Various Yard Works ( 2 Nos. ) / Kums - Sri Ganganagar ( Fandv ) Package-01 / 2022-23 / Sgnr / Development / provision of various facilities in mandi yard KUMS - Sri Ganganagar (F&V) 2 PART - A (Civil Work) 3 Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by mechanical means including disposal of material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge : 1: 3: 6 or richer mix. 4 Demolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge : in cement mortar 5 Removing mortar from bricks and cleaning bricks including stacking within a lead of 50 meters (stacks of cleaned bricks shall be measured) : From brick work in cement mortar. 6 Disposal of earth, sand, gravel, u/s kankar, lime, flyash, morrum, manure or sludge up to 5000 mtr. Beyond Ist 50 mtr. Lead (Including Loading and unloading) 7 Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 8 Demolishing mud phuska/ Lime dhar/ Kharanjain terracing and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 meters lead. 9 Dismantling old plaster or skirting, raking out joints and cleaning the surface for plaster including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 meter lead. 10 Repairs to plaster of thickness 12mm to 20mm in patches of area 2.5 sq. metres and under including cutting the patch in proper shape, raking out joints and preparing and plastering the surface of the walls complete including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 m lead : With cement mortar 1 :4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 11 Dismantling doors, windows and clearstory windows steel or wood shutter including chowkhats and holdfasts etc. complete and stacking within 50 meters lead : Of area 3 square meter and below. 12 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sum on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including taking out the excavated soil and depositing and refilling of jhiri with watering & ramming and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in a lead of 50 meter : All kinds of soils 13 Providing and laying in position cement concrete including curing, compaction etc. complete in specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level. 14 a) M10 grade Nominal Mix 1: 3: 6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stoneaggregate 20mm nominal size). 15 c) M20 grade Nominal Mix1: 1.5: 3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stoneaggregate 20mm nominal size). 16 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S.(Non Modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 infoundation and plinth with : Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 17 Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete forall RCC structural elements upto plinth level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers( if required) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. : M20 grade Nominal Mix /Design Mix 18 Centering and Shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways and removal of formwork for foundation , footings,strap beam, raft , bases of columns etc. 19 Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete for RCC structural elements upto floor five level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers( if required) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcementfor Beams, suspended floors, roofs, griders having slopes up to 15º, landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain windows sills, staircases and spiral staircases etc : M20 grade Nominal Mix / Design Mix 20 Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways with steel propsand removal of formwork for upto floor five level for : Suspended floors, roofs, landings, staircases, balconies, girders, cantilevers, bands, coping bed plates,anchorblocks,sills,chhajjas,lintel,beam, plinth beam etc. 21 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S.(Non Modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level upto floor five level in all shapes and sizes in : Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 22 Honeycombbrickworkhalfbrickthickwithcommon burnt clay F.P.S.(Non Modular) bricksofclassdesignation7.5uptofloor five level in : Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 23 Providing and fabricating reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding (including cost of binding wire) all complete up to floor five level : Cold twisted deformed bars (IS : 1786). 24 Providing and fixing steel gate, grating , and grills made of angles, tees, square bars, flats,or black pipe with holdfast and fittings complete as per design and drawing including cutting welding and fabrication with priming coat of red oxide 25 Plaster on new surface on wall in cement sand mortar 1:6 including racking of joints etc. complete fine finish : 26 a) 20mm thick 27 b) 12mm thick 28 6 mm thick cement plaster to ceiling of mix1:3 (1cement : 3-fine sand) 29 Grading roof for water proofing treatment withwater proffing compound : Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 30 Providing and fixing 20 mm thick precast terrazo tiles of approved make, with marble chips of size upto 6mm laid over roof with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tiles, including cutting ,grinding rubbing with machinecomplete on 20 mm thick bed of cement sand mortar 1 : 4. 31 Kota stone slab flooring 25 mm thick over 20 mm (average) thickbase laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing completewith base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) : For area of each slab from 901 to 2000 Sq.Cm. 32 Providing and fixing 1st quality standard white, grey, ivory, fume red brown, light green, light blue and other light shades glazed tiles confirming to IS : 13753 & IS :15622 of size 300mm x 450mm in walls, floors, steps, pillars etc. laid on a bed of neat cement slurry finished with flush pointing in the white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tile complete (excluding the cost of cement plaster on walls and pillar). 33 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture togive an even shade : Two or more coats on new work 34 Providing and applying white cement based puttyover plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete 35 Wall painting with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade including all scaffolding: Two or more coats on new work including prepartion of base with primer, putty, lippy etc complete in all respect. 36 Painting exterior surface ofWallwith 100% acrylic exterior paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade with two or more coats including prepartion of base with sand papering, primer, putty,etc complete in all respect : On new work 37 Providing&LayingPOPCorniceofrequireddesign&patterninceilingincludingnailing&scafolldingetc.completewithfinefinishing of size : 50mm x 50mm. 38 Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 10mm and down gauge) includingfinishing with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per standard design : 39 Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of 80 x 1.25mm. M.S. laths interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete including cost of spring hooks, providing and fixing necessary 27.5cm. long wire springs grade No. 2 and M.S. top cover 1.25mm thick for rolling shutters as per design. (Clear openable area to be measured for payment). 40 Providing and fixing M.S. sheet 1mm thicksingle leaf door shutter in angle iron frame 35x35x5mm suitabilly diagonally braced with 25x3mm flat iron above and below lock rail of size 50x5mm beading extra including all fittings, as per direction of Engg. incharge but excluding cost of chowkhats: including two coats of anit-corrosive red oxide primer paint 41 Providing & fixing fly proof wire gauze to windows, clerestorywindows & doors with M.S. Flat 15x3 mm and nuts & bolts complete : Galvanised M.S. Wire gauze with 0.63 mm dia wire and 1.4 mm aperture on both sides 42 Providing and fixing steel glazed doors windows and ventilator shutters of standard rolled steel section joints mitred and welded with steel lugs 13x3mm, 10cm. long embedded in cement concrete block 15x10x10cm. of 1:3:6 (1cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) or with wooden plugs and screws or rawl plugs and screws with fixing clips or with bolts and nuts as required including providing and fixing of plain glass panes 4mm thick with cooper glazing clips and special metal sash putty of approved make or metal beading with screws complete including priming coat of approval steel primer, excluding the cost of metal beading and other fitting except necessary hinges of pivots steel handles peg stay etc. as required : Partly fixed and partly openable (Fixed area not to exceed 33%) 43 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion.(i) Single socketed pipes : Type-B, 110 mm diameter. 44 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion : Single bend w/o door 87.5 Deg. : 110mm dia 45 Providing and fixing Granite stone slab mirror polished and machine edge cut in walls, pillars, steps, Shelves, Sills Counters, Floors etc. laid on 12mm (Av.) thick base of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) jointing with white cement mortar 1:2 (1white cement : 2 marble dust) with pigment to match the shade of the marble slab including grinding, rubbing and polishing complete : South (Red/Cholate Colour) : 1501 Cm2 to 3600 Cm2 Tiles. 46 P & F WVC Wash basin (Ist quality IS:2556 Mark) of approved make with C.I. brackets duly painted 1 No. 15 mm C.P. Pillar cock (IS:8934 Mark) & 32 mm C.P. brass waste coupling of approved make 32 mmwaste pipe complete including cutting & making good the wall : Size 550 mm x 400 mm dia for counter top 47 P & F lst quality WVC Urinal (IS:2556 mark) with 25mm dia G.I. waste pipe, dome waste couplings, concealed iron brackets or screws etc complete : WVC Flat Back half stall Urinal size 580x380x350 mm/ Angle back 450x375x350 type liped front. 48 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/8) kitchen sink & IS 13983 with C.I. brackets and stainless steel plug 40 mm including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever required : Stainless steel kitchen sink - without drain board 470x420mm bowl depth 178 mm 49 P & F G.I. Pipeswith G.I. fittings (IS:1239 Mark) & M.S. clamps including cutting and making good the walls and floors : (Internal work ) Medium Duty Pipes : Internal work : 50 a) Exposed on walli) 15 mm dia nominal bore 51 ii) 20 mm dia nominal bore 52 P & F Bib Cock (IS : 8931 Mark), Superior quality of approved make : C. P. Brass Long body, 15mm nominal bore weight not less than 690 gm 53 P & F Stop Cock(IS :8931 Mark),superior quality & ofapproved make: 54 a) C.P. Brass 15mm nominal bore. 55 b) CP brass concealed Stop Cock 15mm. 56 P & F Inlet Connection (Angle Valves) Superior quality, of approved make, for Wash basin, Gyser etc. : C.P. Inlet connection 15 mm Brass (IS:8931 marked). 57 P & F PVC Storage Tank (IS:12701 marked indicating the BIS license No.) of approved make with cover, 25 mm dia 1 M long G.I. over-flow pipe & 25 Cm. long wash out pipe with plug & socket, including placing on terrace( at all floors),making connection etc. complete of approved design. Details of cost for 500 litre 58 Construction of Open SurfaceDrain with 112mm thick brick masonry in CM 1:4,110mm thick base concrete 1:5:10, 37mm thick M-15 grade C.C. flooring ,12mm 1:4 cement plaster on all exposed faces of walls including top surface excavation & disposal of earth complete as per approved design/drawing : 150mm drain,225mm Av. depth. 59 Part - B Electric Work 60 Wiring of light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694)and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694)in recessed ISI markedMMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) vergin material PVC conduit & its all accessories( J.B. , Bends etc.) , round tiles,18 SWG Hot Dipped Galvanized Modular Box with earth terminal, 6 A Modular switch, Modular face plate with grid plate, 3 pin ceiling rose / lamp Holder/ 3 pin connector , screws etc, making connections,all as per pre approved by Engineer in charge, testing etc. complete as required.For specification of copperConductor,Phenolic Laminated sheets & Electrical/ Wiring accessoriesrefer Chapter E - 04, E - 05 & E - 07 . For additional technical parameters of products/ work, referAnnexure A attached with this BSR . 61 (a) Short point (up to 3 mtr.) 62 (b) Medium Point (up to 6 mtr.) 63 (c) Long Point (up to 10 mtr.) 64 Wiring of 3/5 pin 6 amp. Light plug point as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked 1.5 sq. mm nominal sizeFR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694)and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694)in recessed ISI markedMMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) vergin material PVC conduit & its all accessories( J.B. , Bends etc.) , round tiles, 18 SWG Hot Dipped Galvanized Modular Box with earth terminal, 6 A modularswitch, 3/ 5 pin 6 A modular socket, Modular face plate with grid plate, screws etc,all as per pre approved by Engineer in charge,making connections, testing etc. complete as required.For specification of copperConductor,Phenolic Laminated sheets & Electrical/ Wiring accessoriesrefer Chapter E - 04, E - 05 & E - 07.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . 65 (a) On Board 66 (b) Medium point (upto 6 mtr.) 67 Supplying and drawing FR PVC insulated & unsheathed flexible copper conductor as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked (IS:694) and as per IS 8130 : 2013 of 1.1 kV grade . Wire should be made from99.99% purity copper, class 5 stranding in acc. to IEC 60228 forlower watt loss , oxygen free ( <10 ppm) for less chances of oxidization and higher silver content for gives better conductivity , insulation PVC type A ,flame retardant as per IS 10810-53, better amperage rating as per VDE 0298 part 4,, in existingsurface or recessed PVC/ MS conduit/casing capping includingall as per pre approved by Engineer in charge,making connections, etc. as required. OEM Must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities for wires. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, referAnnexure A attached with this BSR . 68 (a) 2 x 2.5 sqmm + 1 x 1.5 Sqmm 69 (b) 2 x 4 sqmm + 1 x 2.5 Sqmm 70 Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of breaking capacity not less than 10 KA (B/ C tripping characteristic as per type of load andsite requirement) 4KV impulse withstand voltage,as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked IS 8828(1996) / conforming to IEC 60898-1 2002, IEC 60947-2, low watt losses, trip free mechanisum , energy limiting ofclass 3 as per IEC,minimum phase termination capacity of , conductorline load reversibility, label holding facility , IP 20 71 contact protection and fitted withexisting distribution board/sheets, min. operation 20,000 upto 32 A rating and 10,000 upto 63 A, 5000 for 80 A ratingincluding making connections, testing etc. as required.. OEM shall have submitNABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab test reportsbefore execution & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR.(a) Single pole MCB6 A to 32 A rating 72 Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V isolator as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked IS:13947-III/conforming to IEC 60947-3, suitable for AC22A utilization catagory, 4KV impulse withstand voltage,true contact indication,Red colour dolly / lever shall have single mould covering over all poles for operation , two position din rail mounting,minimum phase termination capacity of , label holding facility , IP 20 contact protection and fitted with existing distribution board / sheetincluding making connections, testing etc. as required. OEM shall have submitNABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab test reportsbefore execution & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : Double pole isolator : a) 63 A rating 73 Providing & Fixing of IK09 recessed/surface mounting heavy duty horizontal type sheet steel of 1.6 mm thickDistribution board as per PWD specificationfor electrical Works ISI marked conforming to IS-13032 & IS-8623 / conforming to IEC 61439-3. Phosphatised/ powder painted complete with suitable rating insulated copper bus bar, shorting link , neutral link, earth link , connecting wire of suitable rating and din bar,masking sheet, including making internal DBterminations with copper lugs and with detachable gland plate, including making connections, testing etc. as required.OEM shall have submitNABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab test reportsbefore execution & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : IP-43 Double door (Single phase) : (a) 6 Way (6 O/G + 2 I/C) 74 S&F following sizes (dia.) of ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) vergin material PVC conduit as per PWD specification for electrical Works along with its accessories (IS: 3419 ) as requiredinrecess includingcutting the wall, covering conduit and making good the same as required. All relative and latest acceptance tests reports by any NABL accredited lab for the conduit shall be submitted before execution & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, referAnnexure A attached with this BSR : MMS (IS : 9537 P-III) PVC Conduit : 25 mm. 75 Providing & Laying P.V.C. / XLPE insulated & P.V.C. sheathed Un-armoured / Armouredaluminiumcable of 1.1 KV grade as per PWD specification for electrical Worksin existing RCC / Hume / Stoneware / PVC pipe/ open duct/cable trench with filling of excavated earth in trench, on existing cable trays or on surface etc.including making necessary connection, testing etc. as required of size andas per points (a), (b), (c), mentioned below:- 76 (a) Material :- H4- Gradealuminium conductor of purity >99.6 %& as perIS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P - I 77 (b) conductor shall have electrolytic aluminium confirming to IS 8130, IS 3975-1999for armouring of cables in armoured cable items , IS 5831 for sheath, IS 10810 (Part 0 to 64 ) for testing procedures . 78 (c)OEM Must have ISO 9001 & 14001 certifications for quality assuarance & its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities forcables . Appropriate type test certificate / OEM test report shall be submitted .All above as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : i) Un-armoured : a) 10 sqmm 2.0 core 79 Providing & Fixing of IP20 SMD Mid Power LED batten type integrated light fixture made from polycarbonate /extruded aluminium powder coatedhousing with in built driver, Power Consumption of18W/20W ,system lumen efficacy = 120 lm/Watt output, internal surge protection of 2.5 KV with Short & Open circuit protection ,THD < 10% ,p.f.=0.95, CRI >80 , life time of minimum50000 Burning Hours with , 70% of intial Lumen maintaned till life ends, CCT 3000°K / 4000°K/ 5700°K /6000°K/6500°K (As per ANSI Bin) , maximum power consumption should not more than the specified rating and Fixture shall be ofBIS standard andtrade mark certificate ( T.C.). Manufactures Word Mark/ Name Engraved/ Embossing/ Screen printing on housing. 80 OEM must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities for LED fixtures. (LM79/LM80) certificate / Report from OEM shall be submitted. All as per pre approved by engineer in charge . foe additional technical parameters of product/ work, refer Annexure A attacheded with this BSR.a) 4 LED Tube shape fixture 18/20 W (Polycarbonate Base) 81 Supplying and fixing of power plug point with Modular accessories as per PWD specification for electrical Works, on hot dipped galvanized modular box of 18 SWG with earthing terminal/connector on surface or in recessed with suitable size of modular face place with grid plate and cover plate including cost ofISI marked modular 16 amp. Switch (IS :3854) and 3/5 pin 16 amp. socket outlet (IS:1293) [ as per detailed in respective item in BSR] , making connection , testing , etc. as required.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . 82 Supply Installation testing & Commissioning of ISO certified manufacturer madeMonoblock motor pump set ISI marked (IS:9079-2002) with TEFC motor, motor should be IE2 class as per IEC 60034-2-1: 2007, IEC 60034-30: 2008,& IS12615:2011. with Stainless steel Impellor, Stainless steel shaft, Mechanical seal, Single/Three phase ( 240 - 440 V ) permanent split capacitor type (PSC), fitted with thermal overload protection, . Including cost of hardware etc on existing platform complete. Pump shall have following HP Rating, phase, Head, minimum Discharge respectively complete in all respect. Appropriate type test certificate / OEM test report shall be submitted. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : 0.5 HP, 1-Ø, (3 - 18)Mtr, (100-26) LPM 83 Providing & Fixing ofof M.S. J- hook of standard design made out of 16 mm dia. M.S. round bar and fixed withcement concrete mortar with required support as required. 84 Providing & Fixing of modular type Step Fan regulator duly ISI marked (IS :11037) as per PWD specification for electrical Works,made out of unbreakable and fire retardant vergin poly carbonate with brass terminals and captive screws & silver alloy contact tipwith IP-20 rating , minimum width of 1 module switch toggle( PUSH PART ) should not less then 20mm,includingall as per pre approved by Engineer in charge,making connections, testing etc. as required.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : 5 step fan regulator 100 watt 2 Module 85 Providing & Fixing of following modular accessories as per PWD specification for electrical Works,made out of unbreakable and fire retardant vergin poly carbonate with brass terminals and captive screws & silver alloy contact tipwith IP-20 rating , minimum width of 1 module switch toggle( PUSH PART ) should not less then 20mm,includingall as per pre approved by Engineer in charge,making connections, testing etc. as required.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : Blanking plate. 86 Widening & upgradation of gate no. 01 & 02 with check post at KUMS - Sri Ganganagar (F&V) 87 PART - A (Civil Work) 88 Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by mechanical means including disposal of material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge : 1: 3: 6 or richer mix. 89 Demolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge : in cement mortar 90 Removing mortar from bricks and cleaning bricks including stacking within a lead of 50 meters (stacks of cleaned bricks shall be measured) : From brick work in cement mortar. 91 Disposal of earth, sand, gravel, u/s kankar, lime, flyash, morrum, manure or sludge up to 5000 mtr. Beyond Ist 50 mtr. Lead (Including Loading and unloading) 92 Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 93 Demolishing mud phuska/ Lime dhar/ Kharanjain terracing and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 meters lead. 94 Dismantling old plaster or skirting, raking out joints and cleaning the surface for plaster including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 meter lead. 95 Repairs to plaster of thickness 12mm to 20mm in patches of area 2.5 sq. metres and under including cutting the patch in proper shape, raking out joints and preparing and plastering the surface of the walls complete including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 m lead : With cement mortar 1 :4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 96 Dismantling doors, windows and clearstory windows steel or wood shutter including chowkhats and holdfasts etc. complete and stacking within 50 meters lead : Of area 3 square meter and below. 97 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sum on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including taking out the excavated soil and depositing and refilling of jhiri with watering & ramming and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in a lead of 50 meter : All kinds of soils 98 Providing and laying in position cement concrete including curing, compaction etc. complete in specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level. 99 a) M10 grade Nominal Mix 1: 3: 6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stoneaggregate 20mm nominal size). 100 c) M20 grade Nominal Mix1: 1.5: 3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stoneaggregate 20mm nominal size). 101 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S.(Non Modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 infoundation and plinth with : Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 102 Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete forall RCC structural elements upto plinth level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers( if required) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. : M20 grade Nominal Mix /Design Mix 103 Centering and Shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways and removal of formwork for foundation , footings,strap beam, raft , bases of columns etc. 104 Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete for RCC structural elements upto floor five level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers( if required) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcementfor Beams, suspended floors, roofs, griders having slopes up to 15º, landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain windows sills, staircases and spiral staircases etc : M20 grade Nominal Mix / Design Mix 105 Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete for RCC structural elements upto floor five level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers (if required ) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcementfor Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses, fillets, columns, pillars, piers, abutments, posts and struts etc. : M20 grade Nominal Mix / Design Mix 106 Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways with steel propsand removal of formwork for upto floor five level for : Suspended floors, roofs, landings, staircases, balconies, girders, cantilevers, bands, coping bed plates,anchorblocks,sills,chhajjas,lintel,beam, plinth beam etc. 107 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S.(Non Modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level upto floor five level in all shapes and sizes in : Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 108 Honeycombbrickworkhalfbrickthickwithcommon burnt clay F.P.S.(Non Modular) bricksofclassdesignation7.5uptofloor five level in : Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 109 Providing and fabricating reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding (including cost of binding wire) all complete up to floor five level : Cold twisted deformed bars (IS : 1786). 110 Providing and fixing steel gate, grating , and grills made of angles, tees, square bars, flats,or black pipe with holdfast and fittings complete as per design and drawing including cutting welding and fabrication with priming coat of red oxide 111 Plaster on new surface on wall in cement sand mortar 1:6 including racking of joints etc. complete fine finish : 112 a) 20mm thick 113 b) 12mm thick 114 6 mm thick cement plaster to ceiling of mix1:3 (1cement : 3-fine sand) 115 Grading roof for water proofing treatment withwater proffing compound : Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 116 Providing and fixing 20 mm thick precast terrazo tiles of approved make, with marble chips of size upto 6mm laid over roof with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tiles, including cutting ,grinding rubbing with machinecomplete on 20 mm thick bed of cement sand mortar 1 : 4. 117 Kota stone slab flooring 25 mm thick over 20 mm (average) thickbase laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing completewith base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) : For area of each slab from 901 to 2000 Sq.Cm. 118 Providing and fixing 1st quality standard white, grey, ivory, fume red brown, light green, light blue and other light shades glazed tiles confirming to IS : 13753 & IS :15622 of size 300mm x 450mm in walls, floors, steps, pillars etc. laid on a bed of neat cement slurry finished with flush pointing in the white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tile complete (excluding the cost of cement plaster on walls and pillar). 119 Direction and Place Identification signs with size more than 0.9 sqm size board. (Providing anderecting direction and place identification retro- reflectorised sign asper IRC: 67 made of ncasulated lens type reflective sheeting vide clause801.3fixed over aluminium sheeting ,2mm thick with area exceding 0.9 sqm supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75mm x75mm x6mm ,2 nos . firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete45cm x 45 cm x 60 cm , 120 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture togive an even shade : Two or more coats on new work 121 Providing and applying white cement based puttyover plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete 122 Wall painting with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade including all scaffolding: Two or more coats on new work including prepartion of base with primer, putty, lippy etc complete in all respect. 123 Painting exterior surface ofWallwith 100% acrylic exterior paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade with two or more coats including prepartion of base with sand papering, primer, putty,etc complete in all respect : On new work 124 Providing&LayingPOPCorniceofrequireddesign&patterninceilingincludingnailing&scafolldingetc.completewithfinefinishing of size : 50mm x 50mm. 125 Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 10mm and down gauge) includingfinishing with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per standard design : 126 Providing and fixingaluminum workfor doors ,windows, ventilators and partition with extruded built up standard tubular / appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS :733 and IS :1285,fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips ,or with expansion hold fasteners including necessary filling up of gap. at junctions , at top ,bottom and sides with required PVC/neoprene felt etc. Aluminium section shall be smooth ,rust free, straight ,mitered and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle Aluminium snap beading for glazing /paneling , C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws Al. Tower bolt & Al. handle & Al. Aldrop etc.,all complete as per architectural drawings and thedirections of Engineer- in – charge .(Glazing and paneling to be paid for separately). 127 a) For Fixed portion : Anodised aluminum (anodised transparent 81 dyed to required shade according to IS : 1868. (Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15, Anodizing to be got done from approved Anodizer) 128 b) For shutters builtup standard tubular sections of openable doors , windows & ventilators including providing & fixing hinges / rollers etc. and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required (lockes shall be paid for separately) : Anodised aluminum (anodised transparent 81 dyed to required shade according to IS : 1868. (Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15, Anodizing to be got done from approved Anodizer) 129 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window ,ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with PVS / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge.(Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basicitem.) : With float glass panes of 5.0 mm thickness ( weight not less than 13.50 kg/sqm) 130 Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand and manufacture IS : 6315 marked, for doors including cost of cutting floors as required, embedding in floors and cover plates with brass pivot and single piece M.S. : With stainless steel cover plate 131 Providing and fixing 100mm brass locks (best make of approved quality) for aluminium doors including necessary cutting and making good etc. complete. 132 Providing and fixing of double leaf steel shutterfor cupboard, the frame is made of pressed steelISI section 80x25 mmx1.25 mm thickwith 1.00 mm MS sheet to spot welded including holdfasts of 15x3mm, MS oxidized fittings such as butt hinges, sliding doors bolts, handles, tower bolts and twin peg etc completeincluding applying priming coat of approved steel primer of red oxide zinc chromate andspray painting in approved shade with deco paint of approved quality complete as per direction of Engineer In Charge 133 Providing and fixing of reinforced ferro-cement drain covers designed for A & AA class loading duly marked on cover with adequate steel reinforcement having thickness 75mm to 150mm anti corrosive bitumen painted M.S. plate, Rim and M.S. lifting hooks, admixtures like plasticizer, bond improving compound, shrinkage, resistance compound, abrasion resistant complete as per approved design etc. : For Class AA loading : Span 300 to 450mm standard size 600x800mm 134 Providing and fixing expanded grill made of aluminum as per design and drawing having members section of size 7.5mm x 6.0mm and opening of size 102mm x 99mm to aluminum window/vent with required screws, Y and H aluminium sec (as per drawing) at the ends and middle joints respectively complete in all respect as per direction of engineer in charge : Anodised aluminum (anodised transparent 81 dyed to required shade according to IS : 1868. (Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15, Anodizing to be got done from approved Anodizer). 135 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion.(i) Single socketed pipes : Type-B, 110 mm diameter. 136 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion : Single bend w/o door 87.5 Deg. : 110mm dia 137 Providing and fixing Granite stone slab mirror polished and machine edge cut in walls, pillars, steps, Shelves, Sills Counters, Floors etc. laid on 12mm (Av.) thick base of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) jointing with white cement mortar 1:2 (1white cement : 2 marble dust) with pigment to match the shade of the marble slab including grinding, rubbing and polishing complete : South (Red/Cholate Colour) : 1501 Cm2 to 3600 Cm2 Tiles. 138 Providing and fixing clamps of required size & shape in RCC/ CC backing with cement mortar 1:2 ( 1 cement :2 coarse sand) including drilling necessary hole in stones and embedding the cramp in the hole : Stainless steel cramps. 139 P & F WVC Wash basin (Ist quality IS:2556 Mark) of approved make with C.I. brackets duly painted 1 No. 15 mm C.P. Pillar cock (IS:8934 Mark) & 32 mm C.P. brass waste coupling of approved make 32 mmwaste pipe complete including cutting & making good the wall : Size 450mm x 300mm : Size 550 mm x 400 mm dia for counter top 140 P & F lst quality WVC Urinal (IS:2556 mark) with 25mm dia G.I. waste pipe, dome waste couplings, concealed iron brackets or screws etc complete : WVC Flat Back half stall Urinal size 580x380x350 mm/ Angle back 450x375x350 type liped front. 141 P & F G.I. Pipeswith G.I. fittings (IS:1239 Mark) & M.S. clamps including cutting and making good the walls and floors : (Internal work ) Medium Duty Pipes : Internal work : 142 a) Exposed on walli) 15 mm dia nominal bore 143 ii) 20 mm dia nominal bore 144 P & F Bib Cock (IS : 8931 Mark), Superior quality of approved make : C. P. Brass Long body, 15mm nominal bore weight not less than 690 gm. 145 P & F Stop Cock(IS :8931 Mark),superior quality & ofapproved make: 146 a) C.P. Brass 15mm nominal bore. 147 b) CP brass concealed Stop Cock 15mm. 148 P & F Inlet Connection (Angle Valves) Superior quality, of approved make, for Wash basin, Gyser etc. : C.P. Inlet connection 15 mm Brass (IS:8931 marked). 149 P & F PVC Storage Tank (IS:12701 marked indicating the BIS license No.) of approved make with cover, 25 mm dia 1 M long G.I. over-flow pipe & 25 Cm. long wash out pipe with plug & socket, including placing on terrace( at all floors),making connection etc. complete of approved design. Details of cost for 500 litre 150 Construction of Open SurfaceDrain with 112mm thick brick masonry in CM 1:4,110mm thick base concrete 1:5:10, 37mm thick M-15 grade C.C. flooring ,12mm 1:4 cement plaster on all exposed faces of walls including top surface excavation & disposal of earth complete as per approved design/drawing : 150mm drain,225mm Av. depth. 151 Part - B Electric Work 152 Wiring of light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694)and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694)in recessed ISI markedMMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) vergin material PVC conduit & its all accessories( J.B. , Bends etc.) , round tiles,18 SWG Hot Dipped Galvanized Modular Box with earth terminal, 6 A Modular switch, Modular face plate with grid plate, 3 pin ceiling rose / lamp Holder/ 3 pin connector , screws etc, making connections,all as per pre approved by Engineer in charge, testing etc. complete as required.For specification of copperConductor,Phenolic Laminated sheets & Electrical/ Wiring accessoriesrefer Chapter E - 04, E - 05 & E - 07 . For additional technical parameters of products/ work, referAnnexure A attached with this BSR . 153 (a) Short point (up to 3 mtr.) 154 (b) Medium Point (up to 6 mtr.) 155 (c) Long Point (up to 10 mtr.) 156 Wiring of 3/5 pin 6 amp. Light plug point as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked 1.5 sq. mm nominal sizeFR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694)and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694)in recessed ISI markedMMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) vergin material PVC conduit & its all accessories( J.B. , Bends etc.) , round tiles, 18 SWG Hot Dipped Galvanized Modular Box with earth terminal, 6 A modularswitch, 3/ 5 pin 6 A modular socket, Modular face plate with grid plate, screws etc,all as per pre approved by Engineer in charge,making connections, testing etc. complete as required.For specification of copperConductor,Phenolic Laminated sheets & Electrical/ Wiring accessoriesrefer Chapter E - 04, E - 05 & E - 07.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . 157 (a) On Board 158 (b) Medium point (upto 6 mtr.) 159 Supplying and drawing FR PVC insulated & unsheathed flexible copper conductor as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked (IS:694) and as per IS 8130 : 2013 of 1.1 kV grade . Wire should be made from99.99% purity copper, class 5 stranding in acc. to IEC 60228 forlower watt loss , oxygen free ( <10 ppm) for less chances of oxidization and higher silver content for gives better conductivity , insulation PVC type A ,flame retardant as per IS 10810-53, better amperage rating as per VDE 0298 part 4,, in existingsurface or recessed PVC/ MS conduit/casing capping includingall as per pre approved by Engineer in charge,making connections, etc. as required. OEM Must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities for wires. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, referAnnexure A attached with this BSR . 160 (a) 2 x 2.5 sqmm + 1 x 1.5 Sqmm 161 (b) 2 x 4 sqmm + 1 x 2.5 Sqmm 162 Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of breaking capacity not less than 10 KA (B/ C tripping characteristic as per type of load andsite requirement) 4KV impulse withstand voltage,as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked IS 8828(1996) / conforming to IEC 60898-1 2002, IEC 60947-2, low watt losses, trip free mechanisum , energy limiting ofclass 3 as per IEC,minimum phase termination capacity of , conductorline load reversibility, label holding facility , IP 20 contact protection and fitted withexisting 163 distribution board/sheets, min. operation 20,000 upto 32 A rating and 10,000 upto 63 A, 5000 for 80 A ratingincluding making connections, testing etc. as required.. OEM shall have submitNABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab test reportsbefore execution & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR.(a) Single pole MCB6 A to 32 A rating 164 Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V isolator as per PWD specification for electrical Works with ISI marked IS:13947-III/conforming to IEC 60947-3, suitable for AC22A utilization catagory, 4KV impulse withstand voltage,true contact indication,Red colour dolly / lever shall have single mould covering over all poles for operation , two position din rail mounting,minimum phase termination capacity of , label holding facility , IP 20 contact protection and fitted with existing distribution board / sheetincluding making connections, testing etc. as required. OEM shall have submitNABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab test reportsbefore execution & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : Double pole isolator : a) 63 A rating 165 Providing & Fixing of IK09 recessed/surface mounting heavy duty horizontal type sheet steel of 1.6 mm thickDistribution board as per PWD specificationfor electrical Works ISI marked conforming to IS-13032 & IS-8623 / conforming to IEC 61439-3. Phosphatised/ powder painted complete with suitable rating insulated copper bus bar, shorting link , neutral link, earth link , connecting wire of suitable rating and din bar,masking sheet, including making internal DBterminations with copper lugs and with detachable gland plate, including making connections, testing etc. as required.OEM shall have submitNABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab test reportsbefore execution & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : IP-43 Double door (Single phase) : (a) 6 Way (6 O/G + 2 I/C) 166 S&F following sizes (dia.) of ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) vergin material PVC conduit as per PWD specification for electrical Works along with its accessories (IS: 3419 ) as requiredinrecess includingcutting the wall, covering conduit and making good the same as required. All relative and latest acceptance tests reports by any NABL accredited lab for the conduit shall be submitted before execution & All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, referAnnexure A attached with this BSR : MMS (IS : 9537 P-III) PVC Conduit : 25 mm 167 Providing & Laying P.V.C. / XLPE insulated & P.V.C. sheathed Un-armoured / Armouredaluminiumcable of 1.1 KV grade as per PWD specification for electrical Worksin existing RCC / Hume / Stoneware / PVC pipe/ open duct/cable trench with filling of excavated earth in trench, on existing cable trays or on surface etc.including making necessary connection, testing etc. as required of size andas per points (a), (b), (c), mentioned below:- 168 (a) Material :- H4- Gradealuminium conductor of purity >99.6 %& as perIS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P - I 169 (b) conductor shall have electrolytic aluminium confirming to IS 8130, IS 3975-1999for armouring of cables in armoured cable items , IS 5831 for sheath, IS 10810 (Part 0 to 64 ) for testing procedures . 170 (c)OEM Must have ISO 9001 & 14001 certifications for quality assuarance & its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities forcables . Appropriate type test certificate / OEM test report shall be submitted .All above as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : i) Un-armoured : a) 10 sqmm 2.0 core 171 Providing & Fixing of IP20 SMD Mid Power LED batten type integrated light fixture made from polycarbonate /extruded aluminium powder coatedhousing with in built driver, Power Consumption of18W/20W ,system lumen efficacy = 120 lm/Watt output, internal surge protection of 2.5 KV with Short & Open circuit protection ,THD < 10% ,p.f.=0.95, CRI >80 , life time of minimum50000 Burning Hours with , 70% of intial Lumen maintaned till life ends, CCT 3000°K / 4000°K/ 5700°K /6000°K/6500°K (As per ANSI Bin) , maximum power consumption should not more than the specified rating and Fixture shall be ofBIS standard andtrade mark certificate ( T.C.). Manufactures Word Mark/ Name Engraved/ Embossing/ Screen printing on housing. 172 OEM must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities for LED fixtures. (LM79/LM80) certificate / Report from OEM shall be submitted. All as per pre approved by engineer in charge . foe additional technical parameters of product/ work, refer Annexure A attacheded with this BSR.a) 4 LED Tube shape fixture 18/20 W (Polycarbonate Base) 173 Supplying and fixing of power plug point with Modular accessories as per PWD specification for electrical Works, on hot dipped galvanized modular box of 18 SWG with earthing terminal/connector on surface or in recessed with suitable size of modular face place with grid plate and cover plate including cost ofISI marked modular 16 amp. Switch (IS :3854) and 3/5 pin 16 amp. socket outlet (IS:1293) [ as per detailed in respective item in BSR] , making connection , testing , etc. as required.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR . 174 Providing & Fixing of ISO Certified company made BEEStar rated copper wounded double ball bearing capacitor start, aluminium body & Metallicblade ceilingfanas per PWD specification for electrical Works, conforming to IS:374-2019, & IS:1885 -P-V- 1981. with down rod up to 30 cm with secondary support safety cable ( steel wire ) , cotter pin with 3 x 1.5 pvc insulated flexible copper conductor making connection testing etc. as required.Appropriate OEM test certificate shall be submitted by contractor. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : 1200 mm Sweep BEE 3 Star rated (service value >=5.0 to< 5.5 ) 175 Providing & Fixing ofof M.S. J- hook of standard design made out of 16 mm dia. M.S. round bar and fixed withcement concrete mortar with required support as required. 176 Providing & Fixing of modular type Step Fan regulator duly ISI marked (IS :11037) as per PWD specification for electrical Works,made out of unbreakable and fire retardant vergin poly carbonate with brass terminals and captive screws & silver alloy contact tipwith IP-20 rating , minimum width of 1 module switch toggle( PUSH PART ) should not less then 20mm,includingall as per pre approved by Engineer in charge,making connections, testing etc. as required.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : 5 step fan regulator 100 watt 2 Module 177 Providing & Fixing of following modular accessories as per PWD specification for electrical Works,made out of unbreakable and fire retardant vergin poly carbonate with brass terminals and captive screws & silver alloy contact tipwith IP-20 rating , minimum width of 1 module switch toggle( PUSH PART ) should not less then 20mm,includingall as per pre approved by Engineer in charge,making connections, testing etc. as required.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : Blanking plate. 178 Providing & Fixing of IP40 LED Recessed / Surface Mounted, Round / Sqaure Non-Dimmable Back lit SMD Mid Power LED Downlight with die-cast aluminum housing & Heat Sink for heat dissipation with UV Stabilized non yellowish Diffuser with internal/ external BIS complience 2.5 KV surge protected Isolated driver, with Short & Open circuit protection, having efficiency > 85% and in compliance to IEC standards. System Lumen efficacy of = 120 lm / watt, THD < 10 % ,p.f.=0.95, CRI >80,life time of minimum50000 Burning Hours with , 70% of intial Lumen maintaned till life ends, CCT 3000°K / 4000°K/ 5700°K /6000°K/6500°K (As per ANSI Bin) , maximum power consumption should not more than the specified rating and Fixture shall be ofBIS standard andtrade mark certificate ( T.C.). Manufactures Word Mark/ Name Engraved/ Embossing/ Screen printing onhousing. 179 OEM must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities for LED fixtures. (LM79/LM80) certificate / Report from OEM shall be submitted. All as per pre approved by engineer in charge . foe additional technical parameters of product/ work, refer Annexure A attacheded with this BSR. : Recessed Mounting : LED Downlight 18/20W 180 Providing & Fixing of IK07 IP 66 protected LED Street Light Luminaire on existing bracket/pole. Fixture made of powder coated single piece pressure die cast aluminum LM6/ ADC12 material with heat dissipation fins on housing with UV stabilized PC/Toughened Glass cover (UV stablzation report submitted for UV cover ) and secondary lens on each LED & should be SMD type . The System level Luminaire efficacy >=120 lm/ wtwith High Power LEDs is to be usedand potted driver must be potted & has a unique BIS R number withInput Voltage AC 120 to 270 V AC with High voltage Cutoff @>=300 V AC and Auto resetting Safety ,Input Frequency 50Hz±3% Power Factor >0.95 driverEfficiency >85%,THD(I) <10%Humidity 10% to 90% RH Working Temp -5C to 45C .driver current <1000mA shown in LM79 report. The luminaireshall be BIS certified and T.C. certified. Life ExpectancyEqual or more than 50000 burning hrs with Minimum 70% lumen maintened ,color 181 Rendering Index >70 and CCT 5700K +355K. Surge protection shall be min = 4 KV internal and min 10 KV external. driver should be Phase to phase protection of 440 V for 4 Hrs.Manufactures Word Mark/Name Engraved/Embossing on die cast housing to allow traceability/authenticity. Fixture shall be AS PER IS 10322 Complianced. OEM Must have its own in house NABL lab setup for all testing facilities forLED fixtures.(LM79/LM80) Certificate/ report with liable warranty of product/accessories from OEM shall be submitted.All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure A attached with this BSR : LED Street Light fixture 60 Watt