
Supply Of Drug &Amp Medicines Tender INJECTION TABLET SYRUP ETC 1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash 3 Way Stop Cock Non Pyrogenic and Single Use, should be leak proof, , 2 s119 Each Piece with smooth movements (Detail in RC) 3 Way Stop Cock with ext, Ajmer-Rajasthan

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College has published Supply Of Drug &Amp Medicines Tender INJECTION TABLET SYRUP ETC 1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash 3 Way Stop Cock Non Pyrogenic and Single Use, should be leak proof, , 2 s119 Each Piece with smooth movements (Detail in RC) 3 Way Stop Cock with ext. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-07-2022. Medicine Tenders in Ajmer Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Drug &Amp Medicines Tender INJECTION TABLET SYRUP ETC 1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash 3 Way Stop Cock Non Pyrogenic and Single Use, should be leak proof, , 2 s119 Each Piece with smooth movements (Detail in RC) 3 Way Stop Cock with ext
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Drug &Amp Medicines Tender INJECTION TABLET SYRUP ETC 1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash 3 Way Stop Cock Non Pyrogenic and Single Use, should be leak proof, , 2 s119 Each Piece with smooth movements (Detail in RC) 3 Way Stop Cock with extension Tube (Vein-O Extension Line) size 3 s122 Each Piece 100cm (Non Pyrogenic & Single Use) (Detail ln RC) 3 Way Stop Cock with extension Tube (Vein-O Extension Line) size 1Ocm 4 s1 20 Each Piece Pyrogenic & Single Use) (Detail in RC) lNon 3 Way Stop Cock with extension Tube (Vein-O Extension Line) size 5 s1 23 Each Piece 150cm (Non Pyrogenic & Single Use) (Detail ln RC) 3 Way Stop Cock with extension Tube (Vein-O Extension Line) size 50cm 6 s1 21 Each Piece (Non Pyrogenic & Single Use) (Detail in RC) 7 750 3rd Generation Recombinant F Vlll 1000 lU with diluent Vial With Diluent 8 749 3rd Generation Recombinant F Vlll 250 lU with diluent Vial With Diluent 5 Thioguanine Tablet USP 40 mg (Each Uncoated Tablet contains 6 9 742 RC NOT EXISTS Thioguanine USP 40 mg) 10 NRD-534 5-Mercaptopurine 20 mg Tab. Abdominal Drain Kit (with Collection Bag 2000 ml Size 24 (Details in RC) 11 547.a Each Piece Abdominal Drain Kit, Sterile, having drainage catheter and Collection Bag 12 s124 Each Piece (2000 ml) (size 16) (Detail in RC) Abdominal Drain Kit, Sterile, having drainage catheter and Collection Bag 13 s1 25 Each Piece (2000 ml) (size 20) (Detail in RC) Abdominal Drain Kit, Sterile, Having drainage catheter and Collection Bag L4 s47.b Each Piece (2000 ml) Size 28 (Details in RC) Abdominal Drain Kit,Sterile,Having Drainage Cather and Collection 15 547.c Each Piece Baq(2000) ml Size 32 (Details in RC) Abiraterone Acetate Tablet lP 250 mg (Each Uncoated Tablet contains 16 731 Bottle of 30 tablets Abiraterone Acetate lP 250 mq) 77 S1 Absorbable Gelatin Sponge B0 x 50x 1Omm(Details in RC) Piece Absorbable Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose netsize 2 x 3 Topical 18 s9s RC NOT EXISTS Absorbable Haemostatic Bactericidal Property(Details in RC) Absorbable Surgical Suture (Sterile Catgut) BP/USP Needled Suture 19 R2 Chromic(1/2 Cir RB Needle 20 mm Length 76 cm) Size -3/0 1x12 Foils Absorbable Surgical Suture (Sterile Catgut) BP/USP Needled Suture -1l0 1x12 20 R4 3hromic(l/2 Cir RB Needle 30 mm Length 76 cm) Size Foils Absorbable Surgical Suture (Sterile Catgut) BP/USP Needled Suture 2t R3 3hromic(1/2 Cir RB Needle 30 mm Length 76 cm) Size -2l0 1x12 Foils Absorbable Surgical Suture (Sterile Catgut) BP/USP Needled Suture 22 R5 Chromic(1/2 Cir RB Needle 40mm Length 76 cm) Size -1l0 1x12 Foils Absorbable Surgical Suture (Sterile Catgut) BP/USP Needled Suture 23 R7 1xl 2 Foils Chromic(1/2 Cir RB Needle 45 mm Length 100 cm) Size-1 Absorbable Surgical Suture (Sterile Catgut) BP/USP Needled Suture 24 R6 Chromic(3/8 Cir RB Needle 30 mm Length 76 cm) Size-2/0 1x12 Foils Absorbable Surgical Suture (Sterile Catgut) BP/USP Needled Suture 25 R,I 3hromic(3/8 Cir RB Needle 40 mm Length 76 cm) Size -1l0 1 x12 Foils Absorbable Surgical Suture (Sterile Catgut), Needled Suture Chromic Size 26 R8 1x12 Foils 3/0 (3/8 Cir RCutting Needle 26mm, Length 76 cm) absorbable Surgical Suture (Synthetic) Antibacterial with sterilised needled suture (Braided coated Polyglactin / Polyglycolic Acid violet)Size 110 112 27 R72 1x12 Foils :ircle Reverse Cutting 36mm, OS needle, suture length 90 cm Absorbable Surgical Suture (Synthetic) Antibacterial with sterilised reedled suture (Braided coated Polyglactin / Polyglycolic Acid violet)Size 28 R70 1x12 Foils 210 112 cicle round bodied 30mm, suture length 90 cm Absorbable Surgical Suture (Synthetic) Antibacterial with sterilised 29 R71 needled suture (Braided coated Polyglactin/ Polyglycolic Acid violet)Size 1 lx1 2 Foils 112 circle Reverse Cutting,OS 40mm, suture length 90 cm ry -L}.d s,no. il:: Orug t{ame packino Unlt Rate/unit cST finafrate without GST rate wlth Gsr Absorbable Surgical S@ sterilised needled suture(Braided polyglactin/polygtycolic 30 R73 coated Acid violet)size 3/0 112 cicle round bodied 20mm, suture 1x12 Foils length 70 cm AosoroaDte uurgrcat Suture (Synthetic) Sterilised Needled (BraiOedl 31 Rl0 coated Polyglactin /porygrycoric Acid / pory(Grycoride-co-LJactide)dize-2/0 1x12 Foils 1/2 Cir RB Needle 30mm length g0 cm 32 R16 A co b a so te rb d a P b _ le oly S g u la r c g tin ica / l p s o u ry t g u r r y e co l r S ic yntn p@ory(Grycoride-co-L-ractide)size-2/o Acid / 1x12 Foils 1/2 Cir RB Needle 40mm L g0cm Absorbabte Surgical Suture (Synthetic; Steritised NEEEGE SG-- 33 R65 Monofilament Polydioxanone Violet Size I (1D Cnde Reverse Cutting 50 lx1 2 Foils mm Leng g0cm) th AosorDaDte Surgicat Suture (Synthetic) Sterilised Needled SutLrre 34 R67 Monofilament Polydioxanone Violet Size 110(112 Circle RB 30mm 1x12 Foils Needle,Length 70cm) Absorbable Su 35 R66 Monofilament Polydioxanone Vioret size 2ro (1t2 circle RB 3rmm Needre, 1x36 Foils Length 7ocm) Absorbable Surgical Suture lSynt@ coated Polyglactin /Porygrycoric pory(Grycoride-co-L-ractide)1/2 Acid / cir 36 Rl 1 RB Needle Size-1/0 30mm length g0 1x12 Foils cm Absorbable Surgical S /Potygtycotic poty(Gtycolide_co_L_tactide)Size Acid / _ 37 R9 99a!9-d^Polglacrin 310 1l2cir RB Needle 20mm length 70 1x12 Foils cm Absorbabte Surgical Suture (Synthetic) Sterilised NaAled(BErdeo Coated P,olyglactin /Polyglycolic poly(Glycolide_co_L-lactide)Size_-1 Acid / 38 R13 1/2 Cir RB Needle40mm length g0 1x12 Foils cm Absorbable Surgical Suture 1Sy /potystycotic poty(Gtycotide-co_L_tactide)Size_ Acid / 39 R17 99a199 fglIS]actin 110(112 Cir RB Needle 40mm tength g0 1x12 Foils cm) Absorbable Surgical Suture (Synthetic) S@ coated Polyglactin /Porygrycoric pory(Grycoride-co-L-ractide)bize-4/0 Acid / 40 R15 (1/2 Cir RB Needte 20mm length 1x12 Foils 70 cm) Absorbable Surgical Suture 1 4T R18 coated Polyglactin/Porygrycoric Acid/pory(Grycoride-co-L-ractide)size 3/o 3/8 Circle Cutting Needle 22mm length 1x12 Foils 45 cm ADSorDabre Surgicat Suture (Synthetic)Antibacterial witn sGriliseo neEEiil suture (Braided coated porygractin/ porygrycoric 42 R74 Acid vioret)size 3/0 3/8 circle R Cutting, PS-1,24mm, suture 1x12 Foils length 70 cm ADsorDa0re $urgicar suture (synthetic)sterilised NeedtedlBraidedpoated 43 R12 Polyglactin/Polygtycotic Acid/poty(Gtycotide-co-LJacride)Size 1 1 i Cn Tapercut Needte (Heavy) 40mm length 1x12 Foils 90 cm Absorbabte Surgical Suture(SyntheticyAntibacterial-oaGd sGriiildneedled(Braided Po .t 44 R6B coated lyglactin/polyglycolic Acid violet)Size 1/2 Circle CT round bodied 40mm,GS needle,suture g0 1x12 Foils length cm Absorbable Surgical Suturelsyntheffi needle-d(Braided porygractin/porygrycoric 45 R69 coated Acid vioret)size 1/0 1/2 circle CT round bodied 40mm,GS need 1x12 Foils le,suture length 90 cm ADSoroa0re !iurgrcar suture(synthetic)sterilised NeedledlBraidedlcoated 46 R14 Polyglactin/Polygtycotic Acid/poty(ctycotide-co-L-tactide)Size_3 tO(1n Cu 1x12 Foils 30nventronal 25mm length 90 cm)Undyed ADsorbabre surgicar suture(synthetic)Steritised rueeoteo@raioEoffiZiF Polyglactin/Polygtycotic Acid/poly(Glycolide-co-L-tactide)Size_4/0 47 R19 3/g Circle Cutting 16mm Needle,suture 1x12 Foils Length TOcm %*Ji.si$lod -.Dc ro ua ol f,ate/unit GsT final rate s,no. Drug Name Packldg Unit without GST rate with GsT ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURES STERILISED NEEDLED 48 R62 MONOFILAMENT POLYGLECAPRONE / Polyglyconate,Size 3/0 (1/2 1x12 Foils Circle OvalRB Contrast Needle 26mm, suture length 70cm) ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURES STERILISED NEEDLED 49 R64 MonofilamentPolyglecaprone /Polyglyconale Size 3/0 (3/8 Circle Cutting 1x12 Foils 25mm Needle, Suture Length of 70cm) ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURES STERILISED NEEDLED 50 R63 MonofilamentPolyglecaprone /Polyglyconate Size 4/0 (1/2 Circle Cutting 1 x12 Foils 16mm Needle,suture length 70cm) ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURES,STERILISED NEEDLED 51 R61 POLYGLECAPRONEiPoIyg|yconate,MONOFILAMENT SUTURES Size 1x12 Foils 210 (112 Circle Oval RB Needle 26mm Needle,Suture Length of 70cm) 52 S2 Absorbent Cotton Wool lP 500 gm RC NOT EXISTS 53 NRD-535 Acebrophylline SR 200 Mg Tab 54 780 Acebrophylline TableUCapsule 100 mg 10X10 Tablets NRD-536 Aceclofenac + Thiocolchicoside 55 Tab. Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Tablets Aceclofenac 100 mg and 56 492 RC NOT EXISTS Paracetamol 325 mg 57 NRD-537 Aceclofenac SR 200 mg Tab. 58 NRD-538 Aceclofenac+Paracetamol+ Serratiopeptidase (1 00+325+1 5 mg) Tab. 59 163 Acenocoumarol Tab lP/ Nicoumalone Tab lP 2 mg 10x10 Tab Slrip 60 253 Acetazolamide Tab lP 250m9 10X10 Tab Blister 61 NRD-89 Acetic Acid otic solution 2% Ear Drop 62 500 Acetylcystine Solution USP (lnjection) 200 mg/ml RC NOT EXISTS 63 NRD-7 Acitretin 10 mg cap. NRD-8 Acitretin 25 mg 64 cap ACT Kit Containing 3 tablets of Artesunate(100 mg each) and 1 tablet of 65 647 One Combi Blister Pack Sulphadoxine and Pyrimethamine(750m9+37,5mq) ACT Kit Containing 3 tablets of Artesunate(150 mg each) and 2 tablet of 66 648 One Combi Blister Pack Sulphadoxine and Pvrimethamine(500mq+25mo) ACT Kit Containing 3 tablets of Artesunate(2smg each) and 1 tablet of 67 645 One Combi Blister Pack Sulphadoxine and Pyrimethamine(250m9+1 2.5m9) ACT Kit Containing 3 tablets of Artesunate(SO mg each) and 1 tablet of 68 646 One Combi Blister Pack Sulphadoxine and Pyrimethamine(500mq+25mq) 69 NRD-146 ACTH Synacthen 250 Mcg lnj Acyclovir Cream 5% 70 213 5 gm tube in unit carton 71 769 Acyclovir Eye Ointment lP 3% w/w 5gm Size 5 gm Tube 72 502 Acyclovir lntravenous lnfusion lP 250m9 Vial 73 503 Acyclovir lntravenous lnfusion lP 500m9 RC NOT EXISTS Acyclovir Oral Suspension lP 400m9/5ml 50 ML Bottle (With 74 62 Vleasurinq Cao) 75 bJ Acyclovir Tab lP 200 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 76 64 Acyclovir Tab lP 800 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 77 NRD-147 Adalimumab - 40 mg lnj. 78 NRD-60 Adaplene (0.1% WAIV) Gel 79 547 Adenosine lnjection lP 6 mg/2ml 2ml vial/ Ampoule 80 NRD-148 Ado- Trastuzumab 100 mg lnj. 81 NRD.149 Ado- Trastuzumab 160 mg lnj, Adrenaline lnjection lP 1mg/ml lM/lV use 1ml 82 34 Amp(AmberColor)25 Amp 83 NRD-539 Afatinib 20 mg Tab. 84 NRD-540 Afatinib 30 mg Tab. 85 NRD-541 Afatinib 40 mg Tab. 86 65 Albendazole Oral suspension lP 400 mg/10m1 10 ml Bottle 87 66A Albendazole Tablets lP 400 mg(Detail in RC) RC NOT EXISTS NRD Alectinib 150 mg (Monopoly) 88 -9 cap. 89 NRD-542 Alendronate Sodium 70 mg Tab ct) Drug Rate/unit GST finat rate s.no. Drug Name Packlng Unlt Code without GST rate with GST Alendronate Sodium Tablets USP / BP 35 mg .4Tablet) 90 631 4 Tablets (20 91 NRD.543 Alfuzosin 10 mg Tab Alkylizer 1 gm/S 100 92 788 Syrup .4 ml( ml )(Disodium Hydrogen Citrate) RC NOT EXISTS 93 NRD.1O All Trans Retinoic Acid 10 mg cap 94 598 Allopurinol Tablets lP 100 mg 10X10 Tablets 95 NRD-44 Aloe Vera Moisturizing Cream NRD Alpelisib 150 mg (Monopoly) 96 -544 Tab. NRD Alpelisib 200 mg (Monopoly) 97 .545 Tab. NRD Alpelisib 250 mg (Monopoly) 98 ..546 Tab. 99 NRD-150 qlpha Beta Arteether 2 ml lnj. Alpha lnterferon lnlection lnterferon Alpha 2 concentrated Solution lP 3 100 525 Vial Vlillion Unit l-01 NRD-3 Alpha+Lipoic Acid + Leycopen +Multivitamin and Miltiminerals cap. Alprazolam Tab lP 0.25 mg 102 339 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister Alprazolam Tab lP 0.5m9 103 340 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister 104 NRD.547 Amantidine 100m9 Tab. 105 NRD-77 Ambroxol Drop 106 o/ Amikacin lnj lP 100 mg 2 ml Vial 707 504 Amikacin lnj lP 250 mg Vial 108 6B Amikacin lnj lP 500 mg 2 ml Vial 109 794 Amino Acid 10% lnjection 100m1 Size 100 Ml Bottle 110 NRD-152 Aminocaproic Acid 20ML nJ. 111 365 Aminophylline lnJ lP 25 mg/ml 10 ml Amp 25 ampoules 712 183 Amiodarone Hydrochloride lnj 50 mg/ml 3 ml Amp (10 Amp) Tab 100 113 181 Amiodarone IP mg 10X10 Tablets t74 182 Amiodarone Tab lP 200 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 115 NRD.54B Amisulpride 50 mg Tab. 116 341 Amitriptyline Tab lP 25mg Film Coated 10x10 Tab Strip Amlodipine and Atenolol Tablet (Amlodipine Besilate Equivalent to 717 461 10X10 Tab Blister Amlodipine 5mg,Atenolol 50mg) Amlodipine and Enalapril Maleate Tablets (Amlodipine Besilate equivalent t.18 457 10x10 Tab Strip to Amlodipine 5 mg, Enalapril Maleate 5 mq) Amlodipine and Lisinopril Tablets Amlodipine Besilate equivalent to 119 460 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister Amlodipine 5 mg, Lisinopril eq to Lisinopril (anhydrous) 5 mo 120 NRD-477 Amlodipine oral solution 1 MG/ ML Syrup Amlodipine Tab lP 2.5 mg 721, 184 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister 722 185 Amlodipine Tablets lP 5 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 1,23 NRD-45 Amophous Hydrogel with Colloid Silver Wound Dressing Cream 124 NRD-46 Amorolflne 0 25% Cream 12s 506 Amoxicillin and Potassium Clavulanate lnj lP 1.2gm Vial 726 505 Amoxicillin and Potassium Clavulanic lP lnj 600mg 10 ml vial 1.27 NRD-153 Amoxycillin & Clavulanic acid 300 MG lnj 728 69 Amoxycillin and Cloxacillin Cap 250 + 250 mg 1 0x10 Cap Strip Amoxycillin and Potassium Clavulanate Tabs lP 500 mg + llg 69 729 70 RC NOT EXISTS Amoxycillin and Potassium Clavunate oral suspension lp 200 mgr|Z8s 30 ml Bottle with 130 507 mg/5 ml (30m1 Bottle) Measurinq Cao Amorycillin Cap lP 250m9 131 71 10Xl 0 Cap Strip/Blister Amoxycillin Cap lP 500m9 132 72 1 0X10 Cap Strip/Blister 133 t3 Amoxycillin Dispersible Tablets tP 125 mg 10x10 Tab Strip Amoxycillin Oral Suspension lP (Dry syrup) 125 mg/Sml 30 ml Bottle with 134 473 /easurino Cao a. .r l r{6. ii: d,G n4n , < ..no. Druo . Rate/unit GST final rate Drug Name unlt coai acxtng witho;t Gsr rate wath GST Amorycillin Tablet 250 mg+Calvulanic Acid 125 mg lP Each Film Coated 135 706 Tab Conatin Amorycillin Trihydrate lP 250 mg & Potassium Clavulanate lP 10X10 Tablets 125 mg 136 74 Amphotericin B lnj lP 50 mg Vial 737 NRD.154 Ampicillin + Salbactum 1.59 lnj 138 412 Ampicillin Cap lP 500m9 10x10 Cap Blister 139 75 Ampicillin lnjection lP 500 mg Vial Antacid Liquid,Each 5ml contains Dried Aluminium Hydroxide Gel 250 mg 30 ML Bottle (With 140 261A Magnesium Hydroxide 250m9, Activated polydimethyl siloxane 50mg N/easuring Cap) Antacid Tablets. Formula,Each chewable tablet contains Magnesium 747 260A Trisilicate 250 mg, Dried Aluminium Hydroxide Gel 120 mg, Peppermint 10X10 Tab Blister cil 742 225 Anti A Blood Grouping Serum lP(Anti A Monoclonal Serum) 10 ml vial L43 lzo Anti B Blood Grouping Serum lP(Anti B Mono Clonal Serum) 10 ml vial Anti D(Rh) Blood Grouping Serum lP/Anti D Blood Grouping Serum lP L44 227 10 ml vial Anti lnhibitor Coagulation Complex (Human Plasma Protein with a Factor 145 407 Vial With 20ml Solvant Vlll lnhibitor Bypassing Activity of 500 l.U. per Vial) 146 NRD.78 Anticold Drop Anticold syrup Each 5 ml contains Phenylephrine Hydrochloride 2.Smg , 30 ml Bottle with 147 497 Chlorpheniramine maleate 1 mg, and Paracetamol 125 mg Measuring Cap Anti-Oxidants (Beta Carotene-10 mg,Vit-E 25mg,Vit-C 100 mg,Copper 1.5 148 NRD-11 mg,Managanesel.5 mg,Zinc 7.5 m cap mg,Selenium,l50 icrogram) L49 NRD-549 Apixaban 2.5 mg Tab. 150 NRD-550 Apixaban 5mg Tab. 151 NRD.12 Aprepitant 125 mg cap. 752 NRD.551 Aripiprazole 10 mg Tab 153 NRD-552 Aripiprazole 5 mg Tab 754 NRD-478 Artemether 40mg + Lumefantrine 240 mg 30ml Syrup 155 686 Artemether and Leumefantrine Tablet (40 mg and 240 mg) lx6 Tablet Blister 156 651 Artemether and Leumefantrine Tablet (80 mg and 480 mg) 1x6 Tablet Blister L57 NRD-156 Artesunate 120 mg nj. Artesunate lnjection 60 mg (1.M. l.V.USE) Each Combo Pack contains Artesunate lnjection 60 mgVial, Sodium Bicarbonate lnjection lP 5 o/o w/v Each Combo Pack in a 158 508A (lml ampoule),Sodium chloride lnjection lP 0.9o/o w/v (5ml ampoule) Unit carton 159 NRD.1 Artificial saliva solution Asceptic ( chlorhexadine gluconate 7.5o/o +=1So/ocatrimide solu + lsopropyl 160 NRD-410 Lotion 17o/o 161 J6/ Ascorbic Acid Tab lP 500 mg 10x10 Tab Strip t62 S3 Asepto Syringe with Transparent Bulb Sterile, 60 ml RC NOT EXISTS 163 NRD.553 Aspirin lP 300 mg Tab, Aspirin Delayed Release Tablet / Aspirin Gastroresistant Tab lP (Each 164 444 10x14 Tab Strips 3nteric coated tablet contains acetyl salicylic acid 75 mg) 165 NRD.554 Aspirin Dispresible 325m9 Tab. 166 679 Aspirin Tablet lP (Gastro-Resistant) 150 mg 14x10 Tablet 167 NRD.79 Astymine C (Vitamin C+ Essential amino acid) Drop 168 462 Atenolol Tab lP 25 mg 10X14 Tab Blister 169 186 Atenolol Tab lP 50 mg 10X14 Tab Blister tt0 NRD.157 Atezolizumab 1 200 mg(Monopoly) ni. t7t NRD-555 Atomoxetin 10 mg Tab. 772 NRD-556 Atomoxetin 18 mg l-ab. 173 NRD.557 Atomoxetin 25 mg Tab. Atorvastatin Tab lP 1Omg 174 187 l 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister 175 548 Atorvastatin Tablets lP 40 mg 1 0X 10 Tablets Atracurium lnj 10 mg/ml 2.5 ml Amp(10 176 311 ampoules) Orug s,no. Drug Name packins un final late G rt ode #irtj|[t, :j: wltt GST 777 319 Atropine Eye Ointment lP 1% RC NOT EXISTS Atropine Sulphate lnjection 0.6m9/ml 178 654 1ml Amp 25 Ampoules Atropine Sulphate Ophthalmic Solution USP 1% 5 ml. vial with sterilized 779 320 dropper,or squeeze vial 180 NRD.558 Atroxentine 250m9 (Trientine HCL) Tab. 181 NRD.158 Avelumab 200 mg (Monopoly) lnj 182 NRD.559 Axitinib 5 Mg Tab. 183 NRD-160 Azacitidine 100m9 lnj 184 NRD.159 Azacitidine 50mg lnj 18s 133 Azathioprine Tab lP 50 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 186 NRD-47 Azelaic acid 20% Cream 187 NRD.120 Azithromycin 1% Eye Ointment 188 NRD-161 Azithromycin 10 ml vial equaivelent to 500 mg lnj. Azithromycin Tab 100 mg Dispersible Tabs (3 tab strip 10x3x3) 10X3X3 Tab 189 78A strip/Blister(strip/blister of 3 tab) Azithromycin Tab lP 500 mg 10X3X3 Tab 190 80A strip/Bliste(strip/blister of 3 tab) Azithromycin Tablets lP 250m9 l0X3X3 Tab 191 79A strip/Bliste(strip/blister of 3 tab) 792 683 Aztreonam lnjection 1gm Vial 193 509 Azlreonam lnjection USP 500 mg Vial 194 NRD.479 B. complex Syrup B,B Silk suture (3/B Cir RB Needle 16mm, Length 76 cm Size 5/0 (Details 195 R79 1x12 Foils in RC) B.B Silk suture (3/8 Cir RB Needle 20mm, Length 76 cm size 4/0 (Details 196 R78 1x12 Foils in RC) 197 NRD.162 Bacitracin for lnjection 25,000 lU lnj. 198 NRD-4BO Baclofen Oral Solution 5 MG /ML Syrup Baclofen Tablet lP 10 mg (Each Uncoated Tablet contains Baclofen lP 10 199 698 m 10X10 Tablets g) Balanced Salt Calcium free 1000 ml [solution], Non PVC Polyolefin Sterile 200 NRD.2 Solution free flex bag Beclomethasone lnhalation lP 200 mcg/dose 200metered dose 201 366 container Beclomethasone, Neomycin and Clotrimazole Cream (Beclomethasone 202 445 Dipropionate 0.025 %, Neomycin Sulphate 0.5 % and Clotrimazole 1 %) 10 gm tube in unit carton 203 726 3endamustine ln.jection 100 mg Vial 204 B1 3enzathine Benzylpenicillin lnjlP 12lac units Vial 205 82 Benzalhine Benzylpenicillin lnj lP 6 lac units Vial 206 NRD-48 Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5 % Cream 207 NRD-97 Betadin 5% Eye Drop 208 542 Betahistine Tab lP16 mg 10X10 Tablets 209 541 Betahistine Tab lP 8 mg 10X10 Tablets 210 558 Betamethasone Dipropionate Cream lP 0.05% 15gm Tube in a unit Carton 21.1 <(o Betamethasone Lotion lP 0.05 o/o RC NOT EXISTS 272 418 Betamethasone Sod Phos lnj lP 4mg/ml 1 ml Ampouletuial 213 1E Betamethasone Tab lP 0,5m9 10X10 Tab Blister 274 612 Betaxolol Eye Drops 0,5 o/o RC NOT EXISTS 275 735 Bevacizumab lnjection 100 mg Vial 276 734 Bevacizumab lnjection 400 mg Vial Bicalutamide Tablet lP 50 mg (Each Film Tablet contains gicalutamide lp 277 741 50 mg) RC NOT EXISTS 278 NRD.56O Bilastin 20 MG Tab Gt J..-r+ -, (i1 r r {1 l ?-i O - , Druo Rate/unit GST final rate .,s.no, , Drug Name Packing Unit coal without GST rate with GST :i 219 NRD-561 3iotin 5 MG Tab. o/o Biphasic lsophane lnsulin lnj lP (30 % soluble insulin and 70 isophane 220 279 10 ml vial nsulin) ini. 40 lU/ml(R-DNA Oriqin) 221 262 Bisacodyl Tab lP 5 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 222 398 Black Disinfectant Fluid (Phenyl) As per Schedule O Grade lll 5 Ltrs Can 223 134 Bleomycin lnjection lP 15mg (Bleomycin Sulphate lnjection 15 units) Vial 224 S4 Blood Administration Set Blood Transfusion Set (Details in RC) Unit 225 s98 Bone Cement RC NOT EXISTS 226 s80 Bone Wax Sterilised 2.5 Gram/Packet 227 NRD-163 Bortezomib 2.5 lnj. 228 730 Bortezomib lnjection 2mg Vial 229 NRD-562 Bosentan 62.5 mg Tab. 230 NRD.563 Bosutinib 500 mg Tab Botulinum Toxin Type A for injection/Botulinum Toxin Type B for inlection 231 NRD-164 ln,i 100 tu Botulinum Toxin Type A for injection/Botulinum Toxin Type B for injection 232 NRD-,I65 lnj. 50 lu 233 487 Brimonidine Tartrate & Timolol Maleate Eye Drops 0.15% + 0.5% 5 ml Squeeze Vial 234 NRD.98 Brin ozo la m ide+ Brim on id ine Eye Drop 235 NRD-564 Brivaracetam 50mg Tab. 236 540 Bromocriptine Tablets lP 2.5 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 237 NRD-456 Budesonide 0.5mg/ml Respules NRD Budesonide 1ml 238 -457 Respules 239 NRD-421 3udesonide 200 mcg MDI 240 NRD-66 Budesonide 400 mcg DPI 247 NRD-13 Budesonide 9 mg oap Budesonide Nebulizer Suspension 0.25m9/ml 242 367 2 ml Amp 10 Ampoules 243 617 Budesonide Powder for lnhalation 200 mcg 30 Capsules Bupivacaine Hydochloride in Dextrose lnjection USP Each ml contains 244 2 4ml Amp(10 ampoules) Buoivacaine Hvdrochloride 5.0 mq Dextrose 80.0 mq 245 4 Bupivacaine lnj lP 0.5% 20 ml vial 246 NRD-565 Buprinorphine 2 mg Tab, NRD Busulfan 60mg/1ml 247 .166 lnj 248 694 Butorphanol tartrate lnjection USP 1mg/ml 1ml Size RC NOT EXISTS 249 NRD-167 Cabazitaxel 20 Mg ln.i 250 NRD-168 Cabazitaxel 40 Mg lnj. Cabergoline Tablet lP 0.5m9 (Each Uncoated Coated Tablet contains 251 773 10X10 Tablets Caberqoline lP 0.Smo) NRD Caffeine Cirate 20mg/ml 252 .169 ni laffeine Citrate USP lnjection 20mg/ml (equivalent to 10 mg caffeine 253 793 3ml Vial )ase/ml) 3ml Size 254 NRD-443 laffiene Citrate Oral Solution Sral Drop 25s 671 lalamine Lotion lP 100m1 100 Ml Bottle 3alcitriol Capsules lP 0.25 mcg 256 630 1 0Xl 0 Cap Strip/Blister 257 NRD-566 lalcium Acetate 667 Tab. 3alcium and Vitamin D3 Suspension (Each 5 ml contains Calcium 100 ml Bottle(with 258 441 3arbonate equivalent to elemental Calcium 250 mg, Vitamin D3 125 lU ) measuring Cap) NRD Calcium Chloride 5mL vial 259 .170 lnj 260 NRD-14 Calcium Dobesilate 500MG cap 261 NRD-567 Calcium Folinate 15 mg Tab. 262 388 Calcium Gluconate lnj lP 10% (lV use) RC NOT EXISTS 263 NRD.,I71 Calcium Gluconate/folinate lnj, NRD Calcium Phosphate 200 ml 264 -481 Syrup :seTr1 {l.F{q Drug Rat€/unlt GST flnal rate s,no. Drug Name Packlng Unit code without GST rate wlth GST Calcium with Vitamin D Tablets USP /Calcium and Colecalciferol Tablets 26s 622 BP/Calcium and Vitamin D3 Tablets lP(Elemental Calcium 500 mg, 10X10 Tablets Vitamin D3-250 lU) (Non-Chewable) Capecitabine Tablet lP 500 mg (Each Film Coated Tablet contains 266 727 10X10 Tablets Capecitabine lP 500 mq) NRD Capmatinib 200 mg (Monopoly) 267 .56B Tab. Carbamazepine Oral Suspension USP 100 mg/Sml 100 ml Bottle(with 268 474 measurino Cao) Carbamazepine Tab lP 100 mg 269 54 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister Carbamazepine Tab lP 200 mg 270 53 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister 271 NRD-172 Carbetocin 1 ml/1 00micro. lnj. 272 NRD.569 Carbimazole 10 mg Tab. 273 280 3arbimazole Tabs lP 5 mg (Film Coated) 10X10 Tab Blister NRD larbolic Acid 100% in 500 ml 274 .4O solution NRD larbolic Acid 50% in 500 ml 275 .39 solution 276 526 3arboplatin lnjection lP 150 mg 15 ml Vial 277 527 Carboplatin lnjection lP 450 mg 45 ml vial Carboprosl Tromethamine lnjection lP Each ml contains Carboprost 0.25 278 281 RC NOT EXISTS mq/ml 279 NRD-92 )arboxymethylcellulose + Glycerin Eye Drop 280 613 arboxymethylcellulose Eye drops lP 0.5% 10 ml Squeeze Vial 281 NRD.173 arfilzomib 20 mg lnj. 282 NRD-174 arfilzomib 60 mg lnj. 283 NRD.175 Carmustine 100 mg lnj. 284 aaE Carvedilol Tablet 3.125 mg 10X10 Tablets 28s NRD-176 Caspofungin 50 mg lnj. 286 NRD.177 Caspofungin 70 mg lnj Catheter,Size 10(Foleys Ballon Catheter Sterile,2 way for Urinary 287 s9.b Drainage,Single Use,)Silicon coated natural Latex material(Details in RC) Each Piece Catheter,Size 16(Foleys Ballon Catheter Sterile,2 way for Urinary 288 S9.c Drainage,Single Use,)Silicon coated natural Latex material(Details in RC) Each Piece Catheter,Size 18(Foleys Ballon Catheter Sterile,2 way for Urinary 289 s9.d Drainage,Single Use,)Silicon coated natural Latex material(Details in RC) Each Piece Satheter,Size 20(Foleys Ballon Catheter Sterile,2 way for Urinary 290 S9.e Drainage,Single Use,)Silicon coated natural Latex material(Details in RC) Each Piece Catheter,Size 22(Foleys Ballon Catheter Sterile,2 way for Urinary 29]. s9.f Drainage,Single Use,)Silicon coated natural Latex material(Details in RC) ach Piece Catheter,Size 24(Foleys Ballon Catheter Sterile,2 way for Urinary 292 Ssg Drainage,Single Use,)Silicon coated natural Latex material(Details in RC) Each Piece Catheter,Size B(Foleys Ballon Catheter Sterile,2 way for Urinary 293 S9.a Drainage,Single Use,)Silicon coated natural Latex material(Details in RC) Each Piece 294 NRD-475 Cefaclor Each 5 ml contain Cefaclor 125 Mg svp. Cefadroxil Dispersible Tablet 250 mg(each uncoated Dispersible tablet 295 709 10X10 Tablets contain Cefadroxil equivalent to Anhydrous Cefadroxil 250 mg) 296 710 Cefadroxil Tablet 500 mg RC NOT EXISTS 297 510 Cefepime lnjection lP 500 mg Vial 298 NRD-1 78 3efipime 1000MG + Tazobactum 125MG lnj 299 NRD.57O 3efixime + Potassium Clavulanate 200+125m9 Tab. 300 NRD.482 3eflxime Oral Suspension 50MG Syrup 301 NRD-483 3efixime Oral Suspension 100MG Syrup 302 511 Sefixime Oral Suspension lP 2Smg/ml (Paediatric Drops) 10 ml Bottle 303 B4 Oefixime Tab lP 100 mg 10x10 Tab Strip GAJ - .-,;. 1l --*€G Rate/unit GST fanal rate uithout GST rate with GSf IE lefixime Tab lP 200 mg 10x10 Tab StriP 304 85 I @mg nj. 305 NRD.179 1mg ln.i 3efoperazone lnj. 306 NRD.48B -l Ce 500m9 lnj. NRD-180 foperazone 307 erazone Sodium eq.to 1gm and Sulbactum Sodium eq. to Sulbactum 0 Sgm)(lM/lv RC NOT EXISTS 308 86 )efoperazone rse) 250 mg Vial 8B Cefotaxime lnj lP 309 Cefotaxime lnjection lP 1 g RC NOT EXISTS 310 87 Cefpodoxime 200m9 Tab 311 NRD.572 Ce CV 375 Tab. 3 NRD.573 fpodoxime t2 10x10 Tab StriP 313 475 @ Drops 3t4 NRD-86 rmt Iab. 315 NRD.571 3etpoOoxime Proxetil Oral suspension 100MG Syrup 316 NRD.485 CetpoOoxime Proxetil Oral suspension 50MG Syrup 317 NRD-484 Ce 1 gm+Sulbactam500 mg lnj. NRD.1B1 ftazidime 318 Vial Ceftazidime lnj lP 1g 319 89 lP 250 mg Vial Ceftazidime lnj 320 90 Vial Ceftazidime lnj lP 500 mg 321 91 Av 29m+59969 Inl. NRD-182 Ceftazldime+ ibactum 322 Ce 1 Gm lnj NRD.1 83 ftizoxime 323 Ce lP 125 mg lnt. NRD.184 ftriaxone 324 Ce +Salbactum+ disodium EDTA lni NRD-185 ftriaxone 325 Seftriaxone 1 gm + Tazobactum 125 mg lnjection RC NOT EXISTS 326 708 Se Sulbactam 1.59 lnj. NRD.186 ftriaxone and 327 Vial (Packed in Cef lnj lP 1g /vial lriaxone 328 93 MonoCarton) Ce lnj lP 250 mg/vial Vial (Amber Colour) 94 ftriaxone 329 Vial (Packed in Ceftriaxone lnj lP 500m9/vial 330 95 MonoCarton) 000m9+ Tazobactom 1 25mg lnj. NRD leftriaxonel 331 -187 Ce 1Gm lnj NRD.l BB furoxime 332 Ce Axetil 500 mg. ab. NRD-591 furoxime 333 Cefuroxime Axetil oral suspension 125m9/5ml Syrup 334 NRD-486 Xfuroxirne nxetil Tab lP 250 mg 10x10 Tab StriP 335 512 3epha Cap lP 250 mg 0x10 Cap Blister 96 lexin 336 Oepha Cap lP 500 mg 0x10 Cap Blister 97 lexin 337 G lP (Cephalexin Dry Syrup lP) 125m9/ 5 ml 30 ml Bottle with pE-atexin-Od=uspension 338 427 Measurino Cao Ceph-lexin Tablets 125 mg (Dispersible Tablets) 0x10 Tab Strip 339 476 NRD Ceritinib 100 mg cap, 340 .16 NRD ]eritinib 200 mg cap. 341 -17 NRD 0eritinib 250m9 cap. 342 -18 NRD Ceritinib 50 mg cap. 343 -15 eEum Drops (Wax dissolving ear drops) Paradichlorobenzene 2 inolytf Benzocain e 2.7 olo Chlorbutol 5 o/o, Turpentine oil 15 o/o 10 ml Bottle 344 589 o/o , , lP 5mg/5 ml 30 ml Bottle.with 3etirizine syrup 345 499 Veasurino Cao Setirizine,Phenylephrine & Paracetamol Tablets Cetirizine 5 RC NOT EXISTS 346 498 mq.Phenvlephrine 10 mq & Paracetamol 325 mg Tab gm 1Sgm Tube in a unit Cetrimide Cream lP 15 347 2l5A Carton NRD Cetrorelix Acetate 0.25 mg lni 348 .189 NRD Cetuximab 100 mg lnj. 349 -190 NRD 3etuximab 500m9 lni. 350 .191 c) qil.{(H{ s Dfuo final fate no Drsg Name Packrns unit coal #i.:jl*, :;: with csT Chemotherapy Port & Non-coring needles(Pediatric) (Detail in RC) 351 s1 37 Each Piece 352 s136 Chemotherapy Port and Non-coring needles(Adult) (Detail in RC) Each Piece 353 tJt) Chlorambucil Tab lP 5 mg RC NOT EXISTS 354 NRD-121 Chloramphenicol 0.5% Eye Ointment NRD-122 Chloramphenicol +Polymycin 355 Eye Ointment 3s6 NRD-123 Chloramphenicol +Polymycine + Dexamethasone Eye Ointment 357 771 Chloramphenicol 1% w/w Eye ointment lP, 3gm Size RC NOT EXISTS NRD Chloramphenicol 1 gm/vial 358 .,I92 lnl. 359 321 Chloramphenicol Eye Drops lP 0.5 0/0 5 ml. vial 360 NRD-574 Chlordiazepoxide 25 mg Tab. 361 342 Chlordiazepoxide Tablets lP 1omg 10x10 Tab Strip 362 NRD-575 Chlordiazsepoxide 10 Mg + Clidinium 25 mg Tab. 363 447 Chlorhexidine Gluconate Solution 5% 250 ml 250 ml Bottle 364 580 Chlorhexidine Mouthwash lP 0.2 olo 50 ml Bottle 365 9B Chloroquine Phosphate lnj lP 40 mg/ ml 5 ml Amp(25 Amp) Chloroquine Phosphate Suspension lP 50 mg/sml 50 ML Bottle (With 366 1 00A Measurino Cao) Chloroquine Phosphate Tab. lP 250m9 Eq to 155 mg of Chloroquine base oo 367 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister Film Coated 368 37 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Tab lP 4mg RC NOT EXISTS 369 346 Chlorpromazine lnj. lP 2smg/ml RC NOT EXISTS 370 343 Chlorpromazine Tablets lP 100 mg (Coated Tablet) 10x10 Tab Strip 37r 344 Chlorpromazine Tablets lP 25 mg (Sugar Coated) 10x10 Tab Strip 372 345 Chlorpromazine Tablets lP 50 mg (Coated Tablets) 10x10 Tab Strip 373 NRD.576 Chlorthalidone 6,25 mg Tab. Chlorzoxazone , Diclofenac sodium & Paracetamol Tablets 374 610 (Chlorzoxazone 250m9 , Diclofenac sodium 50mg Paracetamol 325 mg) RC NOT EXISTS 375 NRD-577 Cholchicine 0.5m9 Tab. holecalciferol granules 60,000 lU /gm 1 gm Sachet(S0 376 623 Sachets) Chromic catgut suture(3/B Cir Cutting Needle 8 mm, Suture Length 35 cm) 377 R77 RC NOT EXISTS Size 6/0 (Details in RC) Chromic catgut suture(3/8 Cir R Cutting Needle 19 mm needle, Suture 378 RBO lx12 Foils Length 76 cm) Size 4/0 (Details in RC) Chromic catgut suture(3/8 Cir RCutting Needle 16 mm, Suture Length 76 379 R76 1x12 Foils cm) Size 5/0 (Details in RC) 380 NRD.584 Cilnidipine 20 mg Tab. 381 NRD.582 Cilnidipine 5 mg Tab. 382 NRD.5B3 urlnrdrprnel u mg Tab. 383 NRD.579 Cilostazol 100m9 Tab. 384 NRD.57B Cilostazol 50mg Tab. 385 544 Cinnarizine Tablet lP 75 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 386 543 Cinnarizine Tablets lP 25 mg 10X10 Tab Blister Ciprofloxacin 0.3 o/o and Dexamethasone 0.1 o/o Ear Drops Ciprofloxacin 387 585 5 ml. vial and Dexamethasone Otic Suspension USP 388 322 Ciprofloxacin Eye Drops lP 0.3 o/o w/v 5 ml Squeeze Vial Ciprofloxacin lnjection lP 200m9/1 00ml 389 101 100 ml FFS / BFS Bottle Ciprofloxacin Ophthalmic Ointment USP 0.3% 390 323 5 gm tube in unit carton 391 103 Ciprofloxacin Tablet lP 500 mg Film Coated RC NOT EXISTS 392 102 Ciprofloxacin Tablets lP 250 mg Film Coated 10X10 Tab Blister 393 768 Cis Atracurium Besylate lnjection 2 mg/ml in 5 ml vial 5 ml Vial 394 528 Cisplatin lnj lP 10 mg/10 ml 10 ml vial 395 137 Oisplatin lnj lP 50 mgi 50 ml 50 ml Vial 396 NRD.1 93 3ladrabine 10 mg lnl. 397 NRD-580 3larithromycin 250 MG Tab. A^) rtrrTr fiFfa Drug hate/unlt GsT fanal iate 6.no. Drug Name Packang Unit .code without GST rate with GST 398 NRD-581 Clarithromycin 500m9 Tab. 399 NRD-194 Clarithromycin 500m9 lnt. NRD Clarithromycin for oral suspension 125m9/5ml 400 -487 Syrup NRD Clindamycin 600m9/4ml 401 .195 nJ Clindamycin Capsule lP 150m9 402 s13 10X10 Cap Strip/Blister Clindamycin Capsule lp 300 mg 403 514 1 0X1 0 Cap Strip/Blister Clindamycin Phosphate Gel USP 1 o/o 20gm tube in Mono 404 560 Carton 405 714 3lindamycin phosphate lniection lP 300 mg Vial/Ampoules Clobazam Tableucapsule 10 mg 10x10 Tablet/Capsule 406 663 Blister Clobazam Tablet/Capsule 5 mg 10x10 Tablet/Capsule 407 662 Blister 408 561 3lobetasol Propionate Cream lP 0.05 o/o 20 Gm Tube 409 NRD-435 llobetasol+Salicylic acid 0.5%+6% Sintment 410 282 3lomifene Tab lP 25 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 411 283 3lomiphene Tab lP 50 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 412 NRD-.19 3lomipramine lP 25 mg 3ap. 413 NRD-585 3lonazepam 0.25 Tab. 414 NRD-586 3lonazepam 1Mg Tab. 415 678 3lonazepam Tablet 0.5 mg 10X10 Tablets 4L6 NRD-196 llonidine 150mcg/ml nj. llonidine Hydrochloride Tablet lP 0.1 mg (Each Tablet contains Clonidine 4L7 751 10X10 Tablets lydrochloride lP 0.1 mg) Clopidogrel and Aspirin Tables, Clopidogrel 75 mg and Aspirin 75 mg 418 549 10x10 Tab Strip 4t9 188 Clopidogrel Tab lP 75 mg 10x10 Tab Strip Close wound drainage device under negalive pressure (closed wound 420 S96.A suction unit) Size of bellow 800 ml, catheter size 16 (Details in RC) Each Piece Close wound drainage device under negative pressure (closed wound 421 S96.B suction unit) Size of bellow 800 ml, catheter size 18 (Details in RC) Each Piece Clotrimazole 1 o/o with Beclomethasone Dipropionate 0.025 o/o Ear Drops 422 586 5 ml ear Drops 423 NRD-41 t Clotrimazole 1 %+Beclomethasone 0.25% Lotion 424 NRD-419 Clotrimazole 10Mg Lozenses Clotrimazole Cream lP 2o/owlw 1Sgm Tube in a unit 425 104 Carton 426 443 Clotrimazole mouth paint (Clotrimazole 1 o/o w/v) 15 ml Squeeze Bottle Clotrimazole Vaginal Tab lP 500m9 Single Tablet(10 Tabs 427 105 with an Applicator) 428 417 Cloxacillin Sodium lnj lP 500m9 Vial 429 NRD-589 Clozapine 100 mg Tab 430 NRD.587 i.;lozaprne 25 mg Tab 43L NRD-588 Clozapine 50 mg Tab. 432 670 Coal tar 6% & Salicylic Acid 3% Ointment 20gm 433 NRD.476 Codiene Phosphate Syrup 434 718 Colistimethate lnjection lP 1M lU Powder for Solution Vial 435 NRD.446 Ooloplast 60 Gm Paste Compound Benzoic Acid Ointment lP Benzoic Acid 6 o/o + Salicylic Acid 3 1Sgm tube in Mono 436 106 clo Carton 437 244 Compound Benzoin Tincture lP 500 ml Bottle Compound Sodium Lactate (Ringer Lactate) in Glass Bottle 500m1 438 NRD-197 lnj. <a:I rrfuA Drug s,no. Drug Name Packrnsun.t Code #irTjI[J, ::J tr*t1T Sompound Sodium Lactate lnj. lP 439 3tt 500 ml FFS/BFS Bottle 440 399 lonc Haemodialysis Fluid B.P Acetate concentrate 10 Litre Can RC NOT EXISTS 0oncentrated Solution for Hameodialysis BP Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 441 687 RC NOT EXISTS 3oncentrate in 10 Litre Cans 442 284 3onjugated Estrogen Tabs USP 0.625 mg. RC NOT EXISTS 443 NRD.41 3ontinuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Fluid 2 ltr 3oQ 3OOmg(Capsule of Co-enzyme Q10 with Lycopene,Selenium & 444 NRD.529 Tab. rmega 3 fatty acid ) 445 s48 Corrugated Drainage Sheet - All sizes(Details in RC) RC NOT EXISTS 446 NRD.59O Cotriamazole 4B0MGs Tab. Co{rimoxazole oral suspension lP Each 5 ml contains Trimethoprim 40 50 ml Bottle (with 447 107 mg and Sulphamethoxazole 200 mq measurinq Cap) Co-trimoxazole Tablet lP (Trimethoprim 160m9+Sulphamethoxazole 448 669 RC NOT EXISTS B00mg) 3o-trimoxazole Tablets lP Trimethoprim 40 mg and Sulphamethoxazole 449 108 10X10 Tab Blister 200 mq Cough Syrup Each 5 ml contains Chloropheniramine Maleate lP 3 50 ml Bottle (with 450 368 mg,Ammonium Chloride 130 mg, Sodium Citrate 65 mg,Menthol 0.5 mg, measuring Cap) Syrup Q.S. Cough Syrup/Expectorant(50) ml 50 ml Bottle (with 45I 692 measurino Cao) 452 NRD.99 IPM+CMC+Nephazoline Eye Drop 4s3 NRD-198 rystilline Penicillin 2 Lakh lnj 454 NRD-1OO yclopentolate 1% Eye Drop 455 138 yclophosphamide lnj lP 200 mg 10 ml glass vial 456 139 yclophosphamide lnj lP 500 mg 25ml Glass Vial Cyclophosphamide Tablet lP 50 mg (Each Sugar Coated Tablet contains 457 736 Cyclophosphamide lP 53,5 mg equivalent to Anhydrous RC NOT EXISTS Cyclophosphamide 50 mg) 458 677 yclosporin Capsule USP/lP 50 mg 50 Caps Pack 459 NRD-20 yclosporine 100 mg cap. 460 NRD.489 yclosporine Oral solutiont00mg/ml Syrup 46t NRD.491 yproheptadine 200M1 Syrup 462 NRD.592 yproheptadine 4Mg Tab. 463 NRD-593 yproterone Acetate 2 mg +Ethynil Estradiol. 035m9 Tab. 464 NRD.199 Cytarabine 1000 mg lnj. 465 141 ytarabine lnjection BP 500m9 RC NOT EXISTS 466 NRD.2OO D Penicillamine 250m9 oap. 1 467 NRD.595 Dabigatran 10 mg Tab. 468 NRD.594 Dabigatran 150 mg Tab. 469 NRD.596 Dabrafenib 50 mg Tab. 470 NRD-21 Dacarbazine 200 mg lnj. 477 529 Dacarbazine lnjection 500 mg USP/ BP RC NOT EXISTS NRD Dacomitinib 15 mg (Monopoly) 472 .597 Tab. NRD Dacomitinib 30 mg (Monopoly) 473 .598 Tab. 474 NRD.22 Danazol 100m9 3ap. 475 142 Danazol Cap IP 50 mg 10x10 Cap Blister 476 NRD-599 Dapagliflozin 10 MG Tab. 477 NRD-6OO Dapoxetine 30 mg Tab. 478 NRD.6O1 Dapsone 100 mg Tab. NRD Daratumumab 100 mg (Monopoly) 479 .2O2 lni. 480 NRD.2O3 Daratumumab400 mg(Monopoly) lni. 481 NRD-204 Darbepoietin Alfa 1 00mcg lni 482 NRD.2O5 Darbepoietin Alfa 200 mcg nl 483 NRD-206 Darbepoietin AIfa 500mcg lni 484 797 Dasatinib TAb 100 mg RC NOT EXISTS 485 143 Daunorubicin lnj lP 20 mg 10 ml glass vial O, rt-rar( r-rBr;r , Druo final rate s,no. .CoaI Drug Name Pack.ns unit :;: with GST IffiJ$L 486 NRD.2O8 Decitabine l00 mg ln.l 487 NRD-207 Decitabine 50 mg lnJ 488 165 Deferasirox Tab 100 mg 30 Tablets 489 166 Deferasirox Tab 500 mg 30 Tablets 490 167 ljetenprone cap 250 mg 50 Caps 491 168 Detenprone cap 500 mg 50 Caps 492 NRD-603 Deflazacort 12 MG Tab. 493 NRD-602 Deflazacort 6mg Tab. 494 NRD-210 Degarelix 120 mg lnj NRD-209 Degarelix 80 mg 495 lni. NRD Degludec insulin 3001U/3ml 496 -211 lnj NRD.212 Denosumab 120 mg 497 lnl Dental Gel Choline salicylate 8.7 o/o, Benzalkonium Chloride 0.01 o/o, 498 581 10 gm Tube Lignocaine HCI 2 o/o (flavoured gel base) 499 NRD.213 Deriphylline 1 ampul lnj Desferrioxamine lnjection IP 500 mg / Vial (For I M. tnj and LV S.C s00 169 Vial lnfusion) 501 NRD-61 Desflurane USP 240 ml bottle solution 502 NRD-49 Desonide 0.05% Cream 503 NRD-604 Desvenlafaxine 50mg Tab. 504 NRD-214 Detemir lnsuline lnj. 505 eo Dexamethasone lnj lP 8mg/2ml RC NOT EXISTS 506 40 Dexamethasone Tab lP 0.5 mg 10x10 Tab Strip Dexamethasone Tablet lP 4 mg (Each Uncoated Tablet contains 507 700 10X10 Tablets Dexamethasone lP 4 mg) 508 NRD-2,I5 Dexmedetomidine 1 00mcg/ml lnJ. 509 NRD.216 Dextran 40 lnj. 510 440 Dextromethorphan HBr Syrup lP 13.5m9 / 5ml 30 ml. Bottle 511 NRD-492 Dextromethorphan Hcl + Chlorpheniramine Syrup 572 NRD-201 Dextrose 5% 500 ml Glass Bottle lnj Dextrose lnj lP 10% 513 379 500 ml FFS/BFS Bottle Dextrose lfi lP 25% wlv 574 378 100 ml FFS / BFS Bottle Dexlrose lnj lP 5% 515 380 500 ml FFS/BFS Bottle 516 NRD-62 )extrose with Sod.Chloride polypack 5% 500m1 nj. 577 NRD-71 Jiastase Pepsin with simethicone 15 ml frop fiatrizoate Meglumine & Diatrizoale Sodium tnj USP OO% (ioainEtonc= 518 232 2e4qg 20 ml vial / ampoule {ml) Diatrizoate Meglumine and Diat Sod lnj USP 76o/owlv (iodine = 370 mg/rnD 519 233 20 ml Ampoule Diatrizoic Acid Salts & Meglumine 66% & Sodium tOoZEloOinercontent 520 NRD.493 Syrup 370 mg/ml 30 ml 52L 349 Diazepam lnj lP 10mg/2ml (1M/tV use) RC NOT EXISTS Diazepam Tab lP 5 mg 522 350 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister 523 NRD.217 Diazoxide 300 mg/20m1 lnj. 524 NRD-605 Diclo & Sera& Para. Tab. s25 NRD-606 Diclofenac + Thiocolchicoside Tab. 526 NRD-448 Diclofenac Each Transdermal patch contain 200 mg Diclofenac Patch Diclofenac Gastro Resistanl Tablet te SO mglenGflc Coated) 527 20 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister 528 493 Diclofenac Gel: Diclofenac diethylamine 1.16%, Methyl saiicytate t Oo/o, 20 gm Tube in unit [inseed oil 3%, Menthol 5% carton Diclofenac Sod + Paracetamol Tablets lp Dictofenac SoO SO rngrr 529 483 Paracetamol 325 mg RC NOT EXISTS Diclofenac Sodium aqueous lnjection 75mg/ml tmt Size, V a tw use 530 695 1 ml. Ampoule 531 19 Diclofenac Sodium lnj lP 25 mg/ ml (lM/lV Usef 3 ml Amp (10 Amp) a,/ n4{4 {iFTq : l. .-- erF+;ilf(q sno Druo Rate/unit GST final rate cod Drug Name Packlng Unlt l without GST rate wlth GST s32 437 Diclofence Prolonged Release Tablet lP 100 mg 10x10 Tab Strip Dicyclomine and Paracetamol Tablets Dicyclomine Hydrochloride 20 mg + 533 439A 10X10 Tab Blister Paracetamol 325 mg Tablets Dicyclomine Hydrochloride and Activated Dimethicone suspension Each 534 438 rtl conlains Dicyclomine Hydrochloride 10mg Activated Dimethicone 40mg 10 ml Bottle )icyclomine Hydrochloride Oral Solution lP 1Omg /5ml 30 ml Bottle with 53s 265 Measurinq Cao 10 Dicyclomine lnj lP mg /ml 536 264 2 ml Amp 25 Ampoules Dicyclomine Tab lP 10 mg 537 263 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister 538 NRD.6O7 Dienogest 2mg Tab. s39 110 Diethylcarbamazine Tab lP 100 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 540 NRD-218 Digoxin 2Mg lnj 547 NRD-91 Digoxin 0 25% lixir 542 189 Digoxin lnj lP 0.25 mg/ml RC NOT EXISTS s43 190 Digoxin Tab tP 0,25 mg. 10x10 Tab Strip NRD Diltiazem prolonged released g0mg 544 .6OB Tab. 545 NRD.l 30 Diltiazem 2o/o PIR 3el 546 NRD-219 Diltiazem 25 mg nj. 547 191 Diltiazem Tabs lP 30 mg Film Coated 10X10 Tab Blister 548 NRD.61O Dimethyl Fumarate 240m9 Tab. 549 NRD-609 Dimethyl Fumaratel 20 mg Tab. 5s0 285 Dinoprostone Cream/ Gel 0.5 mg Dinoprostone in Syringe Syringe 551 480 Diphtheria Antitoxin 10000 tU /ial Disposable Sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves Size B lnches,oowder free 552 SB9.b )air Disposable Sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves Size 8 tncfrespowAereO 553 S89.a Pair 554 NRD.63 fistilled Water 10ml lnj. ,I 555 NRD-6,I Disulfiram 125 mg Tab. 556 NRD.612 Disulfiram 250m9 Tab. Divalproex Extended Release Tablet lP 250 mg (Each gxtenOea netease 557 702 Film Coated Tablet contains Divalproex Sodium lP Equivalent to Valproic 10X10 Tablets acid 250 mg) 10) Dobutamine lnj lP 50mg/ml/250m9 (Viat/)Dobutamine lnj lp 250 558 m 10 Vial/Amp g/5ml(AMP) 559 NRD.22O Docetaxel 120 mg lnj. 560 NRD-142 Docetaxel 20mg lnj. s61 NRD-143 Docetaxel 80 mg lnj. 562 NRD-88 Docosahexaenoic 30ml Drops s63 590 Domperidone Oral Drops 10mg/ ml (10mt) 10 ml Bottle Domperidone Suspension lP 5mg/5ml 30 ml Bottle with 564 266 Measurino Cao 565 267 Domperidone Tab lP 10 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 566 NRD.613 Donepezil 5 mg Tab. Dopamine Hydrochloride ln.l lP 40 mg/ml 5 ml Amp(Amber s67 193 Colour)25 Amoo 568 NRD-101 Dorzolamide 2% +-T4,.->,it L Eye Drop 569 s41.a Double J Stent, Sterile, Both Ends Open - size +F, lengt6 16 crn RC NOT EXISTS 570 s41 b Double J Stent, Sterile, Both Ends Open, size SF, lengtn Z0 crn RC NOT EXISTS 577 542.a Double J Stent, Sterile, One End Closed - size 4F, length t6 cm RC NOT EXISTS 572 s42.b Double J Stent, Sterile, One End Closed, size SF, lengtn 20 cm RC NOT EXISTS 573 144 Doxorubicin lnj lP 50 mg/ 25 mt rial Doxycycline Cap lP 100 mg 574 111 1 0X10 Cap Strip/Blister 575 NRD-221 Doxycycline for lnjection 100 mg nj. 6)-) ;h.t+.,.t,11 ,rf}f7tr s,no - . .. Dc r o u a o l D Rate/unit GsT final rate rug Name Packing Unit without GST rate with GST Dorylamine Succinate 20 mg & Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 20 mg Tablet 576 763 (Each Enteric Coated Tablet contains Doxylamine Succinate USP 20 mg 10X10 Tablets & Pyridoxine Hydrochloride lP 20 mg ) 577 689 Dried Factor Vlll Fraction lP (lV use) 1000 IUA/ial Vial With Diluent 688 Dried Factor Vlll Fraction lP (lV use) 500 IUA/ial 578 r,rial With Diluent Dried Human Anti haemophlic Fraction lP (Dried Factor Vlll Fraction lP) 579 171 /ial With Diluent 250 lU/ Vial (lV use) 580 NRD-4S4 )rotavarine Syrup )rotaverine and Mefenamic Acid Tablets Drotaverine 80 mg and 581 591 t0X10 Tablets Vefenamic Acid 250 mg Jrotaverine Hydrochloride lnj 40 mg/2 ml E 582 2 ml Amp 10 Ampoules 583 415 Jrotaverine Tab lP 40 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 584 NRD-614 Juloxetine gastro resistant 20 mg l-ab. 585 NRD-615 fuloxitine gastro resistant30 mg Iab. NRD )urvalumab 120 mg (Monopoly) 586 -222 lni. 587 NRD-223 Durvalumab 500m9 (Monopoly) lni. 588 787 Dutasteride Tablet 0.5 mg 10X10 Tablets s89 NRD-616 Dydrogesterone 10mg Tab Each 15 ml contains: Milk of Magnesia 11.25 ml+ Liquid Paraffin 3.75 ml 590 NRD-495 Syrup 170 ml each 5 ml Containing:Paracetamol 125 mg + lbuprofen 100 mg 60 ml 591 NRD.496 Syrup Each Combi Bliste pack: Containing 3 tablets of Artesunate(2OO mg each) and 2 tablet of Sulphadoxine Pyrimethamine(750m9+37,5m9)each or 3 s92 649 One Combi Blister Pack Tablets of Sulphadoxine Pyrimethamine(500+25)mg 593 s1 04 ECG Electrode (Detail in RC) Each Piece 594 NRD-447 EEG 4OOGM Paste Elastic Adhesive Bandage BP 1Ocm X l mtr Stretched Length Adhesive 595 s127 material should have good quality sticking property (Detail in RC) Each Piece 596 NRD.617 Eltrombopag 25MG Tab. 597 NRD-618 Eltrombopag 50MG Tab. 598 NRD-619 Empagliflazone 1Omg Tab. 599 NRD-620 Empagliflazone 25mg Tab. 600 NRD-224 Enalapril 1.25 mg 1 ml lnj. 601 195 Enalapril Maleate Tab lP 2.5m9 10x10 Tab Strip 602 194 Enalapril Maleate Tab lP 5mg 10x10 Tab Strip 603 463 Enalapril Maleate Tablets lP 10 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 604 s44.b Endotracheal Tube, Cuff - Size 4.5 (Details in RC) Each Piece 605 S44.c Endotracheal Tube, Cuff - size 5 Details in RC Each Piece 606 s44.d Endotracheal Tube, Cuff - size 6 (Details in RC) Each Piece 607 s44.f Endotracheal Tube, Cuff - Size 7 (Details in RC) Each Piece 608 S44.9 Endotracheal Tube, Cuff - size 7.5 (Details in RC) Each Piece 609 s44.h ndotracheal Tube, Cuff - size 8 (Details in RC) Each Piece 610 s44.i Endotracheal Tube, Cuff - size 8.5 (Details in RC) Each Piece 611 s44.j Endotracheal Tube, Cuff - size 9 (Details in RC) Each Piece 672 S44.e Endotracheal Tube, Cuff- Size 6.5 (Details in RC) Each Piece 613 S44.a Endotracheal Tube, Cuffed - Size 4 (Details in RC) Each Piece 614 S43.a Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 2.5 (Details in RC) Each Piece 615 s43.b Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 3 (Details in RC) Each Piece 616 543.c Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 3.5 (Details in RC) ach Piece 617 s43.d Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 4 (Details in RC) Each Piece 618 543.e Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 4.5 (Details in RC) Each Piece 619 s43.f Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 5 (Details in RC) Each Piece 620 Sa3.g Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 5.5 (Details in RC; Each Piece 621 s43.h Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 6 (Detaits in Re Each Piece ,)^ - q{{q 1if{q Fe i{{(q -ffia-ffq qtr ic Druo sno Drug Name Rate/unit GsT flnatrnte coal Packlng Unlt wlthout GST rate wlth GST 622 s43 j Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size 7 (Details in RC) ach Piece 623 s43 k Endotracheal Tube, Plain - Size-= @etails in RC) Each Piece 624 s43.t Endolracheal Tube, Plain - Size 8 lOetarts in nC) RC NOT EXISTS 625 543.m Endotracheal Tube, Plain - SEe S^S(DAArb rn RC) Each Piece 626 s43.i ndotracheal Tube, Plain -Size 6.5 (Details in RC) Each Piece 627 172 Enoxaparin Sodium tn1 le OO mg Vial/PFS 628 NRD.621 ntacapone 200 mg Tab. 723 Entecavir Tablet tP 0.5 mg (Each fitm Coated TE6let conatrns EnGE 629 10X10 lP 0.5 mg) Tablets 630 NRD-452 Enterogermina ZUittion spores Srnl Resp 631 NRD-627 Enzalupamide 40mg Tab. 632 NRD-BO Enzyme Drop 633 NRD-497 Enzyme 100 ML Syrup 634 NRD-225 Ephedrine 30 mg/ml lnj Epidural Minipack lSG 63s s1 10 Sterile (Detail in RC) Each Piece 636 NRD-227 Epirubicin 150m9/ml lnj. 637 NRD-226 Epirubicin 50mg/ml lnj 638 NRD.22B Eribulin 0.5m9 lnj 639 NRD.229 Eribulin 1 mg nJ. 640 NRD.623 Erlotinib 100m9 Tab. 641, NRD.622 Erlotinib 150 mg Tab. .1 642 NRD.230 rtapenem sodium 1gm = Ertapenem .046 gm n,. Escitalopram Tab lP 10 mg 643 351 1 0Xl 0 Tab Strip/Blister 644 smolol hydrochloride 1Omg j0nrl 753 lnjection /ml Size 10 ml vial Esmoprazole lOmg 645 NRD.1 33 Granules 646 NRD.624 Esomeprazole 40 Mg Tab. 647 NRD.498 Esomperazole Syrup 648 NRD-626 Estradiol Valerate Cream 649 NRD.625 Estradiol Valerate 2 mg Tab 650 NRD.468 ttanercept 25MG/o.5M1 lnj. Ethamsylate lnj 250 mg/ 2mt (tM/tV) l aa 651 2 ml Amp 10 Ampoules Ethamsylate Tablet 500 mg (Each Unffi 6s2 745 Ethamgylate 500 mg) RC NOT EXISTS 653 286 Ethinyloestradiot taOs tt, SO nrcg 10x10 Tab Strip 654 NRD-628 Ethynil Estradiol 0.02m9+ Tab Desogestrat O.tSrng Tab. 655 NRD-629 Etizolam 0.5 mg Tab. 656 NRD-231 Etomidate 20 mg nJ. 657 NRD-232 Etomidate IVCT/LCT 1On-rl lal nJ. 658 146 Etoposide lnj lP 100 mg 5 ml glass vial 6s9 495 toricoxib Tab lP 120m9 10X10 Tab Blister 660 658 toricoxib Tablet lP 90 mg 10X 10 Tablets 661 NRD-630 Etoricoxib+thiocotcfricosiOe1OO*a mg; Tab. 662 NRD-23 Evening Primosa 1000 fIg cap. 663 NRD-531 Everolimus 1Omg Tab./Cap. 664 NRD-530 Everolimus 5mg Tab./Cap. 66s NRD-631 Exemestane 25 mg Tab. 666 770 Eye drop tvtoxifl oxa@Sml Size 5 ml. vial 667 SB5 Face Mask, DisposabtelDetails in RC) siece Factor lX Concentrate (Purified) tp 500-600 l.U.(Human Coagulation 668 406 = lX) 500 lU Vial with Solvent actor =aropenem Tablet Sodium 200 mg (Each Film Tantei contalns 669 713 :aropenem Sod 10X10 Tablets ium gquivalent to Faropenem Sodium 200 mg) 670 NRD.632 Febuxostat 40 mg Tab. 671 NRD.633 ebuxostat B0 mg Tab. o) , Druo nate/unit GST fanal rate s.no, ,codE Drug Name Packang Unit without GST rate with GST 672 550 Fenofibrate Capsules/ Tab lP 200 mg RC NOT EXISTS 673 NRD-233 Fentanyl 25lU Patch Patch 674 NRD.234 Fentanyl 50lU Patch Patch 675 655 Fentanyl Citrate lnjection 50mcg/ml 10ml Vial/Amp Fentanyl Citrate lnjection lP 2 ml 676 21 2 ml Amp 10 Ampoules 677 NRD-50 Fenticonazole 2% Sream 746 treracrylum 1% w/v Sterile Solution 100 ml 678 100m1 679 789 Ferric Carborymaltose lnjection 50 mg/ml 10 ml size 10 ml vial Ferrous Sulphate with Folic Acid Tab (Paediatric) lP Each film coated Tab 680 391 3ontaining Dried Ferrous Sulphate lP-eqivalent to 20mg Elemental lron 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister and Folic Acid lP-100 mcg Ferrous Sulphate with Folic Acid Tab lP Each film coated Tab. Containing 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister 681 390 Dried Ferrous Sulphate lP-equiv 100 mg Elemental lron and FolicAcid lP ).5 mg 682 NRD.634 Fexofenadine 120 MG Tab. 683 NRD.635 Fexofenadine 180 MG Tab. Filgrastim lnjection lP (Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor) (SC/lV 684 530 Pre Filled SyringeA/ial use) 300 mcq Finasteride Tablets lP 5 mg 685 575 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister 686 NRD.636 Fingolimod 0.5 mg Tab. 687 579 Flavoxate Tablets lP 200 mg (Coated Tablet) 10X10 Tablets NRD-235 Fluconazole 100M9 688 ln.i, NRD-236 Fluconazole 200 mg 689 lni 690 425 Fluconazole Eye Drops 0.3% 5 ml. vial 691 NRD-499 Fluconazole oral suspension Syrup Fluconazole Tablets lP 150m9 10-10-1 Tab Strip 692 114A (Perforated) 693 NRD-237 Fludarabine Phosphate lnjection 1 00mg lnj 694 NRD-238 Fludarabine Phosphate lnjection 50mg lnj. 69s NRD.637 Fludrocortisone 1 00Mcg Tab. 696 NRD.638 Flunarizine 10mg Tab. 697 147 Flunarizine Tab 5 mg 10X10 Tab Blister Fluorescien sodium lP 20o/o vail3 ml for diagnostic fundus fluorescien 698 NRD-239 lnj. angiography 699 148 Fluorouracil lnj lP 250 mg/ Sml RC NOT EXISTS Fluoxetine Cap lP 20 mg 700 352 10X10 Cap Strip/Blister 701 NRD-240 Fluphenazine Deconate lnjection (Long Acting) 25mg/ml Ampule lnj, 702 421 Flurbiprofen Sodium Ophthalmic Solution lP 0.03 o/o w/v 5 ml Squeeze Vial 703 NRD.102 Fluromethalone 0.1% ye Drop 704 NRD-437 Fluticasone Cintment 705 NRD-429 Fluticasone FT Nasal Spray 706 NRD-639 Fluvoxamine 100 mg Tab. 707 NRD-640 Fluvoxamine 50 mg Tab. 708 S87.a Foldable lntra Ocular lense with lnjector (Details in RC) 11 to 17.5 Each Piece 709 s87.b Foldable lntra Ocular lense with lnjector (Details in RC) 18 to 24 Each Piece Foldable lntra Ocular lense with lnjector (Details in RC) 24.5 to 28.5 710 SB7.c Each Piece 771 s1 02 Foleys Catheter No. 14 (Detail in RC) Each Piece 772 NRD-241 Folic acid +Methylcobalamine 10 ml pack lnj 773 392 Folic Acid Tab lP 5 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 714 NRD.641 Folinic Acid 1Smg Tab. 715 NRD.144 Folinic Acid 200m9/vial nJ 716 NRD-242 Fondaparinux 2.5m9 lnj 717 245 Formaldehyde solution (34.5 Per. - 38 Per.) RC NOT EXISTS 71,8 NRD-642 Formaline Tab. 0r €ttlq Iifl.q Orug packrns flnal rate s,no, Orug Name unrt Gode :;: with GST IffiJI[:, 719 NRD-453 Formelerol 20mcg +Su6seonide 0.5m9 Resp. 720 NRD-422 Formeterol 6mcg.+ Fluticasone 250 mcg. lnhalation N/lDI 727 NRD-24 Formetrol 12mcg + Budesonide 400 mcg. Respule 722 NRD.423 Formoterol 6 mcg. + Budesonide 200 mcg. MDI 723 NRD-424 Formoterol 6 mcg. + Budesonrde 400 mcg. MDI Formoterol Fumerate & Budesonide Powder For lnhalation lP 6 mcg + 30 Capsules 724 616 200 mcq 725 NRD.463 Fosfomycin 39m Sachet NRD Fosphenytoin Sodium 150m9/ml 726 .243 lnj. 727 685 Framycetin Sulphate Cream 1 o/o 100 gm pack 1009m Pack 728 684 Framycetin Sulplrate Cream 1 o/o 30gm Pack 30gm Pack 729 254 Frusemide Tab lP 40 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 730 NRD.245 FSH 150 IU lnj 73r NRD.244 FSH 75 IU lnj. 732 NRD.246 Fulvestrant 250m9 lnj, 733 NRD-72 Furosemide 10mg/ml Drop 734 NRD.643 Furosemide 20mg + Spironolactone 50mg Tab. 735 .EF Furosemide lnjection lP 10mg/ml (lM and lV use) 2 ml Ampoule 736 NRD-5OO Furosemide Oral Solution 10mg/30m1 Syrup Fusidic Acid Cream lP 2% 1Ogm tube in mono 737 216A carton Gabapentine TableVCapsule 1 00mg 10x10 TableUCapsule 738 bb/ Blister/Strip Gabapentine Tablet/Capsule 300m9 10x10 TableVCapsule 739 668 Blister/Strip 740 235 Gadodiamide ln.i. 0 5mml/ml Vial 10 ml vial 741 446 Gamma Benzene Hexachloride Lotion 1%(Lindane Lotion USP) 100 Ml Bottle 742 NRD,124 Ganciclovir 0.1 5% Eye Ointment Ganciclovir Sodium lnjection 500m9 (lyophilized powder for reconstitution) 743 724 Vial 744 NRD-129 Gatifloxacin 0.3% Eye Drop 745 NRD.103 Satifloxacin+Prednisolone Eye Drop 746 NRD-247 3DW 5% Glass Bottle/500m1 lnj. 3efitinib Tablet lP 250 mg (Each Film Coated Tablet contarns Gefitinib lP 747 t3t 10X10 Tablets 250 mq) 748 531 3emcitabine for lnjection 200 mg Vial E1a 749 Gemcitabine for lnjection lP 1gm Vial 750 NRD-90 Gentamycin Ear Drop Gentamycin lnjection lP 80mg/2ml (lM/ lV use) 751 116 2 ml Amp 50 Ampoules 752 246 Gentian Violet Topical Solution USP 1olo 200 ml Bottle Glibenclamide and Metformin Hydrochloride (SR) Tablets Glibenclamide 5 753 453 mg, Metformin Hydrochloride 500 mg (Sustained Release) RC NOT EXISTS Glibenclamide Tab lP 5 mg 754 287 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister Gliclazide and Metformin Tablets (Gliclazide 80 mg and Metformin HCL 10X10 Tablets 755 603 500 mg) Gliclazide Tab lP 40 mg 756 288 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister Glimepiride Tab lP1mg 757 290 1 0X1 0 Tab StripiBlister Glimepiride Tab lP 2 mg 758 289 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister Glimepiride, Pioglitazone and Metformin Hydrochloride (Sustained release) Tablets Each Tablet contains Glimepiride 2mg, Pioglitazone 15 759 456 10X10 Tab Blister mg, Metformin Hydrochloride (Sustained Release) 500 mg a) 1, .4:t .,ftT4 i4ilr(d I . Druo s.no. D final .ate coal rug Name Packins unit #ffij$L :;: wath GST Glipizide and Melformin Hydrochloride Tablets USP (Glipizide 5 mg, 760 452 M 10X10 Tab Blister etformin Hydrochloride 500 mg) 767 291 Glipizide Tab lP 5mg 10X10 Tab Blister Gloves Size 6.5 lnches,Powder free (Disposable Sterile Surgical Rubber 762 s5.b Pair GlovesXDetails in RC) Gloves Size 6.5 lnches,Powdered (Disposable Sterile Surgical RuOUer 763 S5.a Pair Gloves)(Details in RC) Gloves Size 7 .5lnches,Powder free (DlsposableSterile Surgical Rubber 764 s7.b Pair Gloves)(Details in RC) Gloves Size 7 lnches,Powder free (Disposable Sterile Surgical Rubber 765 s6.b Pair Gloves)(Details in RC) Gloves Size 7 lnches,Powdered (Disposabte Sterile Surgical Rubber 766 56.a Pair Gloves)(Details in RC) Gloves Size 7.5 lnches,Powdered (Disposable Sterile Surgical Rubber 767 S7.a Pair 3loves)(Details in RC) 768 604 Glucagon for lnjection USP 1 mg/ml Vial 769 NRD-4 Glucosamine + Hydrochloride +Methylsulfonylmethane cap 770 NRD-644 Glucosamine hydrocloride + Diacerin 50 mg Tab. 771 247 Gluteraldehyde Solution 2% 5 Ltrs Can NRD Glycerin 2 gm/ml 772 .473 Suppsitory 773 564 Glycerin lP 100 ml RC NOT EXISTS 774 217 Glycerin lP 400 gm RC NOT EXISTS 775 NRD-248 Glyceryl Trinitrate injection, diluted Smglml tnl. 776 650 Glyceryl Trinitrate Tablets 2.6 mg Controlled Release tablets 30 Tab Bottles S 1.5olo 777 NRD-1 32 Glycine lrrigation olution 3LTR solution 778 NRD-51 Glycolic Acid 6% Cream 779 312 Glycopyrrolate lnj lP 0.2 mg/ml 1 ml Amp (10 Amp) 780 NRD-68 Slycopyrronium 25 DPI 787 NRD-67 Slycopyrronium 25 + Formoterol 6 mcg )Pt 782 NRD-458 3lycopyrronium 25mcg. lnhalation 2ml. lespules 783 NRD-69 3lycopyrronium 50 )Pr 784 NRD-249 3oserelin Acetate implant 3.6 mg lnj 785 117 Griseofulvin Tab lP 125 mg RC NOT EXISTS Gum Paint containing Tannic acid 2%, Cetrimide O.1o/o, Zinc ChloridEl./. 786 583 15 ml Squeeze Vial 787 NRD.25O Haemocoagulase 1 ML lnj 788 NRD-251 Haloperidol (Long Acting) 50mg/ml Ampoule lnj 789 353 Haloperidol lnj lP 5 mg/ml 1 ml Amp (10 Amp) 790 354 Haloperidol Tab lP 1.5 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 79t 355 Haloperidol Tab lP 5 mg 10x10 Tab Strip Halothane BP 250 ml in Amber Colour 792 6 Bottle 793 NRD-436 Heparin 50 lU Benzyl Nicotinate 2 mg Ointment 794 174 Heparin Sodium lnj lP 5000 lU/ml (lM/lV use) RC NOT EXISTS 795 767 Hepatitis B lmmunologlobin lnjection lP 200 l.U Vial/PFS 796 NRD-464 HMF for Pretem Sachet 797 485 Homatropine Eye Drops lP 2% 5 ml Squeeze Vial 798 NRD-134 Hormonal lntra Uterine Device 799 NRD-252 Horse -ATG(Anti Thymocyte Globulin) 250 mg lnJ HP Kit (Pantoprazole 40 mg +Metronidazole 400 mg +Clarithromycin 500 800 NRD-1 35 m Tab. g HP-HMG (Highly Human Menopausal parodied Gonadotropin) 150 iU 801 NRD-253 lnj. HP-HMG (Highly Human Menopausal parodied Gonadotropin) 75 llJ 802 NRD.254 lnj. 803 NRD-104 HPMC 0.3% Eye Drop 804 NRD-823 Human Albumin 20% in 50 ml Vial lnj 805 175 Human Albumin Solution lP 20% 100 Ml Bottle 806 304 Human Anti D lmmunoglobulin 150 mcg Pre Filled SyringeA/ial try +._ir rrflra 6.no. Drug Drug ltlame Rate/unit cST final ra.te Code Packlng Unlt wlthout GST rate with GST 807 303 Human Anti D lmmunoglobulin lnjection 300mcg (lM use) Pre Filled SyringeA/ial 808 774 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin lnjection lP 5000 l.U Vial Human lmmunoglobulin Inj with 12%lgM,t2%194,Z6ollgG in pack of 809 798 1Oml vial (0.59m) 1Oml(0 59m) 810 305 Human Rabies lmmunoglobulin lnj 150 lU/ ml RC NOT EXISTS Hyaluronidase lnjection lP Each vial contains Hyaluronidase lp 1SO0 llJ. 811 423 Vial 872 NRD.255 Hydralazine 20mg/ml lnj. 813 256 Hydrochlorthiazide Tab lP 12.5 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 874 464 Hydrochlorthiazide Tab lP 25mg 10x10 Tab Strip 815 NRD.52 Hydrocortisone 1% ream 816 NRD-138 Hydrocorlisone Oromucosal 20 Mg Tab. 877 NRD-136 Hydrocortisone Oromucosal 5 Mg Tab. 818 NRD.1 37 Hydrocortisone Oromucosal 10 Mg Tab. Hydrocorlisone Sodium Succinate lnjection lP 100 mg brse h/ial ([r//lv 819 42 Vial use) 820 NRD-139 Hydrogen 11% + Silver Nitrate .01% solution 82L 248 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution tP 6 o/o (20 Vot) RC NOT EXISTS 822 NRD-53 Hydroquinone 2% 3ream 823 599 Hydroxychloroquine Sutpfrate TaOtets 200rng 10X10 Tablets Hydroxyethyl Starch (130/0.4) 6 o/o w/v with Sodium Chloride Og o/,0 w/v 416 lntravenous lnfusion / Balanced Electrolyte solution of sodium chloride, 500 ml Plastic Bottle/S0o 824 sodium acetate, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride lntravenous ml Free Flex lnfusion lydroxyprogesterone lnj lP 250m9 /ml 82s 293 lml Amp 25 Ampoules Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose solution 20 mg/ ml 826 2ml Glass Syringe(With 324 Cannula) 827 NRD.528 Hydroxyurea 500m9 Tab./Cap. 828 NRD-76 Hydroxyzine Oral Solution 15 ml Drop Hydroxyzine Tab lP 25 mg 829 43 t OXt O f.U Slrip/Blister 830 414 Hyoscine Butyl bromide Tablets lP 1Omg 10X10 Tab Blister Hyoscine Butylbromide lnj lP 20 mg/ ml 831 268 1ml Amp 25 Ampoules 832 NRD-645 lbrutinibl40mg Tab. lbuprofen and Paracetamol Tablets lP lbuprofen 400 mg*paracetamol 833 22 325 mg l 0X10 Tab Blister lbuprofen Oral Suspension BP /USP 100 mg/ 5 ml 60 ML Bottle (With 834 477 Measurrno Cao) 835 aa lbuprofen Tab lP 200 mg (Coated) 10X10 Tab Blister 836 24 lbuprofen Tab lP 400 mg (Coated) RC NOT EXISTS all 533 lfosfamide lnjection lP/BP/USP 1 gm Vial 838 534 lmatinib Tab lP 400m9 10X10 Caps/Tab lmipenem + powOeifor Cilastatin lnjection 500mg/500mg tp Sotution 839 715 Vial 840 356 lmipramine Tab lP 25 mg (Coated Tab) RC NOT EXISTS 841 357 lmipramine Tab lP 75 mg (Coated) 10X10 Tab Blister 842 NRD.25 lndacaterol and Glycopyronium inhalation powOei t tOISO rncg 3ap. 843 NRD.646 lndomethacin 75 mg SR Iab. 844 436 ndomethacin Cap lP 25 mg 10x10 Cap Strip 845 NRD.256 ndomethacin Lyophilized Powder 1mg lnj. 846 S10.a nfant Feeding Tube Size 10FG(Details in RC) Each Piece 847 s10.c nfant Feeding Tube Size SFG(Details in RC) Each Piece 848 s10.b lnfant Feeding Tube Size BFG(Details in RC) Each Piece 849 sl3 lnfusionSetwithMicrodrip,(l.V.)SteriteDispos@ Unit 850 796 lnj Poractant Alpha B0 mg/ml in pack of 1.5 ml lDetail in Re 1.5m1 Vial 851 NRD-647 lnositol + Myoinositol 1000m9 ab. CN TiH.q 1{-{-{u{ . l.c-;1ilrfi-T . Druo final rate s.no. , Drug Name Packinsunit CodI ff: with GST LXTJIlt, 852 NRD.257 lnotuzumabl mg(Monopoly) lnj 853 NRD-258 Insulin Aspart nj. lnsulin Glulisine (Monocomponent lnsulin Glulisine) 100 lU/ml/3 m 854 NRD.259 nj. 0artridqes Insulin Glulisine (Monocomponent lnsulin Glulisine) 100 lU/ml/3 ml 855 NRD-260 nj. orefilled Pen 8s6 NRD.4O3 Lnsulin Glargine 300 lU per ml/prefilled Pen nj. nsulin Glargine 10 ml vial (100 lU/ml) with 30 lnsuline syringes wrth 857 693 10 ml vial Needle lnsulin Glargine 3ml (1001U/ml) with 15 lnsulin Syringes and 858 680 needles/Cartridge 3ml (1001u/ml) with 15 needles and 1 pen per 20 3ml Vial cartridqes Insulln lnjection lP (Soluble lnsulin/Neutral lnsulin lnjection)4O lU/ml(r.DNA 859 300 10 ml vial criqin) 860 NRD-261 lnsulin Lispro lnj lnsulin syringe ( 40 units) with (fixed) 30 G needle Shall conforn to lS 861 s14 Unit 12227 862 NRD.4O4 nsuline 50/50 lnj 863 NRD.262 nterferon Beta 1-a 30mg lni. 864 NRD.263 ntralipds lni. 865 791 ntravenous Fat Emulsion 20o/owlv 250m1 250 ml Bottle 866 NRD-264 nvert Sugar 10% (Fructodex 10%) 500 CC lnj lohexol USP (solution for lnlection) non lonic contrast medium in sterile 867 NRD-265 lnj aqueous solution, 300 mg lodine/ml non ionic 50 ml lohexol USP (Solution For lnjection) Non lonic Contrast Medium in Sterile 868 482 20 ml Pack aquous Solution 300 mg lodine/ml lohexol USP(Solution for lnjection) Non lonic contrast medium in Sterile 869 672 RC NOT EXISTS aqueous solution 350 mg lodine/ml. NRD.266 lpilimumab 50 mg 870 lnj 871 369 lpratropium Bromide Nebulizer Solution 250 mcg/ ml 15 ml glass bottle lpratropium Powder For lnhalation lP 40 mcg 872 618 30 Capsule (Rota Caps) 873 NRD-268 lrinotecan 100 mg/Sml lnj 874 NRD-267 lrinotecan 40mg/5ml lnj 875 NRD-81 lron (Ferrous Ascorbate) Drop lron and Folic Acid Suspension. Each 5ml contains Ferrous Fumerate 876 448 100 ml Bottle equivalent to elemental iron 100m9, Folic Acid 500 mcg lron Sucrose lnjection USP/BP 20mg/ml (For lV use) Each ml conlains 5 ml Ampoule (Amber 877 488 Ferric Hydroxide in complex with Sucrose equiv. to elemental lron 20 mg Colour) 878 7 lsoflurane USP 100 Ml Bottle 879 NRD-269 lsolyte G lnj. NRD.27O lsolyte P 10% 500 ML 880 lnj. 881 294 lsophane lnsulin lnj lP 40 lU /ml 10 ml vial 882 AA4 lsoprenaline lnjection lP 2mg / ml RC NOT EXISTS 883 197 lsosorbide dinitrate Tab lP 5 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 884 198 lsosorbide mononitrate Tabs lP 20 mg 10x10 Tab Strip NRD.26 lsotretinoin 10mg 88s cap. NRD-27 lsotretinoin 20 mg 886 cap 887 333 lsoxsuprine lnj lP 5 mg/ml RC NOT EXISTS 888 334 lsoxsuprine Tab lP 20 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 889 NRD-105 Itraconazole 1% Eye Drop 890 NRD-125 Itraconazole 1% Eye Ointment 891 118 Itraconazole Cap 100 mg 10X4 Cap Strip 892 NRD-648 lvabradine 5mg Tab. 893 NRD.65,I lvermectin 12mg Tab. 894 NRD-649 lvermectin 6 mg + 415s66rzole 400 mg Tab. 895 NRD-650 lvermectin 6mg Tab. 896 s84.b K Wire, length 375 mm; 1.6mm(Details in RC) RC NOT EXISTS A) H{iq EhE Trr+iq frtmft F{fth-NTdq Rate/unit GST final rate Drug D Name Packlng Unlt s,no. rug wlthout GST rate wlth GST code S84.c K Wire, length 375 mm; 1.8mm(Details in RC) RC NOT EXISTS 897 s84.a K Wire, length 375 mm; 1mm(Details in RC) RC NOT EXISTS 898 NRD-412 Ketaconazole 2% Lotion 899 K 10 A etamine lnj lP 50 mg/ml ml vial 900 NRD Keloconazole 200 MG Iab. 901 .652 Ketoconazole cream 2o/o 1sgm tube in Mono 902 565 Carton T 10 t<et,orotac Tromethamine Dispersible ablet mg(each Uncoated Dispersible tablet contains Ketorolac Tromethamine 10 mg) 10X10 Tablets 903 697 904 NRD.54 (ojic acid 2%, Arbutin,Niacinamide Cream 411 HCI lnj lP 20mgl4ml 4 Ml Ampules 905 -abetalol 100m9 Labetalol Tab lP 1 0X10 Tab Blister 906 410 NRD Lacosamide 50 mg Tab. 907 -653 NRD Lacosamide lnfusion nj. 908 -271 Lacosamide Tablet 100 mg (Each Film Coated Tablet contains 10X10 Tablets 909 704 Lacosamide 100 mg) Lactic Acid Bacillus Tab 60 million spores 10X10 Tablets 910 592 NRD.B7 Lactulose nema 911 Lactulose solution USP/BP 10gm/15m1 or 3.35 gmiSml 100 ml Bottle(with 912 593 measurinq Cap) NRD-654 Lamotrigrne Dispersible 1 00MG Tab 913 t-amotrrgine Tablet lP 50 mg (Each Sustained ReleaseTablet contains 701 RC NOT EXISTS 974 Lamotriqine lP 50 mq) NRD Lapatinib 500m9 Tab. 915 .655 NRD L-Arginine+proanthocynadine granules 3mg Sachet 916 .465 149 L-Asparaginase lnj 10000 lU Vial 977 NRD-501 L-Carnitine 500m9/5ml in 30 ml Syrup 918 NRD.5O2 L-Carnosine 100m9/5ml in 200m1 Syrup 919 Tablets lP 1Omg(Film Coated) 1 0X10 Tablets 920 600 -eflunomide Tablets lP/USP 20mg (Film coated) 10X10 Tablets 92r 601 -eflunomide NRD ienalidomide 25MG Tab. 922 .656 NRD l-enalidomide 10 mg lab. 923 -657 NRD Lenvatinib 10 mg Tab. 924 -659 NRD Lenvatinib 4 mg Tab. 925 -658 NRD Leosalbutamol 50mcg.+ lpratopium 40mcg. N/DI 926 .425 L-etrozote Tablet lP 2.5 mg (Each Film Coated Tablet contains Letrozole lP 728 10X10 Tablets 927 25mg) 150 Leucovorin Calcium ln.i lP / Calcium Folinate lnj lP 10 mg /ml 5 ml Vial 928 776 Leurprolide Acetate depot 11.25 mg Vial 929 775 Leurprolide Acetate depot 3.75 mg rial 930 Levamsol Hydrochloride Tablet lP 50 mg (Each Uncoated tablet conatin 785 10X10 Tablets 931 levamisol Hvdrochloride lP 50 mq) NRD-660 lP 250 mg Tab 932 -evetiracetam levetiracetam lnjection 500m9/5ml Vial 933 666 Levet 1 00mg/ml 665 iracetam Oral Solution/Suspension 100m1 934 Levetiracetam Tablet lP 500 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 935 664 NRD Levobupivacaine 0.5% (20m9/4ml) Ampule lnj. 936 -272 Levoceitrizine Tablet 5mg 10X10 Tablets 937 659 161 Levodopa and Carbidopa Tab 250 mg+ 25 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 938 Gvodopa and Carbidopa Tablets lP Levodopa 100 mg + Carbidopa 10 160 RC NOT EXISTS 939 mq NRD.661 Levodopa+Carbidopa 1 25 Tab 940 NRD.662 Levodopa+Carbidopa+Entacapone 1 00mg/25mgi200mg Tab 94L NRD Levofloxacin 750 mg Tab. 942 .663 943 NRD-503 Levofloxacin Oral Solution Syrup Levofloxacin Tablet lP 500 mg (Each Film Coated Tablet contains 712 10X10 Tablets 944 Levofloxacin Hemihydrate lP 500 mg) Gw s - Druo Rate/unit GST final rate no Drug Name Packang Unit cod! without GST rate uyath GST 945 515 Levofloxacin Tablets lP 250 mg 10X10 Tab Blister NRD.273 Levofloxacine 500m9/1 00 ml 946 lnJ. 947 NRD-70 Levosalbutamol 100mcg+ lpratropium Bromide 40mcg DPI 948 NRD-454 Levosalbutamol 2.5 mg + lpratropium 500 mcg 2.5 ml Resp. 949 NRD-426 Levosalbutamol inhalation Solution 50ml/gm MDI Levosulpiride Tablet 25 mg (Each Uncoated Tablet contains Levosulpiride 950 777 10X10 Tablets 25 mg) 951 NRD-274 Levosulpride 12.5 MG/ML lnj 952 NRD.664 Levosulpride 75mg Tab. 9s3 NRD-665 Levothyroxine Sodium 25 mcg Tab 954 NRD-666 Levothyroxine Sodium 75 mcg Tab 955 NRD.470 Lidocaine 10% 20Ml Spray 9s6 NRD-42 Lidocaine 25 mg + Prilocaine 25mg Cream 957 424 [idocaine HCI Topical Solulion USP 4% RC NOT EXISTS 958 NRD-320 Lidocainel % intra cameral nJ. 9s9 NRD.275 Lignocaine (preservative free) 2o/o lnj. 960 NRD.276 Lignocaine + Adrenaline (1:10000, 2:10000) lnJ. 961 NRD.427 Lignocaine 1% 4outh Paint 962 NRD-277 Lignocaine 10% spray nl. 963 NRD-406 Lignocaine 4% 30Ml Lignocaine and Adrenaline lnj lP Each ml. Contains Lignocaine 964 10 30 ml vial Hydrochloride lP 20 mg Adrenaline lP 0.01 mg Llgnocaine and Dextrose injection lP Each ml contains Lignocaine 50 mg 965 11 RC NOT EXISTS and Dextrose (monohydrate) 75 mg Lignocaine Gel lP 2o/o 30gm tube in a unit 966 12 carton 967 NRD-278 Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2% 50ml vial lnj, 968 13 Lignocaine lnj lP 2 o/o 30 ml vial Lignocaine Ointment 5 o/o 969 I 10 gm tube in unit carton 970 NRD-407 Lignocaine Viscous 971, NRD-667 Linaglipitin 2.5m9 Tab. 972 NRD-668 Linaglipitin 5mg Tab. L 100m9/5ml 973 NRD-504 inezolid in 30ml Syrup 974 517 Linezolid lnj 200m9/100m1 100m1 975 516 Linezolid Tablets lP 600 mg t0X10 Tablets 976 NRD-279 Liposomal Doxorubicin 20mg lnj. 977 NRD.28O Liposomal Doxorubicin 50 mg lnj. 978 800 Liposomol Amphotericine lnjection B 50mg Vial 979 799 Liquid Medical Orygen (LMO) RC NOT EXISTS 980 594 Liquid Paraffin lP 100 ml 100 Ml Bottle 981 218 Liquid Paraffin lP 400 ml 400 ml Bottle Lisinopril Tab lP 2.5 mg 982 466 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister 983 199 Lisinopril Tab lP 5 mg RC NOT EXISTS Lisinopril Tablets lP 10 mg 984 465 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister 98s 358 lithium Carbonate Tab lP 300 mg 10x10 Tab Strip Liver specific MRI contrast agent (Gadobenate disodium (Gd-BOpTA), 986 NRD-408 Gadoxetate disodium (Gd-EOB-DTPA), Mangafodipirtri sodium (Mn- lnj DPDP), Ferumoxide, Ferucarbotran) 987 NRD.28 Lomustine 40 mg oap -omustine Capsule lP 40 mg (Each Capsule contains Lomustine lp 40 988 732 rg) RC NOT EXISTS 989 269 -operamide Tab lP 2 mg 10xt0 Tab Strip 990 NRD-669 -opinavir 200M9+Ritonavir 50 mg Tab. 991 NRD-670 -oratadine 10 mg Tab. 992 NRD-282 -orazepam 5 mg nj. qq{q {fT{ A:r--rJ: fUf+,GIAq ^ 3.no. Drug Rate/unit GST final rate C Drug Name Packlng Unlt ode without GsT rate with GsT 993 NRD.281 Lorazepam 1.0 mg lnj. Lorazepam lnj lP 2 mg/ml l Ao 994 2 ml Amp 25 Ampoules Lorazepam Tablet lP 2 mg (Each Uncoated Tablet contains Lorazepam lp 99s 778 10X10 Tablets 2mg) 996 NRD-283 L-orinithine L- aspartate 10 ml lnj 997 NRD-672 Lorlatinib 100 mg Tab 998 NRD-671 Lorlatinib 25 mg Tab 999 NRD-409 L-Ornithine L-Aspartate (150m9) + Pancreatin (100m9) cap. Losartan Potassium and Amlodipine Tablets lP (Losartan Potassium 50 1000 458 1 0X10 Tab Strip/Blister mg, Amlodipine Besilate eq to Amlopdipine Smq) Losartan Potassium and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets lP(Losartan 1001 459 10X10 Tab Blister Potassium 50 mg, Hydochlorothiazide 12.5 mq) 1002 467 Losartan Tab lP 25 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 1003 200 Losartan Tab lP 50 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 1004 NRD-106 Loteprednol 0.257o ye Drop 1005 NRD-284 Low Molecular Wt. Heparin 0.4m9 lnJ. 1006 NRD-55 Luliconazole 1% Sream Lysol (Cresol with Soap Solution) lP (Cresol 50 o/o + Soap 50 o/o) L007 249 5 Ltrs Can Magnesium Sulphate lnj. lP 500m9/ml (50%w/v) 1008 201 2 ml Amp 25 Ampoules 1009 NRD.434 ,ilagnesium sulphate, Sulphacetamide, Urea 75 gm Sintment Vlannitol lnj lP 20% w/v 1010 2574 100 ml FFS / BFS Bottle Mannitol with Glycerin lnjection 10 o/o + 10 o/o w/v (For lntravenous 1011 632 100 ml FFS / BFS Bottle lnfusion) 10t2 624 4ecobalamin lnj 500 mcg/ml 1 ml. Ampoule 1013 NRD-420 4edium Chain Triglyceride oit 10 14 605 Vledroxyprogeslerone acetale Tablets lP 10 mg 10X10 Tablets 10 15 496 Vefenamic Acid Tablets BP 500 mg 10X10 Tablets 10 16 NRD-505 Vlefenamice Acid 1 00mg/5ml Syrup 701,7 NRD-506 4efenemic Acid 50 mg + Paracetamol 250 mg /60 ml Syrup 1018 518 Vlefloquine Tablets lP 250 mg 10X6 Tablet Blister 10 19 NRD.673 Vlegestrol Acetate 160 mg Tab. 1020 NRD.674 /elatonin 3 mg Tab. 1021 NRD.5O7 Melatonin 60 ml Syrup 7022 NRD-675 Melphalan 2mg Tab. 102 3 151 Melphalan Tab lP 5 mg RC NOT EXISTS 1 NRD-285 Mephentermine 50mg/ml .024 lnj 1.025 152 Mercaptopurine Tab lP 50 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 1026 NRD.444 Mercunium Chloride Paint t027 NRD-286 Meropenem 29m lnj. t028 119 Meropenem lnj lP 500 mg RC NOT EXISTS t029 481 Meropenem lnj. lP1gm RC NOT EXISTS 1030 717 Meropenem lnjection lP 250 mg RC NOT EXISTS USP l Mesalamine Tablet .2 gm Enteric Coated (Each Enteric Coated 103 1 766 Prolonged Release Tablet Conatin Mesalamine USP 1.2 gm) 10X10 Tablets 1032 NRD.472 Mesalazine Suppository 1033 NRD.287 Mesna 200 mg/2ml (Sod. Mercaptoethane Sutphate) nJ. Metformin HCL (Sustained Release) and Glimepiride Tab Metformin HCL 1034 454 10X10 Tab Blister (Sustained Release) 500mq ,Glimepiride 1mq Metformin Hydrochloride (Sustained Release) and Glimepiride Tablets lp 1035 455 (Metformin Hydrochloride(Sustained Release) 500 mg, Glimipiride 2mg) 10X10 Tab Blister 1036 451 Metformin Hydrochloride(Sustained Release Tablets lP 1000 mg 10X10 Tab Blister t037 295 Metformin Tab lP 500 mg(Film Coated) 10X10 Tab Blister 1038 NRD-678 4ethimazole 10mg Tab. OJ i.1,*,:ri ;l.f.Aq :iil ; , , , .: ,);gygg i.rl s.no. Druo N Rate/unit csf final rate codl Drug ame Packing Unit without GST rate wath GST 1039 NRD-677 Methimazole 5 mg Tab 1040 NRD.289 Methotrexate 1000 mg lnj 1041 NRD-680 Methotrexate 15mg Tab 7042 NRD-288 Methotrexate 250 mg nj. 1043 NRD-679 Methotrexate 7.5MG Tab. 7044 153 N4ethotrexate lnj lP 50 mg/2 ml RC NOT EXISTS 1045 154 N/ethotrexate Tab lP 2.5 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 7046 s36 N4ethotrexate Tablets lP 10 mg 10x10 Tab Strip Methyl Cobalmine Tablet 1500mcg 7047 653 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister Methyl Cobalmine Tablet 500mcg 1048 652 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister 1049 44 Methyl Prednisolone Sodium Succinate for lnjection USP 500 mg Vial 1050 202 Methyldopa Tab lP 250m9 Film Coated RC NOT EXISTS 105 1 NRD.29O Methylene Blue lnj. Methylergometrine lnj lP 0.2 mg/ml 1ml 1052 335 Amp(AmberColo025 Amp 1053 336 Methylergometrine Tab lP 0.125 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 1054 NRD-681 Methylphenidate 10 mg Tab 1055 NRD-291 Methylprednisolon Acetate 40mg lnj. 1056 NRD-292 Nlethylprednisolon Acetate 1 25mg Inj. 1057 NRD-682 Methylprednisolone 4mg Tab, 10s8 NRD-683 Methylprednisolone 1 6mg Tab. 1059 NRD.684 Mlethylprednisolone Bmg Tab. 1060 478 Vetoclopramide Hydrochloride Syrup lP 5 mg/ 5ml 30 ml Bottle Metoclopramide lnj lP 10mg/2ml 2 ml Amp(Amber 106L 270 :olour)(25 Amooules) IO62 271 Metoclopramide Tab lP10 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 1063 NRD.676 Metolazone Smg Tab. 1064 NRD-141 Metoprolol 5ml vial lnj 1065 553 Metoprolol Succinate Extended Release Tablets lp 50 mg 10X10 Tablets 1066 552 Metoprolol Tablets lP 25 mg 10X10 Tablets to67 NRD.293 Metotrexalel 5mg (Preservative Free) lnj Metronidazole 1% and Chlorhexidine Gluconade 0.25% Gel 1068 584 10 gm tube in unit carton Ivletronidazole Benzoate Oral Suspension lP 100 mg of base/srnl 60 ml bottle(amber 1069 121 colour) with measuring cap Metronidazole lnj lP 500 mg/100m1 1070 120 100 ml FFS / BFS Bottle 1071 122 Metronidazole Tablets lP 200 mg (Fitm Coated) 10X10 Tab Blister 1072 123 Metronidazole Tablets lP 400 mg (Film Coated) RC NOT EXISTS 1073 NRD-685 Meverberine 135 mg + Chlordiazepoxide 10 mg Tab. 1074 220 Miconazole Nitrate Cream lP 2% 15gm Tube in a unil Carton 1075 NRD-430 Midazolam 0.5m9/5ml Nasal Spray 7076 NRD.294 l/idazolam Smg/ml 1 ml lnt. 1077 3t3 Vidazolam lnj lP 1 mg/ml 5 ml Vial 1078 NRD-527 Vlidodrine 5mg Tab. LO79 NRD-686 Vlidostaurin 25 mg (Monopoly) Tab. 1080 NRD-691 Vlifepristone 25mg Tab. 1081 615 Mifepristone Tab lP 200m9 Single Tablet 1082 NRD.450 Milk Low Birth Formula Powder 1083 NRD-295 Milrinone 10 MG lnj. 1084 NRD-29 Minocycline 100m9. cap 1085 NRD-415 Minoxidil 10 % Lotion 1086 NRD.413 Minoxidil 2% Lotion Drug 6.no. Drug [{ame Packrnsunrr code #ir:ji3j, :;: llfl:.J; 1,087 NRD.414 Minoxidil 5% -olion 1088 NRD.688 Mirabegeron 50 mg l-ab. 1089 NRD-687 N/irabegeron 25 mg l-ab. 1090 NRD-690 Virtazapine 1Smg Iab. 109 1 NRD.689 Vlirtazapine 7.5m9 Tab. 7092 337 Visoprostol Tab lP 200 mcg 10X10 Tablets 1093 NRD-296 Vitomycin 2 mg lnj. 1094 NRD-297 Vitomycin 40 mg lnj. 1095 537 Vlitomycine lnjection lP 10 mg/Mitomycine for lnjection USP 10 mg RC NOT EXISTS 1096 NRD.298 4itoxanthrone Infusion 10 mg nl. 7097 NRD.299 4itoxanthrone lnfusion 20mg nJ. 1098 NRD.56 Vometasone 0.1 % Cream 1099 NRD-57 Vometasone 2% ream Montelucast(10m9) + Levocetrizine Tablet (5mg) 10x10 Tablet 1 100 660 Blister/Strip/Alu-Alu Pack 1 101 NRD.5OB M o nte lu ca st+ Lev ocetrizine Syrup 1102 NRD-694 4ontelukast 10 mg Tab. 1 103 NRD.692 Montelukast 4 mg Tab. 1 104 NRD-693 Montelukast 5 mg Tab. Morphine 1OMG 1105 NRD.695 Tab. 1 106 NRD.696 Morphine 30MG Tab. r707 25 Morphine Sulphate lnj lP 10mg/ml 1 ml 10 ampoules 1 108 NRD.126 Moxifloxacin 0 5% Eye Ointment 1 109 NRD.697 Moxifloxacin 400 Mg Tab. 1110 NRD.1 07 Moxifloxacin 0. 5%+Ketorolac Tromethamine 0.5% Eye Drop Ltl7 NRD.1O8 Moxifloxacin and Dexamethasone Eye Drop t712 NRD.109 Moxifloxacin and Prednisolone iye Drop 1113 NRD-3OO Moxifloxacin intra cameral 0.5% nJ t1,74 NRD.93 Moxifloxacin+ Difluoprednate iye Drop 1 115 NRD-301 Moxifloxin 400m9/1 00ml n.l 1116 NRD.698 Nloxonidine 0.2 mg Iab. tl1.7 NRD-699 N/oxonidine 0,3 mg Iab. 1118 s16 4ucus Extractor Sterile(Details in RC) Unit 1119 790 Vlulti vitamin Syrup RC NOT EXISTS Vultiple Electrolytes and Dexlrose lnjection Type I lP (Electrolyte P 1,t20 381 500 ml FFS/BFS Bottle niection ) Vultiple Electrolytes and Dextrose lnjection Type lll lP Electroylte M 1721 382 500 ml FFS/BFS Bottle njection ( LV. ) t722 801 4ultistix Test Strip RC NOT EXISTS NRD-302 Multivitamin 10 ml tt23 lnj. Multivitamin Drops Each ml contains Vit A 3000 lU, Vit D3 300 lU, Vit 81 1mg, Riboflavine Phosphate Sodium 2mg, D-Panthenol 2.5mg, 1124 393 15 ml Bottle Niacinamide 10m9, Pyridoxine HCL 1mg, Cyanocobalamin 1mcg, Lysine HCL 1Omg Multivitamin Tablets NFI Formula Sugar coated Vit A 2500 lU Vit B1-2mg 1,125 394 Vit-86-0.5m9 Vit-C-50m9 Calcium Pantothenate-1mg Vit-D3-2001U Vit-82- 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister 2 mg Niacinamide-25m9 Folic Acid-O.2 mg 1126 NRD-30 Mycophenolate Mofetil 500MG cap. Mycophenolate mofetil Capsule/Tablets lP 250 mg (Each Capsule/Tablets r727 738 m 10X10 Caps/Tab Conatin Mycophenolate ofetil lP 250 mg) Mycophenolate Sodium Tablet 360 mg (Each Enteric Coated tabtet 1,728 740 10X10 Tablets Conatin Mycophenolate Sodium 360 mg) n Butyl Alcohol lnjection 0.26m9/5m1, Citric Acid 2.5m9/5ml and Sod. 1t29 744 RC NOT EXISTS Chloride Solution 5 ml Size 1 130 NRD.3O3 Nabpaclitaxel (Paclitaxel Nano Particle)100 mg ni. 1131 NRD-455 N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 200m9/ml Respule 71,32 NRD-7OO N-Acetylecystine effervescent form, orange flavour, 600 mg Tab. o) q +]FI{ rr4 Druo s .no, Drug Name Packinsunit codl ffi trilH; [,}TJI[L 1133 5l Naloxone lnj lP 0.4m9/ ml 1 ml 10 ampoules 7r34 NRD.7O1 Naltrexone 50 mg Tab. 1135 NRD-304 Nandrolone Decanoate1 00mg lni 1136 NRD-305 Nandrolone Decanoate 50 mg lnj 7737 657 Naproxen Tablet lP 250m9 10X10 Tab Blister 1138 656 Naproxen Tablet lP 500m9 10X10 Tab Blister Nasal Oxygen Set, Twin Bore All Sizes Adult (Details in RC) 1 139 S17.a Each Piece 1140 s17.b Nasal Orygen Set, Twin Bore All Sizes Paediatrics (Details in RC) Each Piece Nasal Pronge Neonatal (Flexible Medical Grade, 2 Meter Long, 1,1,47 s1 26 Each Piece Res (Detail ilultichannel Kink istance Tube in RC) NRD Natalizumab 300 mg (Monopoly) 1,742 -306 nj. 1,1,43 NRD-94 Natamycin Opthalmic Suspension 5% ye Drop Natural Micronised Progesteron Soft gelatin Capsule 200 mg (Each Soft Selatin Capsule contains Progesteron lP 200 mg)/Natural Micronised 10x10 Tablet/Capsule 1744 772 Progesteron Tablet 200 mg (Each Tablet contains Progesteron lP 200 mg) Blister/Strip 1L45 NRD-703 Nebivolol 10mg Tab. 1146 NRD-702 Nebivolol 5mg Tab. 1747 s1 34 Nebulization Mask Adult (Detail in RC) ach Piece 7 s1 35 Nebulization Mask Paediatric (Detail in RC) t48 ach Piece 7L49 s1 03 Nelaton Catheter size 14 FG(Detail in RC) Each Piece Neomycin Bacitracin and Sulphacetamide Powder (Neomycin 5 mg, 10 gm plastic bottle with 1150 223 Bacitracin 250 units, Sulphacetamide 60 mg) Nozzle to Sprinkle Powder Neomycin sulphate and Bacitracin Zinc ointment USP 5 mg + 500 lU/gm 1151 NRD.431 Cintment 7752 NRD-58 Jeomycin Sulphate Cream Cream 1153 NRD-438 Neomycin, Polmyxin and Bacitracin zinc ophthalmic 15 gm lP Cintment Neomycin, Polymixin B and Hydrocortisone Ear Drops Neomycin sulphate 3400 lU, Polymixin B Sulphate 10000 lU, and Hydrocortisone 10 mg per 5 ml Vial/Bottle with a 7L54 588 nl Neomycin and Polymixin B Sulfate and Hydrocortisone Otic Solution Seperate dropper USP 1155 314 tleostigmine lnj lP 0.5 mg/ml 1 ml 10 ampoules Neostigmine lnjection lP 2.5m9/5ml 1156 638 5 ml Amp(10 Ampoules) 1757 316 tleosligmine Tab lP 15 mg RC NOT EXISTS 1158 NRD-307 Neostigmine+ Glycopyrrolate 2.5 mg/ 0.5 mg lnj 1159 NRD-! 10 Nepafenac 0.1% Eye Drop NRD Netilmycin 300m9/3ml 1160 .3O8 lnj 7767 NRD-31 Netupitant + Palonosetron 300 mg + 9.5 69 cap. 1.162 NRD.3O9 Nicardipin 1Omg lnj 1163 NRD-310 Nicorandil 48 mg lnj 7164 NRD-704 Nicorandil 5mg Tab. N l 1165 NRD-705 icoumalone Mg Tab. 1166 NRD.706 Nicoumalone 3 Mg Tab. 7167 NRD-707 Nicoumalone 4 Mg Tab. 1158 NRD-13,I Nifedipine + Lidocaine P/R Gel 1169 203 Nifedipine Cap lP 5mg 10x10 Cap Strip 7170 204 {ifedipine Tablets lP 10 mg (Sustained Release) 10X10 Tab Blister 7771 NRD-7OB Nifidipine 20MG Tab. 1172 NRD-709 Nifidipine 20MG SR Tab. 7173 NRD-711 NilotiniL 200 mg (Monopoly) Tab. NRD Nilotinib 150 mg (Monopoly) 1774 .71O Tab. NRD ilotinib 300m9 (Monopoly) t775 -712 Tab 7776 NRD-311 imodipine lnfusion 10mg/50 ml nJ 1177 NRD-312 imotuzumab 50 mg n.l 7778 NRD-533 intedanib 150MG Tab./Cap qEr.q {i-T{ ,1..,. . Drl]ff(ilqlr{ ii, -..=ra!ra s.no. Drug final iate Drug ilame Packrns unrt Code #i:Jl[j, ff: wlth GST 7179 NRD-713 Nitazoxanide 500m9 Tab. 1 180 NRD-715 Nitrazepam 10 mg Tab. 1 181 NRD-7,I4 Nitrazepam 5mg Tab. t182 NRD.sO9 Nitrofurantoin oral suspension 25mg/sml in 100 Syrup 1 183 413 Nitrofurantoin Tab lP 100m9 10X10 Tab Blister Nitroglycerin lnj 5 mg/ ml 7L84 205 5 ml Amp(10 Ampoules) NIV Mask (Noninvasive Ventilation Mask) Oro nasal covering (Nose & 1 185 s1 31 Mouth) mask Adult Large Size for B|PAP with vent (Detail in RC) ach Piece NIV Mask (Noninvasive Ventilation Mask) Oro nasal covering (Nose & 1 186 s1 29 Mouth) mask Adult Large Size for Ventilator without vent (Detail in RC) ach Piece NIV Mask (Noninvasive Ventilation Mask) Oro nasal covering (Nose & 1187 sl 32 Mouth) mask Adult Medium Size for BIPAP with vent (Detail in RC) Each Piece NIV Mask (Noninvasive Ventilation Mask) Oro nasal covering (Nose & 1188 s 130 Mouth) mask Adult Medium Size for Ventilator without vent (Detail in RC) Each Piece NIV Mask (Noninvasive Ventilation Mask) Oro nasal mask Paediatric with 1 189 s1 33 Bronchoscopy and CO2 and 02 port with chin support (Detail in RC) Each Piece NRD.314 ivolumab 100 mg (Monopoly) 1 190 lnj NRD ivolumab 40 mg (Monopoly) 1,t91, .313 lnj on absorbable surgical suture sterilized needled Polybutylate/Silicon 3oated with Polyster Braided(Green/Blue)Size 210 112 Cicle Tapet 1.192 R55 :ut,17mm Double armed Needle,Suture Length of 90cm with pledgets lx6 Foils Size6X3Xl.Smm on absorbable surgical suture sterilized needled Polybutylate/Silicon Soated with Polyster Braided (Green/blue)Size 2-0 1 12 Ci cle T aper 1 193 R56 1x6 Foils lut,25mm Double armed Needle, Suture Length of 90cm with pledgets Size6X3Xl .Smm ON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED Itg4 R22 3LACK BRAIDED Silk Size 2/0(3/8Cir Reverse Cutting Needle 45mm, 1x12 Foils 76 cm) -ength ON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1 195 R20 3LACK BRAIDED Silk Size 310(112 Cn RB Needle 20mm, Length 76 cm) 1x12 Foils ON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1196 R21 3LACK BRAIDED SILK Size 3/0(3/8Cir Reverse Cutting Needle 26mm, 1x12 Foils 76 cm) -ength ON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 3oated Polyster Braided, GreenMhite or BlueMhite Coated Polyster 1197 R57 1xl 2 Foils 3raided (Green / Blue) with Size 3/0 1/2 Circle Tapercut Double Needle 25mm,Suture Length 90 cm NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1 198 R45 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 1 (112 Cir RB Heavy 1xl 2 Foils 40mm, length 90 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1 199 R46 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 1 (112 Cir Reverse 1x12 Foils Cutting,45 mm Needle length 100 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE. STERILISED NEEDLED 1200 R34 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 1(112 Cir RB Heavy 1x12 Foils Needle 45mm Length 90 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 7201 R33 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 110(l12 Cir RB Needle 1x12 Foils 30mm Length 90 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 7202 R38 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 2/0 (1/2 Cir RB Needle 1x12 Foils 30mm, Length 90 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 2/0 (112Cicle Tapercut t203 R50 1x12 Foils Needle 17mm Suture Length of 90cm) Double Arm ef$ *S*xor<q n . Druo final rate s,no. Drug Name Packinsunit coal #ir:J,li, tr: with GST NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 7204 R40 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 210(112 Cir Tapercut 1x12 Foils needle,2S mm Length 90 cm) Double Arm NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1205 R37 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 3/0 (1/2 Cir RB Needle 1x12 Foils 25mm, Length 90 cm) Double Arm NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1206 R51 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 3/0 (1/2 Cir RB Needle 1x12 Foils 25mm, Suture Length of 75cm) Double Arm NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 7207 R44 [/ONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 3/0(3/8 Cir Cutting 1x12 Foils Needle 25mm length 45 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED VIONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 4/0 (1/2 Cir Tapercut 1208 R36 1x1 2 Foils )ouble Needle 17mm Length 70 cm)(Detail in RC) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1209 R48 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYTENE BLUE Size 4/0 (1/2 Circle Tapercut 1x1 2 Foils 13mm Double Needle 70cm) ON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1270 R29 VONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 5/0(l12 Cir RB 13 mm 1x12 Foils eedle,Length 75cm) Double Arm NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLEO 1211 R35 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 5/0(1/2 Cir RB Doubte 1x12 Foils Needle 17mm Length 90 cmXDetail in RC) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1212 R32 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 5/0(3i8Cir RB 16 mm 1x12 Foils Needle, Length 70 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1.273 R42 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 6/0(3/8 Cir RB 13mm 1x12 Foils Needle, Length 90 cm Double Arm NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED POLYAMIDE MONOFILAMENT BLACK (NYLON) Size 10/0 (3/8 Cutting t274 R75 1x12 Foils spatulated Edge Needle, Double arm Needle 6 mm, Suture length 30-42 cm NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED t215 R23 POLYAMIDE MONOFILAMENT BLACK (NYLON) Size 8/0 (3/B Cir 1x12 Foils Micropoint Round Body ,6mm Length 38 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1216 R2B POLYAMIDE MONOFILAMENT BLACK (NYLON)Size 1/0 (3/8 Cir R 1xl 2 Foils Cutting Needle 45mm Length 70 cm.) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1217 R27 POLYAMIDE MONOFILAMENT BLACK (NYLON)Size 2/0 (3/8 Cir R 1x12 Foils Cutting Needle 45mm Length 70 cm.) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 1218 R24 POLYAMIDE MONOFILAMENT BLACK (NYLON)Size 3/0 (3/8 1x12 Foils Conventional Cutting Needle 16mm Length 70 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 7279 R25 POLYAMIDE MONOFILAMENT BLACK (NYLON)Size 410 (318 1x1 2 Foils Conventional Cutting Needle 19mm Length 60 cm.) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED 7220 R53 Polybutylate / Silicon Coated Polyster Braided White Size 210 (1D Cn lx1 2 Foils Tapercut ,17 mm Double Needle, length 90 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE. STERILISED NEEDLED Polybutylate/Silicon Coated Polyster Braided green/ blue Size 410(12 Cn 1227 R52 RC NOT EXISTS Tapercut ,17 mm Double Needle, length 75 cm) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE, STERILISED NEEDLED Polybutylate/Silicon Coated Polyster Braided Green/Blue Size 210(112 Cn 1222 R54 g0 1x1 2 Foils Tapercut ,17 mm Double Needle, length cm)(Detail in RC) NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE,STERILISED NEEDLED 1223 R30 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE (3/BCir RB 16 mm 1x1 2 Foils needle,Length 90 cm)Size 6/0 NON ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE,STERILISED NEEDLED 1224 R39 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 3/0 (1/2 Cir Tapercut 1x1 2 Foils Needle 17mm Length 75 cm) Double Arm 6w 1 1n41n it.1{ Orug $.no, Drug Name Packing Rate/unlt GST finat rate Gode Unlt wlthout GST rate with cST NON ABSORBABLE SURGICALffi I225 R43 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 4tO(1t2 Cir RB needte 1x12 Foils 16 mm Length 70 cm) NO N ABSOR BAB LE SU RG ICAL SUTU R E,SrrNI IISED I.I EEDIEDt226 R49 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 5/0 (1/2 Circte CC l3mm Needle, Suture Length DOUB 1x12 Foils of 70cm) LE ARM NUN AUSURBAtsLE SURGICAL SUTURE,STERILISED NEEDLED MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 6/0(3/8 Cir 1,227 R41 Convenlional Cutting PC-3Needle x12 Foils 15mm Length 6ocm) NUN AtsUUKBAtsLh SURGICAL SUTURE,STERILISED NEEDLED 1228 R31 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 7/0 (3/8Cir RB Doubte x12 Foils 8mm Needle, Length 60 cm) NUN ABSOREABLE SURGICAL SUTURE,STERILISED NEEDLED t229 R47 MONOFILAMENT POLYPROPYLENE BLUE Size 8/0 (3/8 Cir RB , 8mm x12 Foils Double Needle, Sutur! Length of 70Cm) NUN ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURE,STERILISED NEEDLED 1,230 R26 POLYAMIDE MONOFTLAMENT BLACK (NyLON)Size 5/0(3/8 Cir stim x12 Foils blade Cutting Needlg 15mm Length 70 cm) 123t 554 Noradrenaline tnjEction lp 2 mffi zml viall Ampoule 7232 296 Norethisterone Tab lP 5 rng 0x10 Tab Strip 1233 124 Norfloxacin Tab lP 400mg Fitm Coated 0X10 Tab Blister 7234 bJJ Normal Human lntravenous immunogtobuhn 59/1O0rnl 00 ml Vial t235 NRD-316 Normal Saline 1000 ml Glass Bottle nJ. 7236 NRD-315 Normal Saline 500 ml Glass Bottle nJ. r237 NRD-317 Cctreotide 10Onrg nJ 7238 608 Cctreotide lnjection 50 mcg/mi ml, Ampoule r239 NRD.31B lctreotide-LAR (long Acting Release) 20 mg nJ 1240 NRD.319 Octreotide-LAR n-GsEeteaGtS6;E ltong nj Ofloxacin and Ornida t24I 520 mg 0X10 Tab Blister 7242 521 Ofloxacin tnfusion tp 200m9 / 1ba;(in Met trD 100 Ml Bottle Ofl oxacin Oral Suspensio 1,243 711 ml Size RC NOT EXISTS 1244 428 Ofloxacin Oral Suspension te SOrng/ srnl 30 ml. Bottle 1245 125 Ofloxacin Tab lP 200 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 7246 NRD.43 Ointmenl (Modifled Lanolin) Cream 1,247 219 Ointment containing Lidocaine lp 3 o/o Zinc oxide lp 5 ol,o , 1Sgm Tube in a unit Hydrocortisone lP 0 .25 olo, Allantoin lp 0.5 o/o Carton 248 762 Citment Mupirocin lP 2% 5 gm Tube 1.249 360 Tab lP 5 mg )Olanzapine 10x10 Tab Strip 1250 NRD.7,I7 Olaparib tSO mg lUonopotg Tab. 1,257 NRD-7,I6 Olaparib 50 mg (Monopoty) Tab. l-- L252 NRD.95 Olaptadine & Ketorolac Eye Drop 1,253 NRD-718 Jtmesartan medoxomil 20 MG Tab. 1254 761 otopatadine Hydrochloride opntnatm@ Size 5ml bottle 1255 NRD.111 Oloptadine opthalmic solution 0.1% ye Drop 1256 NRD.321 Omalizumab 150 mg vial INJ. 7257 NRD.442 Cmega 3Fatty Acid SOML 1258 272 Omeprazole Cap lP 20 mg RC NOT EXISTS Ondansetron lnj lP 2mglml I259 273 2 ml Amp 10 Ampoules 1260 NRD.73 ondansetffi Drop t26t NRD.51O Ondansetron oral suspension Syrup 1262 Cnda nsetron Oratty oisinteg raiing TEbteiffi76! 10x10 Tab Strip 7263 NRD.719 Crciprenaline 10 Mg Tab. 1264 NRD.322 Srnidazole 500m9 lnj. 126s 274 JRS Powder IP I RC NOT EXISTS otJ. r{Fd{ q-.],r ,* e,l5flrfl , , DrUg Rate/unit GST final rate s.no. Drug Name Packang Unat Code without GST rate with GST Oseltamivir Capsule lP 30 mg (Each Capsule Contains Oseltamivir Strip/Blister of 10 1266 64,! Phosphate equivalent to Oseltamivir 30 mg) Caosule Cseltamivir Capsule lP 45 mg Capsule(each Capsule Conlains Strip/Blister of 10 1267 640 Cseltamivir Phosphate equivalent to Oseltamivir 45 mq) 3apsule Cseltamivir Capsule lP 75 mg Capsule(each Capsule Contains Strip/Blister of 10 1268 639 Sseltamivir Phosphate equivalent to Oseltamivir 75 mq) 3aosule 3seltamivir Phosphate for Oral Suspension lP 12 mglml (Each ml 75 ml Bottle with 1269 642 :ontains 12 mg Oseltamivir base after reconstitution) Vleasuring Cap Cseltamivir Phosphate for Oral Suspension lP 12 mg/ml (Each ml 7270 6424 RC NOT EXISTS :ontains 12 mg Oseltamivir base after reconstitution) 1277 NRD.72O Jstmerttntb u0 mg (Monopoly) Iab. 7272 538 Sxaliplatin lnjection USP 50 mg 25 ml vial 1273 NRD-723 3xazepam 1Smg Tab. 1274 NRD-721 3xcarbazepine 300MG Iab. L275 NRD-722 3xcarbazepine 450MG Tab. Oxcarbazepine Tablet lP 150 mg (Each Film Coated Tablet contains L276 703 10X10 Tablets Oxcarbazepine lP 150 mg) NRD.s,I ,I Orybutynin oral suspension5 ml t277 Syrup 7?78 s 100 Orygen Mask (Adult) Jnit 1279 Orygen Mask (Pediatric) s1 01 Unit Oxytocin lnj lP 5 lU/ml 1 ml Ampoule (Single 1280 338 Unit in Blister Pack) 1281 156 Paclitaxel lnj lP 100 mg 16.7 ml vial 7282 155 Paclitaxel ln.i lP 260 mg 43.4 ml Vial 7283 NRD.323 Palonosetron 0.25mg lnJ 1284 NRD-724 Pancreatin Gastroresistant 10,000MG(with proteiase & amylase) Tab. 7285 NRD-725 Pantoprazole 20MG Tab. Pantoprazole 40mg and Domperidone 30mg SR Cap lP Pantoprazole as 1286 596 enteric coated pellets and Domperidone as SR Pellets 10x10 Cap Strip raper Adhesive Plaster 1 inch X 9.0 mts (with cuttefl Non woven adhesive 1.287 s18 Jnit ,ape raper Adhesive Plaster 2 inch X 9.0 mts (with cutter) Non Woven 1288 sl9 Jnit Adhesive Tape raper Adhesive Plaster 3 inch X 9.0 mts (with cutter) Non woven adhesive 1289 s20 Jnit :ape Paracetamol 170 mg Each Suppsitory contain paracetamol 170 Mg 7290 NRD-474 Suppsitory Paracetamol Drops Paediatric Paracetamol Oral Suspension lP(Each ml 7291 26 15 ml Bottle contains Paracetamol 1 50mg) aracetamol infusion 1000 mg with both Temper evident caps spray 10% 7292 NRD.325 nJ Paracetamol infusion 500 mg with both Temper evident caps spray 10% 1293 NRD-324 lnj 1294 696 Paracetamol infusion lP 1% wlv 100m1 Size 100 Ml Bottle Paracetamol lnj. 150 mg/ml 1295 29 2 ml Amp 50 Ampoules Paracetamol Syrup lP 125 mg/Sml (Detail in RC) 60 ML Bottle (With 1296 27 Measurinq Cap) L297 28 Paracetamol Tab lP 500 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 1298 NRD.726 Paracetomol 650 mg Tab 7299 NRD-727 Paroxetine 12.5mg Tab 1300 NRD.72B Paroxetine 25mg Tab 1301 NRD-729 Pazopanib 200m9 Tab 1302 NRD-730 Pazopanib 400m9 Tab 1303 NRD-326 Peg Asparaginase 3750 lU 5 ml nj. 1304 NRD-327 PEG filgrastim injection 6mg lnj 1305 NRD-328 Pembrolizumab 50 mg (Monopoly) lnj 1306 NRD-329 Pembrolizumabl00 mg (Monopoly) lnj 7307 NRD-330 Pemetrexed 100m9 lnj 1308 NRD.331 Pemetrexed 500 mg lnj sulil THq o.--.-, i:r[d({Hq Drug s.no. Drug Name packlno Un Rate/unit GST flnal ?at6 Gode lt wathout GsT rate wlth GsT 1309 NRD-731 Penicillin V 400N,4G Tab. Pentazocine ln.l lP 3Omg/ml (lM/lV use) 13 10 30 1ml Amp 25 Ampoules rentoprazole 131 1 275 lnj 40 mg Vial rentoxifylline 1372 NRD.732 Extended Release/SR a00rng Tab. 13 13 NRD-733 Perampanel 2 mg Tab. 7374 NRD.734 Perampanel 4mg Tab. Perfusion Set 1315 s12 Use llnfuston@ Unit )Sterile Disposable(Details in RC) 13 16 s11 Perfusion Set with nirway@ D Unit isposable(Details in RC) Peritonial Dialysis Sotution lp 1377 401 1000 ml FFS/BFS Pack 13 18 NRD.59 Permethrin 1% rinse Cream 13 19 569 Permethrin Cream 5% 30gm tube in a unit carton 1320 568 Permethrin Lotion 5% 30 ml 1,32L NRD-332 Pertuzumab 100 mg nJ 1322 786 Phenazopyridine Tablet 5 mg RC NOT EXISTS 1323 NRD-735 Pheniramine 25 MG l-ab. Pheniramine ln.i lP 22.75m9 /ml t324 45 2 ml Amp 25 Ampoutes 7325 NRD.512 Phenobarbitone 20mg/5mt in 100mI Syrup L326 420 Phenobarbitone lnj lP 200mg/ml l ml AmpouleA/ial 1.327 56 Phenobarbitone Tab tP 30 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 1328 NRD-736 Phenozopyridine 200M9 Tab. 7329 NRD-333 Phenylephrine Hydrochloride 10 mg/rnl lnJ 1330 614 Phenylephrine Hydrochloride opth@ Drops BP 5% RC NOT EXISTS Phenytoin lnjection BP 50mg/ml 133 1 57 2 ml Amp(Amber colour)(25 Ampoules) 7332 58 Phenyloin Orat suspEnsion tF6ffi 100 ml glass bottle with measurino cap 133 3 59 Phenytoin Tab lP 100 mg (Film Coated) 1 0x10 Tab Strip 1334 NRD.112 Pilocarpine Eye Drop 1335 NRD.334 Pilocarpine 0.5% Wv nj. 13 36 297 Pioglitazone Tab lP 15 mg 10X10 Tab Blister 1337 468 oiperacrllin + Tazobactum for lnjection lP 49nr+soomg Vial )iperacillin 13 38 NRD.335 1 gm + Tazobactum 125 mg lnj. 1339 707 PiperacillintnJe@ RC NOT EXISTS 1340 NRD.336 Piracetam 200m9 lnj. 134 1 NRD-514 Piracetam SOOmgfSrnt in tOOrnt Syrup 1342 NRD.737 Pirfenidone 200 mg Tab. 1 343 NRD.738 Pirfenidone 400 mg Tab. 1344 NRD-739 Piroxicam DT 20mg Tab. 1345 NRD-337 Placental Extract 2ml lnj. 1346 s22 Plaster of Paris Bandage 1Ocm X 2.7mis Unit 1347 s21 Plasterof ParisBffi Unit 1348 NRD.338 Plerixafor 24 mg lnj. 1349 NRD.416 Podophyliin Toxin Lotion Polyethyene gti 1350 NRD.466 Ch Sachet loride 135 1 NRD-469 Polyethyenegtycot w@ solution 7352 405 Polygeline 3.5% Solution with electrolytes for lVLnfusion RC NOT EXISTS 1353 716 Polymixin Sutprrate a tryeEtion u5ffiiE Vial 1354 NRD.96 Polymyxin B 100001U/gm + Neomycin 3400ltrgm Eye Drop 1355 NRD-339 Polymyxin B for lnjection t mittion lnj. Or s.ar:. ciAq r ,, >.E--:;t{fffIl * c Do rua o I Rate/unit GsT fanal rate s.no. Drug Name Packang Unit urithout GST rate with GST )olypropylene Nonabsorbable Synthetic Surgical Mesh 15 cm X 15 cm 1356 s74 Piece )olypropylene s73 Nonabsorbable Synthetic Surgical Mesh 7.6cm X 1Scm OR riece 7357 /.scm X 1 scm 1358 NRD-740 romalidomide 2 mg ab 13s9 NRD-741 Pomalidomide 4 mg fab. 1360 NRD.742 Posacozazole 100m9 fab. 1361 NRD-743 Posacozazole 40mg/ml Svp t362 NRD.34O Potassium Chloride for lnjection lnj Potassium Chloride lnj. 0.15 gm/ml 1363 383 10 ml Amp 10 Ampoules Potassium chloride Oral Solution U.S.P 500m9/ Sml 200m1 Bottle(Amber 1364 384 Solor) 1365 NRD.515 )otassium Magnesium citrate Syrup 1355 NRD-128 Povidone iodine 3argle NRD-449 rovidone iodine ressary t367 )ovidone lodine ointment 5% 15 gm 15gm Tube in a unit 1368 221 Carton 1369 571 )ovidone lodine Ointment USP 250 gm 250 gm Pack rovidone lodine Scrub Solution / cleansing solution 7.5 o/o w/v Povidone 1370 250 500 ml Bottle odine (suitable for hand wash) )ovidone o/o 7371 572 lodine Solution lP 10 100 Ml Bottle 7372 222 rovidone lodine solution lP 5 % 500 ml 500 ml Bottle rovidone 7373 450 lodine solution lP 5% 100m1 bottle 100 Ml Bottle rowder 7374 759 Clotrimazole 1o/o w/w 30 gm 30 gm bottle 1375 52 )ralidoxime Chloride lnjection lP 25 mg/ml / 500 mg i/ial rrasugrel 1376 NRD-744 1OMG TAB Iab. rrazosin 1377 NRD.745 5MG Iab. 7378 555 rrazosin Tablets (Extended Release) 2.5 mg RC NOT EXISTS rrednisolone NRD.746 lP 40mg 1379 Tab. f,rednisolone 1380 NRD.513 lP 50mg Tab. rrednisolone 1381 NRD-74 Acetate Opthalmic Suspension 10 ml ye Drop rrednisolone 1382 NRD-113 Sodium Phosphate 1% Eye/Ear Drop rrednisolone Tab lP 20 mg 1383 470 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister f,rednisolone Tab lP 5 mg 1384 47 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister 3rednisolone Tablet lP 10 mg 1385 469 1 0Xl 0 Tab Strip/Blister 1386 634 rregabalin Cap lP 75 mg 10 X 10 Capsule 3ressure Monitoring Line / High Pressure Extension Line (Details in RC) Each Piece in Blister 1387 s91 Pack )rimaquine Tab lP 2.5 mg 1388 128 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister Primaquine Tab lP 7.5 mg 1389 129 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister )rimidone 1390 NRD-748 250 mg Tab. )rimidone 1391 NRD-747 50 mg Tab. Probiotic Sachets 1 gm Size (Each Gram Sachet contains Saccharomyces L392 765 Boulardii 250m9 & Lactic acid Bacillus 150 million spores) 1 gm each sachet procaine 1393 NRD-341 Penicillin fortified 2 lack nj Procarbazine Hydrochloride Capsule USP 50 mg (Each Capsule contains 7394 725 RC NOT EXISTS Procarbazine Hydrochloride USP 50 mg) rrochlorperazine 1395 NRD-749 5mg Tab rrochlorperazine 1396 764 mesylate lnjection 12.5mg/ml 5ml Size RC NOT EXISTS )rogesterone lnj 200 mg/ 2ml 1397 298 2 ml Amp 10 Ampoules Drogesterone 1398 NRD-155 lnjection 50 nl 1399 NRD-750 Progesterone only Pills Tab. iIfl:l {Rrq s Druo Rate/unit GSf final rnte no Drug Name Facklng Unlt corl*e wlthout GST rate with GST Promethazine lni lP 25mg/ml 2 ml Amp (Amber 1400 49 Colo0(10 Ampoules) Promethazine Syrup lP 5 mg/Sml 60 ML Bottle (With 1407 48 Measurinq Cap) I402 50 Promethazine Tab lP 25 mg 10x10 Tab Strip 1403 NRD.,I ,14 Proparacaine 0.5% Wv Eye Drop L404 14 Propofol lnj lP 10 mg/ml 20 ml vial / ampoule 1405 NRD-751 Propranolol 1Omg Tab. 1406 NRD.752 Propranolol 40 mg SR Tab. Propranolol Tab lP 40 mg r407 207 I 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister 1408 NRD-753 Propylthiouracil 100 mg Tab. 1409 NRD-15,I Prostaglandin 500MCG/ml lnj. 1,41,0 NRD-342 Protamine Sulphate 5ML 08 NRD-753 Propylthiouracil 100 mg Tab. 1409 NRD-15,I Prostaglandin 500MCG/ml lnj. 1,41,0 NRD-342 Protamine Sulphate 5ML nj. Pyridostigmine Tablet lP 60 mg (Each Tablet contains pyridoSigrnrne lp 74t1 792 10X10 Tablets 60mg) 1472 NRD.754 Pyridoxine 100 mg Tab, t473 626 Pyridoxrne Tablet lP 10 mg RC NOT EXISTS Dyridoxine 74t4 627 Tablet lP 40mg 10x10 Tab Strip 1415 675 Quetiapine Tablet lP 25mg 10X10 Tab Blister t416 674 Quetiapine Tablet lP 50mg 10X10 Tab Blister Quinine Dihydrochloride lnj lP 300 mg/ml 1477 131 2 ml Amp 25 Ampoules t4t8 132 Quinine Sulphate Tablets lP 300 mg (Film Coated) 10X10 Tab Blister t4t9 NRD.490 Rabbit-ATG (Anti Thymocyte clobulin) 250 mg lnj. L420 NRD-343 Rabbit-ATG (Anti Thymocyte Globulin)100 mg ln.l 1427 NRD.6 Rabeprazole +Levosulpiride 3ap. Rabies Antiserum lP (Equine) 300 units per ml contains equine anti+abies 1422 408 5 ml Vial immunoglobulin fragments (1.M./SC use) Rabies Vaccine Human (Cell Culture) lP 2.5 lU 1 l llntradermal) ml Vial with .0 ml t423 306 Diluent Rabies Vaccine Human (Cell Culture) lP (lntramuscula4 2^S rul Oose Single dose vial with 1424 307 diluent and syringe with needle 1425 NRD-5 Racecadotril 100m9 cap. r426 NRD.467 Racecadotril Sachet 30 mg Sachet 1.427 NRD.32 Ramipril lP 5 mg cap. 1428 636 Ramipril Tablets lP 2,5 mg 10X10 Tablets 1429 NRD-344 Ramucirumab 1 00 mg(Monopoly) lnj 1430 NRD.345 Ramucirumab 500 mg (Monopoly) lnj 7431 lt6 Ranitidine HCL lnjection lP 50mg/2ml RC NOT EXISTS 1432 NRD.516 anitidine oral suspension Syrup 1433 277 anitidine Tab lP 150m9 Film Coated RC NOT EXISTS 1434 433 anitidine Tab lP 300m9 Film Coated RC NOT EXISTS 1435 NRD.346 anizumab 10mg/ml lnj 7436 NRD-755 anolazine 500MG ab 1437 NRD-756 asagilinel MG ab 1438 NRD.347 asburicase 1.5 mg nj 7439 690 Recombinant Coagulation Factor Vlla 1mg Vial 1440 691 Recombinant Coagulation Factor Vlla 2mg Vial r447 748 Recombinant F lX 500 lU with diluent Vial With Diluent t442 NRD.34B Recombinant FSH 150 lU Inj. t443 NRD-349 Recombinant FSH 3001U lnj. 444 NRD-350 Recombinant HCG 250 lU nj. 445 NRD.451 Recombinant Human Growth Hormone 4lU vial With Syringe nj. 446 NRD.351 Recombinant LH 75lU nj. NRD Regorafenib 40 mg ab. 447 .757 CJ :..4 +.v:l !;:i1.rt -., ,.a .- ?*mmrdq Rate/unit GST final rate ,!j|! Drug Name Packtng unlt witho;t Gsr rate with GsT ... 7727 s94 Umbilical cord clamp (Details in RC) Each Piece Urethral Catheter 90 (FG-14) made up of medical grade PVC (Detail in L728 s1 07 Each Piece RC) Urethral Catheter 91 (FG-10), made up of medical grade PVC (Detail in 1729 s1 08 Each Piece RC) Urine Collecting Bag for new born /Paediatric Urine Collection Bag, 1730 s92 Each Piece capacity 100m1 (Details in RC) 1731- s40 Urine Collecting Bag, Disposable 2000 ml(Details in RC) RC NOT EXISTS 7732 EE1 Urokinase lnjection 5 Lac Unit (Lyophilized) RC NOT EXISTS Ursodeorycholic Acid Tablets lP 300 mg 7733 597 10X10 Tab Strip/Blister 1734 NRD-523 Ursodeoxycholic oral suspension 125m9/5ml in 100m1 Syrup s Vaccum Suction Set, 2.5 meter Length (Detail in RC) 7735 109 Each Piece 7736 318 Valethamate Bromide lnj 8mg / ml RC NOT EXISTS 7737 722 Valganciclovir Tablet 450 mg RC NOT EXISTS 1738 524 Vancomycin For lntravenous lnfusion lP 1 gm Vial 1739 523 Vancomycin for lntravenous lnfusion lP 500 mg Vial 1740 NRD-397 Varicella immunoglobulin for lV use lnj Vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 16 Double Lumen Size 45 cm 174t s1 15 RC NOT EXISTS (Longline lV) (Detail in RC) Vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 16, Double Lumen Size 30 cm 7742 s111 RC NOT EXISTS (Longline lV) (Detail in RC) Vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 18 Double Lumen Size 30 cm 7743 s112 Each Piece (Longline lV) (Detail in RC) Vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 18 Double Lumen Size 45 cm 7744 s116 RC NOT EXISTS (Longline lV) (Detail in RC) Vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 20 Double Lumen Size 30 cm 1745 st 13 Each Piece (Detail llonqline lV) in RC) Vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 20 Double Lumen Size 45 cm 1746 s117 RC NOT EXISTS (Lonqline lV) (Detail in RC) Vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 22 Double Lumen Size 30 cm L747 s114 Each Piece (Lonsline lV) (Detail in RC) Vascular Catheter with metal Guide No. 22 Double Lumen Size 45 cm 7748 s1 18 RC NOT EXISTS (Longline (Detail lV) in RC) NRD-398 Vasopressin 3ml 7749 lnj. 1750 242 VDRL Antigen (with + vg and - ve control) / RPR Slide Kit 1O0-Test Kits 415 Vecuronium Bromide for lnjection 4mg (Freeze Dried) t757 RC NOT EXISTS Verapamil 2.5 mg/ml L752 NRD.399 lnj. 1753 NRD-811 Verapamil Hydrochloride Sustained Release 120 Tab. 1754 NRD.81O Verapamil Hydrochloride Sustained Release 40 Tab. 1755 211 Verapamil Tab lP 40 mg Film Coated 10x10 Tab Strip 1756 NRD-812 Vildagliptin 50mg Tab 1757 158 Vinblastine lnj lP 10mg/ 1Oml Vial 1758 159 Vincristine lnj lP 1mg(vial)A/incristin lnjection USP 1mg/ml (Amp) Vial/Ampoules 1759 NRD.4OO Vinorelbine 1Omg nJ 7760 NRD-401 Vinorelbine 50mg nJ 1767 NRD.B3 r/itamin - E S0mg/ml, 400 lU frop yitamin 1762 NRD-38 A 25000 lU lap. ritamin A Paediatric Oral Solution lP(Vitamin A Concentrate Oil lP)Each 100 ml bottle and spoon 7763 409 nl Contains Vitamln A 100000 lU with marking 1 ml/2ml in unit carton 7764 395 ritamin B Complex lnj NFI 10 ml vial yitamin B complex tablet NFI (prophylactic) B1 2mg B2-2mg 86- 0.5m9 1765 397 iacinamide 2Smg Calcium pantothenate 1mg (With appropriate 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister rveraqes) 1766 NRD.402 yitamin D (600000 lU) nl. 7767 NRD-84 /itamin D3 4001U/ml Drop 1768 NRD.85 Vitamin D3 B00lU/ml Drop Vitamin D3 Oral Solution 60000 lU 5ml Glass Bottle in unit 7769 676 carton N :..( -. i - e- , --:11 Druo flnal rate sno Drug Name Packrns unrt coal *Ti.Tjl[j, :11 WItt GsT Vitamin E Capsule 400 mg t770 795 1 0X10 Cap Strip/Blister K lml Vitamin lnjection Each ml Contains Menadione Sodium Bisulphite 1Omg t77t 180 Equivalenl to 5.2 mg of Menadione. (Aqueous Solution) Amp(AmberColor)25 Amp Vitamin K-1 (Phytomenadione) lP 1mg/O.5m1 injection (Detail in RC) Each pack along with 1772 644 syringe in a unit carton 1773 NRD.813 Voglibose 0,2 mg Tab Tab. r774 NRD-814 Voglibose 0.3 mg Tab Tab. 1,775 NRD.1 19 Voriconazole Eye Drop 1776 NRD-BO9 vonconazole 200 mg Tab. 720 Voriconazole lnjection 200mgA/ial 7777 /ial 7778 NRD.815 Warfarin 1MG Tab. 1,779 NRD-816 Warfarin 2MG Tab. 1780 NRD.B17 Warfarin 3MG Tab. 1781 546 Warfarin Sodium. Tab lP Smg 10X10 Tablets 1782 404 Water for lnj lP RC NOT EXISTS 7783 NRD.4O5 Xylocaine Lubricating 30gm Jelly Xylometazoline Nasal Drops lP 0.1% 5ml vial/bottle(with a 1784 620 seperate dropper) in a unit carton 1,785 NRD-B1B Zinc 50MG Tab. 7786 NRD-524 Zinc oral suspension 20 mg/100 Ml Syrup NRD Zinc Oxide +Alo Vera +Semethicone 1787 -441 3intment Zinc Sulphate Dispersible Tablets lP Elemental Zinc 10 mg 1788 472 1 0X1 0 Tab Strip/Blister L789 743 Zoledronic acid lnjection lP 4mg vial rial Zolpidem lOmg t790 NRD.B19 Tab. t797 779 Zolpidem Tablet 5 mg 10X10 Tablets 1792 NRD.821 Zonisamide 100 mg Tab. 1793 NRD-820 Zonisamide 50mg Tab. NON EDL Balance Salt Solution glass bottle 500m1 (sterile opthelmic irrigatiing sol.) 500m1 glass bottle Sodium Chloride-0.49%, Pottasium Chloride - 0.075o/o, Calcium Chloride7794 0.048% , Magnisium Chloride -0.03% , Sodium Acetate- 0.39% ,Sodium Citrate-0.17% r795 lnj. Sodium Chloride 0.9% 500m1 glass bottle Micronised S gelatin l00mg 1,796 Progesteron oft Capsule rap. L797 Sterilium 2propanolol 45gm , 1 propanolol 30mg/100m9 Korsolex Rapid Gluteraldehyde 15.2m9 1.6 Dihyroxy 2,5 - Dioxahaxane (lnstrumental , Lt98 19.79m disinfactant Concentration) 1799 Taurine 500m9 + N-Acetylcysteine 150m9 Tablets Tab. 1800 Adhesive tap cotton 6inch 1Ocm x Smts 1801 Autoclave indicator tap (sigma lock) l8mm x 55 mts 1802 Bandages scm x 4mts 2 scm x 4mts 1803 Bandages lOcm x 4mts 4 1ocm x 4 mts 1804 Bandages 1scm x 4mts 6 lscm x 4mts 1805 Crescent 2.6 mm (Sharpedge) 2.6 mm 1806 Dispo Needle 26.5 26.5 G/ 0.45 x 13mm Ecoshield/Bacillocid (hydrogen peroxide 1 1% with Silver Nitrate 0.01%) 500m1 1807 1808 Surgical Pad Gauze 120cm gmts 1809 than X 120cm x 9mts 1810 Keratom 2,8 mm (Sharpedge) 2.8 mm 181 1 Cpthalmic Micro-Surgical Blade(MVR Knife 20 G) 22G L8L2 0otton Roll 5009m D Rate/unit GsT final rate 3 rug Name Packing Unit ;:: .d without GST rate with cST 1813 Cotton Buds 1814 Makintosh Rubber Sheet 1815 Bleeching Powder 1816 Haemocoagulase Topical Sol. 10ml 1877 Charcoal Powder 1818 Suture Needle (size 1 1-1 5) 18 19 Face Shield 1820 N-95 Mask rilhout valve 182 1 Hand Rub sanitizer 500m1) 7822 Glass lonomer Cement (GlC) 1823 Personal Protection Equipment (Ppe Kit)

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