
Rate Contract For Amc Of Civil Works-1. Dismantling Work Cu Mtr 2. Sand Filling Cu Mtr 3. Brick Work Cu Mtr 4. Plaster Of Wall Sq Mtr 5. R.C.C Work Cu Mtr 6. P.C.C Work Cu Mtr 7. Brick Soiling Flat Soiling & Edge Soiling Sq Mtr 8. Floor Tiling S, koderma-Jharkhand

Sainik School has published Rate Contract For Amc Of Civil Works-1. Dismantling Work Cu Mtr 2. Sand Filling Cu Mtr 3. Brick Work Cu Mtr 4. Plaster Of Wall Sq Mtr 5. R.C.C Work Cu Mtr 6. P.C.C Work Cu Mtr 7. Brick Soiling Flat Soiling & Edge Soiling Sq Mtr 8. Floor Tiling S. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-06-2022. Coats and Jackets Tenders in koderma Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Rate Contract For Amc Of Civil Works-1. Dismantling Work Cu Mtr 2. Sand Filling Cu Mtr 3. Brick Work Cu Mtr 4. Plaster Of Wall Sq Mtr 5. R.C.C Work Cu Mtr 6. P.C.C Work Cu Mtr 7. Brick Soiling Flat Soiling & Edge Soiling Sq Mtr 8. Floor Tiling S
Open Tender

Tender Details

Rate Contract For Amc Of Civil Works-1. Dismantling Work Cu Mtr 2. Sand Filling Cu Mtr 3. Brick Work Cu Mtr 4. Plaster Of Wall Sq Mtr 5. R.C.C Work Cu Mtr 6. P.C.C Work Cu Mtr 7. Brick Soiling Flat Soiling & Edge Soiling Sq Mtr 8. Floor Tiling Sq Mtr 9. Wall Tiling Sq Mtr 10. Ms Door Sq Mtr 11. Grill Work Sq Mtr 12. Replacement Of Old Asbestos Sheet With Fitting Nos 13. Sanitary Work Wc, I / Commode, ½”, 1”Pvc Pipe, Tap Nos 14. Laying Of Pvc Pipe ( 4” / 6” / 8” ) Nos 15. Water Storage Tank ( 500L / 1000L / 2000L ) Nos 16. Earth Work Cu Mtr 17. Fabrication Work Sq Mtr 18. Chequer Tiles Sq Mtr 19. Painting Work ( Metal & Wood ) Sq Mtr 20. Wall Painting ( Weather Coat / Distemper / Snowcem / Wal L Primer ) 21. Poly Carbon Sheet Sq Mtr 22. Ms Pipe ( Construction Work ) 1” / 2” / 3” / 4” Pipe Per Mtr 23. Fiber Glass 3Mm & 4Mm Sq Mtr 24. Plumbering Work L / S 25. Wood Work Sq.Mtr 26. Water Supply Works L / S 27. Sewerage & Drainage Work Cu Mtr 28. False Ceiling Work Sq Mtr 29. Turfelting Work Sq Mtr 30. Punning Sq Mtr 31. Pvc Door Sq Mtr 32. Fiber Sheet Sq Mtr 33. Galvanium Sheet ( Colour ) Sq Mtr 34. Kota Stone Work Sq Mtr 35. Western Commode Fittings Set 36. Indian Commode Fittings Set 37. Barbed Wire Work ( Supply & Fittings ) R / Mtr 38. Concertina Work ( Supply & Fittings ) R / Mtr 39. Inauguration Stone With Etching Sq Ft 40. Miscellaneous

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 1000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 25 Lakhs /-
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