
Supply Of Veg Dishes To Skicc As And When Required For The Year 2022-23- 1 Tea ( Green Label-Red Label / Taj With Fresh Milkper Cup 2 Green Tea Per Cup 3 Lemon Teaper Cup 4 Coffee ( Nestle ) Per Cup 5 Express Coffeeper Cup 6 Cappuccino Coffe, Srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Department Of Tourism has published Supply Of Veg Dishes To Skicc As And When Required For The Year 2022-23- 1 Tea ( Green Label-Red Label / Taj With Fresh Milkper Cup 2 Green Tea Per Cup 3 Lemon Teaper Cup 4 Coffee ( Nestle ) Per Cup 5 Express Coffeeper Cup 6 Cappuccino Coffe. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-05-2022. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in Srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Veg Dishes To Skicc As And When Required For The Year 2022-23- 1 Tea ( Green Label-Red Label / Taj With Fresh Milkper Cup 2 Green Tea Per Cup 3 Lemon Teaper Cup 4 Coffee ( Nestle ) Per Cup 5 Express Coffeeper Cup 6 Cappuccino Coffe
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Supply Of Veg Dishes To Skicc As And When Required For The Year 2022-23- 1 Tea ( Green Label-Red Label / Taj With Fresh Milkper Cup 2 Green Tea Per Cup 3 Lemon Teaper Cup 4 Coffee ( Nestle ) Per Cup 5 Express Coffeeper Cup 6 Cappuccino Coffee Per Cup 7 Kehwa ( Saffron & Almonds ) Per Cup 8 Namkeen Tea Per Cup 9 Fruit Juice Assorted 250 Ml. 10 Aerated Drink Assorted250 Ml 11 Fresh Lime Soda Sweet 250 Ml 12 Plain Soda250 Ml 13 Fruit Juice Tin 250 Ml 14 Aerated Drinks Tin250 Ml 15 Basil Seeds In Milk250 Ml 16 Separate Tea ( Tea Bags, Sugar Sachet Milk Pouch ) Per Cup 17 Separate Tea ( Tea Bags, Sugar Free, Milk Pouchper Cup 18 Hot Chocolate / Milk Per Cup 19 Bornveta Milkpercup 20 Horlicks Milk Per Cup 21 Butter Cookies 03 Pcs 22 Coconut Cookies 03 Pcs 23 Choco Chip Cookies03 Pcs 24 French Hearts02 Pcs 25 Pampori Sheermalstd. Size / Wt. 26 Katlum Std.Size / Wt. 27 Kashmiri Namkeenkulcha Big ( 60 Grams ) 28 Veg. Patty ( 100 Gms ) 29 Paneer Patty ( 100 Gms ) 30 Butter Cake, 60 Grams / 2Pscs 31 Chocolate Cake, 60 Grams / 02Pcs. 32 Almond Cake, 60 Grams / 02 Pcs 33 Fruit Cake, 60 Grams / 02Pcs 34 Plum Cake, 60 Grams / 02 Pcs 35 Chocolate Fudge , 75 Grams 36 Chocolate Brownie, 75 Grams 37 Chocolate Mousse Pastry 60 Grams 38 Black Forest Pastry 60 Grams 39 Pine Apple Pastry 60 Grams 40 Fresh Fruit Pastry 60 Grams 41 Red Velvet Pastry 60 Grams 42 Chocolate Mousse Pastry100 Grams 43 Black Forest 100 Grams 44 Pine Apple 100 Grams 45 Fresh Fruit 100 Grams 46 Red Velvet100 Grams 47 Dal Mogra100 Grams 48 Chocolate Barfi60 Grams 49 Almond Barfi60 Grams 50 King Forest Pastry60 Grams 51 Lemon Tat 60 Grams 52 Walnut Tat60 Grams 53 Plain Paronthastd. Size 54 Veg. Parontha Std. Size 55 Paneerparonthastd. Size 56 Puribhaji 02 Pcs 57 Purichana 02 Pc 58 Purihalwa 02 Pc 59 Butter Bread Slice02 Pc / 20 Gm. Each 60 Jam Bread Slice02 Pc / 20 Gm Each 61 Cheese Sandwich 02 Pc 62 Veg. Sandwich02 Pc 63 Corn Flakes With Milk / 125 Ml Milk 64 Paw Bhaji ( 125 Gms ) 65 Plain Dosa ( With Samber + Coconut Chitney ) 66 Masladosa ( With Samber + Coconut Chitney ) 67 Plain Uttapam ( With Samber +Coconut Chitney ) 68 Veg. Uttapam ( With Samber + Coconut Chitney ) 69 Venn Pangal With Samber150 Gms 70 Uppma 150 Gms 71 Masala Uppma 150 Gms 72 Poha 150 Gms 73 Potato Poha150 Gms 74 Matarpoha150 Gms 75 Idly ( With Samber +Coconut Chitney ) 02 Pc 76 Croissant / Butter02 Pc 77 Muffins / Butter 02 Pc 78 Brioche / Butter 02 Pc 79 Danish Pastry / Butter 02 Pc 80 Club Sandwitch 02 Pc 81 Rava Idly ( With Samber + Coconut Chitney ) 02 Pc 82 Mix Poha 150Gms 83 Phamandokla 02 Pcs 84 Malpoha ( 60 Gms ) 02 Pcs 85 Rubrji100 Ml. 86 Chocolate Corn Flakes With Milk 125 Ml 87 Veg. Samosa+Sauce Sachet 80 Ml. 88 Veg.Pakora +Sauce Sachet 100 Gm. 89 Paneerpakorasaucesachet 150 Gm. 90 Veg. Cutlet ( 2 Pc ) + Sauce60ml. Sachet 91 Alootikka ( 02 Pc ) 150 Gms / Plate 92 Cheese Tikka 4 Pc, 120 Gm / Plate 93 Harabharakabab100 Gms / Plate 94 Bread Roll , 1 Pc 95 Cheese Balls, 100 Gms 96 Nutrikabab ( Soyabean ) 100 Gms 97 Nutritikka, 100 Gms 98 Paneer Tikka, 120 Gms / 4Pcs 99 Mushroomtikka , 100 Gms / Pcs. 100 Veg.Manchurian Dry, 100 Gms / 04Pcs 101 Paneer Chilly, 150 Gms / 04Pcs 102 Mushroom Chilly ( 100 Gms ) / 04 Pc 103 Veg.Spring Rolls ( 200 Gms ) / 02 Pcs. 104 Papdi Chat, 100 Gms / Plate 105 Baked Bean On Toast 100 Gms 106 Mushroom On Toast100 Gms 107 Honey Chilly Potatoes100 Gms 108 Paneerchilly Dry100 Gms 109 Mushroomchilly Dry 100 Gms 110 Fried Kajo 50 Gms 111 Fried Peanuts50 Gms 112 Friedalmonds 50 Gms 113 Tomato Soup 200 Ml 114 Veg. Soup200 Ml 115 Hot & Sour Soup 200 Ml 116 Sweet Corn Soup200 Ml 117 Manchow Soup200 Ml 118 Cream Of Mushroom 200 Ml 119 Cream Of Spanich 200 Ml 120 Shorbaisultani+Garnish 200 Ml 121 Shorbaitomato+Garnish 200 Ml 122 French Onion Soup+Garnis 200 Ml 123 Dal Fry ( Yellow Dal ) 125 Gms 124 Dal Makhani125 Gms 125 Dal Panchratan125 Gms 126 Rajmash125 Gms 127 Channa Masala125 Gms 128 Dal ( Arhar ) 125 Gms 129 Mix Veg. 100 Gms 130 Veg. Kolapuri 100 Gms 131 Navrattan Korma 100 Gms 132 Veg. Makhani 100 Gms 133 Bainganbharta 100 Gms 134 Kadipakoda 100 Gms 135 Aloopalak100 Gms 136 Aloogobi100 Gms 137 Aloo Matter100 Gms 138 Aloozeera 100 Gms 139 Aloomethi 100 Gms 140 Alooshimla100 Gms 141 Matter Masala 100 Gms 142 Matterpalak100 Gms 143 Aloo Rasa100 Gms 144 Sev Tomato 100 Gms 145 Ghateekisabzi 100 Gms 146 Neutri Masala 100 Gms 147 Corn Palak 100 Gms 148 Khataybengon 100 Gms 149 Behi Veg ( Bomchont ) Quince100 Gms 150 Kashmiri Haak ( Saag ) 100 Gms 151 Bindi Masala 100 Gms 152 Veg Jalfriezi 100 Gms 153 Aloo Bukhar Korma100 Gm. 154 Shahipaneer ( 2Pc ) / 125 Gms 155 Matterpaneer ( 2Pc ) / 125 Gms 156 Palakpaneer ( 2Pc ) / 125 Gms 157 Karaipaneer ( 2Pc ) / 125 Gms 158 Paneer Butter Masala ( 2Pc ) / 125 Gms 159 Paneerburji ( By Weight ) 125 Gms 160 Paneertikka Masala ( 2Pc ) / 125 Gms 161 Paneerdopiyzaq2 Pc / 125 Gms 162 Paneerpasanda 2 Pc / 125 Gms 163 Paneermakhani 2 Pc / 125 Gms 164 Paneerkasalan / 125 Gms 165 Matter Mushroom125 Gms 166 Mushroom Masala / 125 Gms 167 Mushroom Dopiyaza / 125 Gms 168 Karai Mushroom / 125 Gms 169 Mushroom Tikka Masala / 125 Gms 170 Tomato Paneer 2 Pc, / 125 Gms 171 Laukiyakhni ( Bottle Gourd ) / 125 Gms 172 Nadrooyakhni ( Lotus Stem ) / 125 Gms 173 Nadroopalak Lotus Stem / 125 Gms 174 Aloo Dum Kashmiri / 125 Gms 175 Maliekofta / 125 Gms 176 Gobikajo / 125 Gms 177 Veg. Shahi Korma / 125 Gms 178 Channa Masala / 125 Gms 179 Pasta In White Sauce / 100 Gms 180 Pasta With Mushroom In White Sauce / 100 Gms 181 Pasta In Red Sauce / 100 Gms 182 Plain Rice Kashmiri / 250 Gms 183 Zeera Rice / 200 Gms 184 Matter Pulao / 250Gms 185 Veg. Pulao / 300Gms. 186 Veg. Biryani+Chetney, Tissue +Spoon / 500Gm. 187 Kichdikari / 200 Gm. 188 Kashmiri Pulao / 200Gms. 189 Yakhnipulao / 200 Gms 190 Basmati Rice / 250 Gms. 191 Molipalao / 200Gms. 192 Plain Roti / 02 Pcs 193 Butter Roti / 02 Pcs 194 Plain Naan / 01 No. 195 Butter Naan / 01 No. 196 Lachaparantha / 01 Pc 197 Pappedlijet / 01Pc 198 Tawa Roti / 02 Pcs 199 Kesrikheer ( With Dry Nuts ) / 100 Gms. 200 Gulabjamun 02Pcs / 100Gm 201 Phirni With ( With Dry Nuts ) / 100 Gms. 202 Fruit Cream / 100 Gms. 203 Rasgula 100 Gm / 2Pcs 204 Rasmalai ( 2 Pc ) 100 Gm / Pp 205 Ice Cream80 Gmcup / Cup 206 Matkakulfi / 80 Gm. 207 Soojihalwa With Drynuts / 100Gms 208 Moong Dal Halwa, With Dry Nuts / 100Gms 209 Gajjarhalwa Dry Fruit / 100 Gms. 210 Fruit Custard / 150 Gm. 211 Fruit Basket / 2Kg 212 Fruit Cocktail / 100 Gms. 213 Sadabahar Sweet Dish100 Gms. 214 Ice Cream ( Pack ) Differentflavorswithkajo, Pista, Vanilla Veritiesstrawberry Etc. / Mixed 750 / 1000 Ml / Pack 215 Ice Creamcup / 75 / 100Ml, 500Ml, 1000 / Pack 216 Jaliabi / 100 Gms. 217 Pickle / 10 Gm 218 Green Salad / 50 Gms 219 Kachumbar Salad / 50 Gms 220 Shirazi Salad / 50 Gms 221 Veg. Pasta Salad / 50 Gms 222 Veg. Russian Salad / 50 Gms 223 Green Chitney / 30 Gms 224 Pudinachitney / 30 Gms 225 Anardanachitney 30 Gms 226 Curd / 50 Gms 227 Veg. Raita / 50 Gms 228 Boondiraita 50 Gms 229 Rutishchatney / 50 Gms 230 Pine Apple Riata / 100 Gms 231 Dry Fruit Mixed ( With Kaju+Kishmish+Badamgiri ) 100 Gms 232 Dry Fruit Mixed With Toffee / 100 Gms 233 Dates ( 04 Pc ) No.1 234 Fresh Fruit Seasonal ( Sorted Banana+Grapes+Orange +Apple ) 300Gms. 235 Double Omelet + 2 Pc Bread / Pp 236 Boiled Egg / 02 Pcs 237 Babri Seed Per Glass With Nuts / 200 Ml. 238 Veg. Sandwich, Samosa, Banana, Tomato, Sauce, Juice Tetra Pack, Napkin ( 01 Pc Each With Box ) 239 Veg. Cutlet, 02 Pc, Samosa, Banana, Tomato Sauce, Juice, Tetra Pack, Napkin ( 01 Pc Each With Box 240 Veg. Biryaniin Boxwith Napkinand Spoon With Pudina / Onion Chitney / 500Gms 241 Tooth Pick, Tissue Paper, Sweetwith All Items

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 40000.0 /-
Tender Value
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