
Auction Sale Of Total Qty=26 Nos, Description= 1. C Arm Image Intensifier System 1 No, 2. Digital Video Colposcope 1 No, 3. O T Light ( Berchtold ) 1 No, 4. Surgident O T Table 1 No, 5. Surgident O T Table 1 No, 6. Phaco Emulsification Unit 1 No, 7. Aut, Bilaspur-Chhattisgarh

South East Central Railway has published Auction Sale Of Total Qty=26 Nos, Description= 1. C Arm Image Intensifier System 1 No, 2. Digital Video Colposcope 1 No, 3. O T Light ( Berchtold ) 1 No, 4. Surgident O T Table 1 No, 5. Surgident O T Table 1 No, 6. Phaco Emulsification Unit 1 No, 7. Aut. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-06-2022. Scrap Tenders in Bilaspur Chhattisgarh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Auction Sale Of Total Qty=26 Nos, Description= 1. C Arm Image Intensifier System 1 No, 2. Digital Video Colposcope 1 No, 3. O T Light ( Berchtold ) 1 No, 4. Surgident O T Table 1 No, 5. Surgident O T Table 1 No, 6. Phaco Emulsification Unit 1 No, 7. Aut
Open Tender

Tender Details

Auction Sale Of Total Qty=26 Nos, Description= 1. C Arm Image Intensifier System 1 No, 2. Digital Video Colposcope 1 No, 3. O T Light ( Berchtold ) 1 No, 4. Surgident O T Table 1 No, 5. Surgident O T Table 1 No, 6. Phaco Emulsification Unit 1 No, 7. Auto Perimeter 1 No, 8. A C Mortuary 1 No, 9. Tmt Machine 1 No, 10. Portable Ventilator 1 No, 11. A. Blood Gas Analyser 1 No, 12. Drager Ventilator 1 No, 13. Transcutaneous Jaundice Decture 1 No, 14. Led Phototherapy Machine 1 No, 15. 200 Ma C Mars 15R / Fc 1 No, 16. 50 Ma X Ray Machine Rachet Type 1 No, 17. Dental X Ray Machine 1 No, 18. Fully Automated Biochemistry Analyser 1 No, 19. Semi Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer 1 No, 20. Binocular Microscope 1 No, 21. Semi Automatic Bio Chemistry Analyser 1 No, 22. Esr Analyser 1 No, 23. Cell Counter M- Series 1 No, 24.Autometic 3 Part Hematology Analyzer 1 No., 25 Electrolite Analyzer 1 No., 26. Single Channel Mispa Coagulometer Analyzer 1 No. ( Remarks- Material To Be Sold On As Is Where Is Basis And Material Will Be Delivered In Nos ) .

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