
Rewinding of one No. 200 KVA Transformer A) Rewinding of H.V. Winding of 3 phase with the new DPCcopper conductor / strip. - 116.4 kg. B) Rewinding of L.V. Winding of 3 phase with new DPC copper conductor/strip – 67.8 kg. 1. Insulation material such as, betul-Madhya Pradesh

Western Coalfields Limited has published Rewinding of one No. 200 KVA Transformer A) Rewinding of H.V. Winding of 3 phase with the new DPCcopper conductor / strip. - 116.4 kg. B) Rewinding of L.V. Winding of 3 phase with new DPC copper conductor/strip – 67.8 kg. 1. Insulation material such as. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-05-2012.H.T. tape Tenders in betul Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Rewinding of one No. 200 KVA Transformer A) Rewinding of H.V. Winding of 3 phase with the new DPCcopper conductor / strip. - 116.4 kg. B) Rewinding of L.V. Winding of 3 phase with new DPC copper conductor/strip – 67.8 kg. 1. Insulation material such as
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Rewinding of one No. 200 KVA Transformer A) Rewinding of H.V. Winding of 3 phase with the new DPCcopper conductor / strip. - 116.4 kg. B) Rewinding of L.V. Winding of 3 phase with new DPC copper conductor/strip – 67.8 kg. 1. Insulation material such as press board, insulating papers,H.T. tape, Sleeve, cork sheet, gasket, insulating Gum,Varnish etc. - L.S. 1) Complete spray painting - 1 Job 2) Oil filtration - 1 Job 3) Oven drying - 1 Job 4) Testing as per IS:2026 5) Labor cost of dismantling reassembling and refitting.

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 1283.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 64163.0 /-
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