
Supply Of Medicines And Allied Consumable Items Supply Of Medicines And Allied Consumable Items , Tab. Asprin 325Mg ( Chiwable ) , Tab. Clopidogrel 75Mg , Tab. Bascopan 2Ml , Tab. Formaline ( 1X100 ) , Tab. Paracetamol 650Mg , Tab. Anti Cold , , batamaloo-Jammu And Kashmir

Director General Of Police has published Supply Of Medicines And Allied Consumable Items Supply Of Medicines And Allied Consumable Items , Tab. Asprin 325Mg ( Chiwable ) , Tab. Clopidogrel 75Mg , Tab. Bascopan 2Ml , Tab. Formaline ( 1X100 ) , Tab. Paracetamol 650Mg , Tab. Anti Cold , . Submission Date for this Tender is 06-06-2022. Medicine Tenders in batamaloo Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Medicines And Allied Consumable Items Supply Of Medicines And Allied Consumable Items , Tab. Asprin 325Mg ( Chiwable ) , Tab. Clopidogrel 75Mg , Tab. Bascopan 2Ml , Tab. Formaline ( 1X100 ) , Tab. Paracetamol 650Mg , Tab. Anti Cold ,
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Supply Of Medicines And Allied Consumable Items Supply Of Medicines And Allied Consumable Items , Tab. Asprin 325Mg ( Chiwable ) , Tab. Clopidogrel 75Mg , Tab. Bascopan 2Ml , Tab. Formaline ( 1X100 ) , Tab. Paracetamol 650Mg , Tab. Anti Cold , Tab. Petril 0.5Mg , Tab. Disprin 325Mg , Inj. Adenosine , Inj. Drotovinan 2Ml , Inj. Enoxaprine 0.4Ml 40Mg , Inj. Enoxaprine 0.6Ml 60Mg , Inj. Midzolam 5Ml , Inj. Eptoin 2Ml , Inj. Hydroxy Ethyl Starich 6% 500Ml , Inj. Katamine 10Ml , Inj. Tranxmic Acid , Inj. Metrindazole 100Ml , Inj. Atracurim 25Mg , Inj. M.V.I 10Ml , Inj. Pam , Inj. Rentadine 2Ml , Inj. Metrogel 100Ml , Inj. Dotamin 5Ml , Inj. Gylcoprolate 0.2Mg , Inj. Sucoline 500 Mg ( 10 Ml Vls ) , Inj. Butrium 1 Mg ( Butadol ) , Inj. Thiopantone Sodium 500 Mg 10Ml , Inj. Mephentermin10ml , Inj. Adrenaline , Inj. Streptokanise , Inj. Deltazim , Inj. Butalock , Inj. Pirox2ml , Inj. Perinorm , Inj. Frusimide 2Ml , Inj. Daizpam 2Ml , Inj. Atropine 0.6Mg , Inj. Neostigmine 25Mg / 5Ml , Inj. Calcium Glucanate , Inj. Soda Bicarbonate , Inj. Nitro Glycerin , Inj. Esmolal 10Ml , Inj. Oxytocin , Inj. Methergin , Inj. Dopamin 5 Ml , Inj. Anavin 0.5 % , Inj. Derriphyline 2Ml , Inj. Prostodine , Inj. Labtalol 10Mg , Inj. Iron Sucrose 5Ml Or Carboxymaltose 50Mg / Ml , Inj. Envas1ml , Inj. T. Toxide 0.5Ml , Inj. Haprine 25000 Iu / Ml , Inj. Prochloroparazine , Inj. Pheniramine Maleate 2Ml , Inj. Propofal 20Ml , Inj. Oxytocin 1Ml , Inj. Diclofenac Aq 1Ml I / V , Inj. Amkasin 500Mg , Inj. Vit - K ( Pead / Adult ) , Inj. Paracetamol Infussion 1Gm 100Ml , Inj. Mannitol Infussion 20% 100Ml , Inj. Tinidizole 400 Ml ( Infusion ) , Inj. Dextrose 5%500Ml , Inj. Dextrose Sline 500Ml , Inj. Normal Sline 100Ml , Inj. N.Saline 500 Ml , Inj. N.Saline 3000 Ml , Inj. Dextrose 25% , Inj. Ofloxine Oz Infussion 100Ml , Inj. Ceftraxone 1Gm , Inj. Pantaparazole 40Mg , Inj. Hydrocortsone , Inj. Dexamathasone , Inj. Superspas , Inj. Tramadol 2Ml , Inj. Xylocard 2% ( 50 Ml ) , Inj. Xylocaine With Adrenaline 30 Ml , Inj. Xylocain 2% 30 Ml , Inj. Insugen - 30 / 70 , Inj. Insugen - R , Inj. Insugen - N , Inj. Magneon ( Megnisum Sulphate ) , Inj. Paracetamol 2Ml , Inj. Diclofenac 3Ml , Inj. Amkasin 500Mg , Inj. Ondenstron 2Ml , Inj. Zoledronic Acid 4Mg , Inj. Hyoscine Butyl Bromide , Inj. Cathflush 10Ml , Inj. Butodol , Syp. Ambroxyl Hyd 15Mg ( Expectorent ) , Syp. Dextomethorphanhyd+ Clorophiramine 100Ml. , Adhasive Tape- 3 , Isoflurine 250 Ml , Soframycin Ointment 100 Gms , Levoline Respules 0.31Mg , Ntgspray , E.C.G Stickers. , Xylocain Spray 10% ( Lox 10% ) , Xylocaine 2% Jelly , Soda Lime Jar1x5kg , I / V Fixator , Glycerine 50Ml 98% , Drip Setromsons , Cotton 500 Grams , O.R.S Powder , Gauz Cloth , E.T Tubes ( Disposiable ) A / S , Asthalin Inhaler , Urine Bags 2000- Ml , Gastric Lavage Tube , Trop T- Sensitive , Crape Bandage 4 ( 10 Cm X 4 M ) , Crape Bandage6 ( 15 Cm X 4 M ) , Dispovan Syringe ( Hmd ) 20 Ml , Dispovan Syringe ( Hmd ) 10 Ml , Dispovan Syringe ( Hmd ) 5 Ml , Dispovan Syringe ( Hmd ) 3 Ml , Dispovan Syringe ( Hmd ) 2 Ml , Dispo Needles 24 G , Spinal Needles A / S , Dispovan Insulin Syringe 100Units , Silver Niterate , Oint. Neosporine 5Gm , Savlon Lotion 1Ltr , Mersilk Size1cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Mersilk Size 2-0, Cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Mersilk Size 3-0, Cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Catgut, Size 1 Round Body, ( J&J ) , Catgut, Size 1. 3 / 8Round Body, ( J&J ) , Mersilk Size 3-0, Cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Catgut, Size 1.03 / 8 20Mm Round Body, ( J&J ) , Catgut, Size 2.0Round Body, ( J&J ) , Polyglactin 910 ( Vicryl ) Size 1, Round Body ( J&J ) , Polyglactin 910 ( Vicryl ) Size 1.0, Round Body ( J&J ) , Polyglactin910 ( Vicryl ) Size 2-0, Round Body ( J&J ) , Monocryl, Size 2.0, 30Mm Round Body 1 / 2 Circle ( J&J ) , Monocryl, Size 2.0, 30Mm Cutting Needle 1 / 2 Circle ( J&J ) , Proline, Size 1.0, 40Mm Cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Proline, Size 2.0, 30Mm Cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Biopsy Jar 200Ml , Cramer Wire A / S , Catgutsize 5.0 ( J&J ) , Silk Size 5.0 ( J&J ) , Nylon ( Single Armsize 10.0 ( J&J ) , Vicryl Size 8.0 ( J&J ) , Silk Reel Thread , Suture Needles Cutting Size 5, 6, 7, 8: Str. / Cuv. ( J&J ) , Suture Neeldes Round Body Size 5, 6, 7, 8 Str. / Cuv. ( J&J ) , Macintosh Half Gown Disposable , Abdominalspang30cm X 30Cm , Ab-Gel ( Gel-Foam ) 80X50x100 Cm ( Absorbable Gelantine Spong ) , Suction Pipe With Tips Disposable , Cautery Leads Disposable ( Dispo Hand Control Esu Pencil ) , Cautery Plate ( Patient ) , Under Table Bed Sheet90x60cm ( Disposable Sheets ) , Lapro Draping Sheets 160X250 Cms ( Long ) , Lapro Dressing8.3X6 Cm ( Self Adhesive Dressing ) , Primprore ( Self Adhesive Dressing ) 2X25cm , E.C.G Electrodes , Surgicell Fibrillar 2X4 ( Haemostat ) , Removac Drain Size 12, 14, 16, 18 , Chest Tube Drain 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 , Follys Catheter A / S ( 12, 14, 16, 18 ) , Lt. Clips Titanium Clips 300 , Lt. Clips Titanium Clips 400 , Formaline Solution 1X5 Ltrs , Disposable Gown ( Sterile ) , Cidex Lotion 4.5%1X5liter , Adhasive Plastic Tape 4 ( 10Cmx5m ) , Adhasive Plastic Tape 6 ( 15Cmx5m ) , Paper Tape- 1 , Paper Tape- 3 , Dyna Plast -4 , Sprit 1X5ltr , Skin Stepler , Trocar Cannala 5Mm / 10Mm / 11Mm ( Disposible ) , U.S.G Jelly 250Gm , U.S.G Paper Type - V. Sony Japan , Veternary Gloves ( Shoulder Length ) , E.C.G Paper Bpl Modal 6208 / View Plus ( 80Mmx20mtrs ) , E.C.G Paper Bpl Modal 8108 / View Plus Z-Fold , E.C.G Jelly 250Gm , Lynocare 85Gsm Medical Recording & Tracing Paper , Holter Lead Ecg Mac Hlt1202s Dcg-Fd403 , Diclofenac Pain Spray , Surgicare Gloves A / S , Gloves ( Non Powder ) , Examination Gloves , Wokadine Ointment 250Gm , Wokadine 5% Solotion 500Ml , Wokadine 10% Solotion 500Ml , Povidine Iodine Scrub 7.5% , Bandage Rolled 15 Cm X 5 Mtrs , Bandage Rolled 10 Cm X 5 Mtrs , Hand Sanitizer 500 Ml ( Liq ) , I / V Cannullaa / S 18, 20, 22, 24 , Surgical Blade ( B.P Blade - 11, 15, 20, 22 ( A / S ) , Ryles Tubes A / S , Wax For Physiotharphy , Electrodes Physiotherphy ( Tens ) , H.E.V Cards , H.C.V Cards , H.C.G Cards , Hbs Ag Cards , Hiv I, Ii & Iii Cards , Vdrl Cards , H.A Cards ( Hemagglutination ) , M.P Cards , Blood Grouping A B & O , Plastic Test Tubes For Pt , Red Top Tubes 4 Ml , Vacutiner Edta K2 Tubes ( Cbctubes ) , Exbacks Ragent , Sodium Citerate Tubes , Glass Test Tubes , Leishman Stain Cytochrome 500Ml , Uri Sticks Protein / Glucose , Glucometerstrips 1X100 ( Sd Code Free ) , Hcl N / 10500Ml , Ceder Wood Oil 500Ml , Blood Lane Sets ( 1X200 ) , Urine Container 50 Ml , Blood Bag Cpda-1 , Blood Transfusion Sets , Coglogram For Pt 5Ml , R.F Kit , Aso Kit , Crp Kit , Widal Kit , Hemospot Kit , Centerfuge Tubes ( Disposiable ) , Cover Silps , Cleanserrc 86 1Ltr ( For Cbc ) , Concentrated Clanser Rc-88C 30Ml , Lyse Rl 86 H , Lyse Rl 86 D , Diulent20ltrs , Brucella Agglutination Test Kit , E.S.R Tubes ( Dispo ) , Glass Slies , Centerfuge Tubes Brush , Sprit Lamp , Band Aid Spot ( Round Band Aid ) , Dango Kit , Test Tube Holder , X - Ray Devloper 22.5Ltrs , X - Ray Fixer 22.5Ltrs , X - Ray Films 11X14 Fuji Medical Dry Imaging Film ( 1X150 ) , X - Ray Films 10X12 Fuji Medical Dry Imaging Film ( 1X150 ) , X - Ray Films 8X10 Fuji Medical Dry Imaging Film ( 1X150 ) , Dental X-Ray Films ( 1X150 ) , Gutta Percha Carriers 20 Mm / 25 Mm / 30 Mm ( Meta ) , Gutta Percha Bars ( Meta ) , Rc Plus Rc Prep. Cream ( Medicept ) , Dowel Pins , Endoflas R.C Filling Material , Glass Inomer Shofu Fx Ii , Easy Mix Ketac Molar 3M , Glass Inomer Reinforced Xp , Zinc Oxide Eugenol Ready Mix , Wood Pecker Dental Hand Piece Air Roter. Small Head / Big Head , G.C.Fuji Cem Refill Cartridge Pack , Structur-2 Self Curing C&B Material ( Voco ) , Harward Cement , Air Rotor Handpiece Sprayw&H , Pumic Polishing Brushes , Hidenase Xp Type Ix , Diamond Burs For Airoter Handpiece , G.P Points 15 - 40 , Paper Point15 - 40 , Reamers15 - 40 , Files15 - 40 , Barbed Broaches , Zinc Oxide Powder , Eugenol , Heranium-S Or Durabond Or Wiron-99 , Sodium Hypochlorite500ml , Cotton Ballsmediumcapri , Silver Points 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 Mm , Green Stone ( Assorted ) Bego , Silicon Impression Past , Silicon Polisher R22 Bego , Para Core Choltene , Articulating Paper , Stain Remover , Pumic Powder , Rr Powder 400 Gm / Liq. 400 Ml , Starvest Emdin , Alginate Impression Material , Disposable Suction Tips , Pink Stone Bego ( Assorted ) , Knee Brace , T.E Brace , Taylors Brace , Silicone Insoles , Arch Support , Heel Cuf , Arm Pouch , Rib Belt , Shoulder Immobiliser , Wrist Brace , Thumb Spica Splint , Finger Splint , P.O.P Bandage Roll - 4 , P.O.P Bandage Roll - 6 , P.O.P Slab - 4 , P.O.P Slab - 6 , Suction Pipe , Surgical Face Mask ( Triple Lyer ) , Face Mask N95 , Laryngoscope Adult / Pead , Macintosh Cloth , Surgicel Fibrillar 2X4 , Xylometazoline Nasal Spray ( Adult ) , Simcoe Cannulla 23.G Dispo. , 27.G Flate Shaft Irrgation Dispo. , Tropamide + Phenylephrine Eye Drops , Eye Drapes 100X80mm Pri-Cut With Attached Bags , Eye Dress , Crescent Knife Bwell Up , Lancetip , Keratome 2.8Mm , Karatome 5.2Mm ( Enlarger ) , Inj. Viscoelastic ( Hpmc ) , Inj. Sodium Hyluronate 14Mg / Ml 1Ml Pfs , Inj. Trypan Blue , Inj. Hyluronicacid , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge Withcartidge &Injecter 17 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge Withcartidge &Injecter 18 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge With Cartidge&Injecter 19 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge With Cartridge &Injector 20 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge With Cartridge &Injector 21 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge With Cartridge &Injector 23 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge With Cartridge &Injector 25 D , Sterilized Dressing Pads ( Eye, Single ) , Cyclopentoate Eye Drops , Gatifloxacin Eye Drops , Letepiedenol Eye Drops , Predenisolone Eye Drops , Moxifloxacillin With Dexamethasone Eye Drops , Gatifloxacin Eye Ointment , Moxifloxacin Eye Ointment , Dorzolamide With Tinolol Eye Drops , Proparazine 0.5% E / D , Moxiflxacillin 5Ml Eye Drop , Nepafenac Eye Drops , Latanopost Eye Drops , Tab. Acetazolamide , Nylon ( Single Armsize 10.0 , Polyglactin 910 ( Vicryl ) Size 8.0, Round Body , Needle26-G , Liq. Accetone 500Ml , Phaco Tips For Pulser 2 Opticon Phaco System , Vitrectory Cutter For Pulser 2 Opticon Phaco System , Silicon Sleeves For Pulser 2 Opticon Phaco System , Drap Sheet

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 200 /-
INR 20000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 10 Lakhs /-
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