Supply Of Valve ( Ci And Gun Metal And Forged Steel Valve Etc ) - 1 Calson/Sant/Kartar/Leader/Agro Make C.I. Sluice Valves Non-Ringing Spindle having Gun Metal Seat and Nut, Spindle of SS-410 Steel, Conforming to IS:14846 2 a) Size1.1/2” nb 3 b) Size2” nb 4 c) Size 2.1/2”nb 5 d) Size 3”nb 6 e) Size 4” nb 7 f) Size 5” nb 8 g) Size 6” nb 9 h)Size 8” nb 10 i) Size10” nb 11 j) Size12” nb 12 k)Size14” nb 13 l) Size16” nb 14 m)Size18” nb 15 Calson/Sant/Kartar/Leader/Agro C.I. Sluice Valve RisingSpindle having G.M. Seat of Body and Wedge and Nut, Spindle of SS-410 Steel, Conforming to IS:14846 16 a) Size 3” nb 17 b) Size 4” nb 18 c) Size5”nb 19 d) Size6”nb 20 e) Size8”nb 21 f) Size10”nb 22 g) Size 12”nb 23 h) Size 14”nb 24 i) Size 16” nb 25 j) Size18” nb 26 Calson/Sant/Kartar/Leader/Agro C.I. Non Return Valve having G.M. Seat of Body and Wedge and SS-410 Steel Spindle 27 a) Size 2 “ nb 28 b) Size 2.1/2” nb 29 c) Size3” nb 30 d) Size4” nb 31 e) Size 5” nb 32 f) Size 6” nb 33 g) Size8” nb 34 h) Size10” nb 35 i) Size 12” nb 36 Calson/Sant/Kartar/Leader/Agro Make C.I. Sluice Valve Non Rising Spindle Wedge and body seat of Gun Metal and Spindle of SS-410 Steel 37 a) Size 6“ nb 38 b) Size 8” nb 39 c) Size10” nb 40 d) Size12” nb 41 Calson/Sant/Kartar/Leader/Agro C.I. Angle Valve having G.M. Seat of Body and wedge, Spindle of SS-410 Steel conforming to IS:780/1984 42 a) Size2” nb 43 b) Size2.1/2” nb 44 c) Size3” nb 45 d) Size4” nb 46 e) Size6” nb 47 f) Size14” nb 48 Calson/Sant/Kartar/Leader/Agro C.I. Angle Valve having SS Seat of Body and Neoprene Rubber Seat of Wedge, Spindle of SS-410 Steel 49 a) Size3” nb 50 b) Size4” nb 51 c) Size5” nb 52 d) Size 6” nb 53 Stainless Steel Needle Valve Tested up to 1000 lbs/Sq. Inch pressure 54 a) Size 10 mm nb 55 b) Size 15 mm nb 56 Stainless Steel Needle Valve with Release System and tested to 1000 lbs/Sq. Inch PressureSize 15 mm nb 57 PRINCE Ball Valve Investment Casting Screwedends single piece design, SS Cf8 (SS304) Material , Body tested to 1500 PSIG Hyd. Seat Tested to 80 PSIG Air 58 a) Size 15 mm nb 59 b) Size 20 mm nb 60 c) Size 25 mm nb 61 ISI Marked Saunders Valve Glass Lined 62 a) Size1 “ nb 63 b) Size1.1/2” nb 64 c) Size 2” nb 65 d) Size 3” nb 66 e) Size 4” nb 67 f) Size 6 “ nb 68 High PressureCast Steel Valve Class 300 & 600Flanged Ends ASTMA216 Grade WCB, With Test Certificate : (BHE L/CRESCENT/L & T/LEADER Make) 69 a) Size3 / 4” nb 70 b) Size 1 “ nb 71 High Pressure Cast Steel Valve Class 300 & 600, Flanged Ends ASTM A216 Grade WCB with Test Certificate .(BHE L/CRESCENT/ L&T/LEADER Make) 72 a) Size3 /4” nb 73 b) Size1” nb 74 Cast Steel ASTM A216 Grade WCB Class 600, Sleeves Packed Water Level Gauge with Automatic Shut-Off, device in the water over (Rh Or Lh) Flange Ends Maximum Working Pressure 32 Kgs/ Per Sq. Cms., Temp 380 Degree C + /-10 Degree C. With Test Certificate .(BHE L/ CRESCENT/ L&T/LEADERMake ) BTP 207 Brag Seat tested pressure 152 Barg.Size 3 /4” 75 Butter Fly Valve replaceable Rubber Seated as RSS-304 disc hand operated/gear operated P.N. 1.6 suitable for maunting with flange at per table’E’ (i) Neoprene Rubber -120°C 76 a) Valve Size 2” nb 77 b) Valve Size 3” nb 78 c) Valve Size 4” nb 79 Butter Fly Valve replaceable Rubber Seated as RSS-304 disc hand operated/gear operated P.N. 1.6 suitable for maunting with flange at per table’E’(ii) EPDM Rubber -148°C 80 a) Valve Size 6” nb 81 b) Valve Size 8” nb 82 c) Valve Size 10” nb 83 IBR approved Cast Steel Glob Valve confiming to BS1873 1975, Class -800, Size -150mm,, Body Material CCS, End Detail – Flange as per ANSI’B’ 16.5- Class-300, Body Test Pressure-1102PSIG,Seat Test Press-815 PSIG. 84 IBR approved Cast Steel Gate Valve confiming to BS1873 1975, Class -800, Size -150mm,, Body Material CCS, End Detail – Flange as per ANSI’B’ 16.5- Class-300 Body Test Pressure-1102PSIG, Seat Test Press-815 PSIG. 85 IBR approved Cast Steel Glob Valve confiming to BS1873 1975, Class -800, Size -50mm,, Body Material CCS, End Detail – Flange as per ANSI’B’ 16.5- Class-300 Body Test Pressure-1102PSIG,Seat Test Press-815 PSIG. 86 IBR approved Cast Steel Glob Valve confiming to BS1873-1975, Class -800, Size -250mm,, Body Material CCS, End Detail – Flange as per ANSI’B’ 16.5- Class-300, Body Test Pressure-1102PSIG, Seat Test Press-815 PSIG. 87 IBR approved Cast SteelSize 4”, Class-600 Flenge PCD 200mm, Length 353mm, suitable for working pressure 32Kg/ Cm² and temp 340 ºC, & Tested Pressure as sper IBR Rules make BHEL/L & T/Leader/Crescent/Mozda Mke 88 Auto Valve (Air to Open) for Pipe Line 32Kg/Cm² to 6 Kg/ Cm², Type- Double Seated, Lift- 28mm,Size 100 x 200mm, Spring Range- 2-1.00 Kg/ Cm, Diaphram C Type, Class 300, Make Mazada/L&T/or any IBR approved ISI 89 Supply of Rotory Air Vave complete with its driving arrangement for Dust Collector cyclone of KCP Make 32 Kgs.Cm² & 32 Tons/Hour Capacity Boiler . Head of ID Fan- 280,Medium Flue Gas with Ash Particles Temp. 170 Degree C. to 190 Degree, Density of Medium : 0.776 Kgs/Cubic Mtr. Quantity to be handled : 33.35 Cubic Mtr/Sec.