
Bids Are Invited For Boq - As Per Mha Specs Total Quantity : 4--1. Tunnel Opening: 2. Power Requirements: 3. Imaging 4. Color Imaging: 5. Video Display: 6. Power Consumption: Image Processing: 7. Penetration: 8. Wire Resolution : 9. Cont, Panchkula-Haryana

Police Department has published Bids Are Invited For Boq - As Per Mha Specs Total Quantity : 4--1. Tunnel Opening: 2. Power Requirements: 3. Imaging 4. Color Imaging: 5. Video Display: 6. Power Consumption: Image Processing: 7. Penetration: 8. Wire Resolution : 9. Cont. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-06-2022. Bags Supply Tenders in Panchkula Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Boq - As Per Mha Specs Total Quantity : 4--1. Tunnel Opening: 2. Power Requirements: 3. Imaging 4. Color Imaging: 5. Video Display: 6. Power Consumption: Image Processing: 7. Penetration: 8. Wire Resolution : 9. Cont
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Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Boq - As Per Mha Specs Total Quantity : 4--1. Tunnel Opening: 2. Power Requirements: 3. Imaging 4. Color Imaging: 5. Video Display: 6. Power Consumption: Image Processing: 7. Penetration: 8. Wire Resolution : 9. Contrast Sensitivity: 10. Beam Divergence: 11. Display Resolution: 12. Material Discrimination: 13. Resolution and Penetration X-Ray Generator: 14. Voltage: 15. Tube Current: 16. Cooling: 17. Duty Cycle: 18. X-Ray Detector: Environmental Condition: 19. Storage Temperature: 20. Operating Temperature: 21. Humidity: Physical Specification: 22. Dimensions: 23. Conveyor Belt Height: 24. Conveyor Speed: 25.a Throughput Rate (Bags per hour) 25. Conveyor load: 26. Input / Output roller tables 27. The vendor shall supply rodent protection, anti-rodent. 28. Control desk should be inbuilt type 29. At a minimum: Software Feature: 30. All software features of machine should be online and password protected 31. Advanced Image Archive, up to 200,000 images 32. “789 alert” where 789 atomic numbers are in red color while remaining baggage is in black and white. 33. System should have PAN Option 34. Date and Time Display 35. Inverse/Negative black and white Imaging 36. Inverse/Negative color imagining based on atomic number 37. High Density Alert - Audio visual alarm and draw square around the object area where High density is found 38. Baggage Counter 39. Horizontal and Vertical Imaging 40. Print Image Function if printer is connected 41. Successful logging in and logging off to be displayed 42. Pseudo color and reverse Monochrome 43. 4 Level of access 44. 2X to 64X Zoom 45. User Defined manual and automatic Access to Image archive 46. Programmable Penetration and Contrast levels 47. Organic and Inorganic Imaging 48. Color and Black & White Imaging 49. Edge-enhancement Imaging 50. Machine should be capable of recalling all previous images when scanner in switched on 51. Organic & Inorganic material discrimination 52. The system should be user friendly 53. Threat Image Projection (TIP) should be available & programmable and Ability to automatically lock user if configurable “Miss” attempts exceeded 54. Variable brightness 55. Auto Centering of Images 56. High Low Penetration 57. Organic alarm - Draw square around the object area where potential threatening organic material is found 58. Display menu in Hindi for easy understanding, 59. One key shut down 60. All Image processing key should be available on display it should be functional. Health and Safety: 62. Film Safety : Guaranteed up to ISO 1600 (33 DIN) 63. Maximum leakage radiation less than 0.1 mR/hr(1μ Sv/hr) 64. The system should have three Emergency stops switches, X-Ray on Indicator, Supply on Indicator, Programmable audiovisual alarm 65. AERB certificates likes manufacturing license, type test approval certificate should be uploaded with tender 66. The systems should be food safe and AERB/BARC certificate enclosed with tender. 67. User Manual: - One sets of operator manual should be provided with the system. 68. Suitable lead impregnated rubber curtains at both ends of tunnels Certifications: 68a The manufacturer will submit the following approvals along with tender: (a) AERB Production license (b) AERB type test certificates for proposed model (c) As per QR/specification for X Ray Baggage Inspection System, approved by MHA with 6040 machine. (d) ISO 9001& ISO 14001 certificate for Design, Development, Manufacture and servicing of x ray machines required (e) CE, FCC, FDA certificate (f) Food safety certificate from BARC (g) Detailed technical data sheet/Brochure, complying our all specs must be uploaded. Others: 68b Staff training to be provided at site 69. One year comprehensive on-site warranty to be provided 70. Installation and commissioning at site 71. Provision of training to representative at Premises 72. XBIS Should be Indigenous make and factory should be in India. A. Additional requirement:- 1 XBIS Should be Indigenous make and factory should be in India. As proof of Production license from AERB should be submitted along with bid. 2 OEM should have supplied at least 10 Nos, 3D baggage scanner machine in Police & prison department with windows operating system in last 2 years, proof of supply should be submitted along with bid. 4 Baggage Scanning software including core atomic number classification and explosive and narcotics detection algorithms should be non-Chinese and preferably Made in India. OEM should provide declaration on letterhead. Falsification of data will lead to blacklisting of the firm. 5 OEM turnover must be more than 15Cr 6 OEM Should have more than 7 years Experience, PO Copy and 7 year old AERB production licence to be submitted as a proof. 7 AERB Type Test Certificate should be uploaded along with the bid.

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