
Supply Of Chemicals For Rfsl, Durgapur , Ethyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Methyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Isopropyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Diethyl Ether, 500Ml , Acetone, 500Ml , Acetonitrile, 500Ml , Dichloromethane, 500Ml , Chloroform, 500Ml , N-Hexane, 500, durgapur-West Bengal

Forensic Science Laboratory has published Supply Of Chemicals For Rfsl, Durgapur , Ethyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Methyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Isopropyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Diethyl Ether, 500Ml , Acetone, 500Ml , Acetonitrile, 500Ml , Dichloromethane, 500Ml , Chloroform, 500Ml , N-Hexane, 500. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-06-2022. Medicine Tenders in durgapur West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Chemicals For Rfsl, Durgapur , Ethyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Methyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Isopropyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Diethyl Ether, 500Ml , Acetone, 500Ml , Acetonitrile, 500Ml , Dichloromethane, 500Ml , Chloroform, 500Ml , N-Hexane, 500
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Supply Of Chemicals For Rfsl, Durgapur , Ethyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Methyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Isopropyl Alcohol, 500Ml , Diethyl Ether, 500Ml , Acetone, 500Ml , Acetonitrile, 500Ml , Dichloromethane, 500Ml , Chloroform, 500Ml , N-Hexane, 500Ml , Benzene, 500Ml , Toluene, 500Ml , Ethyl Acetate, 500Ml , Benzidine, 1Gm , Acetic Acid, 500Ml , Formaldehyde, 500Ml , Hydrochloric Acid, 2.5 L , Sulphuric Acid, 2.5 L , Nitric Acid, 2.5 L , Liquid Ammonia, 500Ml , Sodium Hydroxide ( Pellets ) , 500Gm , Potassium Hydroxide, 500 Gm , Sodium Sulphate, 1Kg , Sodium Nitrate, 500Gm , Ammoniumsulphate , 500 Gm , Ammonium Chloride, 500 Gm , Barium Chloride, 500 Gm , Ammonium Molybdate, 100 Gm , Silver Nitrate, 10 Gm , Tartaric Acid, 500 Gm , Beta-Napthol, 100 Gm , Lead Acetate ( Trihydrate ) 99.5%, 500 Gm , Palladium Chloride, 5 Gm , Stannous Chloride, 100 Gm , Ferric Chloride, 500 Gm , Rhodamine, 100 Gm , Fluorescein, 100 Gm , Filter Paper ( Normal ) , 1Pk , Filter Paper ( Whatman 41 ) , 1Pk , Ph Paper, 1Pk , Ph Tablet, 1Pk ( 10Pc ) , Iodine, 100Gm , Charcoal, 500Gm , Potassium Permanganate, 500 Gm , Potassium Dichromate, 500 Gm , Potassium Ferricyanide, 500 Gm , Oxalic Acid, 500 Gm , Diammonium Oxalate, 500 Gm , Mercuric Chloride, 100 Gm , Sodium Bicarbonate, 500 Gm , Copper Turning, 1Kg , Silica Gel Powder, 500 Gm , Calcium Chloride ( Fused ) , 500 Gm , Iso-Octane, 500 Ml , Bromine Water, 500 Ml , Nitrobenzene, 500 Ml , Sodium Bisulphite, 500 Gm , Carbon Tetrachloride, 500 Ml , Diphenyl Carbazone, 25 Gm , Potassium Iodide, 100 Gm , Ferrous Sulphate, 500 Gm , Sodium Nitropruside, 100 Gm , Hydrogen Peroxide 30%, 500 Ml , Starch, 500 Gm , Potassium Ferocyanide, 500 Gm , Perchloric Acid 60%, 500 Ml , Cupric Sulphate, 1Kg , Cotton Roll, , 500 Gm , Phytospray, 1Pc , Talcom Powder, 1Pc , Washing Soda , 500 Gm , Tissue Roll, 1Pk ( 12 Roll ) , Pre-Quoted Glass Plate For Tlc Silica Gel 60, 1 [ K ( 25 Pc ) , Pre-Quoted Aluminium Plate For Tlc Silica Gel 60, F254, 1Pk ( 25Pc )

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INR 14000.0 /-
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