
Sale Of Condemn Scraps Sale Of Condemn Scraps , Condemnedmaster Cylinder And Slave Cylinder Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Brake Shoe Scraps As Its Condition ( Approx.4Kg / No ) , Condemnedturbo Charger Scraps As Its Condition - ( Approx. 1.400, trichy-Tamil Nadu

State Express Transport Corporation Limited has published Sale Of Condemn Scraps Sale Of Condemn Scraps , Condemnedmaster Cylinder And Slave Cylinder Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Brake Shoe Scraps As Its Condition ( Approx.4Kg / No ) , Condemnedturbo Charger Scraps As Its Condition - ( Approx. 1.400. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-06-2022. Scrap Tenders in trichy Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Sale Of Condemn Scraps Sale Of Condemn Scraps , Condemnedmaster Cylinder And Slave Cylinder Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Brake Shoe Scraps As Its Condition ( Approx.4Kg / No ) , Condemnedturbo Charger Scraps As Its Condition - ( Approx. 1.400
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Sale Of Condemn Scraps Sale Of Condemn Scraps , Condemnedmaster Cylinder And Slave Cylinder Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Brake Shoe Scraps As Its Condition ( Approx.4Kg / No ) , Condemnedturbo Charger Scraps As Its Condition - ( Approx. 1.400 Kg Aluminium , 8Kg Iron / No ) , Condemned Auto Aluminium Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedtypewritterscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Wheel Disc And Rings Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Under Chassisiron Spares Scraps ( Air Tank, Air Filter Doom, Silencer Doom, Silencer Pipe, Radiator Bracket, Radiator Top Tank, All U / C Brackets, Track Rods, Suspension Linkages, Gear Joint, Steering Universal & Other Suspension Spares ) As Its Condition , Condemned Cover Assembly, Flywheel, Pressure Plate, Back Plate Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Clutch Discscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Power Steering Pipe And Air Line Pipescraps As Its Condition , Condemned Brake Drumscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Auto Ironscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedauto Scraps As Its Condition ( Air Filter, Diesel Filter, Strainer, Engine Oil Filter, Rubber Bed And Oil Seals, Air Bellow, Engine Bed, Brake Lining , Rubber Hoses ) - Approx 7000Kg , Condemnedaluminiumradiator Core, Intercoolerscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Waste Paperscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Steering Box Assembly Scraps As Its Condition ( Approx. 38Kgs / No ) , Condemned Steering Box Spares Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Connecting Rodscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Power Steering Pumpscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Front Brake Chamberscraps As Its Condition , Condemned Rearbrake Chamberscraps As Its Condition ( Approx. 8Kg / No ) , Condemnedslack Adjuster Body Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedslack Adjuster Spares Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedaluminium Piston Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedair Compressor Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedinline Fi Pump Scraps As Its Condition ( Approx.13Kg ) / No. ) , Condemned Self Motor Assemblyscraps As Its Condition ( ( Approx. Copper 2 Kg, Alu 1.5 Kg, Iron 8Kg ) / No. ) , Condemned Alternatorscraps As Its Condition ( ( Approx. Copper 1 Kg, Alu 2 Kg, Iron 3Kg ) / No. ) , Condemnedstainless Steel Water Tank Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Plastic And Fiber Scraps As Its Condition ( Aprrox.1.000 Tons ) , Condemned Engine Linerscraps As Its Condition , Condemnedcomputer Spares ( Cpu 6 No, Key Board 18 No, Tonner 73 No, Ups 1 No , Printer 3 Nos ) Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedpetbottle Grindingscrapsas Its Condition , Condemned 370 Model Engine Assembly With Selfmotor And Alternatorscraps As Its Condition ( Approx 620Kg / No ) , Condemned Bsiiiengineassembly Withoutselfmotor And Alternatorscraps As Its Condition ( Approx. 417 Kg / No ) , Condemned Bsiii Aengineassembly Without Selfmotor And Alternatorscraps As Its Condition ( Approx. 520 Kg / No ) , Condemnedzfgear Box Assemblyscraps As Its Condition- ( Approx. 140Kgs. / No ) , Condemnedgb 13 Model Gear Box Assemblyscraps As Its Condition- ( Approx. 140 Kgs. / No ) , Condemned Crownassembly Scraps As Its Condition ( Approx 127Kg / No ) , Condemned Plywood And Fire Woodscrapsas Its Condition ( Approx. 3000Kgs ) , Condemned Teak Wood Pieces Scrapsas Its Condition ( Approx. 1500 Kgs ) , Condemned Seat Frame Assembly Scraps 17 Nos Asits Condition , Condemned Empty Tin Container Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Ms Cutting Scrapsas Its Condition , Condemned Gi Cutting Scrapsas Its Condition , Condemned Door Scraps ( Passenger Door- 10Nos, Driver Door - 6Nos, Side Dickey Door-5Nos, Partition Door -12 Nos ) As Its Condition , Condemned Front Bumper Small Piecesand Battery Frames Scrapsas Its Condition , Newengine Oil Filter - 401 Leyland Engine Scraps As Its Condition , New Self Motor Pinion Bush Scraps As Its Condition , Newself Motor Front Bush Scraps As Its Condition , New Auto Electrical Spares , New Auto Engine Spares, Gear Box Spares , New Rubber, Plastic Spares , New Bolt, Screw, Alu Cups And Rivits , Condemned10x20 Originaltyresas Its Condition , Condemned B Grade Tubeless Tyresas Its Condition , Condemned10x20 B Grade Radial Rt Tyresas Its Condition , Condemned10x20 C Gradert Tyresas Its Condition , Condemnedtube With Brass Mouth Scrapsas Its Condition , Condemnedflap Scrapsas Its Condition , Condemnedcuring Bagscrapsas Its Condition , Condemnedcuring Envelopescrapsas Its Condition , Condemnednew Tread Rubber Cut Piecesscrapsas Its Condition , Condemned Tube Cut Pieces Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Flap Cut Pieces Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedpolythene Paperscrapsas Its Condition , Condemned Emptybvc Barrel30ltrcapacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemnedcardboard Boxscrapsas Its Condition , Condemnedbuffing Dustscrapsas Its Condition , Condemned 12V 21 Plate Light Weight Battery Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned 12V 25 Plate Light Weight Battery Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Old Used Engine Oil With Barrel 210 Ltr Capacity Scraps As Its Condition , Condemned Old Used Greasewith Barrel 182 Kgcapacity Scraps As Its Condition

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INR 300.0 /-
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