RC) 948 vascular Catheter with metal Gulde No. 2o Double Lumen size 45 cm (Longline Iv) (Detall in RC) 949 vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 22 Double Lumen Site 30 cm (Longilne IV) (Detail In RC) 950 vascular catheter with metal Guide No. 22 Double Lumen size 45 cm (Longllne Iv) (Detali in Rc) 951. VDRL Antigen (with + ye and - ye control) / RPn sllde Kit 952 Vecuronium Bromide for InJection 4mg (Freere Dried) 953 Verapamil Tab pp 40 mg Film Coated 954 vinblastine In| IP 10mg/ 1Omi 955 Vincristine InJ PP lmg(viaI)/Vlncrpstin injection USP 1mg/mi (Amp) 956 vitamin A PaedIatrlc oral solutlon iP(vltamin A concentrate oil IP)Each ml Contalns Vitamln A 100o00 Pu 957 vitamln B Complex In) NFl — vitamin b complex tablet nfi b1 2mg b2 2mg niacinamide 25 mg calcium pantothenate vitamin D3 oral Solutbin 60o00 iU 961 Vitamin K Injection Each ml Contains Menadione Sodium Bisuiphite 10mg Equivalent to 5.2 mg of Menadlone. (Aqueeus Salution) 962 Vitamin K-i (Phytonienadlone) IP 1mg/o.5rn injection (Dsiail In RC) 963 Voriconazole injection 200mgfVlaI 964 Warfarin Sodium. Tab iP 5mg 965 waterforinjip 966 xylometazoflne Nasal Drops iP 0.1% 967 Zinc Sulphate Dispersible Tablets IP Elemental Zinc 1omg 968 zoledronlc acid Injection IP 4mg vIal 969 zolpidem Tablet s mg 1.959t 960 970 mni clonidine imi (150 mcg/ml) 971 inj dexmedetomidlne 1 ml (lOomcg/ml) 972 lnj. Mephentermlne 10 ml vial (30 mw/mI) 973 inj. Ephedrlne (30 mg/mI) 974 in).caluium gluconate lomI amp (1o0 ng/mi) lnj.3% Saline 100 ml mni. intralipid 20% 2s0 ml vial mni. Labetalol (5mg/mi) 4 ml amp lnj. Diltazem ( 5 mg/mIi 10 ml vial inj. isoprenalifle (2mg/imii Imi amp mni. Hetastarch 6% 50Dm! Eye dept. Gatifloxacnl +Dexa Natamyafl 5% olopatadinle 1% Moxifloxadfl+ ketorolaC cMC 1% Ketorolac 987 limolol 03% 988 Dorzolamlde 989 1eplcamIde + phenylePhrlfle _!9 ACt. 5% 991 Proparacalnle 0.s% 992 DepanthanOl gel 993 Polymlxufl B + cliloramphenlcol eye olnt 994 NAcL 6x eye oint 995 RI 5oo Glass bottel 996 HPMc 2x PrS 997 xylocalne + adrenaline 998 Bupvacaifle 999 In Hyaluronldase eye drope drop surgical gloves 10o2 1 Needle 24 nn. & 26 nn. 1003 SurGical Blade 11 no (Glass wan) 1004 Suture 10-0 1005 Crescent knife 1006 eraton1e 3.2 & 5.2 1007 chalazion clamp 100S Cataract surgery set 1009 Vision drum distance & near 1010 Trial set with trial frame 1011 Black Goggle 1012 Eye drop Cipro + Dexa 1013 Tab Fonmelene 1014 Cotton Rolls 1015 Gouze than 1016 Bandage4x7.Scm 1017 Bandage 4X1ocm 1018 Bandage 5x15cm 1019 Glass van 1020 kw9Os 1021 Bains Orciuit (Adult / Child) 1022 Non rebreather mask? ( NnM) Adult 1023 Non rebreather mask? ( NRM) Child ______ Dental equipment 1024 Mouth minror API 1o25 Dental prnbe - ____ 1026 Twizzer API 1027 Periosteal elevator 1o28 Bone Rontgerr 1029 Needle Holder 1030 small size scissor 1031 straIght elevator 1032 scaler tip dental 1033 lower cowborn forceps gic restoratie temp filling material , root file dental rcc files gp , root canal sealer , air rotor spray etc