supply Procurement Of Neurosurgery Implants Neurosurgery Implants Two Year Rate Contract For Procurement Of Neurosurgery Implants , Anterior Cervical Plating System Non Variable Angle Screws System. Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Cervical Plate Level – 1St , B ) Cervical Plate Level – 2Nd , C ) Cervical Plate Level – 3Nd , D ) Cervical Plate Level – 4Th , Variable Angle Screw System Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Cervical Plate Level – 1 , B ) Cervical Plate Level – 2 , C ) Cervical Plate Level – 3 , D ) Cervical Plate Level – 4 , Anterior Cervical Interbody Fusion Device With Screw Mechanism Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Cv Junction Fixation System ( Occiput To C2 ) Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Occipital Plate , B ) Occipital Clamp Single Hole , C ) Occipital Clamp Double Hole , D ) Bone Screw , E ) Polyaxial Screw With Locking Cap , F ) Rod , G ) Transverse Connector , H ) Tapered Rod , I ) Cervical Hook , Top Loading Implant System For Posterior Stabilization Of The Cervical Spine Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Polyaxial Screw With Locking Cap , B ) Rod , C ) Transverse Connector , D ) Cervical Hook , Disc Prosthesis For Cervical Spine Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Anterior Cervical Interbody Fusion Device. Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Expandable Corpectomy Cages. Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Expandable Titanium Cage ( Cervical / Thoracic / Lumber ) Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Expandable Titanium Cage With Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Titanium Mesh Cage For Vertebral Body Replacement Per Mm.- 10-12-15Mm Diameter Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) For Cervical Round / Oval , B ) Thoraco / Lumber-Round / Oval , Sublaminar Titanium Cable System Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Titanium Double Cable With Integral Crimp – 10 Nos. , B ) Titanium Single Cable With Integral Crimp – 25 Nos. , Cage And Titanium Staples For Anterior Fixation Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Single Hole Staples , B ) Double Hole Staples , Poly Ether-Ether Ketone ( Peek ) Spacer For Cervical Spine , Odontoid Screw , C1 – C2 Transarticular Screw & Rode Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , C1 –C2 Spacer Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Side Opening Pedicle Screw System , Top Loading Pedicle Screw System Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Polyaxial Screw , B ) Monoaxial Screw , C ) Hook , D ) Rod , E ) Transvers Connector , F ) Reduction Screw , Transeformaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion. ( Tlif ) Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Posterior Lumber Interbody Fusion Plif. Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Anterior Stabilization Of Thoraco-Lumbar Spine Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Artificial Lumbar Disc Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Kyphoplasty And Vertebroplasty Kit Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Kyphoplasty Set , B ) Vertebroplasty Set , Cage And Titanium Staples For Anterior Fixation Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Multilevel Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Fixation For Thoraco Lumbo – Sacralfixation. Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Pedicle Screw , B ) Rod , Hydroxyapetite ( Ha ) Coatedpedicle Screws Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Pedicle Screw , B ) Rod , C ) Transverse Connector , Laminar Hook With Rood Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , A ) Pedicle Screw , B ) Rod , C ) Transverse Connector , Mini Plates & Screws Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Plates For Cranial Fixations Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Cranial Fixation System Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , External Drainage And Monitoring Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Fixed Pressure Ventriculo Peritoneal And Atrial Shunts With Or W / O Siphon Control Device Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Adjustable Pressure Valves / Shunts ( Adult Programmable Ventricle Peritoneal ) Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Paediatric Programmable Ventricular Peritoneal Shunt Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Titanium Mesh For Cranioplasty Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Duralgraft Implant ( Absorbable Collagen Matrix ) 1 X 1 Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Duralgraft Implant ( Absorbable Collagen Matrix ) 1X3 Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Duralgraft Implant ( Absorbable Collagen Matrix ) 2X2 Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Duralgraft Implant ( Absorbable Collagen Matrix ) 3X3 Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Duralgraft Implant ( Absorbable Collagen Matrix ) 4X5 Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Biological Fibrin Glue With Calcium Chloride Human Protein Kit 2 Ml , Biological Fibrin Glue With Calcium Chloride Human Protein Kit 4Ml , Methy Metha Acrylate Bone Cement. , Absorbable Gelatin Based Topical Flowable Haemostat With Prefilled Syringe. Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Absorbable Gelatin Based Topical Flowable Haemostat With Thrombin With Trimmable Applicator And Malleable Applicator Tip Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Lumbo Peritoneal Shunt – Designed For Shunting Of Csf From Subarchnoid Space To Peritoneal Cavity – And Should Be Made Up Of Silicon Rubber. Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Aneurysm Clip ( Sugita Type ) – Should Be Made Up Of Titanium / Mri Compatible Material. Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Straight ( S ) 7Mm , Straight ( L ) 10Mm , Bayonet 7Mm , Bayonet 10Mm , Bent 8Mm , Slightly Bent , Side Wood Bent 8Mm , Side Wood Curved 9Mm , Straight Mini Type ( S ) 4Mm , Straight Minitype ( L ) , Bent Minitype 5Mm , Bayonet Minitype 5Mm , Straight ( S ) 12Mm , Bayonet ( S ) , L Shaped ( M ) 7.5Mm , 45 Angled ( L ) , Straight ( M ) Fenestrated Large Type 9Mm , Bent ( M ) Fenestrated Large Type 7.5Mm , Fenestrated Type Bent ( M ) 7.5Mm , Fenestrated Large Type L-Shaped ( M ) 7.5Mm , Disposable Perforator Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Based Topical Absorbable Haemostatic Size 2 ×3”. , Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Based Topical Absorbable Haemostatic Size 4 ×8”. , Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Based Topical Absorbable Haemostatic Size 2 ×14”. , Powdered Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose With Prefilled Easyto Use Applicator. , Powdered Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose With Endoscope Application. , Demineralize Bone Matrix- Bone Graft Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Pedicle Screw System With Cobalt Chrome Multi- Axial Head Technical Specification As Per Annexure- 5 , Mis Osteo Fenestrated Poly Axial Screw-Minimally Invasive Pedicle Screw Fixation System. , Plif Expendable Cages , Patient Specific Cranial Mesh Made From 3D Images Of The Ct Scan , Paediatric Screw System ( Titanium ) , Lamino Plasty Plates ( Titanium ) ETC