Surgical Items- Absorbent Gauze ( 20Mt X 90Cm ) , Absorbent Cotton Wool ( 400Gm ) , Adhesive Tape 5Cmx10mtr, Bandage Cloth ( 20Mt X90cm ) , Blood Administration Set ( Eto Radiation Method ) , Baby Cotton Kit ( Heavy ) , Bone Awl, Urine Bag, Curved Artery Forceps 4 &Quot;, Curved Artery Forceps 6 &Quot;, Curved Artery Forceps 8 &Quot;, Artery Forceps 4&Quot;, Artery Forceps 6&Quot;, Artery Forceps 8&Quot;, Needle Holder Forcep, Fibrin Glue ( Tissue ) 0.5 / 1 Ml, Foleys Catheter No 8, Foleys Catheter No 10, Foleys Catheter No 12, Foleys Catheter No 14, Foleys Catheter No 16, Foleys Catheter No 18, Ryles Tube No.8, Ryles Tube No.10, Ryles Tube No.12, Ryles Tube No.14, Ryles Tube No.16, Ryles Tube No.18, Rolled Bandage ( 5Mt X5cm ) , Rubber Sheeting ( Macantosh Sheet ) ( 10 Meter ) , C.N.S Examination Hammer, D.J Stent ( 5 F ) , D.J Stent ( 6 F ) , Elastic Adhesive Bandage ( Size 10Cmx2.70Mtr ) , Microdrip Set ( Infusion Set Eto Sterilised ) , Micropore Adhesive Paper Tape ( 1.25Cm X9.1Met ) , Spinal Needle No.23, Spinal Needle No.25, Prolenmesh ( 6&Quot; X 6&Quot; ) , Prolenmesh ( 15&Quot;X15&Quot; ) , Endotractional Tube ( Plain ) No.2, Endotractional Tube ( Plain ) No.2.5, Endotractional Tube ( Plain ) No.3, Endotractional Tube ( Plain ) No.3.5, Endotractional Tube ( Plain ) No.4, Endotractional Tube ( Plain ) No.4.5, Endotractional Tube ( Cuff ) No. 5, Endotractional Tube ( Cuff ) No.5.5, Endotractional Tube ( Cuff ) No.6, Endotractional Tube ( Cuff ) No.6.5, Endotractional Tube ( Cuff ) No.7, Endotractional Tube ( Cuff ) No.7.5, Endotractional Tube ( Cuff ) No.8, E.C.G Fixing Leads, E.C.G.Paper Roll ( Automatic Machine Bpl ) Chemical Coated Size 80Mm*20Meter, E.C.G.Paper Roll ( Automatic Machine Bpl ) Chemical Coated Size 44Mm*50Mm*20Meter, Cord Clamps ( Dispo. ) , Cord Holding Forcep ( Pediatric ) , Cord Holding Forcep ( Adult ) , Cutting Needle, Suture Needle, Infusion Set ( Eto Sterilised ) ( I.V Set ) , Induction Mask Black Rubbering, Inter Costal Drainage Bag Trochar With Cannula No.12Fg, Oropharangel Air Way No.000, Oropharangel Air Way No.00, Oropharangel Air Way No.0, Oropharangel Air Way No.1, Oropharangel Air Way No.2, Oropharangel Air Way No.3, Oropharangel Air Way No.4, Oropharangel Air Way No.5, Halogen Lamp 12V*50W ( Philips ) , Ambu Bag ( Neonetal ) Pre Mature, Ambu Bag ( Peaditric ) , Ambu Bag ( Adult ) , B.D.Syringe ( 0.5Ml ) , Kidney Tray ( S.S ) , Laryngoscope Blade No.000, Laryngoscope Blade No.00, Laryngoscope Blade No.0, Laryngoscope Blade No.1, Laryngoscope Blade No.2, Laryngoscope Blade No.3, Laryngoscope Bulb Led, Feeding Tube No.5, Feeding Tube No.6, Feeding Tube No.7, Feeding Tube No.8, Auto Clave Tape, I.V Cannula No.16, I.V Cannula No.18, I.V Cannula No.20, I.V Cannula No.22, I.V Cannula No.24, I.V Cannula No.26, Insuline Syringe 1Ml, Syringe 1Ml Without Needle Up To 100 Unit, Plaster Of Paris Bandage ( 10 Cm ) , Plaster Of Paris Bandage ( 15 Cm ) , Plastic Apron Size.S, Plastic Apron Size.M, Plastic Apron Size.L, Plastic Apron Size.Xl, Plastic Apron Size.Xxl, Blood Carrier Box ( 25 Blood Bag Capacity With Low Weight ) , Eye Pad ( Adult ) , Eye Pad ( Pediatric ) , Mocryl 3-0 On Needle R.C, Mocryl 2 -0 On Needle R.C, Nasal Pack ( Merocel ) , Disposable Shoe Cover, Sterile Hypodermic Needle Size:22X1in, Sterile Hypodermic Needle Size:23X1in, Sterile Hypodermic Needle Size:24X1in, Sterile Hypodermic Needle Size:26X1in, Sterile Hypodermic Needle Size:23X1.5In, Sterile Hypodermic Needle Size:23X0.5In, Sterile Spinal Needle No 27G, Soft Roll ( Underwrap Prior To Plaster Cast ) Size 4&Quot;, Soft Roll ( Underwrap Prior To Plaster Cast ) Size 6&Quot;, Led Apron 4&Quot; ( Lead Apron ) , Led Apron 6&Quot; ( Lead Apron ) , Prolen No.1 On Needle R.B ( Monofilament ) , Prolen No.1.0 On Needle R.B ( Monofilament ) , Prolen No.2.0 On Needle R.B ( Monofilament ) , Prolen No.3-0 On Needle R.B ( Monofilament ) , Ethilon On Needle 1-0 R.B, Ethilon On Needle 2-0 R.B, Cat Gut Chromic 1. With Needle, Cat Gut Chromic 1.0 With Needle, Cat Gut Chromic 2. With Needle, Cat Gut Chromic 2.0 With Needle, Cat Gut Chromic 3. With Needle, Cat Gut Chromic 3.0 With Needle, Connecting Pipe For Syringe Pump ( Per Meter ) , Vicryl 1. With Needle ( Polyglycolic Acid Coated ) , Vicryl 1.0 With Needle ( Polyglycolic Acid Coated ) , Vicryl 2. With Needle ( Polyglycolic Acid Coated ) , Vicryl 2.0 With Needle ( Polyglycolic Acid Coated ) , Vicryl 3.With Needle ( Polyglycolic Acid Coated ) , Vicryl 3.0 With Needle ( Polyglycolic Acid Coated ) , B.B.Silk 2.0, B.B.Silk 3.0, Ethilon 1, Ethilon 1.0, Ethilon 2.0, Ethilon 3.0, Curve Artery Forceps Left, Cuscos Speculum, Curve Artery Forceps Right, Straight Artery Forcep 6&Quot;, Straight Artery Forcep 8&Quot;, Straight Artery Forcep 10&Quot;, Straight Artery Forcep 12&Quot;, Mucus Extractor, Mosquito Forceps 6€, Mosquito Forceps 8€, Mosquito Forceps 10€, Mosquito Forceps 12€, Scal Vein Set ( Surgical ) , Dial Flow, X Ray Film Size 8X10, X Ray Film Size 10X12, X Ray Film Size 12X15, Bain Circuit, Jr Circuit, Negative Suction Drain Set ( Romovac Drain ) No.10, Negative Suction Drain Set ( Romovac Drain ) No.12, Negative Suction Drain Set ( Romovac Drain ) No.14, Negative Suction Drain Set ( Romovac Drain ) No.16, Negative Suction Drain Set ( Romovac Drain ) No.18, Needle Cutter ( Manual Hubb Cutter ) 1Kg Capcity, Needle Cutter ( Electric Hubb Cutter ) 1Kg Capcity, Inter Costal Drainage Bag, Oxygen Mask ( Neonetal ) , Oxygen Mask ( Pediatric ) , Oxygen Mask ( Adult ) , Oxygen Hood ( Small ) , Oxygen Hood ( Medium ) , Oxygen Hood ( Large ) , Nebulizer Kit ( Neonetal ) , Nebulizer Kit ( Pediatric ) , Nebulizer Kit ( Adult ) , Unlock Syringe, Mesured Volume Set ( Pediatric Chamber Set ) , Surgical Blade No.11, Surgical Blade No.12, Surgical Blade No.15, Surgical Blade No.20, Surgical Blade No.21, Surgical Blade No.22, Surgical Blade No.23, Surgical Blade No.24, Abdominal Drain Cathetor No .14, Abdominal Drain Cathetor No .16, Abdominal Drain Cathetor No .18, Absorbable Hemostat Ethicon ( Surgicel ) , Sweb Stick In Enclose Of Plastic Test Tube With Cap, Universal Urine Container, Three Way Cannula, Tracheotomy Tube, T Piece, Suction Catheter No.8, Suction Catheter No.10, Suction Catheter No.12, Suction Catheter No.14, Suction Catheter No.16, Suction Catheter No.18, Suction Catheter No.20, Suction Tube ( 1 Meter ) , Suction Cannula ( Rubber ) , Surgical Gel Form ( Ear ) , Anatomical Transperant Mask ( Adult ) , Anatomical Transperant Mask ( Peadiatric ) , Anatomical Transperant Mask ( Neonetal ) , Umbelical Catheter ( Neonetal ) , Uteral Cathetor 5Ft X 70 Cm, Urethral Dilator Set, Venti Mask With Reservior Bag ( Adult ) , Venti Mask With Reservior Bag ( Peadiatric ) , Splenium Catheter, Nasal Suction Catheter, Nasal Pronges, Glass Syringe 2Ml, Glass Syringe 5Ml, Glass Syringe 10Ml, Glass Syringe 20Ml, Sterile Syring ( Without Needle ) 2Ml, Sterile Syring ( Without Needle ) 5Ml, Sterile Syring Without Needle ) 10Ml, Sterile Syring ( Without Needle ) 20Ml, Sterile Syring ( Without Needle ) 50Ml, Epidural Catheter With Needle, Central Line Double Luman Catheter, Doule Luman Catheter, R A E Tube, Laryngeal Mask Air Way ( Neonetal ) , Laryngeal Mask Air Way ( Pediatric ) , Laryngeal Mask Air Way ( Adult ) , I Gel, Bougie, Led Scope, Bipap Mask With Bag ( Neonetal ) , Bipap Mask With Bag ( Pediatric ) , Bipap Mask With Bag ( Adult ) , Biopsy Forcep 6&Quot;, Biopsy Forcep 8&Quot;, Biopsy Forcep 10&Quot;, Biopsy Forcep 12&Quot;, Three Way Cannula, Tracheotomy Tube, T Piece, Suction Catheter No.8, Suction Catheter No.10, Suction Catheter No.12, Suction Catheter No.14, Suction Catheter No.16, Suction Catheter No.18, Suction Catheter No.20, Suction Tube ( 1 Meter ) , Suction Cannula ( Rubber ) , Surgical Gel Form ( Ear ) , Anatomical Transperant Mask ( Adult ) , Anatomical Transperant Mask ( Peadiatric ) , Anatomical Transperant Mask ( Neonetal ) , Umbelical Catheter ( Neonetal ) , Uteral Cathetor 5Ft X 70 Cm, Urethral Dilator Set, Venti Mask With Reservior Bag ( Adult ) , Venti Mask With Reservior Bag ( Peadiatric ) , Splenium Catheter, Nasal Suction Catheter, Nasal Pronges, Glass Syringe 2Ml, Glass Syringe 5Ml, Glass Syringe 10Ml, Glass Syringe 20Ml, Sterile Syring ( Without Needle ) 2Ml, Sterile Syring ( Without Needle ) 5Ml, Sterile Syring Without Needle ) 10Ml, Sterile Syring ( Without Needle ) 20Ml, Sterile Syring ( Without Needle ) 50Ml, Epidural Catheter With Needle, Central Line Double Luman Catheter, Doule Luman Catheter, R A E Tube, Laryngeal Mask Air Way ( Neonetal ) , Laryngeal Mask Air Way ( Pediatric ) , Laryngeal Mask Air Way ( Adult ) , I Gel, Bougie, Led Scope, Bipap Mask With Bag ( Neonetal ) , Bipap Mask With Bag ( Pediatric ) , Bipap Mask With Bag ( Adult ) , Biopsy Forcep 6&Quot;, Biopsy Forcep 8&Quot;, Biopsy Forcep 10&Quot;, Biopsy Forcep 12&Quot;, Cheatle Forcep 6&Quot;, Cheatle Forcep 8&Quot;, Cheatle Forcep 10&Quot;, Cheatle Forcep 12&Quot;, Needle Holder, Blood Spillage Tray ( 8&Quot;X10&Quot; ) , Blood Spillage Tray ( 10&Quot;X12&Quot; ) , Episiotomy Scissor 3&Quot;, Episiotomy Scissor 6&Quot;, Episiotomy Scissor 8&Quot;, Episiotomy Scissor 10&Quot;, Episiotomy Scissor 12&Quot;, Curved Surgical Scissor 6&Quot;, Curved Surgical Scissor 8&Quot;, Curved Surgical Scissor 10&Quot;, Curved Surgical Scissor 12&Quot;, Srgical Scissor 6&Quot;, Srgical Scissor 8&Quot;, Srgical Scissor 10&Quot;, Srgical Scissor 12&Quot;, Suture Cutting Scissor 6&Quot;, Suture Cutting Scissor 8&Quot;, Suture Cutting Scissor 10&Quot;, Suture Cutting Scissor 12&Quot;, Mother Identification Tag, Baby Identification Tag, Sterile Standard Elbow Gloves No 6&Quot;, Sterile Standard Elbow Gloves No 6.5&Quot;, Sterile Standard Elbow Gloves No 7&Quot;, Sterile Standard Elbow Gloves No 7.5&Quot;, Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves No 6&Quot;, Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves No 6.5&Quot;, Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves No 7&Quot;, Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves No 7.5&Quot;, Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves No 8&Quot;, Sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves No 6&Quot;, Sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves No 6.5&Quot;, Sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves No 7&Quot;, Sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves No 7.5&Quot;, Sterile Surgical Rubber Gloves No 8&Quot;, Aespto Syring ( Pump ) 30Ml, Aespto Syring ( Pump ) 1 Liter, Aespto Syring ( Pump ) 2 Liter, Aespto Syring ( Pump ) 5 Liter, Steel Tray With Cover 9.5&Quot;X6.5&Quot;&Quot;, Steel Tray With Cover 10&Quot;X10&Quot;, Steel Tray With Cover 12&Quot;X10&Quot;, Steel Tray With Cover 12&Quot;X15&Quot;, Dressing Drum 9&Quot;X9&Quot;, Dressing Drum 9&Quot;X11&Quot;, Dressing Drum 12&Quot;X15&Quot;, Tongue Depressor, Gastric Lavage Tube