Supply Of Medicines And Allied Consumable Items Supply Of Medicines And Allied Consumable Items , Tab. Asprin 325Mg ( Chiwable ) , Tab. Clopidogrel 75Mg , Tab. Bascopan 2Ml , Tab. Formaline ( 1X100 ) , Tab. Paracetamol 650Mg , Tab. Anti Cold , Tab. Petril 0.5Mg , Tab. Disprin 325Mg , Inj. Adenosine , Inj. Drotovinan 2Ml , Inj. Enoxaprine 0.4Ml 40Mg , Inj. Enoxaprine 0.6Ml 60Mg , Inj. Midzolam 5Ml , Inj. Eptoin 2Ml , Inj. Hydroxy Ethyl Starich 6% 500Ml , Inj. Katamine 10Ml , Inj. Tranxmic Acid , Inj. Metrindazole 100Ml , Inj. Atracurim 25Mg , Inj. M.V.I 10Ml , Inj. Pam , Inj. Rentadine 2Ml , Inj. Metrogel 100Ml , Inj. Dotamin 5Ml , Inj. Gylcoprolate 0.2Mg , Inj. Sucoline 500 Mg ( 10 Ml Vls ) , Inj. Butrium 1 Mg ( Butadol ) , Inj. Thiopantone Sodium 500 Mg 10Ml , Inj. Mephentermin10ml , Inj. Adrenaline , Inj. Streptokanise , Inj. Deltazim , Inj. Butalock , Inj. Pirox2ml , Inj. Perinorm , Inj. Frusimide 2Ml , Inj. Daizpam 2Ml , Inj. Atropine 0.6Mg , Inj. Neostigmine 25Mg / 5Ml , Inj. Calcium Glucanate , Inj. Soda Bicarbonate , Inj. Nitro Glycerin , Inj. Esmolal 10Ml , Inj. Oxytocin , Inj. Methergin , Inj. Dopamin 5 Ml , Inj. Anavin 0.5 % , Inj. Derriphyline 2Ml , Inj. Prostodine , Inj. Labtalol 10Mg , Inj. Iron Sucrose 5Ml Or Carboxymaltose 50Mg / Ml , Inj. Envas1ml , Inj. T. Toxide 0.5Ml , Inj. Haprine 25000 Iu / Ml , Inj. Prochloroparazine , Inj. Pheniramine Maleate 2Ml , Inj. Propofal 20Ml , Inj. Oxytocin 1Ml , Inj. Diclofenac Aq 1Ml I / V , Inj. Amkasin 500Mg , Inj. Vit - K ( Pead / Adult ) , Inj. Paracetamol Infussion 1Gm 100Ml , Inj. Mannitol Infussion 20% 100Ml , Inj. Tinidizole 400 Ml ( Infusion ) , Inj. Dextrose 5%500Ml , Inj. Dextrose Sline 500Ml , Inj. Normal Sline 100Ml , Inj. N.Saline 500 Ml , Inj. N.Saline 3000 Ml , Inj. Dextrose 25% , Inj. Ofloxine Oz Infussion 100Ml , Inj. Ceftraxone 1Gm , Inj. Pantaparazole 40Mg , Inj. Hydrocortsone , Inj. Dexamathasone , Inj. Superspas , Inj. Tramadol 2Ml , Inj. Xylocard 2% ( 50 Ml ) , Inj. Xylocaine With Adrenaline 30 Ml , Inj. Xylocain 2% 30 Ml , Inj. Insugen - 30 / 70 , Inj. Insugen - R , Inj. Insugen - N , Inj. Magneon ( Megnisum Sulphate ) , Inj. Paracetamol 2Ml , Inj. Diclofenac 3Ml , Inj. Amkasin 500Mg , Inj. Ondenstron 2Ml , Inj. Zoledronic Acid 4Mg , Inj. Hyoscine Butyl Bromide , Inj. Cathflush 10Ml , Inj. Butodol , Syp. Ambroxyl Hyd 15Mg ( Expectorent ) , Syp. Dextomethorphanhyd+ Clorophiramine 100Ml. , Adhasive Tape- 3 , Isoflurine 250 Ml , Soframycin Ointment 100 Gms , Levoline Respules 0.31Mg , Ntgspray , E.C.G Stickers. , Xylocain Spray 10% ( Lox 10% ) , Xylocaine 2% Jelly , Soda Lime Jar1x5kg , I / V Fixator , Glycerine 50Ml 98% , Drip Setromsons , Cotton 500 Grams , O.R.S Powder , Gauz Cloth , E.T Tubes ( Disposiable ) A / S , Asthalin Inhaler , Urine Bags 2000- Ml , Gastric Lavage Tube , Trop T- Sensitive , Crape Bandage 4 ( 10 Cm X 4 M ) , Crape Bandage6 ( 15 Cm X 4 M ) , Dispovan Syringe ( Hmd ) 20 Ml , Dispovan Syringe ( Hmd ) 10 Ml , Dispovan Syringe ( Hmd ) 5 Ml , Dispovan Syringe ( Hmd ) 3 Ml , Dispovan Syringe ( Hmd ) 2 Ml , Dispo Needles 24 G , Spinal Needles A / S , Dispovan Insulin Syringe 100Units , Silver Niterate , Oint. Neosporine 5Gm , Savlon Lotion 1Ltr , Mersilk Size1cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Mersilk Size 2-0, Cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Mersilk Size 3-0, Cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Catgut, Size 1 Round Body, ( J&J ) , Catgut, Size 1. 3 / 8Round Body, ( J&J ) , Mersilk Size 3-0, Cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Catgut, Size 1.03 / 8 20Mm Round Body, ( J&J ) , Catgut, Size 2.0Round Body, ( J&J ) , Polyglactin 910 ( Vicryl ) Size 1, Round Body ( J&J ) , Polyglactin 910 ( Vicryl ) Size 1.0, Round Body ( J&J ) , Polyglactin910 ( Vicryl ) Size 2-0, Round Body ( J&J ) , Monocryl, Size 2.0, 30Mm Round Body 1 / 2 Circle ( J&J ) , Monocryl, Size 2.0, 30Mm Cutting Needle 1 / 2 Circle ( J&J ) , Proline, Size 1.0, 40Mm Cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Proline, Size 2.0, 30Mm Cutting Needle ( J&J ) , Biopsy Jar 200Ml , Cramer Wire A / S , Catgutsize 5.0 ( J&J ) , Silk Size 5.0 ( J&J ) , Nylon ( Single Armsize 10.0 ( J&J ) , Vicryl Size 8.0 ( J&J ) , Silk Reel Thread , Suture Needles Cutting Size 5, 6, 7, 8: Str. / Cuv. ( J&J ) , Suture Neeldes Round Body Size 5, 6, 7, 8 Str. / Cuv. ( J&J ) , Macintosh Half Gown Disposable , Abdominalspang30cm X 30Cm , Ab-Gel ( Gel-Foam ) 80X50x100 Cm ( Absorbable Gelantine Spong ) , Suction Pipe With Tips Disposable , Cautery Leads Disposable ( Dispo Hand Control Esu Pencil ) , Cautery Plate ( Patient ) , Under Table Bed Sheet90x60cm ( Disposable Sheets ) , Lapro Draping Sheets 160X250 Cms ( Long ) , Lapro Dressing8.3X6 Cm ( Self Adhesive Dressing ) , Primprore ( Self Adhesive Dressing ) 2X25cm , E.C.G Electrodes , Surgicell Fibrillar 2X4 ( Haemostat ) , Removac Drain Size 12, 14, 16, 18 , Chest Tube Drain 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 , Follys Catheter A / S ( 12, 14, 16, 18 ) , Lt. Clips Titanium Clips 300 , Lt. Clips Titanium Clips 400 , Formaline Solution 1X5 Ltrs , Disposable Gown ( Sterile ) , Cidex Lotion 4.5%1X5liter , Adhasive Plastic Tape 4 ( 10Cmx5m ) , Adhasive Plastic Tape 6 ( 15Cmx5m ) , Paper Tape- 1 , Paper Tape- 3 , Dyna Plast -4 , Sprit 1X5ltr , Skin Stepler , Trocar Cannala 5Mm / 10Mm / 11Mm ( Disposible ) , U.S.G Jelly 250Gm , U.S.G Paper Type - V. Sony Japan , Veternary Gloves ( Shoulder Length ) , E.C.G Paper Bpl Modal 6208 / View Plus ( 80Mmx20mtrs ) , E.C.G Paper Bpl Modal 8108 / View Plus Z-Fold , E.C.G Jelly 250Gm , Lynocare 85Gsm Medical Recording & Tracing Paper , Holter Lead Ecg Mac Hlt1202s Dcg-Fd403 , Diclofenac Pain Spray , Surgicare Gloves A / S , Gloves ( Non Powder ) , Examination Gloves , Wokadine Ointment 250Gm , Wokadine 5% Solotion 500Ml , Wokadine 10% Solotion 500Ml , Povidine Iodine Scrub 7.5% , Bandage Rolled 15 Cm X 5 Mtrs , Bandage Rolled 10 Cm X 5 Mtrs , Hand Sanitizer 500 Ml ( Liq ) , I / V Cannullaa / S 18, 20, 22, 24 , Surgical Blade ( B.P Blade - 11, 15, 20, 22 ( A / S ) , Ryles Tubes A / S , Wax For Physiotharphy , Electrodes Physiotherphy ( Tens ) , H.E.V Cards , H.C.V Cards , H.C.G Cards , Hbs Ag Cards , Hiv I, Ii & Iii Cards , Vdrl Cards , H.A Cards ( Hemagglutination ) , M.P Cards , Blood Grouping A B & O , Plastic Test Tubes For Pt , Red Top Tubes 4 Ml , Vacutiner Edta K2 Tubes ( Cbctubes ) , Exbacks Ragent , Sodium Citerate Tubes , Glass Test Tubes , Leishman Stain Cytochrome 500Ml , Uri Sticks Protein / Glucose , Glucometerstrips 1X100 ( Sd Code Free ) , Hcl N / 10500Ml , Ceder Wood Oil 500Ml , Blood Lane Sets ( 1X200 ) , Urine Container 50 Ml , Blood Bag Cpda-1 , Blood Transfusion Sets , Coglogram For Pt 5Ml , R.F Kit , Aso Kit , Crp Kit , Widal Kit , Hemospot Kit , Centerfuge Tubes ( Disposiable ) , Cover Silps , Cleanserrc 86 1Ltr ( For Cbc ) , Concentrated Clanser Rc-88C 30Ml , Lyse Rl 86 H , Lyse Rl 86 D , Diulent20ltrs , Brucella Agglutination Test Kit , E.S.R Tubes ( Dispo ) , Glass Slies , Centerfuge Tubes Brush , Sprit Lamp , Band Aid Spot ( Round Band Aid ) , Dango Kit , Test Tube Holder , X - Ray Devloper 22.5Ltrs , X - Ray Fixer 22.5Ltrs , X - Ray Films 11X14 Fuji Medical Dry Imaging Film ( 1X150 ) , X - Ray Films 10X12 Fuji Medical Dry Imaging Film ( 1X150 ) , X - Ray Films 8X10 Fuji Medical Dry Imaging Film ( 1X150 ) , Dental X-Ray Films ( 1X150 ) , Gutta Percha Carriers 20 Mm / 25 Mm / 30 Mm ( Meta ) , Gutta Percha Bars ( Meta ) , Rc Plus Rc Prep. Cream ( Medicept ) , Dowel Pins , Endoflas R.C Filling Material , Glass Inomer Shofu Fx Ii , Easy Mix Ketac Molar 3M , Glass Inomer Reinforced Xp , Zinc Oxide Eugenol Ready Mix , Wood Pecker Dental Hand Piece Air Roter. Small Head / Big Head , G.C.Fuji Cem Refill Cartridge Pack , Structur-2 Self Curing C&B Material ( Voco ) , Harward Cement , Air Rotor Handpiece Sprayw&H , Pumic Polishing Brushes , Hidenase Xp Type Ix , Diamond Burs For Airoter Handpiece , G.P Points 15 - 40 , Paper Point15 - 40 , Reamers15 - 40 , Files15 - 40 , Barbed Broaches , Zinc Oxide Powder , Eugenol , Heranium-S Or Durabond Or Wiron-99 , Sodium Hypochlorite500ml , Cotton Ballsmediumcapri , Silver Points 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 Mm , Green Stone ( Assorted ) Bego , Silicon Impression Past , Silicon Polisher R22 Bego , Para Core Choltene , Articulating Paper , Stain Remover , Pumic Powder , Rr Powder 400 Gm / Liq. 400 Ml , Starvest Emdin , Alginate Impression Material , Disposable Suction Tips , Pink Stone Bego ( Assorted ) , Knee Brace , T.E Brace , Taylors Brace , Silicone Insoles , Arch Support , Heel Cuf , Arm Pouch , Rib Belt , Shoulder Immobiliser , Wrist Brace , Thumb Spica Splint , Finger Splint , P.O.P Bandage Roll - 4 , P.O.P Bandage Roll - 6 , P.O.P Slab - 4 , P.O.P Slab - 6 , Suction Pipe , Surgical Face Mask ( Triple Lyer ) , Face Mask N95 , Laryngoscope Adult / Pead , Macintosh Cloth , Surgicel Fibrillar 2X4 , Xylometazoline Nasal Spray ( Adult ) , Simcoe Cannulla 23.G Dispo. , 27.G Flate Shaft Irrgation Dispo. , Tropamide + Phenylephrine Eye Drops , Eye Drapes 100X80mm Pri-Cut With Attached Bags , Eye Dress , Crescent Knife Bwell Up , Lancetip , Keratome 2.8Mm , Karatome 5.2Mm ( Enlarger ) , Inj. Viscoelastic ( Hpmc ) , Inj. Sodium Hyluronate 14Mg / Ml 1Ml Pfs , Inj. Trypan Blue , Inj. Hyluronicacid , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge Withcartidge &Injecter 17 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge Withcartidge &Injecter 18 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge With Cartidge&Injecter 19 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge With Cartridge &Injector 20 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge With Cartridge &Injector 21 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge With Cartridge &Injector 23 D , Intra Ocular Lense Yellow Aspheric Square Edge With Cartridge &Injector 25 D , Sterilized Dressing Pads ( Eye, Single ) , Cyclopentoate Eye Drops , Gatifloxacin Eye Drops , Letepiedenol Eye Drops , Predenisolone Eye Drops , Moxifloxacillin With Dexamethasone Eye Drops , Gatifloxacin Eye Ointment , Moxifloxacin Eye Ointment , Dorzolamide With Tinolol Eye Drops , Proparazine 0.5% E / D , Moxiflxacillin 5Ml Eye Drop , Nepafenac Eye Drops , Latanopost Eye Drops , Tab. Acetazolamide , Nylon ( Single Armsize 10.0 , Polyglactin 910 ( Vicryl ) Size 8.0, Round Body , Needle26-G , Liq. Accetone 500Ml , Phaco Tips For Pulser 2 Opticon Phaco System , Vitrectory Cutter For Pulser 2 Opticon Phaco System , Silicon Sleeves For Pulser 2 Opticon Phaco System , Drap Sheet